Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Oct 1944, p. 15

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THURSDAY OCTOBER 23 um 801 SENIOR EDGE Our lmllit iItll lLtti up Yle fi xviici Mali ittitt iI la file it ll lini rt ttthII the fitlit SLIHE ll Qttlltt ecniitl Iliitiitf itlit itl with tltlt pond pttt and ten limited to tiie li Itc Ilnitc IIlIliIIttl lLitl tun lite ball fell short and Ornltia li visitors tried some Inward tan but they were uittcctssltil and an lttnd in Ollricit litl ti lltllllltl the dead lliu to me tin first punt of the mine Starting tint from the 23 yard Inc 11 He lilttlitmtl for yltdlt litt ltt ltt itttil and 344 issvssioti For the next few minutes of play there was kicking duel between OBrien and Nixon The riliia ltJtlll finisher RILle Bill SOCCER SERIES GOOD NOON Orrin 7l vianguii inn near the lllit ila tr the fun captains who 111m itzti pleat tower of sltttitli on their rtsprttivc tcants litany other ltht siriwn to md tlvn time such fixtuvnik Scotts slad what he Johnstons taasshopiui Iutclt lion lilacltsttcks lltit iiint lllgtpl uygug pun Zapps truly checking and Mittta Oitiiiiiiiits lIic IDHIIlLthll ttci ilaytrs pitted or it 11 likill It Ittw hail it hirh tsiittailx It unable Iii ui itl because in tivfcnc put up It lllIllllll litc particular ly Ticllvziald lieutcntiitt il the ii Morday uniniiti dctmditt Sriidey 171 to ltitl littll lad and Itrttl tin tvtiilt will likely be tied plate which will put three ttIlt It Ilit leMills ttittl very Illttilllrltl mirror bent tlttllllttl ll John ilkIrans lt rowns headuwtrk llte titlitHS have been ttlercd by tltc various capIainI wit use teams wtre not playine and sup ruiscd by number of nlfIII up the play when OBrien booted teachers It has been es the ball hast the deadline ti make with mud kttlt hill ltltiltll played for the fun and entity ment of ilt name llin final play the score 20 for the visitors Barrie then not back into the saline and pinnizrd yards for firtI downs twice when the first lllll ended lhirtl Quarter Orillia kicked tiff in start the second half and Barrie returned the ball The boys with the blue sweaters ran the ball back and aile up Don Clarke of Barrie cred twisted ankle and was taken out of the game lliree spectacular forward pass were completed by Otillia two cttttttht by lcrryman and one by Maclsaac and they were liezulint toward the Barrielinc btii two more forwards failed and rillia kicked on the third down Some more kicking ensued and eventually Orillia started down the field again when Ctllltr caught two nice lorward passes for sub statiliat gains But Nixon broke tip this drive when he intercepted pass aiid ran the ball for 10 yard gain for Barrie Fourth Quarter Harris caught forward for Barrie but Barrie fumble and poor kick gave Orillia the ball Then an Orillia fumblc gave Bar tie the ball again and LOttghced caught forward pass and made peetacular run through 4110 lia team to within eight yards 01 the touch line Lakina took the ball for an end run and scor ed the touch that made the score 512 for Barrie He added another point for the home team when he converted to make the score 62 Barrie got into the game more strenuously and three good plays by Storey Laking and Nixon took the home team down the field again towards the Ortlliu rliIIQ lwo forward passes failed and kick gave Orillitt the ball The visitors tried two forward passes but they both failed and thcrball was kicked to Barrie on third down Barrie returned the kick and the play continued back and Itth for the next few minutes session near the touchlitte But final score Barrie Oiillia Lineup 31 MacIsaac game willbe played in Urdu next Saturday 00 DIXIIIS SMOKE SHOP sMOKEtts suntans UAPERS IIMAGAZINES antAims After another fine runby Nixs on In Barrie kick fumbled by Qrdha gave the homegteani p05 Bllle lost the ball on fumble and the game ended with the IBarrieSnap BruceGapp in es Austin Stoneham Bob Att otf middles Morris Baldwtck Don Clarke ends Harold Breth Terry HatIris quarter Cecil Cook flying Wiitg George Storey