THURSDA OCTOBER 19 1944 rm BARRIE momma 111112313 Oiiroatwauaoa anemoomouumoma EWS OF STAYN ER monomomomouomono NEWS OF ELMVALE ouomouomomomouom Allrnu and 111m erun ==il THORNTON L1 rm11i115 11 Del Ill lm lgt but Illllm 11 11I vlf Pu 411 3114 I11 1111 11 1111 11111319 when 1111 1rltl 11111111 111111llai 111 sh 11 111 awful hly c111eltcI the 1111111 whiux 1t tlllily 11111111111 the bf 11 lepl II IIIIlil the lathe 111 11151111111121111 111 the p111 1tagt b9111 Salary Dumpster xhnrvred Izlitratly 1m everybody ur Thy Are Jolt IIUfl 11111111111 vrry jinlly evening Iatiizcr 111 1y fur Newlyweds VV l111 lklm 1310 Hitler Ill v1 which they came This 11111113 runniry laces ilt to an uid who 1111111211110 we v11 could 711l1iicl weal deal reluiwnsazp rm 111 1l1rirl11 Iil =r1l 11 Vllx Iiifix 11 411 tut ttetl1ml 11I1l 112111115111 cf J11 1gt llr 111293111 1111 T111 11411111 liuvbral Llngtl HI timr fizcinh Ir re li IItIfl 31101111011 5211111 and 11111111 1I I1Itlii1ullr I11 Iln 113 lirl ell 11111 Illt 111111 ticiirr Iriiu g111111ly 11 11114 111 Tenant lYlt corn 2111 11111 1111 11111 ltlt IIti lVVtuz Alrlainii ilu 111 1t1111i to 1111 11111 11 Vyrlslie 1551 1111 and 1111111=r II Il1 IIIllll 11111111 Iii lir lion trio Iltterrl 41 and 113311111111 1115 11 Lid filldv 12111 confetti IlliI lril1ll111 llllIIilVbl 1111v 12111 lIEniyalu 111111 11 At1111111 ll the atuauu Jllu eondiiuax it often sweat 11141111111 111111 111 1l1V1Ht OI NI 11111 llltn 1111 14 311111 111150 11lti 111111 g111ll T111 11151 211 1111i 11 lib111 Siiili 1111 Illltlii vl11 lrziful lli AIL 11 1111171 2111 1111 11 131i yi Wumenoz LAi 11 lyry iwirlli 11 l1I My 1111111 11411111 All 111 11 11 111M 1111111 llairr If Ill 1l TI 111 31 art 11 131111 111le tin1111111111111 311 11 was darted by v1 11111 the Maris respomible niczntiuu 11 grunetunes Maori prowl id and lal 111 rcirctai lilttltllg Maori and some in En 100 to prove who 1111 vsay to prevent 121 trouble Iu llit1fl Ill 11 11d l11e1e IfCItIII 1711 111 llwidcil zlltI It bi 11wted with larke ltl1 11111 lll farm 11 Junctm Murrwn lllt BIII1 hiltllll1li1 Ilil ul liaise 11 lluiiell tai Blackxiom ltunatil ant llnvli 211 Wel 1311in 1511111111111111 i1 am and 5111 Il1ir1 llariy ii1lzle llcrorley and Iiichuuntl i111licr and Jaime Svdn IvllitItI Yvtllli M134 111itliplt raloraiiiu Jauuwnu and MW Vlalr bahtl arr Toronto and l11c1 Mrs were 111 Bellamy divused 11111 11111 11cnd 1111111 Vaily gave mine 111111151111 31111111111 Iiltle 1111l1 floral 111 12111111 llairy 11111111 Mr and 1111 l11111111 31 Lowell who takes 111014 ember 11 limit Nu 11211 l2l and yawrm IIiIIIIKKIIAI Ix 21111 11 111111 musical 11111111 15 111 came 111111111111 cable John lardley gave 11 Alllir Sun lltrlzati 1111113 and Alltll 1111 llama1 tn 11 will be =imi Sum neiI11ll Ilall Oct Ill 1111 lhiuwday and Friday 11 p111 caeh day 11111 and l11 I1lt111e IIIl tlltlltlttl 111 indziciina of McLarcn 1111111 at lenelangi 1111 131 lO Lloyd Ilcllaniy 1111 as weekend gavel 111 111 Mrt Smith 1111111111n 1l lt11 i4 VISIIllllf 1101 $18101 Mrs riftI Iainy cmtuine Among the 1111 coiigiattilatiom 1111111 John Ilenr 14Il1 tlilzu 1111l Il1gt Veriul Elie 111111 11 zlraallou of tilt licn ILL All $311311 11111111 annoy Mrs Mel H111 11111111 lull at 11111111 Micklt ti 1in1 Mirth Julia llcl ll 11 ltIIll UH 51111 Ilu livt 111 Illl 111 