Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Nov 1944, p. 5

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THURSDAY NUVllllhltB t1 of and C11 l11r guvil 1111 cumin111111 iilrc1l 111 lllti1 12111111 111 and blown 1111111 rul tel 111 lullxllhk will llit llcrlor and llctbcit Patterson Fm couplc 113111 11111111111 111111i11on and Ni1111 19113 111111 lzoizcjunooii 1111 happy Single copies of The Exalnincr cents office in Ul 11 ll Klitil 11 11141 21115111 111 1111 111111l zlliU win Vin 21111111ic fulli 11111 1111 With 1111 ll111nl 11 111ii 11111 117m tiiclEltlu if 1111 111111 ll111li 1111 21111 111111 At all 1111ltdcalcrs or 1111 stands for Grandma of Canadian Women who have used FLEISClIMA NNS fresh YEA ST 11s for over 70 cnrs lilll 1117NNS fresh Yeast tlic dcpcndublc caisr with the familiar yellow label has llCCll the favorite of Cailadia 11 women If you bake at home use lillCl IMANNS for tasty linetextured bread At your groccrs ict some today Get Extra Vitamins More Icp by cal ing cakes if NJilSCllMANNS fresh Yeast every day This fresh Yeast is an excellent tinturnl ADE axiom of the it complex group of vitamins CAM llli ll hl lllllbUN 131111113 tp llvx ttt111 111511 11111111111 7111 1111 111 Aliitut 1111 1l11 hunt Vigil 31 itozgm 111 11113 1cnc of p111 1113 glli 111 zlltlllltlx 1ii lht ll111 111411 iLlll1il1 11 11 1111 11111 1i1l tunnel 1Llltlll Buffalo 2111 11 j1 11111 niti 1111111 mums 121511 111 11 linim 111111 1111 11111 Wtrc wrddin 11141 1l Slnddail Slici lollov1111 the ceremony there 1114 ruccplion 11 the hoiiic of thc liiidcs parcnlri when 111111121 THE BARth EXAMINER BARF 01 111111 F111 11111 Dir 51111 11 Nt111111 1113 ll11 lrcrr 111 lclthltYPilKKIN lmr 31gt 11de 3111 1111 111111112 illii 1111111 11th of MT 11111 151 11 11 lviuin 11141111 herniuc 1111 1ltl1 111 llobtrf lhoinar lt1ltfl 3111i 1111111 111 of 311 111111 1111 lin Tivtiuxii SUI ii llollr Judi tlllt llic 11min gncn Ill ilicii if Wliit ii111 liioi 211111 ha ticaiiiifull 11111111 111 11111 gt1tin with votinolticrczi p1 licclilinc with f1111ltlc11t1 11112 iicr thrccqtlaitor1111mm v1l 111111 1111 and lacc held by CilUlt 11 1115 Mrs Willis Lord 111 Buffalo Ni v1 1111111111of lion1r 11 navy blue crcpc with white accessories 111111 curricd bouquet 111 red llt Mr Willi 1111jtl 111 lLlcli ltc l1pll 141111112111 11111 11 Edward Sabol of Camp thcicr i1 rcrc ushcrs lortlic lioiicyiiiuon trip to Jack somlllc Florida the bridc chose powdcr bluc drcssnniltcr Mit with brown accessories They will lltgtllt 11 7013 llcmlock St Macon in iitotdouii guests were A11 and Mrs Strickland Albany Mr 111111 ill 11 Clantoii Savannah and 1111111 and illgt Crimlcy Jr of Taiiip Van Dorii Miss AWNSTEWART prctly wedding was Solcnmizcd 111 1110 United Church Vascy 011 lliursday October 211 19114 at 230 pm when Madeleine Isobel Slew 111 lN daughter of Mr Morgan Stewart of Vascy arid the late Mrs Stcwart was united in marriage to Mr Angus liawnson of Mr 911111 Mrs Frank Rawn Wyc 1britlcc The ceremony was per formed by Rev Mr Lawton of llillsdalc The bride was gowned in floor lcugtli white salin dress with silk tulle veil and carried bou 11101 of American Beauty roses iFlit bridesmaid Miss Muriel Rawn 3sister of the groom wore floor length pink taffeta gown with matcliing headdress and blue lock rt and carried cascade of Talis Mr Roy Ealilexmof Pickering Mrs 11 Cowden played the organ and the soloist Mrs Brand sang MW our Ct the sunlightO freed6m brightens Ore ldnds long under shadow Of nI71cIs we see at last the shadows from hearts 7461 not one Of us sen1 oppressio Cf lifting clone Let usvriot falter at the very goal More than ever before let us TTTE MANUFACTURERS LIFE merit arelpreached was that sonic INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE Established 1887 TORONTO CANADA Branch Office 70A Dunlop