halves Larry LOughcedBill Lak Jnjg full back Jack Nixon altern ates Ron Stewart Don Spearn chI Roach Harry Myers John Feltis Norm Binion Bruce Fras IOrilliafSnap John Home in Sides Bev Howe Jim Woods mid dles Bud Holmes Red Street ends Jim Perryman Bob Dill worth quarter Ron Johnson fly Wing MacIsaacfttll back Paul OBrien IhaIVes Middleton TI Beaten alternates Butcher IMcIaggart Carter Nai mith is Brediti DCQOICe Dr Limitin ofOrillla refereed the game The return Nova Sciatic No Ladies high singleuL Gibbons Read and use Examiner Classifieds Boodlcdugs Ladies high SingleMarlow Poole 276 mensII Tomlinson iff fil the school championship writ be played this week weather lnltlllllllltl League standingr is tlcam Captain Mid Srinley ti II No Hutchinson No 11Ctittttitiittzs ti It Ne Al Gr ham AND SPARES BARBIE BOWLING uiiauus Barrie Bowling Club Pts Gamers 11 31 Ordnance 13 30 Examiner 12 It 30 Clarke Cl 12 28 Knights 11 215 Copaco It 23 Dixies 10 21 Olympia 22 13X RCAF ll 21 Smiths Dairy 21 Bell Telephone vjiuttl Barrie Tannery 11 lb Underhills2 11 Underhills 13 12 It It VA 1115 BARR 35mm ONTARIO CANADA Pat Bailey Radio Star to Sing Here 5A ence uted l94445pt7resident IIHUNTNGI mAEs DOG ud feature on litt HHlly Loan prouramiitc tn bi slatted in thi ltttx Theatri llli Sunday night will lH martiniOtis lat Hailey you untustrcss has starred on famous radio prouramrnm Iltlllllillltj the It Wrigley lm and Al Prarcrs programme originating in llollv ItwWd 32P till it Hum wood California Shr till all for the tilllllh of lllit Sunday night WW lil 11 This luver tRescrvc Battalion Sergeants Mess Enio Dinner and Dance HAND 1113le ill IIIIIIII T0 PICKERING tanrlitin ltcld Ill lrtic IvttllltWlJIt niitltt last he1 picamnt innmi was tess ll ec Itl Grey and Split on ioriwtcrs Lind Iiit1 enjoyed litltt tollomd by dance Bil Ihcir tltlllfl With the cyccption til the dittneried ljllIl stzll had Ihe tlltl at the annual camp it was the firsI time the sergwants from lllltltlillOIll the district natltcicd for banquet There were til persons present in cltidint incitibers oi the setpeants mess with their Iadics front Owen Sound hlaridialc Midland and Ir illiti lloi ininianditti seated at By HON srta ltl cnaa twitbali tielcatai llciter l2 at lidtila lcdncrtiay llttllt llli 11le tltrl IIll llliIli stlxs llili lillll and Jack Nixon llllitlll anti It the titId mirics anl lllf1 lhe va liackf lli lliciti ltltl over cala lizlllft staz Ntrtiiii kickinn thre McDonald officer the head Mill 111 regiment was table and addressed the authoring The company comtttandint rtlffltfl and their wives were also present the fast riony Nipptrs second kick cd from 1arru 33 yard line It was long ind SM 11 Lyons president of the over the nppisiiit 1i Sergeants Mess was chairman and presided over the occasion Caterina for the dinner held 111 done by Cpl William Lambert Sat Lambert WWI Tuckm Mm 353 and Miss Vera Baldwin The mens canteen was ill use as right In ltittituc room and their was lane1 first 1113 touch line to the music of the Wally Perkl ins orchestra iii the Officers Moss The contittittee lll charge if the dinner and dance was comprised 01 DUNN III hm Serecants Clifton 11 Jones and Multttlllsilll under the supervision of Antone the community weeklies of aiuuia there is no better ntlI VCttisingg medium than The Barrie high low llltlill receiver tiilts lllttlcltlt paint and inaudi ticent 83yard kick tthrtlnch in the vhcti Itrst the drill hail nttld arm away tLtilttl ertd fni 115i yards lioueitced major 11 try next flushed down ltt liiic nabbed pass the totichline Pickering lino for print and lli down In lni second half lurking brtkt away larrit side IInntd ttCllHlllllllL reader interest and effective display combine to give best results ill 11 iwiss wid cnd forty line open indent lifttlliui yards 1111 made another nether Exttlttllt LBliijfllclllitliOIl lickcrii point at LOSEBYIOll 13ie7i9fb DEER ltCENSES jr uII TOOttituit weam suppiyyou with lI HUNTING BOOTS Oil Flashlights and WII Batteries Etc URRY BROS lt 313 II 3O iiiiiiiti sr ultimatum