393 T091 Tili BARBIE Armin BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA it THE BARBIE EXAMINER or cod Resgm Post 25 50 hile Thom Motuh by Canadian Weekly iewspaxven Aucclnttc Class ember Ineld Till BARR EXAMINER my Ant Lucia v5 Cv= RECLAREN SUBSCEliilltlfii IM Canada or Greg Brztain 52 year WALLS 2404 States 30 anumu with null Bugle Co in mammawwm is rich LIONS llltlllSif liILD WAR litillHrill IilelS liNl Many of its probably had the law that AirRaids over England since the lill 1e probable late when cease lire will Oi mi WM run in 1H meu ll 33 Rump Worm liiiiils with practically itiilldtli lit bat lGEliOlS GIESSING CONTEST lngtiiil ill will wry 05 in mm has Vmli bombs have tiestitwec over it ion litillit 2a the ending of hostilities Given To UK in hm by Nymph In thi roxiitatedate families of inert overi mm the mmwn hummms 11 ii svas can begin to estinmte the time whicntbombing Tm 1mm Igrmm WM ll 11 thipse before they reeliri their iovedj one back home igian Labor has an addi1 SW in flilfllmmlgfifi This Fund has the Royal Approval of lit ri pt lppnlh mm itiraclous Majesty Queen Ritalintil thel mm 1m PW l0 ImmiQtZHllS suggestion this fund is being tdiiiin gum Bus1110 mgr mo mu plot my stered by the Walls and Strays Siltlti ii mm 01 mm mmbmhmems mm great if Britain lhis lillllltltg for homeless chri lemmy kg MWNm 0m 5m drenelcft orpliaiisas result of bombing llltlll an approxmiitte date of the oinltisioiu Tm wam and SUMS Sum ma hmmmm UNI of this year over 0300 children in their carnal Thus when at various times Mr Churchill of which 1500 we mm pm 01 WV General Eisenhower General Montgomery In cost of SHmHim mm 81mm Adnrral Halsey and others have attempted to 0m ymr Tm DJUCHW or Bump um 11 Publl mm length mm is to provide for at least 30rhlidreii the it Would take to finiin up the military cam m5 of 3140000 mm words my beer mud avmw The chairman of the Barrie Committee lint in the wake of such statements there Harold Damn Am donations will am has been wave of other predictions from text thousand minor and less informed circles knmlmdgw by mm 011111 WW mo Barrie Lions Chit This land is lCflStflitl Eellttilly sauce Day almost every than Hr in the street has been taking guess at the mm 103 ml 11 dam my you1 tilonilttc goes to Britain Help the Lions All of this might be harmless were it not for the psychological effect that the contest BIBLE SINnnv OCTOBER 22 has on people at large For one thing many Next Sunday October 22 is Bible Sunday lid 10 mml that the 0mm in the churches of this country and the wort in me m0 Come f0 30 of the British and Foreign Bible Society will relaxation at home Further when the war be emphasized ceps is tirious pace or vees er 1c 113 an Day dates prewously predicted the morale hm Fl of many Nome ls unsemm under the titrol th amicac old the Germans are still lotding over large aieas In these crucral days preceding the final in Europe These conditions have curtailed knocmm camdmm at home may again take the movements and activities of missionaries my we omcanadmni at the WW fronts and have made it difficult to supply mission Over there none marks time waiting for Ger aries in occu ted lands with funds to carr many to collapse They are all on their toes on their work fighang enelgeticaily as at any DYEV 015 Under such stress the printing and distri ins Fund lll acct pt lullitlltlllfi lor this very worthy cause wvooa period of the war ovm here our duty seems button of the Bible becomes more important So much they litllild so little tltcvmdng war effort hm not hep duo the beverage room began Ili will 33 91 LilliCl dilly Wthh calls US to than over before During rho past your the said pnliuciag but has been laxgolf Lordship Have you ever heard Work 13 hard as we have ever worked befor British and Foreign Bible Society made tom But talk is tho chinf swamp nrmnimd and mde by Mania any Itisefttl oi hiiiiiiiiiitarinn iijl and to keep our production lines as vigorous trade of the piofeseional politician five men who have proved their findan its origin in llovcrzin new translations bringing to 701 the number we as they have ever been beforetvmough mp it makes up for lot of other do efficiency iii pittaie industry and 100m if anguages 110 my are inll fig ficicncies It is one of the weak commerce Where our war effortl lellld any oesonlt or USO ptlIChllSt 01 Victory 42911 lJOIldS Bible Through much trlbulauon this noble negges of our democratic gygtom um has failed it has chiefly beendue to conversation take place in llevci it is possible fora man to talk him political bungling and particularly age room if there were odd cx WOMENS INSTITUTE EXPANDS work is being calmed on to can the Gammlself into position of power and to the irresponsible talkers in sec ceptioiis no contracts were signer even unto the ends or the emth the