l1c i111111 1111llit attended 1111 1111 uuvriitcrl IIIIIIIIK itd self Ianr1 1ver Iakeluct and Maoch impossible while mens lirlit111 There 111 appcarance of psurw 11119 111 Silpcriorily are internal111111111y1111111rn 1117 HIV 1111 Mrs IletlitNdII IIIII Iuillltlt IXII 1111111 Lennox Wnodbridge Toronto and llarric wt 111711111 111 and 3115 111l1vtor11 Ilavidwu 1110st of Mr and Mic Carr 1111211111 uukstmvik with Mr and Mrs Lluake Mr and Mrs Clifford Webb Strand 1vlli Mr and Mrs Black Mr and Turner and Elmvale Italbert flriiiily Iiurcli Anniversary prevailed United Church anniver tlic services attended Baker preach rcry lIIFllllllll sermon from the text God Loveth Cheerful Giver and subject was The Beast with Four Fatah the face 111 11 man the face face of an ox and The man the lion 11 1111111 IlI till pills tit cls It1liu I1111111111V i1 th pills $150 11 llll Would 111 9111 uriw lttl1tvclt and friend 111111 HM vcrr Mr and Mrs Harry Allru 11111 T1115 Scarlet 1111 and there 111 11 fluw 111 511111 11111111I i11c11 ra hell in ll11 Contempt151 lll M144 111111113 liiu Rout Elmer Duwrcy 117111111111114 Mrs laiuc 11f liniillltun Mix lluli 5011 11111 1111 Lloyd fly day w1th ltlttl titllti Jean zau leanor M1 Iaty 111111111 Ittlltttl 11l llwbby lirantfurd Sound Itc Vernet 1111111 1111111 overseas The Late George Ililltr thirst Usher 1111 Monday Oct liltvt shock larkoui II 1111s ti and lr1v Iiicclc 12x Knux Church 7110 7110 Miss Mary Craipr It Will I1 111 Elinvale last week Miss Corecn McCracken Barrie was home for the weekend MISS llelcn Dunn llarrm at her home here for the weekend Mr and MW Cooper the tre spent day with lie was highly rc ccntly lttfd eitixsn of lilos luwnrliip limiting $11311 his entire lifc on 1111 ed his parents on in 11s titlrd lucday Mr 111111 dauuiitc 311 John 811111111115 l1n Mz film I11 W11 11111 5111111 II1it Women and so racial difficulties men 1111111 them vsociatcd Hiiutrywt incr World the laiilacific 111111111 111 International Federation lversity Women and many ltional and bodies of women They have of citizenship VVVV IIIVI Calyoi and alver II Carl Moore Zrampton were Sunday 1111Ilt 1f Swiiiton Somervillc Barrie is erect inu fine now bungalow on tot recently purchased llnwright and Mrc MN spent few faintly and T11 11141111 4111a I1iy Druiy utr and 1lciclll and Ilill was Lotus llie 111111 1iitt111111111 auddnn George fricndx Iean Robins lrace 1711 lojmc and and Ewart Thurlow 111111 ltev 5111111 attended the held at Midland YMCA 1111 Wed nesday evening which ducted by David Smith and Mrs Page 111 llarrsc Vivurs with 81111111 last Mrs Stewart Mr and Mr loruntn bllSEIIOSb hlrs McNutt rc and Cooper came unanimity Mervin John Hughes has sup of buildingr upgratinns Miss Mary Johnston Port llur 111 Mich who hm been vming 11c aunt Mrs turned home Friday hie acccmpanicd her to IOronh MN Frank Watson Mrs latlttr1ne Mrs Rn l3 Murray and Mrs Perry 11 Aron Convention tf Womens Institutes in Barrie or Thursday Ilcrt from ram Darren Icarsozi wonderful rerwni Yeuth irxeraclal flourish everywhere In 131 c1111 lads and those land have beccine so lets hope therr1 will be clorc bond of knowledge comm standing between the Canada and the Zealand so that mutual lSplllztu 111111111111 Maurice Readman Weston visit play party Monday and Mrs 111135011 little Mary Elizabeth 