Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Nov 1944, p. 1

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son of Mnand Mrs Johnston nuns ALT hills OF CIRCULAIIOPI Sgt ARRlE ONTAR EWireiess Air Gunner Freedonni Activities of lien and ltoincn in the Navy AnnyAir iorcc Cnpt Willson iteportcd Killed in Action in igt ll llt gilt learn of thii Capt in rclron all Dicppe Quern snl Cameron llighlamlers rule out unwoturded ilc Lttl Now Reported Killed ii had herin quit ed 111 at At 23 llm 22x Alic rtive of Winnipng to Canada 113 an for ill time and it has ile hr was AlD Canadian infantry lrniningl Centre Camp Ilorden that he re sided with hi wife on Dunlop ilarrie the Fifth Viciru Loan he the main xnealLer at the ilarric tally in the Roxy llitfdilc one ed ago Wilb son returned LilCl3tfltn lli year and wenl into lran on 11 Day lie is reported to have been instantly killed by German tire WMVfa ISAAF lllot vlsltlng Wife and llaby at Home in Barrie lst LlWm lwell lillnl in the United States Army Air Force rr rived in Barrie lthl week an fur lough from over lie is visiliml his wife the former ilerllm iar rilde and baby daughter at be home of her parents Mr and Mrs Stephen Gar le 22 Sampson llrcy met in England when he corporal in the CWAC and marriedin London Novi um lat Lt Otwell is from Detroit He joined the RCAF in 1011 and aller nannngm lorrmto lhzlintmrand Mutton received his wings at No SFiS unfold in 1912 After fur ther training in ili he went over in February 1013 lie was cc but did tour of operations with the famous Demon Squadron RAF Coastal Command before re turnng home for furlough and fur ther posting Now Ove Sgt William Mer is now serving ore llalifax is his home town Ills wife formerly Miss Margaret Moran is propriet ress of the Margaret Anne Beauty Salon here ow Third Son Overseas Mr and Mrs Kettle 57 Willi am St Allaudale have received word that their son Cpl Ket tle is now serving overseas Two other sons are alsu overseas Lloyd is in Italy and Ilarry is with the RCAF in Britain Again Overseas Lt Jack Beckman DFC United States Army Air Force sonsinlaw olMr and Mrs Clark Cumber land StAllandnlc arrived back in England after thirty days leave with his wife and family in Bur1 lington Iowa and has started his second tour of operations Now in Belgium Mrs Harold Eccles has word from her son Pte Eccles 147640 that he is now serving in Belgium He enlisted in June with Canadian Infantry at Camp Bord en and went overseas September 1944 Hisfather Cpl Harold Ec also serving overseas with Mrs Plant nisreceived letter from her brother Cpl Cecil Henson saying that he and another brother FSgt Bert Henson had spenta few days furlough toga in Great Britain Cpl Henson wen overseas in June 1943 member muig2cliffinnywampncgiment andisnow with CACRUand Sgt iienson wentoverscas in May of this year with RCAF err Root Parsons Now Overseas Qsgoopcrmgobert Pa ous CAC operatdr vithlhef dDivi sion isnnow overseas according to information received by his para cnts Mr and Mrs Parsons Iiis application for enlistment was ccepted after he hadpreviously congrejectcd fiv times for a1 reasons Cpl KenfStevenson Overseas Mn and Mrs Fred Stevenson DevonrApts 35 Wellington St Barrie rcceivedm cable last week informing them of the safearrival in England of their only son Cpl Kch Stevenson RCAF airframe mechanic Now Flying Officer Mrs Laurence Gartner of To ronto has reeeived Word that her husband has been promoted to the rank of Flying Officer with the RCAF FO Gartncr is son of Mr andMs HItGartner 18 Centre St Barrie Presentation at Minesing Gnr Allan Jelinston 13157088 was presented with fountain pen andpencil set on Oct 20 at Mine sing Hall byvthcxcommunity before leaving for Debert His brother Os borne Johnston 65956 Algonquin Regt is serving ovrseas and his Tumto page eight please St il llAllVlZ IRWIN le lor runner and In recent lei ler to his parents had told of fly my in ourmotored Halifax bomber with the iroquo Squad rim lie had been over since last February llc allender tools ind ltlliltljitxl in the room of iarrie 15x fure he ted for ac inNouinber lJlZ gent faithful and comcicnliou in his duties he was very highly regarded by all the members of the staff liarvey irwin was an active mem bcr of First Baptist Church Young lcoples Union and was leader of the service commission before he left for the Air Force Sgt Irwin ed at ioroutr Kingston and Hit ved his spark at Calgary in October 1043 lie was then sted toJarvis and went