Collier St United Church lllZV LEWIS MA BD Central United Church REV unwina Minister Phone 4139 Minister lllltAM BALL Prof of Music bliss Jessie Bryson and English Gold Medalist OFSHUM 111d Climr Leader Orianisl and lioir Leader outwith ALFRED runners onsrnt is lw tluich cnn vi im mu Alter very brief illiislt Al pyt NH lied llillltA Orser passed away tll Oct 19 Hill at the home of llls son Lorne Lundles Deceased was born in Euphrasia flovsiiship trey County in June 11171 1IUli of iiiiiii ll He lived for 1401110 time ig vices it the home gtl 11111 Lot lt lure was very larse attendance at the funeral on October 23 Sei ori 11 and at fit Illtl ltllitltfl l1lItlllltitl by hi llillltl litlt floral tribute 1r no the was received well is many beautiful flowers from lltlttll burs and other friends to those from the district round it in addition Mi hind p14 IIIkidth Hr Manilllll Jill vEil irs declared that ii 11 liiiul been most profitable and cur Iiatle lhif liilelil if Olilziliii llll11illVllll slimnhly uzil Society iiieliilnr iii olliiiqt iood Historical Society and llitlali lv 1t1iiillsillt for the lliiioii I1e ilute with its 0001 exhibits lasl Fri dent Ontario Library As iaiioii lion Chieftain of Six Nations Indians llon licsideit Phones 3200 3294 lllllIIIIOIIIIIIIIIOOOIIII113 iGE TEN Till BARRIE EXAMINER BARREL ONTARIO CANADA Ell Al UBER 134 lt llllllllifJIllilllvlllllllOIOIIIIIJIIIOII ReunionA of 5an111911111 ll 2E Perfection Scottish gt lt Ladies Auxiliary Canadian Legion +9 v9 Rite Masons Held Herc lt Mill ll mb urs ay ove er 0m and Jain Hailing l1lttn Slurlt Booths ainl lll1 loinl null and fashion llaftlz gt tiitioo lll Hit ltlzllilNI Ill 830 PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE 25c ii Hf NH mum cumin 5WWWI3337123221322mi train ice uni llilU1Hlll it bl ii mini Sfpmme Gland Master 1l It 1111 iiionu1ouv Visits Barrie Preceptory 121 At EnlDYOble Assembly ii ili llit ligiizmiiiilmir gt liliiihllsrixlnrr 111 LI IL iiii 45 If lr1rrviinlilnvyailt 3HlrltIll4lHillllltid gt Iii in Nit HIfllllnil Mmm ii liv 11 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIllillllllllllll Ni fro 1lnvtll rillldllll lt xi gt up it ma lul cm IM nu LHheuglvMW if iii 1l lirtt it AHHM iiul111Liiiylnuilliilaal ul til till Nil wmw AL lt lvfjf1l WP hawtn liarl hm lr TlALmU nilh chi lal dollar ll ll OT ltt lllltllltlliilii ln ii it Ill ltirlu till Hints ii Hi lil LI SLR iv ii is In ill l1 siiti tlii JJ CHOCOLATE lllNlllle gt llltll 111 an Illt linnnl lm 11 11 MW and furil lx in out an we 111 iotaluirnlsrxvit par tin ll um 1311 in ill litlfl llltl touivi 11 ii ii 10 it ix 1110 11 lill1lil inni at 10 am tio dull ill ll IHl it 111 ll 11 rpn ml the itv it in liti til l4 ll he Ml ll liullirl lip tiill H4HM 15 it limits it min uni ml ii 111111 Slain iiiwe tilltl tiiliiill i= viwl ii lilt ruinr uni ill liltill V1Illllllll lnnil lll litll lzi ilrliiiiii lo lite Olflfuili iuxofn AT lfev iinl tiis altiiil II VI gt liiiiif lilllw iv rill all lilii tit 21l ltHllJltl4 lllil WW VI 110 i1l if Ital hum LA 111lltlllllt 11 eii ieiltiej 1e Si Altliiiini litttlw 01A In limf1li lashalfry im it file iui win ll lll oooo4rooooooIIInIJMM ivhpu mm ppm 1H1 Inves ii lltll not out le ittll iiiiii lii siaiiy Jtllillll wered lilv 1111213 5h ll Ton and Candy Shup Rum hhww vmm rim HI iii Kiln in 19 ILWLM NIH ohm It 1PM PM Avilhu tamper 1o ll Ouiiaogi lai 0IlllillllIlllilillllllllrlli pululi liti li ill il 115I 11 lad ml ll ll filll llt 11 itill1 llttlllvlll lllst1gtil til Jil mi PU lllll3 11l Kll flv liiiiililii iiii llltnt ie Ely ye ti 3114 iu ii 1ii Riklupin sott lllllllli Phone lvrltlll ll til ltl MHll lllli In My Irlvoqdprr eelTurp Nit it 111 lllllli tiiui 11 ii lllltl uli Noll in out M0 rt lii iiiiiQmlut l1ltl1 1v 11l illlll gt111 ll ll ilml 11 HIEJJ ll WVM 13 Iiitl tit iioiiorarv 1211 me ll1 nElouiiil lzieitstivo liii1tiiiiuer in Nm NH mth Tumyummi ECWVA db Hm im Hupvwni by illiiiilfilil o1 rip lz Restaurant and Stou pittinus lt iie wi rt 211 silhtiiiis ivlayoi iii ollitmvll ii lli 12 Washing Machines ail oi