Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Oct 1944, p. 6

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Vt jTffI III 7077 do isix GE bin mbmumuUOWUDOWOQQ II Wm il monomonomouom tjil LI II lL IS THE DRIVING FORCE II II 1v II LL IlMllliIIlNh one of anaIIAs grtJtcw ll lI guanmhk lI tlCdIt chiploymcnr for thou 17 Ithll UI IithI lt bf um Ilnnlurtnj tlulnt IN happen It took LL uucrpriwin men nun who had unfitng III II IIJ Ammmm amtrhino Io turrrnur toreltrvinrn tIfI ii IIIl L2 mtmI prepared for in iournc to due markers ml L3 iL ot Inatla tntl the world free lzntcrpruc um LI II III IIILIIIII IlI mung one then as now realm IQI II vL NII It ctnplmment and inertaxing Inthvulual autl LI II Die nanunal proipcmy it t1 tiHit This cenumyold Bank ltillt long been Itlcmilictl it qu IlllfllMt Itlltll IIIHIIIII wIIIh Itttutlas lumber littllll IhIa mp Ir III III Ive II ported it with cwcnnal hankmg ltlItIICS ttl llLlW II II iIvIII IIlIiI sharing in the growth 0t Scllrcliaur prox Il Il ve23c II IIIIIM III 31 pcfth Lanatla in ct thhawa tiuv iih III pt ttnan we IhlIl llmlujlllll IIIII it terue loluImI Sum4 vIIIIs ett Jltl keep 61nd IL II Imp IIl air M11 ll ll they have LII TILII IIIII HIIIIIIII Ito In IIIavIIt IndIIIIaIIe It lultl ll LM vl 23 illIL LL lL Ill ll ll ill Iutt twistI with ill W9 Innoi iI II have that me mnrdm LLlmiL INL tulllllttt oiul heir Iaddcn IItJIII ol Ilih Ittlgllx Ill InkH 3H in tLizzetId Iii lllli mm ml lll Death of MIN IIrln Iltllxun II II llIt IU tllt It lml II to tut It Wll lll zeet ilIIlll oz il IraInt Wood Ifxddsir whteh place the end It IttltlI litinch of HitItllttt tltliltru lt if iii1 um Ina who itammu It nunhm II the Branches from Coast to Coast IIIII gnu late and lxllgt amuel Dut jl chi pin it Lumen thx eom II body owl Innnm Afez her llltlftlllllP ther Iv In Stltlptlrrlll product of the tam Martin ltlltt moth ant Death ut John 9th lted oI tllz WMIm Atklmm Annie thotnton eItIudc and IatluzttIon ol ItemI Itlxtx ldlm ShOIIl Drogmmme Jlln II lIlLH le ILlT LlLI ll Inwut ii liblmIIIlfuliIIIIuQllIIUIiliIIl VliIlIlIiL 1m and recrtnhons by the school Iltt our bill eth lltl Ml lIlllmL How Ind iI IIlIIIIIIIIILItIII III IIIIT Ij pupils was enjoyed Geo Rag Lillie Tllflf 015510 EmmS HI lLiLl ll LL ll altd Sac Lix leLIvILlt lt man occupied the chair lherc Wllllnit ten members are de IL ll II III tiuzmu secmx to he the IIIIIIIIII III CIIII III III were 93 pttKFltl Mrs leiiuox00150d ll ImIev lll ll do this rillait II II IIIIIIIIII II III lII QIIIII former tLSIdCllI here In reml ll IoI III II L5ltltl that Mrri lamelt IIIII qty II III III II lllStlfm WWI Slilt lhone your Classified Atllcts to III IIII WI nmmv In health Ij mg umdcnts lll Connection with Tim Fvnninpr the common lIlIt oltl llttltt hoe ciuel to IA Sctwl Inn ll1ll trrmli wklltl lllxt IIII II II IIIWIII the eihly tummy 4tk II IIIII III Iehuich Clowes first clrtvr IIK ll tt1t II Iv uft IIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIII Itzti Arnulzw tauon lttAl II in th II AI lllDr whgamzed furore tth prlttuIIItI 109 tII mend hi week hvli the humanity fowl supper lt lmlmpc In 188 lhc euu lllllll hmr tlIecIs Ui 11 MI Ann III IIIII IIII II II MIII III ftnmer llll tf on unhci atmth mtm tIsI ch Itami gt FLOUR MI II IIIII IIIII IW In lowcs church was much Partridge leader JHF EmmsI plI Mu Ila lllIllfil trout ir and Mrs Eddie McGee and 0nd red by all present After the lllfllllllr Johanna md John 14 tleo iiiIp illlhll expect to move to Iloronm IIIII Juiurtm li whtrc M1 Mctlce ha MW Ms IIIIIIlIf Mtlrlan II lIvwz for several Inonlh Nltllll them has been no II Fillilt Ilt In we wtteiil Willtl regarding lll ion lteInhaIi