overseas early in the followingr year Being good student he took high marks in all his exams in an air mail letter to his par cnls last March the young air gun ncr told of meeting the Kingand Queen at the Beaver Club in Lon don and he wrote The Queen ask ed me whe was from and if liked it here His father is member of the Ba Depmmcm md committee would be interested lltllldiVIdUillly They carried 5004 veteran of the 122de Regiment of the First Great War An older brother of Sgt iIarvey irwin Ll David Irwin isserving with the RCEME in Western Can ada and sister Audrey is pri vate with the CWAC at Kitchener There is younger sister Joyce and younger bro her Paul at home Mr and Mrs Irwin later received telegram Std ing that theirson was being buried in BrookWood Cemetery Brookwood Woking surrey England at pun Oct 30 PLEDGER nae KILLED iN ACTION Mrs Pledger of Hillsdaic has rcceivedmvord that her son Fit Liout Thomas Oswald Pledger DFC has been killed in action at are avert reported as missing after air oper ationsseycral months ago gt can save ny times the price your su sc ion by read ing and acting uponthe advertise ments in The Barrie Examiner Gordon Wrigley lResidenfs ls Kllcd llc Mm Son of Howkestonc ltd ndoe brrn lilh with the ii the prim of linrvcv llrffrl itdclutr tool pr before he john ill April Hill il riluillu 311 and Mrs ll ed from Toronto to 11 April hen they took up in recent le fer hum Yry lrwin of Baltic had told hi mother that their pilot llud Wrig ly had lltsl been ltliltlllltillfl and he red his mother to hav this puin ted in The Examiner peeially since his people ihzd cently moved into this distr Mrs lrwin had written the item the day before she rerehed word of the death of it own sum AIRMAN KILLIJI repmtin that llin ur iilli Yahl lillllsll Columbia reported killed in action ered in in stone last week to his wife while her husband was Illtlzstlrf was visiting with her aunt Mrs Butler Chambermf Lists 13 Committees Ptseth Becton Alliston Inni There are now 300 nahvrdual members ofthe BarrierClmmbrtr Of Commerce and each one is led to interest himself in the active work of at least one of the var ious committees helm formed To give the public an idea it what work will be done by the Chamber of Commerce and to pro vide the members with an oppor tunity for deciding what commit tee they would like to work with The Examiner here publishes outline of suggestions prepared by the secretarymanager Dud lley Further information may be hazl by telephoning the Chamber of Commerce office at 3305 Duties of Committees Civic Improvement This such matters as Parking condition of the streets improving the bay front careful planning and plank ing of trees bearing in mind the safety angle at intersections re forestation project at entrances to the town This committee would shoot incstimabie value to the Parks Commission and the Horti cultural Society COnduct contest for most attractive garden and property after the war contest for the best lighted home at Christmas Finance Committee Chambcr membership Historical Committee mem lbcr of this committee would re Ipresent the Chamber on the Hur onia Historic Sites andTourist Association This organization embraces in its membership all the towns and villages of Old WWWthan ern entrance to this district The travel and publicity department of the province cannot advertise any individual town but it can highly publicize district or zone such as Huronia This district ispar Turn to page two plasei Airport For Barrie IsBQEQCOnSidered To provide employment for turning pen and toiputBarrie on theair ays map is the intention of citizens of this community who are desirous of getting aviarge air port near the town The Town Count has appbinted committec which is expectedto bring ina report on recommeri ed site in the next few weeksand the Chamber of Commerce is work ing on theproj and Willappoint avicommittec at their next regular idirectors meeting next week Ross Cowan former FlyingOf floor in the RCAF hasbecn one or the chief instigators of the move and he has done tremendous mould of work in connection with preparatory plausiMr Cowan as serts that the town has anrobliga tion to her sons and daughters who are serving in theRCAF and he adds tbatit is not too much to ex JecL Barrie could build an air port ch would provide employ meat for hundreds of her return ing airmen Last week Mr CowanandGeo Johnston MIP for Centre Sim eoe met with Deputy Minister of Highways Millar to discuss possible