crewS THIRSSAY OCTOBER 15141 THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRETT ONTARlOANADA MW PLAY WITH BOMB 111mm 521591013 TY E11291 Psmi MEAFORD BOYS CARELEss DRIVING 1011310056 GM 1190 tea71 INSTANTLY KILLED 520991 Cm ulltl1 21111111 HUI 11 1w bywayVi plan11111 111111 two ilmli 111 111 1111 lztktul 111 mm Mobile Blood DOIKCI ll VV 11 11 thy 11111111UnhMckes Record VV VVVVVV VVVV Emu mm VV 1V VVVVV VVVV VV VVVVVVV AV 7L1 1V yum Vi VVVV VVVVf IVVVVVVVM 9p lFT ll 11 lmt 111111 111c1111 tut Suttlrttuy It 3111111111 11 m1 myth Wlluh llV 7111 llllyl V1 H1 V1 11131111 111 Klyn llchingJurltiRg Stinging Eczema or Salt RhelmL V7 lHis Moiesty Coolers 350 Honor Upon MaicGen Spry gi list121311 gt13 it it In 11 oar1 the 1110 1r 11 all 1451 11 lute12 bulldog itching 15ml 1111111111111 m1 axl 141 count iit 21 inlilztl 111 MM 3111111 111lilll1 $1111 20111111 inner lr3llil111n 11141 Its 1111111111691 lrh Isl 2111 drug JtllIIIl VI 11 2411 Ellilllv vllul 1111 111 UWll 11xl lit11l 1111l Mn 311145 11th 31111 21 111lt1 1111 121 51 111 11 1311111 tll 111 WWW 1111111 Sp liil 1111 111411 113 111 TM W311 1111 3131119 111 1111s runner1 2111111111 1111110 from 11 1111t1111 11111111 111 lilt111 1111111l Slack1 11 fliilllllll 1l11311 VI=11 111 hr 11 1111111111 hoodlum 11 30 lllill lVltlJl 14 4l 411111 ill 111111 111 11 ral 111 11 11111 112 21 1111 listit1il 1111 731211 lilifhil 11 ii 111lt11111111 11111 1111 111111 11111V 11 1lt11111 FORTIFIED lllf l111 llril lllll l1 11111111lll ldlilm ill 1lllmud lllllttl llllltilr 11 l1 111 111 111I1 1111111 1011 111111111111111 1111 1111 were 11511111111111I 1111 ll 1111111 11111111 511 111lt1 1111111111111111 1111 11 l111111 1111 111 lxlllllllll 211111 11 11111111111 Arliux 1411 IIIl11 1111 11I1 3111 11 11 Hill Ill ll Willi1 l11 ml 111112 witch 1111 11111111111 11011 111 111111111 1111 111 11 1111 31 McCallum 51 ill tlu Ill111131 111T1l1trflmriltvltttlht lllohum 11111 thialuluuhli 1111 111 111th 1111111111111 I11 1111 1111111 1111 1111 M1 1111111 lir 1111111111111 11111111111911 21111 Pt1311 1111 111 allttltl 11211 $111111 111 1111 r1111 111111 Hutuwily ltvu Killi 111111111 11V11111 ti llll 1111 i1l1x lizltlv l1111t1f 11111111111111 111 1111 lllrlol 1111111111111V111111 11111 111 1311 11111 lll 18yearold daughter 111 llll Lllctal Vileintent and he Jllll I1tlftier111 ltlllli had left Ilu 12111111111 1111 11 1111111 llll 111111 111 1312111 15 udeIqull mood in 111111 11 1111 1111111111111111Vl blinded by the llle VVV VV Hill 111 birth of chlltl 111 1111 11111 1111111 pmwd 111r lzlv 111111 llli wrecktc kitchen and Mimi 111 1111111 1111 Ml 11111 11f 11111111e111gt1il Elit 1111 McCalltInIs 11111111 lltc 11111111 51111 11111111111 111 311 Mrs 5111 WNW tlluntltiallon for 1111 111111111 111 11111li111x1111w 11111110 llrr homc 111 SmIISllld 11111 1111 11111111 Il lli1111n MW Inbwmm MHMUM ml mwr and Dr Aim law It mum PlYWSHI mmmlm JIM Brown andlawlermf lml Emmi hMjzrmil lild Banisindmmmiv mhmlmf vpmmmmuw wMW 11 ml 50 mm WW mm nmghbmhmd mm mm mill are kept mimmd muwmr 0m omidnn unumi ore ltc Milton 19 and Peter