hnmln U1 mm Vim mm oas Mi llilllli Hill 1111 of Allaudale After the iiiilial toni the lleetrle Slaves and Motors ti dent oi llopitil rhtltl telil md MN quml WM President Oiiliiio mum mum uuaiitecd lll1lll 10 DWW mm IlnlnvnlhhwwIlltl ftl Vdsociiti ill Milertin of UH phnmgmpm wow on MN itlKltS One daughter Mrs liillfsl Archer iil1xmmi 311 Hm Hthe Novice Order was conferred tiiiitciiii rliid on laii ill lilill 1llmlllll Swrk11me mm Ar 11 pi mm mm 311 MAlHI li Ililllllllu SUNDAY OCIOBER 19 1011 hrstiaulluiiie Sunday 11 irl The Sacrament of Ilaptlvn 230 RiteSUNDAY SCHOOL 700 PM Christian Life at Home 815 PM SUNDAY OCTOBER 29 1041 ll 1Dedicatiou of Font and llaptisin of Children 1N1v1lll CHURCH SCHOOL EVENING WORSHIP 743 Organ Recital lat Ovcituie Oberon lb the Sea Weber Young Married Couples Everybody welcome Come to Gods House on His Day The China Road mi Full Gospel Tabernacle 20 Mulcastcr Street Barries Revival Centre Rev lhomas Latto BA Minister Fwwc First Baptist Church Clapperton at Worsley SUNDAY OCTOBER 29 1914 10 AWLSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 11l he Devotional Hour 730 PM aui not ashamedfof the Gospel Sermon on Romans 116 The Gos pel of Christ is still the power needed torlav to lift men from Sin to God Hear the oldtime religion Soldiers visitors and everybodyl SUNDAY OCTOBER 29 1014 11 AMDIVINE WORSHIP PillCHURCH SCHOOL PMEVENING SERVICE MR PLASKEH McMaster University Mon pin BYlU Wed amPrayer Service WWMCWWA VMiss Elsie Cloughley Organist and Choir Leader rm You are always welcome CollierSt Baptist Church Church ofthe Cordial Welcome REV MITCHELL Minister Angncon gthDAY OCTOBER 29 1944 REV HOWDEN BARector AMA If WRIGHT Organist Unveilings iii Lev Youth Story Translator to tlieKlE PMBIBLE SCHOOL RMStill Misun ers oo Wednesday pm Nov 131 Prayer and Meditation Subject Religion Pays StiAodrewfscELesbyterion Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Mfistl AMnOLY COMMUNION Preacher The Rector The Church Universal 300 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL 700 PMEVENING PRAYER Preacher The Rector What clgpwe know about the Life to Come Edmund Hardy Mus Baa FICM Organist nnd Choirmaster Free MethodistMissioo Clapperton Street navsA BALL Pastin SUNDAY OCTOBER 20 1944 11 AMand 7PM biigiilagilsnoon SUNDAYOCTOBER 20 1944 200 PrMSUNDAY SCHOOL Come EOChlerh eThe SalvationArmy COLLIER SIREIEII Officers in Charge MAJOR LAURA COLLINS LIEUT RUTH METZGER 245 P1VfTHE PASTOR Thurs pmaPrayer Meeting GraceGospel Hall 37 Mary Street Barrie spuniv OCTOBER 20 1044 ll 1AM AND PMl 230 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL Tuesday pm RS Womens Aint Wed pm Youth Group meeting Thursday pm Subject Frmyrg pmChildrenrg Meeting What Shall We Dd with Jesus Public Meeting Saturday pm WedNov 8pm Prayer Meetin iBtJBTON AVENUE UNITED cujuRciH GmMa Tun on Minister humor muga MINISTER lawMksunmivecnoon Jllc are Cordiallylnvltd nttdcriurch SE at rvice atepm will preach SUNDAY OCTOBER 29 1044 11 AMsBelievers Fellowship PMSunday School MillGospel Service StlmbtillThe Wolielo Class will he lllt lflSeivice illustrated Sermonil the Fireride Hour in honour of hurch Twentyfirst Sunday after Trinity 1000 AMYoung Peoples Bible 1100 AMMORNING PRAYER smitten and strangersuwllltfihd cordial Welcome atithls mission llt mph int and Newl iaround Owen Snmd llfinirkci but resided in the Barrie PM IZW HIHIlMmifilistiict for the past twtnty years IL MM NM mh Wmmmlle was interested iii the well iheiimr of the community and was igt iiiorziiiizv service Dr hm ready to give wiping DH wka NM rm Hf SI hand Very fond of music he sum in Midhurst choir for num ber of years where licwwas also superintendent of the Sunday 11111 Now if twin the dead lalil t1 Vill llt trl loci or no Llll and min Cincnool lllS happy and friendly in ix mmmmw lnllllOlGVlll always be remember 11110311 liu mortal life wasd by 1050 ha llww mm Im mm 515 hwnmmlvc as f0inni piesident Of ll Milk Producers Association and conning atauon with coaches passengers As the train 5H lt zch pasveneer aliqhts