airportsites and their re lation to the proposed superhigh way to be built from Toronto to Turn to page three please Ill Killiedin Action Tnoocnn ARCHER an or Cookstownwhd waskilled in action in France on October He was 35 years of age and had been overseas since June 1943He leaves his wife and four sons and leg Of $4250000 Objective But Barriels Lagging lCol Baker Asks Citizens IWith the Loss of Limb 15111 rlu loud wreck This lOTCANADA TH URSDAH ihr Ww lIWbat Sacrifice Compares hull Mil EU ward their nijeetie or al 250000 in the lierrnth tor Loan by Wednexl tothird the quota with uni Qlbotr halt the time liiili1l our up luch oi tln curly nttttt 31 Humor the Loan was due to the man members of the armed tore at Camp Borden llie Arm lat Borden with an objective lllttil intrude in introdu rdnnce iftl 31000000 Vtls Lr llmttto the extent of rile it Section lches VCattle Breeders Want Three Barrichor Heroes Appear in Sunday Nightxf Ith Victory Loon Show lthe RCAF werrmehed their tspeal man fi ltl hr wt he IVlllw vi and losll lll litc lm rot ill tllill llll trititule in Lllhui Col ear lilyn local lthis picitlr it was la orlex into were in levitably drawn 00000i Canada 11 never came back 130 but th others but arms 1mmy rars reared into their souls tutcr the illtlllu The war veteran told of Turn to page three pie set quota of $125000 with sale during the first 10 days of 20050 Among the civilian dishiota lottcnham was the first to reach its objective With 075Iftlmta ol $34000 this unit had land quiet illl int tin Iniidrl dildolfl 330850 Worth it Vltlol lve lltl 91301105 by Wednesday Other municipalities among the leaders were Vespra $85050 or 718t Collins gwood 0106 or UmiSluylict $50050 or 012w ha 3134150 or from iwasugu $02450 or 513 Nottr it The remainiu districts in rlbimeoe West wzrr all below BARBIE AIRMAN gCHASiNG IAPS tour or BURMA Vernon Bud Melnuis son of Mrs Walter Meipnis 50 John St anrric has been menting lot the Laliadians bombing the Jap Ianesc in Burma He is one of 10 Iamdiaus with an RAF dive bombcr squadron in India Sponsored by the Nizam of Ilyd this squadron has been lsn Japanese troop con cr trations just ahead of the ad vancing British troops in Burma The squadron usually attacked in boxes of six aircraft each diving pound bombs and incendiaries The Barrie flying officer enlisted in the RCAF in November 1041 land left Britain for India in Dev eember 1942 COMING EVENTS Dance Midliurst liall Tuesday November Lunch counter 1111b Bingo every Friday night in le gion Hall Owen St 830 sharp 15 games 35c 43th Annual meeting of Innisfll Hort icultural Society at home of Secre tary Friday Nov 10 at pm 441 Dance Ivy Orange Hall Friday Nov 10 Beattyisorel1estra Pro ceeds for Red Cross Admission 35c 441 Churl VA bazaar Nov in public hall Good programme Admission 25c and 10c 4n Euchre Orange Hall Elizabeth St Nov LTB Juveniles Ad mission 35C 830 sharp Aid of war Work 44p Rummage Sale Trinity Pa Hall Saturday November pices Womens Auxiliary Doors lopen at am 4244b St Georges WA bazaar Novem ber 16 11 to in St Georges Hall Afternoon tea homemade baking and fancy work 44451 Lions British Child War Victims Fuiithance Friday Nov 10 Bar liltil Ihadford Crecmorc lOwiilimbury Barrie iecunn fil Sunnldale 1ossorontiol Adjala it as one orn FRANK McGUlltE Son of Mr and Mrs Me Guire 117 Cumberland St Allan dale has been wounded in action for the third time He received his third wounds Friday October 13 He has been fighting in Italy He was confined to hospital for several weeks when he suffered severe back and leg injuries when wound ied the second time which was last January DGING WM Farm boys of South Simeoe will hold their annual stock and seed judging competition at Allistou Saturday Nov 11 All members of boys club projects in the Coun ty this year are urged to take part FARM BOY lurthern Illlir gt ritnttiihid id ll ittttl UH Ni persona ligaton Vll ill Merrily9 of the LHtltrllllitt lW til hm hm Borrow rlrlatcr Mimi Maulurrl llrilltt hillul comet made it rtal of wind Cummmq Butm ilcn Huron Loaiavi bi rhd vital ll pro opened conducting pawn in llr lil ehairman of the outdy itccf lannhatH ltlz Committee of the federation of rmll numb they ilAgricuiturc lllilCl to sit in 11 Hi You nuu the liscr dung vxith th 41 p131 llttCL lilJLCl Turn to page eight please ood ShowngZTOACS By Sicoe Boys and Girls itesnlt have been announced of the Provincial interClub Compe titions held at the thin Agril cultural College on Friday Oct 137 