only consolation Is that lie lional movements or obligations undertaken in sthl At the 10th annual convention of Womcns Barrle any in himselffml 0f ll Tllill The people ofAustrilin recently Olmrmlmem Your receive persona nsmtu es lmcoe on 0110015 SGldOm ll GVPI 11 10011 voted No in refercnriiiin which M1 31131070 Chew 53 he hm last week the delegates voted in favor of executive because what mind be involved greater political control of heard many cases including llfllg joining the Associated Countrywomenof the World This gives evidence of further ex pansion of the increasing follower of the members of Womens Institutes There were 200 delegates representing 75 Womens Institute branches in Simcoe County at thereonventionand they were unanimous in voicing support of the largerworldWide organization Mrs Alfred Watt world trav eller who now makes her home at Coiling wood her natIVe town is president of the Associated Countrywomen of the World and she was present to address the gathering ShtoldrtwimkbeingdoneebytheWJew lsh women in the cooperative communities of Palestine Where she was guest in 1936 In joining the Associated Countrywomen of the World the members of the Womens In stltutes of Simobe County will pay an annual membership fee of but one cent Although tth levy will not support great financial organlzation the purpose is to enlist moral support for the movement Theaim Mrs Let George do it used to be popular way of passing the buck but the Acton Free Press very pertinently remarks that now it seems that George has passed it on with cant Let Ottawa do it Alreadv some of thcnewmapers are giving the annual advice to start Christmas shop ping early As precautionarymcasure we would suggest seeing first that the winters fuel supply is provided for lt Commenting upon the fact that LicutGen GI LTMCNaughton on his retirement from the Army has been promoted to the rank of full General the Renfrew Mercury says This sounds well enough but all the same we hope that some more tangible recognition will soon be forthcoming for the man who as former commander whipped the Canadian Army ov erseas into fighting shape With this most Canadians will heartily agree Qgt unit Miss MacLachlan senior nurse on theSimoe publiciheallth staff related what to uardthe health of the pre Watt eXplained is to get aW0r1dW1de mem The Smiths Falls RecordNews gives the about his views on political and In respect to the Western invasion 25581051 bershlp of one million Women following merited praiSE to grOUp of economic questions The fact that Prime Minister Churchill has 37 Single copies of The EXaminer HEAD OFFICEIORNTO WWW has geewasm 081105 twice changed his partyglitclosed the 1Ollflwmt figures cents At all neWSdealers or tliisl gtgtgtgtgt rvafiewlrdy the women of Simcoe County are not to be proud our highest praise goes this muons moves mal lie 35 open my liled3ndv9fle mohm =mmmw fneglecting the problems at home consid week to the local business men who are be arable emphaSls was placed on health at the hind the new factory being erected for an conventionThespealeranthisxegard in industry which will prove great asset to eluded lion Vivian MI Minister of Smiths Falls These men have been most 5i Health and Public Welfare Dr Vivian told unselfish in their efforts toiseoureenew in HammmtiorpdelegateathataheQatari idiistriesufortlietownwoufdthatthetown 1t more of SO keen each municipality tOSEt up its own health 1y interested in the industrial Ettore of Smiths Falls ltgt Toreach the degree of prosperity some are dieting for Canada after thewwarfthere production and industrial activity with vastly exteudedeorclgntrade It is doubt gun this year Anjldea of thescopeof theworkofthewm rsmens Institutes could be gained from the comprehensive reports presented by the lchainpencr thejvarious committees TheSe ilncluded citizenship war services historical researchglare museum publicity and others Each of these reports shelved tremendous amount of interest from branches scatteredl throughout the county The womens InSti totes are looking Ibrward to theirsoth anni versaryrin 1947 and Slmcoe County will be amongthe leaders VETERANS Posrwan oreonwmms Inhtlltslissue of The Eiraminer page appears on advertisement with the caption Canadas Veterans Their Postwar Oppore tunitieafethe second of aserledissuedby the Depanisment of Pensions and Health The ob elect to inform almanadlans of plans made yGpvmlmgntjto recstabllsbfnen and munch or the annedvjtorces Detlsare nu ervdlffereni headings so it easily cure desired in tiling the planet 3011011817 tloh to provide us with the preferred outlet we have enjoyed during the war There will be many contenders tor foreign business and HR prices at which theygcan be scild Thersentenc of two years in Reforma tiory imposed upon anOrillla man foundgull ty of indecent