111de Mrs 701 fricndx MAGICS HONEY BISCUITS c1in olltld flour Ii hpn Salt cup slinrteuini 11 71111 year The funeral service was held 111 St Johns United Church and was the weekend The scrvic was con great Croltbim rc rm and Mrs David Sommers with and fainin visited in Elmvale at Mrs Htewart and 111 ll1 from 11111111 wi 11111 wmnen 111 x1111 21111 Mrs lax 11nd and Brut 1114 111111he1lt Air and VI 1s 1114 111fry 111 and lyn 11111111111 Mrs Wyevale Andy funeral that Mr and Mrs Chas mmy aken by Rev 1311 Min and Ernest and Clarence Emery 19lt151l by Itev Ge Morri Barrie visited Mrs Emery Mr and Mrs Winnifred Ilisey Mr and Mrs Max Ilcwitt at the veek3nd Mr and Mrs John Miller and Flower Miss Mabel Richardson Waverley risked Mr and Mrs Alexander Masonic Ideal veatlur Thornton sary 1111 Sunday and largely morningr Rev week were Smith 19121 111 Ll r9 Mr and cup honey cup milk scant him united lemon rindil1villalilo 31mm 3111111 liakluulmvrler Sift dry IllLJitIIint tiixzctlicr Cut In shortcu iiiizuiitilniiwd11111111111111111111111113llh IIIIIIN lllltl 111lirxf iniuure Kinad in lightly floured lnmnl eunuch to hiltlpt lntn 111111111111 ball p11 iiicli tlilck 2111 pith floured his suit cutter place on 11111111111 Illll and halite In 11111 own 1151 l112111111niiue1 Mix ic illi lcninn 111111 and drllilili Otr tops of II 1111 jlhl IHIUIL removing from 111111 Interment cemetery Alvin MsGumix of Wyevalc made in Eliiivalc pathboarers luhn 05 wmmd tended the 12111 Toronto Turner Ill we may be KGIISIILtI and faith preserved racial halfhour war at the close of the lllftlllliz Mrs Frank llewsoii of the Area chat with the ladies Mr and Mrs Jvnnett aim Eleanore visited friends in Alllwl ton on Sunday Marchant come to visit her niece Reid for month and Mrs Keith and family spent the weekend vs friends inTIainilton Mr and Mrs llarry Burgess and Miss Audrie Orchard Barrie and Miss Ella Orchard and Toronto have been recent gncss with Mrs Carr Mrs Lorne Neilly home to Kitchener on Friday ow1 ing to the illness of her 11111313 Mr At time of his condition was improved WMS Meeting The WMS met at Mrs Neillys on Thursday with goal attendance quilt three quilts in the near fut Mrs Todd was appointed delegate to the Sectional meeting Mrs Dry brough introduced the new study book West Mrs Neilly and hcdhOslcsses scrv ed dBIICIIISSlpp31 YPU Elects Officers The first meeting of the YPL was held at Frank Todds with Helen Davis road It was de and being hchinnis Joseph Martin Joseph Baker and 191111 llenry of Midland bearers were Ewart lliurlow Ken nnlh Cooper Earl Thompson Ilar at the weekend The sincerest sympathy of the Village goes to Mrs McNutt and John since word has George was killed in Italy Iil 1111 III 131 Vigo Gem tram of the Cooperativo C11 letcrboro was amoni the 25 norsoiis representing Coopcrntivc cud other Cooperntivcs through attendcd 1119 Centennial Cooperative Congress in Chicago last week Boxes for Boys Overseas Jubilee Presbyterian War Group have just packed 15 boxes for their Centennial U111th enjoyed II1= 211111 John John Itltls Park Crrkstouii and Sam 11 tin Shanty llav evening part pres 1111 to visit Uiiled BC Cash Flinnors Company called ml of lion the the face of representing strength Martin Albert Oliver Andrew late Mr Ilealey and Ontario vho an eagle kingsiiip the ox endurance