About 250 farm and girlst tool part to these competitions was shot mmuzh both mm gzhteen lub members laurel lld detnoon Ill lttl 10th Nl til dlld Sruth Himcoc The tcnn visitingl hunting mp the Naswm the on College last Friday were KW mm mm 50 cirumions in ud in and rues was km to r3 Sound Hospital and Provincial trons at their local Achievementi 11 vol creditible Ponce 0f Banm Who WES IHNMIL gated the accident report his condition is not critical uncoc ounty lub teams were The shot wag red from wired in the main by Donald 3240 rifle by John Lloyd of Vt or Asst ant Agricultural Rep Bracebridgcy memb of the rcscutati Lashlcy ii same hunting party Lloyd mis liar tiltd Donald Bell and ook his palmgr for deer Stewart Page assisted in pro vidinc transportation and with the programm The Barrie Girls Poultry lcaml was second with 1020 points out of possible 12300 Members of thislT team were Miss Catherine Graham Jt Ll DEER HUNTER SHOT herring Gray of Braccbridge Home Defence Soldiers Worhvin Packing Plants lSUNNlDALE BOY twas WOUNDED FRIDAY THE 13TH lit tional fence sincerely to in form you lllliib Private Norman ltobcrt Martin has been officially reported wound rd in action thirteenth Octo ber 10 Nature and rural of wound not yet available When addressing mail add words in hospital in bold lei Prs alter number of unit for quick delivery When further information becomes available it ill be forwarded as soon as received Minister of Re cords liuixt lte Martin enhstcd November tilt ill torohtn with the artlll gin nan Sherbro Que ind lct ill in July it their to the ltllIllllV lie fore jounm up he worked With his father on the farm llc vcn to France on his 22nd birthday has utu mer lrrr at and four brother 11 llarvey and Cecil His mother later received tele gram it the Director of ittCUtd vouud the pound true or lFORMEB THORNT IN LEGS BY PARTNER lSOLDIER KILLED Jm Meredith of ell near Fleshcrtont at formerly of lhorntou have been noil ed that their son HOW ard had an killed in action The official notice from the ector Ottawa received hiz as follows Minister of National Defence sincerely regrets to inform you that A105478 ipr Howard Willi am Meredith has been officially reported killed in action 10th October 1844 If any further information becomes ailablc it will be forwarded as soon HS received Howard Meredith who is 21 years old born in the Royal Victoria lie Barrie when the family re led at ihornton ile Guthrie and Miss Bernice Mason Midhurst This team was coached by Harry Morren and William With ttcnded school there and was ac comson Barrie Turn to page eight please rc flares lighting up the route of Troop at Borden march more than 500 Barrie chil Idren paraded from theMarkct Y5 on Squatetc the Arena Tuesday night in it first Halloween parade seen Largest individual sale of ViC here in many years 10W BOIldS dl Camp BOlden was There were ghosts and goblins made to Trooper John KilgOUI of witches and gypsies clowns and No Training Reglmeniv can tramps and numerous other cos adian Armoured COIDS VhU tumcs by the score bought $30000 worth whose home is at Winnipeg made tiupanbands and with stovepipes his purchase BEWUSG110 betiCVCS bells frying pans and everything VictOry Bonds are the Jsoundestttnat would make noise they cre lmellt DOSSib1 Fully two ated great din that was thunder ZrdeCLstumEI in Can ous after the entered the arena adas largest army camp have building boughtbbdsenalb1illg Camp BOYl Assisting with the parade were den command to go well over itstmembers of the Kiwanis and Lions milliondollar objective and to clubs and members of the Air lead all army districts and com Cadets carried the blazing tores mandsiTCanada Music for the gala oe on was Gen WorthingtonTells Lionspf Canadas Arm The Army isnot lUUctivc in peaCetime but there is ing war is not going to come againI rie Armourics Entire proceeds forLMajorGeneral Worthington Fund RCAF Orchestra 43451 Essa RoadPresbytcrid11 Church Evening Auxiliary bazaar sale of homemade baking individual chick CB lViC lViM warned mcmbers of the Barrie Lions Club and their guests at meeting last Friday cv em 51 en pie 35m NW mp The Commander of Camp Rum age saleesaturday 18 Trinity Parish Hall ans Womens Hospital Aid Royal Vic toria Hospital Phone 3307 and 236i 44b Runuuage sale and sale of home baking Friday Nov from to pm Common Room Division ite forestation auspicesAngus United Church WA 14b Anniversary services Central Presbyterian Church Oro Srmday Nov 11 am and 730 