asSaultlfollowlng charges laid by three girls was none toosevere for such at gators vs safe as sentencing the accused described iim as menace to the female populatiOn or this district The penalty should be warning use re also be warning to girls against hitch hiklng particularly at nightand accepting pliersof lift from men of whom they know nothing During the past summer it was gulteocommon thing for girls usually in pairstto be seen along the highway looking for rides even up until nearly midnight This case shbuld aerVe to impress upon girls who Igohionvtlie possible gdaiigers in connection ll with Nor should the lesson be told uponthe patriot and others who have to do witibtmiupbrlnslng or this girls the iiiltcrsity of Toronto has announced with regret the resignation or ireltiettt ll mlv to Lille effect llllll Ito lill Dr 30er is tellkuoun in this tlixlllll being frequent lwlilll on Kenipeiileidt llav where hel has minntcr home east of Harrie Dr Sydney Smith former president of the lniversily ol iaiiitolvn lll been appointed 1iiltltttlrcl ur loronto liiittrxit JIIOIINNIOIII IllIIlimillIIIllOOIIWIIIIIIIIOOIIIII filfll of our ltl it idle and that they like to hear the sound of their own voices iiilijsee their Anyone who ha the time or pil tieiiee to read liaiisaid will fully itltt Willi Um llomld 301 direction and control of the ec CnllglllmlV tpvnishmli ill My mme hum wwvnki in misshmmy Unwnel content of most of the long SpRGCb onomic and industrial affairs of or Hm Io fence Mr Justice Cnmrier lilRllOd In WillmOll whit$101101 51 recorded in that publication could be condensed into two or three pari auraphs while some of them could be omitted altogether without any great has isfconcclntratod lon the produc industry and business Like the es of manslzuighicr which had their service from this trust company The estates ion wor c1iottiiiigs people of Camdu they have had origin in fine fitliy beveragi Tuning the gieit anonymous re some peiience of the iiiteifcienro 100m He asked our use ofcer In Charge of their estate Will act as ferring to said plausible delivery he has set of thoughts or rather words resem bling thoughts which may be ap plied iiidifferently and with equal success to rail DOShlbl subjects Grafton was an acting Prime Min ister under George III and he was forced to resign under the virulent criticism of himself was glib writer and he never achieved anything but notor iety as ariblackguard in ink rcvolutionists Ashore by 20th day 1000000 men The talker doubtless blraYSaimore lt Now in France between 2000000 or 1835 important part in pubii life and 3000000 Allied men of democracy ercising his right to freedom of speech and in doing so he may he Papers 0f iSOlallOIlit tendencies and erican in personnel four to 5V in W811 as business values bound up in them expressing the opinions of largelpmbably Germ bmkgmund fighting liViSlOHS 01 small Sewn of the public Helentzieavoringlo create the impression Casualties Americans over 145 may be powerful leader in it good that we maJOI Portion of the fighi 000 in lrilledw0undcd and missing ofa bad cause Winston Churchillllngls being left to the American British upwards of 90000 Mr is great talker but he is also attorces the Allied commanders con great thinker with broad outlookmm eve tenorOf the on national and international affairs Way condem that all the 50mm There is nothing narrow or sectional engaged are domg Otheir due 93 ful if the United Kingdomwlll be in aiposi thesuccessrCanadawill achievewlll depend upon the quality of the products and the crime yMaglstrate Cameron when to others or This type But the case should maybe inclinedlo take to the road in this THURSDAY OCTOBER is 2944 YEARS AGO YEARS AGO WPlull Stitllltll incl lit Mayor Cre withes office to man ally of from or ii Hit ocronitu ix um Local New Notes Local News Note 310 lilfLlitl ittvttlil gitilliitlll faith Irisptn ftligiiti leadership lrliillill 03 mt an South illle up rt lll3ll SilbilitFS men lcce teachers io rtixe =li gtliFtlll llt rounder means of Li ill litriie rl3i 13 i2y fErin111mpubisyewl lr1lgrf0Tgx Lrotd it in ii aw Ll hick HM ltiii li in ill UK tits ll urban schools id than Irirrie could in cmwn rear expelleizte tolls iitteaonu eiiiitiitee lliliiillltl to intii the Sto quill in ith year pilllilpalri flaw ni llliILIl and rural schools to teiissiii tl rewrt fly lmonm is 5e32 hi 000 ittltliil liitiitii nullll ioi iitt le Slilll ill tilt fulfil lOtms or twith srlioits atritiwii at Until lover $12th to $1000 oloirt of Teirace fire when it tile jet in the llFiTtli Bit loizrttltl South Sling Iiltl 33 frti aiioti fell rirllilll eoe teachers deposited lll Si Ail2 Mr hiiitvoii and iiiilciit ll ldrcvs liultlr Smith t1 ttllll on li hunt Jeffrey itliaiililnli of Toronto Social Servicel 1hicCuiilifv was Elflllli hear tottit