Street WENSLIi ght1e Districtv manager 11111111150 blosroius She erltl Tl illttl 1111111111117 111 white pardon to this country 11 1111 tgt11illllil by i11iil horgt peoplc of many we are challcnccd 11 1110 1111111 thc gospel of lligt livcn licrc whcru boast 11 such lincrty vc harc allowth many unfair lircgimniat11111 11 1x 111 Undcr 1111 Hillut and waxi tittiesopenly hart occii guiilly of regarding 1111 11110134111115 iii 11 disparaging way callm lllLlill Shccnic 1111 lolloclt cc and vcry little 01 1111 lovc of lnE Christ has been shown and 1111111 cffort 1111s brcn 11111111 11111 1111111 to 111111 which is the s11rt way of inviting them 41111 rillcm 01 the other hand it IS incumbent upon thou of other rticts 111 lit lliivc it such way as gtllllll raise no ltgilllllitlc opposition to them 111 live such lifc us gtllilll be Ill keeping with the customs and laws of 1111 1111111 of their adoption and not to expect that 11113 are going to 1111111111 1110 1111111111 lo suit them nor cnpcct special privileges which others do not rcccivc ilic racial and religious problem lsn real problem in our lundintlay and makes 11 thoughtful ptron wonder how it will end and how it will be scltltd It can bc scl fled without my trouble if all will take an equal share of 111 bur lens and the responsibilities of the dayand none will claim any special privileges social or 111111 ious which arc denied the othersl It will take strong govcrnmmr led by strong man to bring 1111 about glutllllrlllilll man roses The groomsman was TILE Acts 1018 Corneliusw cu Gentile and soldier but was also devout and Godfearing Tnanwhose religion was not only ui words but in deeds 12 God sent Ills angel to him Willi 1110 sage ofwomfort TTaTTTTTyc tertfU 11 had heard andanswered his pray ers He lived according to 11111 light he had and God made him the recipientof fuller light 946 God had promised Abraham In Lilly seed shall all families of the earth be blessed inii of Old and cveiiihe early church did not grasp this great truth The apostles and thcwchurch as whole settled 110an to enjoy the blessnig of Chfist but were con cerned onlywithlhe Jew If any manwhowas Gentileesired to be Christian he had first of all to become Jew and receive lllL rite of Circumcision Before Peter give the vision of the 1131 three times and speak tjifhim three times Years after littlc of this iiallonalprejudicecame out 111 Peter again Ga1 21113 Pcicr had to learn that God did not 1zrsrriNercrons APPROVE gor TWP AREA PLAN 1N RURAL PARTS 13 AT REGIONAL MEETlNG 111311 1N 1311111111 11 11111111 1111 it ltiililnllull l11111111111 1111111 it ulwli 1115 lititl 1111 litillit 111 311 111111111111 1111 Llt 11121111 liioc iron 111111cc 1114111 111 p11 vlr 11111 1111111 1111113111 111111 311 luilinc 111515 111 of lozoiztu 11111 lt 1lo 111 1111111 11111115 11111 rlltlliilltl For countallay 111111111 1111 1111111 1111 but 1131s 111111 11111 1119 Lt 311111 l11l 11m 1111 Jltli lii111 iii i11t1oi11 111111li111 at 11111111111 trip lo the iiuztli 111 1111th 11 0111le will 11111111 their 11111111 ab 1gtliritl1gt SUNOAY SCHOOL LESSON By licv llios White NM 1111 11111 llll lllilSlLLV lllli llAfl PROBLEM ibiticii Text 1111111 11w itlll 1111 ind 11 11 1111111 111 pzrwiis 1111 loin31111 ltgttni lcxis tl lll 111 314115 17 11 lllllUllO1 id 11 gown 31111111 11 11111 11111 111 1101 This lesson teaches the Ctllllllltl origin of man God hath of 0N1 BLOOD all iitttlotis of men for dwell on the face of the cart11 One blood in ow Gcntilc31acl While all of one blood mm is no difference in 1115 Sig for 11gt nation is different lrdm another In this respect A1 are of on blood and that blo stream in all is tainted or luff111 by sin All men are sin rs and llCCd 21 Saviour yum be saved butl only by ccciving the Saviourl Who is mmon to all men 011 that 11 people of