and is Hill by llllitl or proceeds on to still destination What if that locniioive drew into dark tiitpty iEoii where there was only silence and no passengers xiiied or aligditcrl Can we iiiiafline the end of life like that tltmllt lm compensation for llite icuiiicy of life Christ died 11 the mus of the world but He time and conquered death and so because we cannot end lifes stream we cannot end life God did not fail Jesus and He will no fail any who come to thin and have faith in Him He is not loci of the dead but the living and He loves life in all its fulln If we learn how to live websre being into life eternal Dr Dows evening theme was The Open Door and list Oppor tunities the text being the word su nl ilie Apostle Paul BtitI Will begoqlgei03iilfgytfigqxgg tznrv at Ephesus until Pentecost tor great door and effectual is 4021533th mwmm Shall Imer was keenly interested in the bet terinen of the organization Lefz to mourn his pilSslTlg are his wife three sons and one daughter llaiold of Brentwood William of Barrie now employed with the Canadian Steamship Lines Lorne of Candles and Ed na Mrs Jas Webster Newman kct also nine grandchildren and two brothers Arthur of Ower Sound and Nathan of Simpson Sask Ihe pallbearers were at old Molfatt Edward Michael and Clarence Orser Owen Sound Jas Spence Midhurst David Maw and Gordon Morrison Barrie Inter ment was madein Barrie Union Cemetery llic funeralwas held from the home of his son LorneRev Bewell of Central Church who had charge of the service spoke very highly Of Mr Orscrs devoted and sincere understanding of the loaded llli prepared to enter opened unto me and there are many adversaries 1m MRS WILLIAM TYSON VSTURDY TheWow 071s ii Oct 14 1944 of Elizabeth Ann Gaskell at the parsonage Mine ssing She was native of England and was born in March 1859 She married William Tyson in Brock St ChapekLeneasterrbnh land in December 1878 Onhild was born to them Hannah Mrs had preached Christ and Him crucified throughout most of Asm and many believed At Ephesus those who made silver shrines and gods profiting greatly there by saw their trade in danger and the goddess Diana despised and set at iiouglitwer full of wrath Fauls life was in danger but he faced the situation and saw only in doqrcpcn widecalling for en ergetic action Always when the icinngm of darkness is in con flict with the kingdom of light there is chance forChrist tO move in Today we see the over throw of so many things of beauty of once great empires crumbling and may this not be an open door an opportunity for Christs Kingdom Vin 194041 when the situation for Britain looked hopeless Churchill sent troops and equipment which could fifbc spared to Africa He saw an open dean and opportdnlty and his wisdom proved correct EveryOne Who tries to forward gieatlcause must eicpect to tread the wineprcss but ilwe have faith in God He will carry us through Paul could neverorget his experience on the Damascus road He had great visiOn of God and he kept the faith till the end Are we keeping faithtoday with mother or father who prayed for us and believed in us When we see the open door and the call to do Gods will can we say that we have kept the faith CANUCKS TRAINED IN UK Canadian troops found the ben efit of their many months training Foresters in the United Kingdomwhen Day came according to seniorof licer recently returned from over seas They went in trained to the Mac Mrs John Calder Gladys peakandwiih tremendous of Mrs Geo Reynolds DollyMrs William Clements BD Minesing To her second husband William all in England five of whom sur in England Alice in Australia and John in Torontoj She came to Canada in the year 1910 and resid ed since then in Toronto Intcrmenttook place in Prospect ParloCemetery an Thursday Oct Pallbearers were Cpl Arnold C1ements Calvin Sturdy grand sons Firman and Cpl RegBus by Floral tributes were received Church and many friends Rev Dr HodgsOn of Temple BaptistChurcb ofciated WM anwnrm sputum Sunnidale corners Cbrrespondence cerebral hemorrhage Mr Spicher was born