lCoininissioii gives his fine Filllilllll when his horse Kleiipitl into hole ilillllll iii thiiie for ile liigleiiool rillltinYlt the Hull clear loci in tlailt Boys Home Staff Sgt lzertil lleditl no irlHllI tmlFtllillS Iv tiitl ioiitzitm iillll wife tl Vel film for thiee can he mint un mo Itillllll on tiitl finiii iigliili tol hail llllllll tH ttie Ulli luau also Sgt flotilla Lotieiiiziii who iitiuul lllllllll ili yum of tlio lLJillUl ltoizie preroltsiy Both 1lweie fiilllill llaaiii mentioned yetveil tit France with Jaihinl Gilli is one of the town titt gtgtlllllllti Im Hill llM WWW lll Imml ii iii if llllll iiil Simone County llriels ltlemorial service in Jiltlirie lre=I hyiirtan iiiircii on llionitsuivitn Sundry lablet unveich to the nitiiiory of Norman Wearing lzillid Ill ll1tllllilllldhillll May Si lflli Aritliuoii takes over More and postoflite iii Edgar from liltieiiiini Lefroy tliiflllllllltlll recoitls regret at short crops of litirlieyri fur lliaillisliitiim celebra 2tion otiultliii quits Jen tie Sivneoe contest leaving the fight to Simpson and ll Murdoch ieo Crawford Minesinu exhib ited his flocl of ptirebied Slirop ililres at seven fairs without iiiissiny mule litltit Mr Justice Chevrier Scores Beverage Rooms Sinlcot oiinly lirlcfs Sonic etullydinliiwd lltill piere ed the postern joint of the lllllllllil Dr Bruce tlacdnnnld chairman of the lloanl of Governors of WilliBlow Simcoe Presbytery YPU Plans Series Rallies Throughout County mare litimiiiitie liirti while at ooltslown Fair eitnin youth iilliatri incited hr the fast tiniu lilzttle on the lilll track are report to lie tliiviiu their horses on the llltlli at lirealtnetl pace rleally lieani of lllll ltllfl llllll in the northern woods more labor now needed to clear township than ever before as every Site is cut and not only the lliFl selected Talkative Amateurs ny mwrs MILLIGAN Simcoe liesbyimy Youngt Peoples Union United Church oflTh0 llllllltlt ll ilii lnllliri Canada is planning series of rifts1lldllll tllllo llltlplt Mill Um llie Letzihridise llernlri says iliiitiuind and is not it bigoted dlllll zoo inticli thewool party mail in the presentl war he has been gtlllf accepted spokesman for people of all partiesl and interests in the Allied Nations Btitcven Mr Churchill would not profess to be able to undertake the mum mm 0kimwn Tues illilhff of the chitrtli overseas lili 0m 24 Wyemiu VQdIHxsdqy sum and to arouse interest in the Oct 23 Sillynei lhtiisdzl Ct 26 560 liFllmlly lliUlWl PH and at Oiillia Friday Oct 27 All lllY allies begin at 800 pm Unions in Gordon MeArlhtir Siayiier the Presbytery are to attend the president and Miss Margaret Stoit tall llttlttltil iii liaiisard Addressing the Ontario Stipremr irettt Britain lie has left the ml iniiiistration of the war effort in the hands of practical and exper ienced economists industrialists and business men The SillCCKSOf Can Ifave you renewed your SlleClip Cher oil the West China staff home if furlough is to be the speaker tionl otit against the beverage room the breeding place for such oifenc es This trial is another product of loss to the commonwealth people be here if instead of being in beverage room on Junevfi they had been in healthier surround inks perhaps 400000 German prisoners taken nearly half million Germans trapped along Nether lands coast likely to be captured or destroyed may Well be 200000 Landed in first 24 hours of inva sion quarter of million men and dictatorship of politicians mid they do not want it continued in time of peace One of tile argu ments pitt forward was that it would mean industrial conscription the wholesale elimination of the small trader and the control of industry by talkative amateurs That is exactly what would happen in Can ada if the Canadian people were to put the direction and control of in dustry and business into the hands of talkativetlieorisis and political the Duke of Grafton very solemn and Willi link between them and the trust company and they will always have access to the Manage mnt Your family in loci Twill be in direct lunius But JillllllS personal contact with men who have spent lifetimeintheadministratiOn of estates men SOME INVASION FIGURES who 7know and underStand the human as Willie some United States news Proportion of British troops to lie is merely ex American two British to three Am Churchill said American undBrltIsli casualties closely followed proper tioiis of numbers cmployedThc Renfrcw Mercury RPO TBQQT001300100301105 The madam came back Back 10 the beaches WhereSo many died Back to the qicemetery where theyuowlie buried Through two long years of working and planning their dgtermiuation to avenge Dleppe never faltcnd Now with Victory in Europe in sigbi Canadas Sevemh Victoryioan is ouropponunity to prove Jim we like them know how to seeaob xlimu gh Am 77 MAIN ammo it