HEP BA FEUX BRESSART FOR STUDENTSSizes 15 to 19 years $1050 $2250 BOYS to 11 years $995 Size 12 to 16 years $1495 BUY VICTORY BONDS MENS AND BOYS WEAR 755 DUNLOP ST BARBIE MOOM II ocornunnlnmaouoolmoouonv GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT IIHURSDAY FRIDAY snrunnn Continuous Show Saturday 230 p1n rv 0OONIOIOONOIOIIOIIOOIOIOOOIIIOOINNOOfiuINCINNNIOCIII ATTENTION oSeWuntin OUR PERSONAL PROPERTY FLOATER COVERS ALL THAT EXPENSIVE EQUIPMENT YOUITAKE HUNTING AGAINST PRACTICALLY ALL RISKS MALCOMSONS INSURANCE Acuncr Phone3735 wiiiiii WANGEIR 1c00 2ND ADDEDMHIII nor ROGERS ThetCowboy and the Senorita 75 IStarts Sunday Midnight Also MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYv MIATINEELJIVEDNESDAY 230 IIIAYI ALL STARFIEIATURES 00011011500000 41 Dunlop St NiilulnlNNINOlmlmlnl70 llll0INn INGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 815 in oddieuowsrnan dOWiistairs Ausriens or izeAMESzscI IGOQD DOOR PRIZE may oifttbiil loaning iClasses IN THE PRINCE OF WALES SCHOOL At l9 51999 nnvul training station Registration Tuesda Evenin Oct 24 THE at 730 II ltI ClCISSBIS be every Tuesday and II Thursda evenln from to SUBJECTSZ Household Science Cooking Dressmaldng Show Card Writing English Arithmetic and Book Keep ing First Aid St John Ambulance Course Motor Mechanics REGISTRATION FEE or $200 PAYABLE DURING riiiiir an 0111 110301111103 101111011011 Jill loFEATURE II FALL TERM MORRISON Principal JOHN WOODS Chairman Vii Mi North South East and West and the big Halloween RlE EXAMINER Cainp Borden Signals Section 21 smaller unit scored high per centage with $2Il00 insale for 133 per cent Also over the top is No 29 Coy Canadian Dental Corps with $l0000 its objective was $13 000 Camp Borden Military lloslt pital sales totalled $30550 just over its quota and No Coy ItCiIMii also passed its goal If The various units are grouped iii to four zones for the campaign oLicstheJattcms and recovered in Toronto It was stolen in Barrie BARRIE VICTORY LOAN COMMITTEE PRESENTS SEVENEIILVICTOR to quota Zone aimed at $1 10 udehis date sold $1770 01 the other Zones South has sold 3225000 of its $200300 mark East Wth$24200 Tammie PREPARING FOR HALLOWEEN Several tin bands have been formedviii Barrie in readiness lot parade iiex Tuesday night and the boys and girls are lnisy practising their fav orite tunes Leadiiig the parade which will set off from the Market Square promptly at 7pm will be brass band 10310 Camp BQrdcnr organized band are urged toget their friends together and be ready for Oct 31 Old tin pans and horns of all kinds will provide fine ac cIOiiipaniment for the iriarciiing goblins specialnsection of the llal loween parade will be for dccw ated bicycles wagons doll buggies tricycles and other childrens tOVs Prizes for the best costumes the finest band and thcnnost colorful velilcleshave been donated by the Barrie Kiwanis Club and the Barrie Lions Club The parade will be led off by thearmy band from the Market Square proceed doWn MulCaster St and thence along Dunlup and Elizabeth to the Arena The Arena has been made available free of charge and parents are invited there will be no admission charge Treats will be provided for the children by the Kiwzinis and Lions Clubs MI Salter chairman Barrie Public Relations Committee tormrthe Beys and girls who havenolyet Featuring Main ROXY THEA Q7 SIPATRICIA BAILEY CBC RADIO STAB or SONG JEANNEVGAMACHE LEMIEIUX MONTREALCONCEET31101151 BARBIECOLLEGIATE BIANo IDireicted FisherfBA oiunn uIuuuuuun+ Speaker Colonel BAKER Managing Director Canadian National institute for the 111nm zan And Introducing Squadron Leader CHUCK McDonald DFC and