mummy wotmtrim iii PAGE Two Eilmll EER Wm Timo 91993W WWMWV hm it Xrotltzd ituwe uumi THE BAqumEmeiMlNERmam 50 bm mm on CLt =ely iewacx Assccfnlon tiu null in nu Mum EXAMINER Vuxrrxn up HodAREN from the file of tiu run no on aim mu It fullls EXAMLm ii 12 WALL li um lot towards ill Clix Eritain $2 03 you $21 year murmur lulittl nmn $510 3923 wmmWmu each mum mm hid up loot lllSlNESS SENSE iii iitlth til min 1V ll gt the illtil who pd ll 14 iiioliiy no mu hm Mm Mm hpdii illltl Illi slit VlllOl Lillm l5 Sindhi mil tuxligiiitl irills llldt three and hull million Cunudiutis arc to up mm in mm daylight now holder ot Victory Bonds purchuscd mumi mm inzml Wm in mm tii first six loans This is 60 per ccnt Oimdrkmw iltll liliilllil PiltlltlS In mu whiny Hi 5t WOAfzffbl lliii iiittiuii burden ut public debt in rrlug Hop lion to nulloniil income ltlltl in rotation loin muvIn phimm Ii 11 llllymg iblhiy than Midniount oi dislulbunw oi lltliltKill trliinuc ll iliiiii pond buxlncs sriisc When ptlt mu pets sound investment that yields itllllJlt llll intiircs tulrzlcd by savings think AYHmH Rum DHS iipoxits it docs not rcqulrr rill rare tlilzili Tm Ilmmm mlmmm My mama in tii Munich to lilpldt to muslixr tllc lllillngmmg dkuxi Li Vi pi Quint itsidp from lilt patriotic aspects oi mu twp Hm mm pm End mm nt buying cnmuhan Vicmry 80mm in Miami lilt ltliilzi it zlw Ll ill Wlil lit iftrii ilillt fillilliclill considerations which ltllkil ii cw nullity lit lll tiillh1 lt int itlllgti in lbout ilc hint itlvcktnltnt iii ty to tvozi 13 out illi lat uni it llll it with Mid mm Mm ill Wurld 101 0n inlng is Usunlahd liirllv hmii and rig in Hip illjlnvl will liuyp at mi li il an milimt itlgtll the war liltcrcst on the dcbt Glimpmgt jLana mka reduced Shiltt of our govi Tiw Mum mmnm mum gm gt hi liii2 tliiiiitJilr liltomt Iii 1330ltbltlltlillpfzx 001 ibil ltwilbttl it it wliiitiliuii ll viitiltc litlucl Hi iWit lllt flllt Of our govtlilttillg ltVElittLh Tm 10380 gnu by SWWMW 5m i1 1M hm mm our Imt YWl recelve persona Wlllll ill 19 they t00k per Gem tint r1 orqu Imiormt 01 mmliigion Would hull This tq because of the vast gains in national bog mused some nmmimmios ii it uni service from this llllSl company The 95iate$ womev from 49 whim 1939 ltVCilliltt l0 xlltmldltl liltlt llillt othch IC nihiliiiii Mil iv billions in 1943 Canadns capacity to cull made on myngm mvingu in no of sum WWC th Th officer in charge of their estate Will act as dibi glmily improvel clout Weight to dustilv rolltlnuzlilcroI lilti ivlin lam tin3 it i4 The pillLllht of Victory Bonds is greatly mgr Hm mmugh mmum days Robot ombng an ever tea II lmk between ihem and the trust companyand lltilliltoll by tile lavoittblf arrangements hum ll in ii li if ltl hlu tiii ti iil illltil itlllll iuti mild available by Clmmmd banks rm on oners pl ays aJ rusetiui rimi mini miil ii In nil the W111 alwa have access to the Mama loans on such Bonds us it may be desired to EDITORIAL NOTES In Vnrld Descriptlon 0f DoodleBugs in tllll if hump fllll lltllchnht ment Your iamlly 1n fact wrll be in direct 001 Common gene Buy v10 flll ll ii Prlnc FllWlld Cotltlly Cllllllll ll mltidc RWGOOACFUW New Luwonimwm Hf up Hqu gm tutti sizilill Hi imifluli l0li 80ml rttvmly received lvtlm from lWl 91th Will Iltl Mt iu ll ill il ii conlact men he hav enl at move of dccidcd bcilciit to tho lill llosp in xiv himw no to um Person lt Ila llmllml dlll hm HN in tlill ilitiv lllllll lliitlill in Hill SUPPORT OUR TOWN ital by agreeing to Day 5300 my 01 llldl me neth Fore Lmtlwmm mm like llll hill with iiililc tltllil tlitltllll lltlllld ill llllillit lill hfeilme 1n mlnlsuahon eSlales men ldon England in which he giver litith Vitli ui uruuh