va are His wife Ellmbeth Armstrong mummy evident in their OiO cemetery William Clements wife of Rev Sturdyseven cliildren were born vive Williamtoseph and Thomas from the iamily Temple Baptistf Chdrch Toronto MinesingUmted highly esteemed resident of Sunnidale Willlam Edward Spicher passed away on October 19 1944 after brief illness death following 28 1880 in Sunnidaie son of the late Mr and Mrs Ira icher He lived in this township at his life follow ing the vacation of tanner He was Presbyterian Conservative and member of the Canadian Order or Immediate relatives tea to mount four daughters Mrs Wm Grant tenslvesnirit he declaresrond the Roger Pickering Ida the address results0 good soundtraining were of an thedaughters being Stayner with the exception of Mrs Reynolds about friends were present from Owen Sound lort Dover llunlile ltlllllll Collinuwool ervale llirrie and Waverley lhose actingr as pullhearers vcre l2r1ii Carruthcrs lames luie lohii iartiii Archie Moore lirlwiii l1vlll and John Mohr JOHN JAMES ROIl John James Roe very llllll respected citizen of Ora lowiistiip passed away in Barrie on Saturday Oct 1911 after loii lie was 110 son of the late llll llltl Mrs licliaiil Arthur ltoe pioneers who canto out from lrelainl lloin just one mile llziwlustoiie he spent life in that diuricl lie was coil sisteiit member of the Ainzlicaii Communion and iouervative His wife Susana Ross predeceased him little over year Of very cneruetic and industrious be cleared the farm lands from the forest Foi some years he did luin west of his entire illiiessl nature tauariian Legion membe of blan ito Masonic Lodge for Till years als so iiicliibei of 10019 and of the Arts and Letters Club Toronto in the First Great War he was very activeon behalf of the Pin iriotie Fund Director of Colliint wood llcd Cross Branch years Immediate relatives surviving are his wife Ida Clelzmdl one laugh tcr Mrs tDr Westcott Winnifrcd of Sudbury four llllllllilllll and one sister Mrs Weldon Youne of Colliiunvood DALYS IYNDLES Cundles Womens institute lielill meeting at Mrs Clarke Waltons very cosy af leriioon was spent in discussing business and highlights of the Area convention An invitation to visit Centre Vespia branch was received and accepted The hos less served delicious tea Institute members sympathize decplyvith Mrs Oiser and fam ily in the bereavement they have their October boring and later was engaged as lrover Leilto mourn are two sons John of the Toronto Police Force and Archie of llilcItoue six daughters Mrs Crane tilin ily of Sioux Lookout ilrlarthzi nurse in Toronto Mrs Harold los liii Bernice of Hatvlrestoiie lVlrs Harold Ilutchison tViola ol Shem ty Bay Mrs Geo lchouald tltlaisie of llawltestonc Mrs Lawrence Welch Alicei of War minster also five grandchildren The funeral was held from his late residence to St Marks Church East Oro with interment in East Archdeacon Em mett of Orillia conducted the ser vices The pailhearers were five and Albert Murphy and John Roe ALLANBALE tiHIrTYs DRUG swoon suffered in the passingr of the hus band and father from their home It is hoped that the mantle of his genial personality may have in some manner fallen on the coni munity COMPLETE PENICHLIN USED Penicillin wonder cure for many ailments is availablcealthoueh still in limited quantitiesin Mid land It was used for the first time here and as far as we know in North Simcoe by Dr Pinchin whenlast Friday he treated 10 or 11yearold child for multiple boils and carbuncles One of the things about the drug is that there is no ieactionit is the safest thing that can be used After number able to get up and go shopping andt progress is excellent nosnrrE 28 Elizabeth Street MON 2023 8400111on sn ORAHGEPEKOE WE HAVE IMONKM DRUG STORE orll ix lust possible your grocer generations hue only recently beendlstdltutedtluouglt racers But hell get Dal 9r you Ask him SELECTION OF Blouses and Skirts SH Dial 4454 le emu2731 ocm raw DALYS TEA hasnt got Dalys Tea yet because this avourfine blend famous for OPPE riifi gsu secondment 04