p111 Special preacher Mr Jack BA Knox College special music 44b Bazaar and play Zunbonnet Jane of Sycamore Lane by St Pauls YPU Orillia at Midhurst Iiall Nov 10 Playat 815 p111 Admis sion25c 150 Auspices St Pauls WA Midburst 4445b Cbme to the euchre and crokinole social evening on Friday Nov 10 at Mr and Mrs Wes Caldwells Admission 25c and 10c Proceeds to sad for War Work in the Guth Wojmens Institute 44b den pointed out that it cost Canao more to build up an army startir from scratch than it would iffa faisized force were maintained during the peace In five years youdo not build from 89 men to 30000 he added as he toldof tbel growth of Canadas armoured Corps since 1939 General Worthington looked ahead to the peace perhaps two or three years from now and stress led that an army should be main tained as an insurance we need to survive Telling his audience of the prob lem of building theCanadian Army from the small beginning of 1930 Gen VWorthington compared it to Lgreat industrial enterprise There were four things necessary plans machinery raw material and oper ators For the army the plans were the housing thelmachines were the equipment theraw material was Turn to page eight please CHARGE iiicitth PTE or MANSLAUGHTER Provincial Police at Barrie arrested Pte John Baldwin lamp Borden and he has been charged with manslaughter in connection with the hitand run death of Mrsllelcn Gouett 23 Waubaushene whose body was found in ditch on the No If highway at Ihornhlll Oct 20 The police had only broken headlamp to commence their investigations and this led to the soldiers armst He will ap pear in Torontorcourt It CANADIAN CLUB NOV Thclnext meeting of the Barrie WomensCanadian Club will take place at the Library Hall Tuesday November at 830 pm The speaker will be Vincent Price KC prominent member of the Ontario Bar Mr Price has chosen as his subject CanadasxRole in the United Nations1n view of current events this should be subject of vital interestto every one ogt All your job printing needs can be efficiently filled by The Examiner provided through to Wnission of ColC Bailey DSO MC of A33 whofloaued portable public address system gt Thousands of citizens lined the With scores of blazing cattail Youlg ely interested in the work of the Peoples Societ Three tiS ago when the far left Thornton for Maxwell he took position in Bonds furniture store Brantford and was thus employed hen he enlisted with the RoA Canadian Reconnaissance Corps at LohdoiiOntario on Dec 1942 His lraining was taken at Listowel Out and his advanced training in Dundurn Sash Hc Kiigoul arThe children had formed adozen Well Overseas lLllV 14 1943 con plefed his training in England and went across to France on DDay with Montreal Reconnaissance Corps Later he wasrtransferred to the Duke of York Royal Can cc cl was attached to the Third Division where he served as Bren gun carrier driver we letters were 7W from him last week on tlcsame day as the report of his de rile des cribed his own corrditdbn as feel ing fine it is thought froiu ref ercnces in his letters thatithei tion in which he fell ivaSnn route oLthe parade audmore than Hotlatltl 1000 adults cnteredjheArena to watch the colorful array of cos tumes paraded about the platform Roy McVittic of the Kiwanis club handled the microphone and he had bigTob orrhis hands when he attempted to speak above the roar of 100 tin nymusicians Mr McV eventuallycreatcd order out of the babble of voices and the din of gconfusion and the 12 bands were paraded about the judging standrl The first eight bands and their leaders WereMc NamarasBandTommy MeConkey Parkside Swing Band Buddy Cock lburn Red Falcons Bobby Sluman Crosb Caterwarils Maurice Fras er Tm Rummies Wynn Harri Fox BanclBlllyCoulson Jolly oneers Hugh Seaton ExBand Marion Cloug ey The bicyci were next to parade about the squa and there were 12 colorful entries The judges worded first prize forthe girls to Dorothy Goring who wore clown costume and first for the boys to Don Bates who was dressedas sinister old witch Jacko WillSrFilSt Great Dane named Jacko and own He two iste McCieary Eva of Brantford and an elder brother IllBombardier Ei mer Meredith now in Vancouver who has been with the Royal Can adian Artillery over three years feature of the evening was ed by little Shirley Stewart This huge animal was harnessed to wagon and pulled two children in the parade In spite of all the din Turn to page threeplcase

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