Hirilvu Vivid ltSCtilllfn of whit happen nitM IH JIM4 li lfll ll lllil ill lily lilllill The Barrie Chamber of Commerce now gent patients an incrcusc of 25 cents OVcr ins 300 members who have signified will the Old mm Ln who Mum mm pm liiii lmi hi ll mrl lit pili Lilli lllilii ii ingness lend their support to promote the MA This mum mck mow hniimlm mm pfyimlmi1min ii pvt ml of our lttlittl lllilllli Who know and underStand the human as interests of this community The Chamber Men and women of thi ltllVf services are lfl vfi if ifwildfirilTH37 ml to tilt mviilwth with an Office nuptime secretarymmn setting Splendid pxnmpip L0 Civilians in 1ngIzglrlghlllfiHelorllihigg1 IV EM ii lillllllt well as busmess values bound up in them illti lzw Zilt rigor Major Dudley and till the pf SllbSCIIIJUODS 10 1110 Seventh VIMOIY Loml fiuht to tho tend The dcscrlptioillcnll Iiili din Jr iv lltylililltlliiilt iilll tummy work for an active Winter 38215011 Up to chnisday ight illitii total Wits $40 of lllt bombing as follows mull mm mum Um Show Completed 13 an organmnmon that Shoum BOOVOOO WPH Slim 0f Dbll If Wont Shell humus have cordial COOPGWHOH from an Citizens wonw an up the momcm MW 11in mill Ni ll mil inl ll111ml Si VirVlni3i 31 In ililt li Twelve commluees have been planned by The nail time you 991 tempted to argue llllllll llllotliiilildiflll Sill hill bVM ll iillilfll ill illulll Illlliltillll 1it it the miectors and the manager has compiled the 0057 mVOlvedm Vlcmly 1401111 Cmnplgnsi link or ill 50 my mm mm ikl HM ll illll itllin llillill Ht tw tiw it suggestions for an outline of the work that look at the facts ana wclgh up the Whole light The all rind writhing lilllllfuallleIif aliiii will vIH 54 at lllilllhllilt Ill lull HEAD omcf253 DAV 51 might be carried on by these separate groups mmter then think that MS less man sounds ihcn vchem in the dif llllr 41 illiiill lilt Harlinmi thol sinus TORONTO 131160 sound lim 11110 0113 lnlw from IN lilix Mimi lllliit ill 10 lulult0 10 iliil is An brancnes or commumty acuvxty are 00 to use $10000 we behave It would more like fill Olllbomd lmlm 10 llillZ lllllltT1 ill NWt ltltlilx TWIN ml llllll llV ll Clitdtd There Will 13 COmmllteeS On lndlls be safe bet to say that it costs more per and we know that in very fcw try rehabilitation sportS tourut trade air hundred dollars to raise the taxation of the minutes We may have tsonc W65 port and other interests There is no branch com no 11s funny feeling Lasl Sunday of IOmmhmby lnteregt that will be 0mtted yet one ande vel wig was searching for lost papers and records in the mom or mm had The bklsmess leaders Barrie Coma Ct The LlSlOWll Bfliilltl appeared last Week been my trolley biis depot when have deemed on more opportune time for under new management Bamford of mother on cam wen we Could initiating the work of 21 Chamber of Com the Listowel Standard having puycmsea the 21 cghinclzwsgatghsnfi melee With the prospect of hundreds of Banner and effected an amalgamation of paralyzed to bolt some just Barrie boys being FBtllmed t0 ClVilian life these two papers and the Atwood Bee to be lied on For myself just wonder wlthin the next few years it is the direct continued under the name of me Listowel ed What did wonder well res onsibiitt ofvthls town to do its share in it be honest just dont know I3 Banner Listowel is good town but its mm conscious of actual fem assuring that they Will have something market lc not sufficient to miintain more Just dumb waiting for whatevor WOImWhile 30 come baCk t0 here They Will than one newspaper on profitable basis was to come Then it veered nil want work withwages they will want com His newspaper friends are sorry that Ed slightlytfcll