til II if 11lll tours murvrs risI ittKsqui ran wursiirn it tit lctuui ll Inllfflittltl =21 iI II kllltililtti we til tilvtcz 111 II itcd lab li lt lt In tint Inililltitl 310111 liU Il 111 itlf littlil 1W lTfliP 111 it it but ib4HBREICANES in izi Ill mq zmplrnnnuzt Ittl1 it it it it tx titltii Illil lJtVt ttlntl it li ttt ltmit be i5 AT 11H llt lit Ki nt tl lt It lti ml tr vim iv lt will tlcl will lie 1II ttt ti ttliitlr 3m in II 421 mi lilitts in litiItll talinn 11v ll mi humidus wtx 11 it if it lt t=t lll it Lt slttl ill in nv 114 tr 3va Altt lull LLIIKIL IIHI IIIiti tl uaiit itctliotls 1vtiinl llllllkl Ilillllltl lt1 INN It Limp IN MI Int IiltwllJi gttntm lliltitlll inc limin I1lllltl next Satuiday ilant in ic tllllli lint1 it It Wllc1 ii It lil iil lt iti be par3 Ill tl lliitt tict Cillllcl Ctipboait Prize given by Olympia for high single won by Ed Green 3251 High three games Walton 752 High aveiagcseRobcson 246 Moxon 236 Adams 222 Green 218 Reynolds 218 Low 216 Fleur 214 Bailey 218 Guilfoyle 211 Cor bett 210 Mondays resultsOrdnance Underhills 2nd 13X RCAF Un derltills 1st Examiner Bari1c Tannery Gamers Bell Tele phone 2oriier Cupboard SFIS Dixies Smiths Dairy Knights Clarke Copaeoil Clarke Clarke League Pts Shippers l4 Hatters 13 Mechanics 13 Tanners 12 Dyers Iactters Finishch Sortrs Ladies high SingleM McFad den 215 high threeV Fricke 537 Mens high singleG Camp belt 284 high threeG Campbell 65 13x my League Typhoons 15 Kittyhawks Liberators Beaufighters Hurricane Mosquitoes Robots Harvards Group AHtgh Single Swartz 272 Powel 272 High three Adams 729 3262 high three Smith O66 Bunkers League Commerce Borden ROyai Ndva Scotia No Commerce Barrie Oceaniaas 194 mensB Brawn I247 Baptist YJ Bowling Club Dicadooes 10 Tiger Li es ti Hornets 214 Sergeants Bowling Leagu Southpaws 29 Bustiers 24 Remlins 20 Sloppy Joes 19 Beachcombers 19 Cats 17 It and built this dragged himself and across the line for our filial tally None veried the third quarter and pat of thet of our touthes Most tufi true Kalli it ill td rrt llltll they tedt Wit tillvtd cannot at II flir it ft iiitliiiy 3111 I1 IIIIII Bi Wk 11 vomit for liliivirlinic 11gt tttct litiltltl Ii was int fl tceptul and tar planer In llEn lvihlixhixhl Mpw fT it QUINN II III II ptlitiily the iitistI ulthiae lltl va VI III ttil in lftlllt ttaai till Iltt IMWO 11mm IpIt ttlItnal lit lI 115 II II MIN my WM IIIIIICIIIII IIIIIUII II lll but nr 211 yazti ran lillttlllll It will be lCIl ttflttft in of VIC lllt Zlll caztt art third tinwttlfotlitll since 111 rIaineI wli ltI lit the 71iii minutes of the line if IIttilltitttl in when 1311 llitt tetl another for ZWVVHHO1303mm 5H lill ih iitzt lie fltiilia men brike EW mobl1mrmlt Hmmrl PHI muI llltlt sixth strathlllIlIdefeat and the Hm IIIII zntine lIltieI11ittitts fresh 1r iil IIIIIIIIIII III II IIII IIII II II their antics successful illiflIlIitl in WW Im nil Iupset the Navy last wtek will rm WWIl Orillia to Barrie it The return here gm 11 1mm QM iiilmt Will lliilttl Siiiiltilltl ti Irv and win at least lhfs one tunnel of those pnntts was return kick 0mm mp ho Lippiin As fa as the llitrr rain md mm Oiiila ISnapI ierald higiQlh11ncpe the leagute pl 2th my cart at ans uIztt Gtnkins Bruce v03 un cancelvied rim tin WIN mum Bani nttttdlts bani 31chIILI Dotti tween llaeersvillc and 51 lillllZIi lllltptl etrts Iive NaisitiiliiJack will be vitally Etivcrnim fc NW mm Batch quartcr John NIiIpiiI tor since if th Biniliers win the mum halves 1nd Stacey lion Jnlinson Hurricanes are out bill should 1NIfItIII back llort Ctllllf tlyitit 11113 they lose then the lltllliLlllIt your 1m proud of him tack tidznv tteed only beat the Navy 123 Imlmd ifIIiCSIltYI lack Merritt In week to obtain betLh iii tit tlltl tttXItllH for ill 10 come llmllf lfl Md the soles belly Laincrrn 11ry SrnK playoffg Clair ittzddies Bob lloward Bruce liii Hurricanes have besn hard llllliil ltil 113 ii In Xlril Tight 35k Fraser ends bizC Hutton tiltit this season bath with itttt3es Snngmfhfi PtiltztIid fllivingr IIvinIf hIIikIe antIlI IpostinIusI 