ser vice and sacrifice and the eagle mountaintop conclusion the speaker urged the congregation to iuulniiuz liniiry $135 per 100 Ill BARRIE Usher was of ml lquiet kindly disposition and high ly respected him 110 was The come that GIL who new experiences of St member Coronation Masonic Lodge number of years he sold tickets take their hats off to the past and their coats off to the future The choir of voices under the lead crship 11f Willls Smith with Mis 11 Black at the organ render ed four very fine anthems ing anthems Johns United Church and of For buys overseas Church 11 boxes for and Stayner lOBA1No 479 16 boxes for Stayner boys overseas and all are already on IIlJll way for the boys at Christmas $80 from Apple Day The boys of the local Boy Scout Troop were out in full force Sat offering their apples for The citizens knowing they were contributing helped members of their buys at the gate for Flos Agricultural Fillt The many baskets pillows and sprays of flowers toldof the esteem in which he was held by vast number of friends son of the late Mr and Mrs Geo Ushw of Elmvale Immediate are Midland Mrs Mrs Mr Constab He was Morn Was Glad When They Said the duel part taken by Molyneaux the bass Carr and the tenor part by Gordon anthem were relatives His wife Elmvale home Mrs Keast rie Mrs John Steele tMarjorie Waverley llarrisy Hamilton LAC John Usher Sister Mrs Robt Wilson Toronto and six grandchildren Relatives and friends attended eg Sudbury Toronto laremont New Lowell Cherrywood survivmg Ray at Velma Batu Mrs Kent and Solo by ulday sale Mrs friend worthy boys realize some $80 for which their captain and boys are vcry Henry Crownest the Yeari 111g anthems were The Earth is Full of Thy Riches soloparts by Carr andWillis Saviour Now the Day is Endin with Mrs Carr taking 111 contralto solo The church was beautifully de corated wiih baskets of cut flow 11111111111th to second Thou The even cause and one was called Trenton Bob Oliver grateful Through the courtesy of Donor the window space of Don ers Hardware was disposal of the week who set displayfor the publics attention PringlePain Nilptials leaws Smith and Shoemaker writing from Winnip Hamilton Sfouffville Trenton Glencairn Alliston Dundalk Hobart Midland Barrie Edenvale and Churchill Mrs Mather is visitin in Toronto Geo Mather Toronto was home for the weekend Jessie Stainton Newmarket vis parents over the week placcd at the Boy Scouts last an attractive Stayner Lornc llie decided about $400 offering was Autumn Chrysanthemums formed ful setting for quiet but pretty wedding at the home of Mr and bronze color and are fresh Yeast has been the favorite Canadian women for over 70 ars Tell it well and it will sell For Barrie and district the telling is best done through The Barrie Examiner Mrs Lorne Wyant MIDDLINGS 11115 par100 IARRIE FLOUR 311111 OMEN MUSTWORK Barrie Stroud Oct on Saturday afternoon Oct 14 1944 wirentheir Marion Lavina Pain daughter of James late Mrs Pain of Esne Sash be bride of William Pringle only son of Mr and Mrs William Pringlc ceremony was performed by Rev and the wedding Miss Elsie Date Line niece only fre ds 11 Pain and the came the fair attendance the Scripture lesson cided to send boxes to the boys lovely silver lied 1191 end DQCameron Health Inspec tor Kirkland Lake visited friends