about 150 yards away fortable houses to live inthey will want to Hudson of the Banner is withdrawing from and but Will WW mat find the leaders of the community activer th bu Roofs windows and doors by the pu mg field Wth as servea hundreds went flying and at the filming to make it better plaCe inWthh well for score of years He is making at actual point or impact dozen or l0 VG change to the simple life on fruit farm $0 houses leaped up and Te bad The Chamber of Commerce is leading the at Beamsvllle and we hope he will be both heaps Will9 The screaming JUS any won crillg my 19 now up to Oh one the 33 happy and successful in his new sphere Silencevf011owed by wild rush to get to the Spot and render hem want to hold our young people in cou do the work required Everybody mes to do some Barrio Wllh suitable employment Sports Committee Embraces thing most doing the wmng thing in order that they may be in all sports iii coopemtlon with mmu it gh anxtety to help coupled by Sosa to marry pnd raise fam BCllIle Service Clubs lack of training for the job In this town mead 30mg 10 Toms Accommodation To an amazingly short time we hear to othercentres We cannot ob foster and promote bulldmg the clonging olbells as the reSCtiei lain any better citizen than the first class tourist damp 00d pUb squads ambulances fire pumpw man orgwoman who was born and licity program all come tearing up From one car raisedin Barrie provided we can 11 Airport Committee Will be loud Speakei starts to direct the 0391 the bleadWlmler 0f the fm Slablismd A10 exploit ALL the work of theirained squads while insomnia will in introducing mill pulay my in gm1y Canadian Comfm merger 13 ml airport those who howdy 10 and 59 very efe 15 com 12 Agricmtumlomiftee To the dead and Imuer ambemg of 1312 American lsitm are mm tenderlyhcipedrorfliftednutan leave no stone unturned to make develop 91098 00Opemllon Wlth takentopiaces which have been extremely interested in anything our people pmer 3511 they thefarmrs in our trade area with all all our illblOllcal Sites We under Rehabilitation Comlmmm 13 Advertising Conunittee To Zggbggtsgxgstgifinqlgeg stand there is cannon buricd Contact and gm medme iCldvertise and promote best in mii mt far1mm Baqu whim W39 to the Veteran Wgelllare Commilli was Of Barrie Publicity bm carggiile ilsifta 53210133 gagged obandoned by British soldiers dur tee Ottawa that my qualied can will be established at Allan undineath This must be done the WarladrrThStWist exsoldiei be appointed in the iale entrance to Bame 13 linden ex rhdirection as the too The British received wow the TWn of Harm to assist the am he stencgriiplier ls availablefor remaurpun on biockromm Americflns Were going amck cdforces returning from overseas tourim members merChiams em Itier may send tons of debris crash liifilgit fvgfetgmgdg the following prgmm3m1iThat The Barrie Chamber or com ing down on the unfortunate one gt Ill gmis 89 fumed menrrandwwbmen nd an meme is gojng alllwl promote below and st take away the one fhe 10 11310 ganb 3W9 lolhelrproblcms Per elloperation with all Ontario chance of rescue There are heaps in Wrasagavth anode busmesn men and inds Chambers of Commerce Nation of rubble to be cleared sf as to er Wegdsi triallsts louse daring and imagin 31 Program Provincial Program make way or ambulances There caimon wasvnmr fir the align in providing jobs that Community Program embra are Was er 81 ghtseers who historical particularly if it is link home town special emphavis on improving insmnuy equismoned for lm aid ed up With the history of 1911 Pastwajileng Commimi market facilities and theprgzinim man goggtortgg 31 3149wii4countrym5pleridid opportun program in process