whatever llllll tonal would accept this co111 11y Saviour and live for 111111 and their country thus pron111 themselves worthy of tlic privil eges of this great land our God has given us Then our lantll would be truly great blessed obedience to the laws of God GODS MESSAGE TO GEN EXTENSION lillilti 153321 1513iiiifigihl BEE 1551Eiiilliilflll hens 11111011 raucous MlD lillllit All ll 5111 I11I iu 1u jabl Illll LHmp 11111 diuresis 111101 ushes gfgeyt 130111111 1111 may EOTATOES Now ONTARIO 7111 $139 Least 111 lliisc Hints in liacll Storc 1llll Hllll2lll lllllli li ililll Nllll Hi 11 DAWN lc1linin Silc CELEBY STALKS 190 LTME LEMONS 32c 117i 11 15C 25m 111 and truly sweei Potatoes 3111 22c cusses riiissus 311 GODS MESSAGE TO PETER got over this idea God had to 11 lIW lllli CALIFORNIA scanner The chs WW QuAKEN ours Calm stress 23 $113th FhOgiliLitg 4t Assorrrun slinniss In SHOE esteem the Jew bcause he was Jew llOIaESPlSQ The Gentile llC cause he was Gentile but that gt He gives the blessing of kittiwing Him and of having fellowship with Him to all who seek Him with all their hearts GODS MESSAGE TO ATHENS l1171534 Athens was very rc lieious city but Athens did not know God They had many gods but none satisfied There were those who were groping for the light forthe God who satisfied 23 Paul preati ied God the Creator and susfaincr of life and their responsibility to Him Next he preached Christ Who was raised from thedcadi would be the Judge of 1111 men The result as always when Christ and judg mocked because they closed their hearts to the light others prooras tinated saying fwe will hear thee again of this matter Others again believed and wcre Saved My dear reader rwhat of you You have often heard lofChrist and Judgment did you mock and refuse the light did you say some other day 31 will listen again or did yculbelieveand be saved costs iiiiiiiiibnivndwin Fm WAX 59c NABOBOOFFEE 43 PASl CHAN 1101113111 AclioN OCEDARiFurniture ream 23c Lalleimiancll lscnassic Cleanser rst 99 NONOUCH Sibley Cream ms mxea Midge EEE IIIIEEEEIHIEEEEEEEEE niu LibiiirAWS ORANGE PEKOE REB LABEL REVOTLABEL ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS LOBLAWS 11qu LABEL LOBLAWS BROWN LABEL Tenn at the Peak of Perfection Expiertly lilended WnauwvynuwnunIvuvmulvpsd churns110 LlMITEli no 1771 un lllv lkg lkgs 3511 llli lkg lirllt llig IllnwlllJnl nosisn llb Pkg 65 31 El 119131411 91 11916115 fivli Pimple Covered Face Kills Many Romance 11 11 311114331 p131 lix lliijtrl Illnllinnnnnainnnnnnnsemen v5 54 If 1pn name 83 meow yuthmM 111111111 111 lll 111 Steak or Roast +41 111111111114 Streak orRoast Legs 1121 3311111111 1121 lllllll1r lll In at cnk or Roast f1 loll hours so 911139 1151 at Hull 11 lllll kw MM quiQuurlersiE 11$ x1321 111 l1 1111171111111113 111 Iii4 BUY WlNTcRKEEPING JTUI ORANGES 1111 11 37 zss Ilo 11117 1117 Um Mural nl hr11 it in I11li Hliil Nli illlll lillili lli TEXAS GRAFEiRUlT iii111191 19C tNl N1 tilIl Hat 1111 tannins iardrn of 1111 111111 lirnudv tl NO GRADE PE $165 ONTARIO SELECIED SNOW lllil ITitcil According to 5111 litails lll 151119111151113131 91113331111113311196 ig McIntosh Reds 133311 11113151351531 321111i 55 tiQTI BASKET N111 IUH lMltHlTlil JERSEY UKTAKH Tit ltllilllll 1131311 15 41113 lNllilN illADliYASlliLD ONTARIO NO tillll iAXlCD allusions iii 19 53 Quinsmemos lt 111 11 11 111 lil1ll in crew Non Laer 1113 111101111 roach 111l 1+WZIFVS CHEEE 11c HEINZKETcuus 19 lets llolllt lltRA llillal IIII Size 4101 Bolllc MWA Wrunw Vv vaVuwcm 1v1m4nw1 Ross Millers P91500615 EOBLAWS cornea ALWAYS FRESH lllllll WHOLE VHEAT lllAUKliD WHEAT lor Lqmcs Standard Kihblo Dog Biscuits 15111111111111 RURE CONCENTRATED ORANGE 1111123 lfl oz Tin Makes 48 El 01 of Orange Juice Ideal for Overseas Parcels 55 MM MA III IIIIIIH

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