Bar DFM Barrie Bomber PilotHome alter Three Tours of Operations +Inhnnufnuunu unpununnungnainduuquxsarlt TICKET ONLYz These are free and may be obtained at Dixics Smoke Shop Rebeltame Drug stage Urbsslands DrugStore Monkmans Drug Store JacksonsGritl United Clgal SW Tamblyns Weaymouths Cusdens and Knights Drug Stores WhittysI A1101an TICKETS AVAILABLE FRIDAY MORNING AFTER AM Anmssr W4 3000110010550298 001 MNWWWWWNNtnNJir Iii11 in II mwIIwnvb IIWIIIIIW IIIIIII II of LiPLUlHicn Yuan No 15 smut ON Aizio CANADA THURSDAY OC fObtR 2o iom section 29096 ii mu lllH LOAN lUl AL IO DA lziv it iii ioi iziiincor Wed unit in tin Stlilllil VirtwiE limit it tln tilt ot the second day abound 3523li oi Iiis tiltoln ltLIIllttl Wind lli omitme was Ullllill 53123000 1iI Army us 39in lioltieii has been addei with 01103 of 51000000 lit ii 11 mum ii ii Limp llUlllt nor 11110de lll iii ob fl Jot Iv ll II III WI III ctr ol mime lllt iiiiit oinrrtlrr now 34200000 roxiixlors snow sAiiiimv +30 on 11 ifilttliminh Sailsh Ihlilm lkrnmel Sci 111C District Objective Ditto Objective 6H1 Loan oi ii IVI Amy si000000 030130 0301 320713011 an on ax Alltdlllfl II II iliut1iiitiilt it iiirlt taxi ILA IMIJQO no0 it WATER CARNIVAL iiili5 tiui llt Aim tH ll lrllllllhtltrtl 08000 Hillth 31 ltjtljtltf lV it 13 GORGEOUSHLARIOUS IHIIIIIIKIJ It IIII 1i 10000 31200 20300 II III WITH THE mm or co sung MELODIOUS ffj1 3fi itillitiiz 100000 T050 11050 1003043 ittllV Iulllimitil iliiili ll lilldltl Bl Slum 750 339 71 rili in ttli irrIiitTirciiloic 410000 $1800 1909 gt lVLWW mil in no 11 Iiivim lilutiltllIi 120000 2320 1010 if TWPW ll WWW mm was to VJ iii ilw tIiIIIIILI1IiliII II III lIIIIiiIiIiIIIlIiiII In WI IIIHII lIUUUIUOU 1001500 III IBIIIUUI In laugh 13k lidlllili illtl if iloitiii Will he lillllllllll 8000 lilvmu litl 1900 ii IND liNllilUi onmlitil llitltlwittil am2 12 iiliililliil 110000 11000 001 0400 ii 11 Ti IiAHV 14 siziiiiiilaii 70000 7700 ifin H250 gunman Il1 it Ix HIIIIII IhlEIIIIH it thlllil 110000 10000 031 10100 lltl iniit ii 01 llililiitzil iti la tumHz H000U 11900 M9 1sz nith IonNNi nu 1i BROWN 11111110in 11111ox mm 1000 85 I2 I050 ii ll ltllltlllldlll llill New Ilrtlllllllll SLIM Huh 00 ii gV litthllllIV lillthtl at tho iicriziiiii uv Sm III iIhuI igjx the 10 UNI Ii 1i lUXUlUllllU 34000 ldl0 JI Worldsihit Sit RH EAT501010Illill li llltl Maud jot Canadian omen Army Ultin vIv titv When these tooghlmthzmuki go into Acton EilIItllIlIllllllfII toIiII llllxI iriIuiIIiiirlI III loiofjffnui Ihoulris aeSo soiryland owe limit ll lt will In Ill ituA an il ll Ii ii it II Ulllll lttll iiiTwo Gus Bays frail llll linin lK lllll iGOing to OAC TOdOY lllrltl ll 95 t1 tst It mm ll ltl Iliill It ll it tlt Two girls and ill llti of Sinirovl iw im IUI NIIWIS IUIIIIIIII WIIIIII IIIIIIIdIIIIIII III IIII III IIIIIi IIIIIIII II II lltll tit 21 lit in hitaiio ilIlttllltllilIl Collier illEI II IaI ii IiI aI to iiielpli lodu to lake pail iii the in ml mdm OI liry than tilt iii iiiiniial interclub tlllllltlllltllh fori liililtl WWI llml mm hml hi linizn rr lll nix lus and girls clubs of the prov IllIlIUl llIlIl ItillullIUIItIl IIlI OI lllI51tli two hot Frank Barton rr ch iIlttIlt illI it btClllll Min 101 III III IIIIU II IIIII IIHII McHUGH IMOCLANEIIII Millllltt Wrilnesdav 30 in AllinMllr lm MW IWh M511qu MU 1m it IT Tliilllvy PM 155l5liliil 11 NW WA mu opening of the Seventh Victory burrito Uilv inaii in 7W ilt II JIIII Ilullhl ltIANIL pill LNlIRL DI1IIIIUII1IIIdemncvompuny the ed up Summm Worth IIllcsIImI 81 iIan III pvrhmmcl of NIII II III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III II IIIIIIII IIIIIII huowlhh 5Aan PINHHAMML