of tonnnuOn zation of special sales day at 510 ery nasty mes present 90159 V95 00 30310 Regatta Committee tracticm next spring 34 VAtnerlcans 0m whabmta on information th 31g FOUI INDUSTRI Li ought to be senHor long terms of Industrial lice This such as atuitle COMMERCIALTCIVI An or cdmmmewouldsm Dre list 01 81 government imprisonment who have to be it help wfube made available to All suggqstions Tor betterment ushedibackmdlgntrdlld 101 veterans 41that veteranswill be of Rome Willbe gratelully ack they hindErltfthe work of lilo talllh withstanding sites and Wife 77 Ttiqy condo slap oni the beaches afflict tankg igur1siplanes fluid ships berslofl commerce of goalies Retail Buslgfiess Committee budmymliilgif Eggtdhemsgilagiixsfgn Thicycanthom along any Place npw uNO bl10115 0f CHOWSEVCI had b56515 avairibearld advantpgg locat1t3degr 24 ing name mvite industriea to belcomporggtdlft rfuwmfii Asmanagm fibgelotiggdlgiggas we are Know Why 13011 ght With Incnteftn Bamekthrough themed menand women It could pro nomsuuommi mm Tltn when the dead have been WelIHitlcr and hicgdhg are nding We fereauy 80mg PlaCesnow mm of Ltradejoumals Place all taken away and Wounded sent off to hospitals we umateurlielpers clingtheyre nding out that its not 3Tlieresotilllots to do before we get to are 33 the scene leav justJoc and Brownie andySmitty and Berlin andTokyo but W9 know yQu tilde ohexpresoiocrr ogopinion for Three prolssors were sitlingtin information pertaining to our tbwn in hands ot the Ontario the guidance of the TownCouncil railway rstaiion waiting for Industrial Commissioner located xiii with redirect tothe clolrig of the train They became so deply en excellgmiy on as mind Vthalthepoptilalln of Bar 1y on the platform when avwag he has increased since the basic glsh bystander said Why look so your tintedthicordar1the plac imd Two out of three made it ingot meditations before the Thats pretty good averagel Mn Untitledatid lhe Board or ers know sighed the pro Healthjwmixrspact to undesir tressor but they came down to see stares smiths should Dominion grossed in conVersation that they lngthe job to the trained squads Ollmrioilouoc LOndOn Elistand Daythfs year be observed on failed to notlce when the train pr and thank you for all you have the rest 9f us over here Theyre wontfail usWewant to get it over uMEeiw wmum 01mm Sawdust Jilly orvMonday July rived In fact not until it was pull done The wepingond anxious W120 Plant are the Barrie merchants geti ing out did they see it At that all enquirers one by one gototilev nding out You re Ending us adtheget bac home Al ndgdemr 101 shimthem the line then share of retail goods three sprinted with gret diligence places where their folk have been Gillian SE 131Wglntnal1fleg under the equitable distribution and Wool them caught the train taken People bombed out of Manuretavmtclwmswuld We Order of Ithe sWPTvB bearing in The third was standing dejected homes are direCted to rst chtres 77777 WhiCh have been miracmusy ganized where they are treated for shock given food crest and shelter Alreadwheir particular needs gt gt 8178 Min WNW and temporary homes found for them Furniture mt We dmmyea being moved locate storage andevery gt it in THE L0NDON LIFE INSURA NCE 02MPANYemi obi Winsomelocating in or Op me off Brat lnjlhelmnn=and the Coun 3911 Gliding muance 01a Ji Among the community weeklie dais monolingual of Canada there is no bettr ud le applicants good Vertlsirig medium than The Barrl look after you mom Examiner Big circulation high And hrs the marvllous 31 scmdl Itiyrdleglldcol ireadervftlterott andeflectlvetdiopluy aftemaii Within hoitr or so We 10061 trades combineto Slim best results of medialcrash there