tl Irv lt mi lraIoek IS hoped theI IIII wt IIII II III MI ill rue tm mu IttttH JONl ttt as The engine at an average or travelling at 40 mpI Donnie hated being caught In this amateur on mm Al 1m HillkIlllIlIl Walker Ami Alan vi LI 1itl11l$ 91le barber cltCur but Mrs Foster saves money this IIIII dust ll 2m MI lTI LmlI way she says Were all buying War It iw liltfu IIIIlllLL IlIlI IlIl IIIIIIlIlILlIlIIII And not In hit man MILEAGE wut prawn csrtv REPAIRS holloggs Com Flakes help there III IIIIIIIHII lltnflitttsI up mm 1tttlitt St at Allihton and tI cost less than cent serving Kelloggs l3N In Flynn lhcl In lL illll ln lll ll IlthlliIHLIllinilIflllinII Iink Corn Flakes are the Fosters favourite TIIIII LLIlI lIlilI ll lIvIlllIlIlII Il If 15 22115 9mm gm WWI Ill 5l in 111 rcadytoeatccrcaldustasthcyare II by then tell lltiltlt Itait on the IIchskntmtI inamajorityoannadinn homes Nlmlg lnitcd hnrch Anniverxnrv Dr ll lLlllLllIIlIllSlL iiILHIEIIliIlIllldnflgI It llilillltl by Kelloggs In London Canada IlI IlIIlI Iil IlllHI bell ll he lrrlilm ll ut mun Ere nu II II IIIIII IIIGIINIIIIIII lltllulnjy In llne latkc Nuptlals LIIIILIII ILIIIIII IIIIIII Lllzzult tin the nu onur Itiuns It ImIQ WV the worthy ell Iand his ute formerly IVIISS Aud everal app hit re Alex Clarke 01 Allis hr 110th of lIILItlltil tr tout who vcrc married at the hclt pdtsenteti dip It dex lu menu Wednesday OetI ilxathhm with gift at high neon The bride and pins lit ere attended by the IHI IIII SIIIIIVIIII MILE 3tgtll and her hulmml IigtI abrupt IIIIII and Mrs Emerald ltldl0 All the reception the happy It mantle lett hv motor for Niagara UTOPIA cm Alice IWD ll lii IIOFI of Min lchIIpI lVliSs Aileen Miller are itthMLIIIILl LIseetlibattleilielrlso ILIlE eartlIgrassf grows upon them and blossoms and Corn fillMiler mart hltllintftltl lli ll tire lltiti ll and Mrs llell there Remite returns to Iran llLt after 3IIIeILtiinj tlltllll friends hce Sunday visitors were lil unit Mrs IIIS III Us with Il ldlelrs lea JilliaealbC IZttlLttl Irwin and friend from lmvslinl with her aunt Mrs Marl llltlttI let LAC lvlastn Denney iltrllt Ottawa with his parents llariit Rollcy loronto with Jack till Death of Lorne Ross George lllis received buying Victoty Bonds Each of 11$ must gthare lllILIIlBjOll ciich must do his part by Buyingr 7th Victory Loan BoutIer OVER THE nomzou peace and victory beckon Soontltc heal ing growth of lltlllllPHLLTllIIl follows victory as tl1esunrisc Sage from llamiltun stationtnsht WM ff im22373332519511113f 1WD stung an that and grain and flowers the prm ions loans 11le warscarred lands now desolate days nth Fall IIfl Buffalo AilOt their re turn the will reside in Everett wrhmd lte Jullll Busch Toronto SpClll thc weekend with his parents Mrs Ken llounsontc spent few in Midland last week Allan Busch of Dalton Mills is huuctLer Lit couple of months lte Aberdeen Blair Labrador ilt spending his learc with hix wife Mr and Mrs Rayniond Eaklcy Barbara and John weekend in Toronto Mr and Mrs Malcolm MacDon xpcnt the Iuld are weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Ross Anderson Bramp Incaw Mr um Sand Mrs Wm Robins and wards 12 mug and daugh HObtainvojo gopy of tthiLAutomobLile Uers Guideo booklet which will prove valu Motors dealer in your Community able uid inritolntoiningtlic lcIrTcyLLotLLL your car or truckby writing to GEDELOIII Brampton spentthcewcek hMr andMtTAEdr pathy to the bereaved family When those we love return andtallow and once more we all breathe Butvictoryisnoflifllaij the clean invigoratinglair 9F 1S still but apromisc This year IrIcrlom we shall be glad more than ever we musLtingnMve have loIIrETIILLILrIinost