to Pm Charles Pmnmw humfmd the former Helen Mcalhutt IS Si i111 111 Italy Elan1 131111 11l ll1 31111211 211111111191 ill 1111111 11 11 11 111 1i1 VV Bottles of lOO Tablets lt FeaturesBu yNee of Witl111t 11011111 Baby the 111051 Important peteonage 111 any home hlossetl and babys l11tlll 111 11 111111 11 111111 11111 111111 lIIl 15 111119 111i l1 lllt Hull ll1ll 111 11111111111111 to 1111111 1111111111i1111 11111311 l111151111ll11 1111111tl11 t1I out lll 1314 1111111111lltl plz11111111Il 12111 111 but 1111111311 11 Iigtt1111 111 ll1111 11111111111111 lll lllllVItl his 1111111111111 11 311 11111 11111 l11 health and gent111 111llt1ui11g are invariably the first cousiderariotl We all know that proper 1181i gym v41 Wui 11111 are in infancy exert most powerful influence on childs general health in ovum Ill illt511i11111V 1111 1111111111 1111111111111 Iil1l1l11111il11i11111111111t11111111l lcl 111111111 111 111I1l1 ll alter chflrs 11111 in my 111 this fact it ill behooves 11s lohc at all caaual as to the Selection and VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV duality of the items TEtlllljl to the promotion of Babys Good llcaitirVVantl Comfort VYour i1 V1V1i1 1131 VV lamhlyn lVlrug 5101c 1S tthdcpotVat all times for large number of esc llCPltSVerVyV thby VVVhV V1 VVVVVVVVI mm W1 momma lxcthlSlteS 11111 llllSV Wetk 19 again Stressmg the extreme Importance of thc 8011115111011 and 1l111$11 1111 111111111111111 l11tl1IV for that 1191 of correct and Quality products AS an added convenience and as an indication as to the 1111111111 Runpown palm Slugggsh DigestionV Loss 01 AppetiteV economics whicl may be effected by their General chihty and Certain Types of Neurilis Caused by Vitamin Deficiency Diet lar 11111111111 111 tl11 1111 111 115111111 3101 llllll facial ctltr Food Fun Facts 41111 111111111211 the val war Ilcmol on your 111111 llititlmtwl 111111111111 111 1111 11111r 111 4111111111 11111 11111 truck TAMELYN BROADCAST wim KATE AITKEN 1f 11111111111 vIlI 111111 911171 1111 11111 Every Morning1 at l030 am ovcr CFRB 11111 11111 12111351 Loses Summer Home Settles for $2350 Philip McAlllstcr of Emlyn agreed to pay Willium lllmcx Mcotmcll 11l Wumgu $63350 damages plus $650 00ng ill on outolcourt settlement llllll tius ctltlorscd by Mr Justice lllll0ll at the Supreme 111111 sitting in Barrie last week The TRIP BURMA TO Klimt2111i1filili 1111121131 SIAM FOR LIONS lirc at Wasaga Beach lhos Agar Toronto acted tor ll ll11W tlmll Oil the plaintiff and John 11 Bmm Him lll 151 Flidlll Woods wu the cllumcl for the Wmlm Gt dog1 Of T110 VVnVnduVVt Barrie Examiner15111111 told of trip The action wa Scheduled as vmmld from Rillltll Burma mm in VVNV the Ihrotttzh the mountains 111111 jungles 11qu lullng mod Mk 1111to 51am and down to Bangkok lo 11111111111 11 court was In progress Ammm Am Vv Imvcllcr 111111 111 11111111111111111 1111 throt Iltlvrlltllrcrs ucrc the first 1vl1itc 111011 to cvplorc this route in purchase at this tin1e11111111bcr have been included 311111111111 of tile Weld 1111 1111ivIIi1 Give An Enlargement 32 PURE