Toronto The Robt Graham music was played by Pain coasin of the bride The bride given in marriage by AND NO gt7DlRl Because IFITITITSCI IllNNS fresh Yeast can be relied on to IltlRiVllfliiC fender le 111111111111o111lmly11111c ZIIIIOIIIC use IIIIQISCIIMAENS Its at your gr11rerssllt Ioiitt11l1y write 31151 with the Iztiiiifiar yel low Izibrl butter to Ross and young The following were elect the year OVEISEQS dish was presented Mary here Mrs Walter Hovercraft wee en Neilly from eole ed to office for Frank Todd VicePres Allen Neilly Secy Kay Russell Trens Harold Porritt Press Seer Bin Conveners Devotionall Wm Kell Missionary Mary Citizenship Geo span Armstrong Mrs Frank vRawn Wyebridge Mrs Armstrong VMr and Mrs Geo Lawrence A1 Iiston spent Sunday formers mother Mr and Mrs Douglas Morrison and son spent Sunday formers mother in Barrie 15 Pres lovely in dress you of rosewood wool crepe with shoulderlength veil of caught to Iread dress of blue ostrich tips and wore corsage of Sweetheart roses and Cornflower Miss Dorothy Wyaiit as bridesmaid gold wool crepe headdress and corsage of Talis man roses and babys breathGor and Muriel spent Saturday with tulle illusion 911111on that Frank 81111111 This Bob Thompson of The Imperial Life Neilly Neil Marjoric Todd Recreationm with the wore dress of with matching Library Gordon Hughes Kell Iitor 111 CANADA with the GENERATIONS HAVE ENIOYEL IT Too avour that holthe preference of three gen nations as Dnlys Tea has done must be extra ordinarily good It is Tiy Ask your groceriorDolysleu LI Chases Nerve Food The Vitamin Bi Tonic Contains Vitamin Bi andEssenliaI Food Minerals ll 11ilul Inxtllnrhw r1111111111111121411111 tlllillllt 1311 soon fi 33 luvw LV Get Extra 1710111111117 More Im by eating cakes of fresh Yeast every day This treat Yeast is an 11111111111 natural oourcc of the II complex group of 1111111111111 Sorry to Ort that Bill Mum berson and Carter are sick Hope they may soon be better Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Norman McLeod nee Dorothy Diglff on the arrival of baby Sydrrcorbetk Mrs Coulter Mrs Corbett and and Mrs Frank motored to Alliston on don Wilson Toronto was best man reception followed the cere mony at theWilcox Inn mg the guests Were YEBRIDGEOCCM Charlie Leonard Collingwood visited With friends on Sunday Warrlregmna Wm CaSsel man motored to Meaford day Assurance Company callingrrliam intro ucing myself over the telephone because know you are very busy personl shouldlikeromeetyon andhaygfteen minutes with you WillThursday or three oclock be convenient Because of gasoline whining and other travel difculties every life insurance manisbecomingincreasingly dependent on calls by appointment lilyveto honing he shows glut he knoquyoiit timelsvalnlzble So is his He is calling because be has something ofpractical interest to tell you Itinay be an item of service in cannectiob with vyoui present insurance liewishes to discuss Heimay have timelylidea to present to ydu Whatever it is it will be worth your while to say Okaysee you Thursday at 3100 or to arrange some TRepresentattve other time mutually convenient boirou 5111 From Headaches long with ahead thatachcs Recein the brides aunts Mrs Lorne Wyant and Mrs Geo Palnnmezicing ensembles of It in hard to struggle olnd pains all the time headache ncod 11111 