wemttst workuvc mustlcutl to help make peace real and we must Invest In ILirIory by victory lasting mum East IEeks correspondence Mr and Mrs Gordon Kn Show and Wayne spent Sundu Toronto Ernest Archer and Sunday with MIIIand Sunnidalcg lVItsLIring and Sheila lvllllllll ton spent few days With Mr lP illePlQSblvlelianL ChuILCh Iltisf and Mrs Harold Mathews Msst Sllntmyv D1 Howard was The Irving WSSOlOiSl at the annivru Speaker afternoon and evening saryservices of St JohnsPresby erian Church Coulsons Hill The anniversary services ol St Johns Presbytletian Church Cuul sons Hill onISunday wcrcweill attended Special music was reest erect by the Alliston male moiru Mrs lrvingof Hamilton the solo ist was vety much enjoyed IP Reid of Toronto delivered ery inspiring sermons Recent visitors Mr nndMrs Geo Hudson Hamilton with Mr and Mrs Bell Mr and Mrs Frank Bell and Frances Barrie Mr and Mrs Lorne Arnold and John Cookstcwn LMr and Mrs Wm Watt and Jean Bond Head Mr Meriden Mr Knight and M1 MoCleanAllistcn at Bay Bells Mr and Mrs McLean and Mrs Jack McClenn and Allth Bond Head at Ernie Hughes and Mrs Kenneth Melbourne Bus Culbert Scotch Settlemgtit Akita Hill and Mr llsckett Allisten Harold Bells Wm Hucsey Alli ton at Mrs John Kcll YOU CAN SAVE You can save many times the once of your subscription by road Ing and acting upon thecdvertise ments in The Barrie Examiner gr issue theGood Shepherd mSunday music in the afternoon and Pene Jean visited at the home of the formers brother Frank Rawn Sunday tthLuympathy of the common ity goes out to the family of the later Mrs Katie MacDonald who passed away very suddenly on Sunday Full particulars in next The unveiling of very beauti ful stained glass windowjirrrmelni my cf the late Mrs With John ston took place inLthe Church of AnIniVersary Services were hold Midland quartette featured the tang choir in the evening The church was nicely decorated with autumn flowers and leaves and there was fine attendance Stubborn Bases of constipation Those who keepiaa Vmass ofL Impurity pent up in their bodies day after day instead of having it removed as nature intended at least once In every twentyfour hours in Vllbly suffer from constipatimt The use of cheap harsh purgatives will never get you any where as they only aggravate the trouble and in jure the delicate mucousL lining of the bowels and are very liable tovcmise piles It constipated take Milbums LuxaiLiVer Pills and have natural movement of the boIveils They do not grtpn weaken Aand JlelfellL as many laxativa do T11 Mllbnrn 30 144 Toronto Ont This information made available to you Me owners of Camdaxrars and ifucks to assist you to extend the life of yomrar or truck andmsoL safeguard against breakdoMn of Me countrys automotive transportation up to and even beyond gt factory atiileost every 60 days Hilnvcragercaror truck needs to belubricaced at 3577mm and at least Ldjfferem types of quality lubricant are required General Motorsw dcalers servicemen Ierzow bow to lubricateyour car or truck properlythey follow the recom Imendations supplied directly to them by the engineers who desigan the IvehicleI IKNOWHOW Jubricdtionsewice from Gen etal Meters dealer is your assurance thatLyour car 0r truck hasbeenIlubricated with ithej rigat lubricants in the right qzmmirygat therigbt vizilqueLic witl prevent costly repairs and extend the life of your vehicle the day of Victory rvn awnicorbit can OlET OK AL MIA KErQOzFLI rt mails morons LIMITED ca Elizctbhlhsh 353315 romuc 0M IWi WW IMoror uiAIiRliott Phone 2437 cIoIIIAc cvitiir chII onu MclAUGHllNBl A4llu aQ Frtwuo

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