MEDICINAL COD LIVER 113111 OIL Vizolhillfll 601 4012 169 RELATFS lUNGlII VV VV NegatiVe Mounted in 1945 Calendar VVMount SALOTYN TABLETS deal Acctyl Salicylic Acidli Chnsmas Gm Sgmin Colored 55C Elm HORLlCKS VMalted Milk Dont Forget the Market Basket Broadcast every Thursday night at oclodl MINTYS TOOTH PASTE WILLIAMS SHAVING CREAM 12 SCOUTING REVIVED IN ITALY The revival of SIoutiIIz lll ltul ls rclzardcd by tho atllulil Church as one of the most hope ul methods by which ltulill youth can he 11111111 111 11111111 militaristti and turn I11 11111111211 pur suits For the Prompt Reliel 0t Rheumatic Pain Cold VinHie Headam Hedaches 120 years With tivc guides 111111 15 pack V11 bottles the party set out lll 11111 Sprint of 1939 They went up the 111tthlv River from llt1lllllllll 11111 I111111114011iutotho 111111110111 the source 111 the river 011 the TPtClllll day after lcmingz llt ltllill71llllllts il how the Atticricau was taken ill with tropical ailment and had 111 he carried by tho guides in litter for lhrco days lllvcntlltilly 11c waS able to Sit up and he war strappcdt 1111 one 01 the1 ponier However when coming on herd of wild elephants earlyone thorn in the ponies slampcdd and John son was scratched1nd torn from head to foot as his mount raced into the dense bushes Eventually the party reached the settled part of Siam and continued on down to the capital Bangkok MixCadogan also recounted comcl BABYS OWN TABLETS is Bottles 01 IOO Tablett CASTOR 011 1937c AROMATIC CASCARA 1939c SENNA LEAVES reg 25c 19c SANTAX FICSYRUP lac39c IEXTRt MALTOSE No1 651 ROBINSONS BARLEY 37 RIGO NIPPLES 101541111251 SMA BABY roou 110 LV LACTCGEN 79179 11111111 runs 11 our or root 72 SQUIBB 100 can LIVER Tile PreCooked Baby Food For the Relic of Chronic Constipation =41r 14 VASELINE YELLOW lee15 incidents in Germany where he was accosted by the Gestapo at Saz11 bruckon in September 1938 and short little later 511w Hitler VVlN Vi enna at the time the Germans were taking over chhoSlovakia The SUEHltPTWS thanked by Lion Bob Nichols In introducing Mr adogam 11011 Gumb stated that he was recently appointed 111we editor of The Barrie Examiner In addition to seven members oil the Midland Lions club there were three other guests Arthur Tillbrook and Fred Anderton of Barrie and Stanley Napier former member of the Allislon Lions club The vi ilors were welcomed to the meet ing by President Dr Laurie The President announced that the speaker for the next meeting would be MajorGeneral Wor 11ng on 1515leDIVOEff 110110111 DISMISSED ANOTHER GRANTED NIVEA SOAP 25B PHILLIPS BABY SOAP for 25 MOTHERS FRIEND soc100 CASTORVIA 21133 63 RICO BOTTLES 103 101251 51 3007 ANTI=FREEZE 65 Overproot unpr uni1 The Household Antiseptic 35c $53 HYDRATE QVVNVTINE WOGDWAllDS GRIPE WATER see 53 MENNEN ANTISEPTIC OIL 119 231 23551 CUTICURA TALCUM 33 MOTHER HUBBARD my HOT WATER BOTTLES 7511 15311011 Can PYREVX NVURSERS 25s 191145 THIS WINTER BABYSo RUBBERHEETlNG single lyard 79 RUBBER SHEETING double yard 991 L4N1CALJTHERMOMETERS V1Voo 11312lill marrow i111ingsgrlviililcglffg MEADSOLEUMPERCOMORPHUM