CAREER representatives from this roiiiitv 1W Cil Wlll Slrls at Camp Borden lizid suli tainntr Llioil iii to 11M ul It was enacted the pirtv would ltlllll liittl ill 1C ml We scribrd tIIIGSD towards their lVl Wt miflwmiaiuzmit in TM mi 0i imgum II II ii v1 1111 retinashoot ll lllltl p111 retiiriiliiday lim Wmw objective of $125000 This vas Balms on It ilililaiv iizii mmmalm wt Iitltil lilmli offitiah no jlllgtlldlll or the quota luvgl WWI in if will hpmm in Amwugh mmmm NW mj Ill whit 0mm LDi SCIOOI am in II Hm chairman of the oniniziiid VIClUIIi in the Sixth Victory Loan 111 tllittiiil ill the In 11m ff Im lummmjp xlwcsspd some or Immn Ml WWW Im lNo lil Depot lil at 11 gratification that the campaign was had hop 0131 NIH Tm wig Uumwnm 1115 fxcfedd W991i lltf33lllL NllCCliilltllS at that time of Sl72000 might till lUIL itli li ll ll litixltlii II NAMLD $7800 the very first day and With such larur purl 0f thl in reamed again ritlin oi lriiriiy Anglican Choirit JOE planned to continue the work immlil rmliml in CUlllt of 1031 Wing Commander rl llilllllliilL III II lnIordrrI Ito IowrsuIbscIribe tin Iiln tiiiIiIiiiinIIltadus xpcctI tiiICI Mead is chairman ofI 111 pm IlaAnts IillI wl will lust by Iitule Iifiaifni Immp ill Ilti llgt goal and set my Lou commuter poi501 and illmis ion zill ho llIkl or uni 1r armor new rerori tillint li in will ln lll Jodn lidr Hugh lllV is we tll forms are ill9 mm Vtll 104 lit BUNCH hit1 president and Flight lticer trillth lll to odolh old ioitf strides in raising money for the always passed its Objective even gnun Ward as wonlung play he li=iltl from lore Ii tmi in Im Seventh Victorv Loan and fur though each succeeding one was for Htllllrliilll on this iii tiltwig MGMvx lher figures will be made avail larger amounts With the mark for those in charge were agreeably LtltI Imp II mph Hum able next week llliS drive set at an alltime high prised when the early retiirnz prov HRSIv IN 0N1 IIIHIIIIU II WWII dummy Cd 50 SfitlllbllliL Hiiirnth Viilniv in There was fire ill Harrie knit and rootof the lit intul ilanilr II II il ANN 10 Nut Cdllllllbll UIJCLruliniuiiil for pioinotinultm mm lhurdav itllClllUttll for the lllfl ly lll Hapfield ht hill the torn v11a tive of $750000 war not reached un mm Hm in ml 1lti1np more up month some not extensive iii well on in the drive About II ll In II IIIII II III Iv l1llIiit for 11 great irloliiution iii ilm Ednlpfhdsdpdmcf 1111 WI Billll lll itll WV WI UH itiiiiziii if iis GIN ayso 11s illllllillIgll culled and l0 10 buyerj Ire noellll ll Jiitoln is chairman of lllti 8c l0 CotilllllllCC lUUllls ll IS XllCClCLl IUDICUHHHHMC kamg Vi llC 00 in Cdbl 60 0V llitllltill parade tlJLl ill iioin1 liwse Wishing to JOIII sec Mrs lalliott liLIMdcntI million doll illdllx pm or UK mm mu pl American Hotel VIClUFN 585 Relations Committee are coo Five units are alreadv flyiir Vic Ir 1011 Ms would Long Treasure umUp tory flags to iiidiratd thrVOhave lb giliiug i0 nunmmoNHN3 passed their ObIICCUYCIII I0 mo IIII YEA II II II MITIIBIIIIIII UIII Tm IIIuIJIIIIIU SIIUCII SUIAIIUH wooleuocooooooonmrmmmowmwlcocntocrco eluding A23 2illadiall Alltll Metl lmI CJlingiiilug Elgnnl HUME CRONYN lCUl COWS lrdllllng CCMIC 01 0f 18 cai ld ld AME 50 mm hum Bowen ggngngMs JESSICA TANDY the larger units in the Command were each given years imprison Color entoon AGNES MREHEA mimilicaldm Willi mom yesterdaydor the ith of liLYNN BRANCH MANAGER 19 1w wort IO giyjnvv the unit 39 CHI AI II II II II HERBERTRUDLEY 10 MEN YOUNG MEN $2 00 30 $Zt00 to $3700 gt0 Ollblllg to Norman Maxneliw and Pete bmltll per cent of its quota Sunnide BAltlilL BitNtltllt DUNLLP bl iluhhllltIJNLJHJ