1111lSllItt lIinettilIIIIiiIat l0 Mn lll Very Wk 30 n0 liar er cg met in vcs on tere UN av wt lt gt HI ZKIEiII iIiIL JohitIIFCltiIs lttIll bacltIInit gmrIIn bit IIiferrcntIItn the startI itlt Mid 11 20mg All carn erna es relic cir mg incu iieEr lirsl game In0 Clttllcttni Stewart Jerry Loneiieed the sensed Bic denial Jake Caitth Im Ml yum 01 Bill Sianis his Moran lnilltl cur Fred Kiick Mike Ozarkn mm BICIlIltlfl Norm Biition Davel Dorris Iyzetx lerrv lltitipor and IN ll 90 or hrmh IvilIiSilll fled Bowman few other IIwitli the teaol or at ltltslittttd out on the fighting mm IlheItcthtec was Dr lan llCVCt and with boys like dhwn kin of Ortllia any tenurwould stll llf OI lines Jtilns me in asking you to and Nikki lIISUil It till titHUHICUltsltliil It was an unfortunate break ofl Hmn Iin on the part of the decorating the game last week when Donn lizixited coiittitittee to make the hall gay PIZCI5 break 111101th for militia lvlllfll the and colorful as on previous occas YIIS brought bdCli lite 11011111114 las ittl Seconds of plav Joni threw ions The cvtttines entertainment ILlflilcngldm xxx his Deli cumly mdt playoff honors ash well as ttldiiiul nett itceited it beauaiullt IantiIi my be prizes for lucky spot to DOWS Own mdividm MEI Hm and elimination dances sheet However thats flt ilbail sol WWI III fill cr up again Jake zuyip 11m m1 llave you renewed your subscrip lion Read and use Examinr Classifiedsl of junior most partl llte were 1tknt11 mildNi 91 in gt1Lixrt Ill1 nhaekJAv eral kicks and sped iwn the field for many gains also made fourth mad uplayers who wire seeing their first name stars of ilw name his 110vard run for tnucthwn which was quick thinking and good running on his talkings running He ran fak kickI front behind Barries As last innit on end runs he whirled around the ends sidesteppiutt eagin and throwing tacklcrs off his swivel hips llis 70yard run down the side line for major was superb leav itietttc Pickering backfield dumb founded Other notables Ltiughied Brett Lottgltced caught fine pass and if made touch Olympia 2Clarke part controllable 3115 llll line for fine grain tthsanuiouomcE militate Octtltttmmiuut mt were and WONMNOIOWW AB for Sale 1935 Buick Coaely 1934 Ford Coupe 1933 ram Coach 1932 Bontiac Sedan f193O IPlymouth sedan 1929 Chevrolet Sedan front his backfield position Brett show his qualities his uchdowntnd fine trickling am as end up played his 113 hat hard tackling flame iii hisleen 0y the way of comfort and mhh tic secondary ion Be Gapp no Penmans 71 is natural played smooth steady game in in acquiring Merl Underwear that offers you lot for your Group Bngh single Earlier Ditty Ba The NavyILIdgue 31301313 Look for 571 on the trlenAngle label driVevitow Oit for ittitnyftliotts ands of ditty bagsf These bags are full of pleasant surprises for Navy personnel and men Of the Merchant Marine its part in thisdiive by plilclil each clasioom the bags is We also have used parts for the follovr ingicars 1928 Chevrolet 1932 Chevrolet ModelA Ford 1932vFord 1930 Durant 1931 Durant 13CI is doingi aqmwo ditty bagsin list of articles pooled and the pupils are bringing in the things to fill them Open House Open House will be held in tltel Wednesday evening Nov The band will be in at tendance playitigin the Assembly Displaysitvill be exhibited in several Of the classrooms and tea will be served This event is in conncction with Education Leek Nov 611 llulloween Dance There is to be dance in the next Tuesday commcncing at it pm In the musical spotlight will 14piece dance event their the new for school on Hall No 15 0rd Depot Coy RCEME Hallowecn auditorium Harold Hill 5355 Eliz St Phone 4035 school he 1390135 baud making this grand premiere law passed in council that no in flammable decorations may be new weekly prize wlhnersrMigh With slowSula 0111 314 high 111161 Sodom 765 Mm roteetiou is warm without being1 heavy The tttilorigiand workmanship in it are so good that liltts you comfortably for the full life rrrrr of the garment

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