be an illness in itself but 11 110111 that there is iiitcstiiml black withcorsages of American Beautyroses and babys breath asmsled by Mrs Pringle mother of the groom in turquoise blue err semblc with corsa Beauty roses For the Wedding 110113 the brideworks blue tweed suitmwuh British tan accessories TheVcouple will livein Toronto M1S Marion Pain was much en tertamed in Toronto before her wedding MISS Helen Saunders miscellaneOusAshoweri Joy Girls Class ofEglihtoft United Church atasooial eyening presented set of sherbet glasses comower deSLgn staff of 1Naval Stores 11 coffee table silver tray with silver sugar and cream pitcher Mrs Alfred WattAddresses The October meeting her Womens Institute was held Friday afternoon at Mrs Chas Pilkeys with some 30 ladies pres There was generous re Spouse to the roll call Donations Ditty Bags Arrangements ill 25 Red Cross 011 Fri BilliAdams Petawawa is eeks leave with his Hamel Sunday LAC Tedv Prosser Dartmouth Vreturnedr after some time With hisparents his mother going as far as Toronto with him Mrandl Mrs JiLamers Mrs Robinson anddaughter motored to Toronto on Monday MrsFred Mathers returned home with the NEWTON ROBINSON Pile Charlie Brcedonlppervvah is spending leave athome Miss Blanche Hammond To weelrend at Mr and MrsEd= Hammett To Breedons on Mrs Wonder and Mrs Keys Brampton spent Coborns Tucked Gross ladies packed asboxes for Italy on Mm Meson Simpson and John malted Mr and Mrs JeffsBartie on Sunday Miss RumNdble Toronto Pte Keith Noble Camp Borden and Pile Orville CaveBran 0rd were home over the weekeii Mrs Steers wand Set bears are spending tWestmi wtt hie tormentden rs Loyd Council FwyW 1112151111 us Eminnmwwm Pie spending parents Leslie Hart Toronto may be ii vai 111111 byIIII Bluggishnem within To help overcomot ge of American lie canoeof headache II7ISV necesary to eliminate the rastematterfromtlieysteml$11rilo Bitters holpotirroinovo the annual headaches by regu and biliary organs neutralizing acidity regulating the constipatedbowols and when thischus been accomplished the NS spent the Ii Mus and Mrs wckend wither Leonard Roy Eakley day with his Wm Eakley Mrs rillia spent sun arents Mr and Mrs and Muriel ds in Barrie and and toning tip the sluggish litter headaches slioulddisappcar Get at any drug counter The Milliurn CdLimitcd1 Toronto Ont Rawn visited with itan zsmatigueu See Your Local ronto spe at the Rowes of Stay ronto visited at Sunday ent Sunday at were mad to ditty bags at an early date Mrs Pat tone gave brief highlights of the Area Convention Mrs Mayra gave some very fine Nine nWmEmbets join the Christin Wednesday sm back waron immune hard ur knees and your oust Gillett In your resume of the in Current rubbing and nibbling lette cut right at and dirtlcavea to at ovum record operate the drain dorlzeo the aria emu clean Events ed the Institute making tot present membershi of 43 Mrs the at introducmg Mrs Wall 11131114 spoken hergir ood days in Callingqu of enough Branch Ofllco In Bank of Toronto Budding mac Barrlo zilleadOffice miTORONTOT garbg ilLA wound to enact Get $941111 511 Vital Mm and of Mrs Watts assocltioa with the Country Woman of the World Mrs watt spoke on her trip 9Mdtbewotld WNW in New Zonland week at IIIiv an IV at her stay told very ll rater 3100 bottle iiiooa liitiiigthe 11111111111119