grain handling railway track maintenance in Supreme Court at Barrie last lO cc 7550ggV300 Nursery for Ifylittr not 1111111111111 on the farm this winter you should take other work 1V Extra winterworkersnrcmeededfor woods operotionslogging and ptllpWood and Villl slitting43base metal mines coal mines meat packing and cglVllVVVstorVageVv VV VVVVV week VVVirou foundries Vthml other high pflly rVf VV 11th dive amen wanmusgalnjn VVSHAVVING CR CID lb 1935 la 1111 was we an JOHNSONS BABY CREAM 15355er AV For Caslains indigestion Duelo E11695 Acidity 3150001 WITHN ESTLE wcase wasietentred N0 coderendant was named The VPlease offer your Servrces to 11 gifiilfgtailclijiFeiidcgliggcivlgghsogl The nearest Employment and VV musthave beenunfaithful tether Selgawe service he VV Boulton VS Marshall 01111111 was the counsel for the Vplalhtiff and VlohriFIVVWoods Barrie acted for the defendant 1an honjury undefendeddivdrce action Morley Duncan Abbott an Orlllia soldier Vnowcvelseas was granted decree trisiagainst Norma Isabel Abegtt Russell WatersV of =ithBasic raining Camb at Orilia gm responge this Vappeal was namedvthe codefeudant Boul to Canadas welfare please act 131 ton Marshall acted as counsel for the plaintiff medmtely dispdte over possession of arm between Ashford Warnica and Burton Warnica Was put over until November And dis oule in which the Scotch Anthracite oal Company is suing the Sarjeant Company was also set nver r1 YOUNGEST MAJORJGENERAL Youngest MajorGeneral in the Canadian Army Daniel Sprv was1a keen Boy VScout in his youth 3011 or MajorGeneral heStarted his Scoutlnc with the 2nd Calgary Troop where he catn ed 1111121111 Class Badge Moving to Hnlif3lte ioinedthc tltltllali tax Tronc where he became Kin12s Scout and cnmed 18 0110 flciency badges From 192p loV 11131111112 accusationMme 121 the 11111 1121119311 Itover Scout Crw he linearestPritiiiincial Agricul turqlRepresenlatVive or Your LocalFarrer Production Committee Postponemertt of Military Training con7 timteo while in approved essential work of that farm NthQNAL 1111ng SERVICE DEPARTMENT or 411300 HUMPHREYVMITCVHELL VAM111NAMAIuI Minimr Labour Dicfor NVultVonnl Selective Service id mama11111111211111 llqu by the DonilnionDeparh mantel Labour in qldpf the DominionProvincial Farm Labour Proilanlmel alleged Vshowed that her thsband FITCHS iMfllllViolrllsdv39 Dahdrutt Remover SHAMPOO CAPSULES 0119 Capslllc Dally Sun V5114th1 life You Average Mm Baily Ronni meat of Vaminll JCb and 11111111011111 135250 1165 model mo jSQUIBBJVlGltAN 1111 111 1031111111 madam lama TBABY HAIR TREATMENT ltS so easy Mother t0 give Vyour baby lOvelv curls with the aid 01 Nestle Ballyrtlll TFEaImetltl th babys second growthot hair 0n gt inch or longerusnirt using Treatment today Baby Hat rm1112111 Bally Hair 125 Your Oum Negative To Size Attractive ARENA ENSEL MouVNT 830pm Wednesday 830 am to 1230 meV SVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVSVVVO ever sum 1030 mm to 1011PM FTER HOURS Moment BARRTE BETAMIN vITAMIN BethMPLExi TABLETS are 50 10111 11115111111111 11111215