THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 14 1944 FERGUSON fgyyggigg iridium NAMED BY CONVENTIOM LAUDS BRACKEN CONVENTION LEADER Iit Lilir Continued from wage Lei is lJt lznl wear lllit no lie THE BARRTE WINE BARRIE ONTARTO CANADA wmom MW Ellllll OFlUNlOliS TIIC middli Continued Thu lcht PIT1 II page lutl 11 nr libir Ur 1151 Lo 11 Jtl inc ud eon1oz llrl tine 14H tr p151 II III IIIIM III ttirttlict liic IUD it LI IUHIIIIQIKIWI IIII II iii the im md of iktsiiip Hip pg three lime and or the 11 Cross rou lRJilil vi 11 ll tuut daughters 31 if lir it man bl in n3 lin lltl know their pr limbo Aw Weill Eli Tllbllllilli Fire thrrilie ulll clllt alctl Lolllngwumi llnel 301 We aint lLtstilt lllt limb Will ll ll himself no1 iii no intint billil dual lit iiti ll Fri an itiitiiiijr 11ml cause the ininml fun iresg lllr people of Earl through after the Eu Mr Ferguson It again applied methods to the in lingswtiod gtiriii FEATURES TOOTH BBQ Our teeth undue Ithllullly nun be lirteil among our most pricelrs Lisl Nil from 212 health All of onhrruutely Hp 11 Ill xrnl by the posseviovi of prize it of are of those with lllll Nitrite lift riidthJ us It as pronti Lot ii to lic should possum ood Tooth liltiin and suitable dentifricemil use tlirvzii ieitzlaiy are also mint Elli tllIl In our nt day there certainly can lu no exiizlc toi servation Jll lt rnalv ovum tiy Ilir we of any of tilt many modern it lost Your lluilljn lhlu Suri li for your selrcnoii at all times SiltV and tin wri is inn xtrciiing the importance of tllrlf ire rezonilu 22 IIil1u ini to you in your rllliln ii number iuvc il been included in this lit of Suggestions and Bargains for the Balance of the Week SUPER TISSUE 1sz Good News Goodllews MR ME If Your Favorite PICKLE RECIPES Select One or More of You Arc in Best Holiday Negatives For SEPTEMBER GOOD NEWS llll hliitli Iiirt klt llr ili lulu Lufltir and ax4hr lksl lo wx rima lii1 Ilu liil ll kt ali and Winn ounty tinncil lill piohlein and bench stuntthing about the or 2i ll it Htlk the nonniialwn lne need for you boy ra It 15 iaLil slit if lii rur lJrziiisi loom ll 36 llLll Prudent gutrid xii ll Iii1h lingui Illiil Tilalilitii 112 Huhr hi lltitiiql 1m tiii 71mm Uvullkl pl xiiiplitu You Iii ti ili Illill lllr1jlinll than lth no it Hm out llioii lIuillttiiaiPy hoaiii ruddy Mu llllilllilli3 IIUoiI reception llaic If lll iimi Ml Elit int of liltalilllf down tlic pic llllll hitiitlilli5wiil Iliii LI the p11 will giiixcin lillfl oul lllln Illl111tlll returnJ ll cll on io IIIII 92 iieliili II II IIIIIII IIII nuknniulc ti iilitl II not to IIVI II IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIt tI It 11 ill II II Md MM mum II ll btltllt lllc VLil Wt pinyin IIIII II 3mm III WW IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII II shock IIIIWIIIIIII IIII IIIIII II IIIIII grimy to RikiJ11 iiioi iiliv WISHWIIIHI IMIIIII III we Conlrlnt do it it get Ho 1191le by 10Hour vi ii gitnoon Minii Ilirerse aim in or in my gtl litfflllmu with iv mlmlzi 0112 Illllll Ili Hunt in 311 rliilltllllllf of livilig lit been 11cl Ill IIllH lllll NH il ittic Alternates fair to date We niist piccc 5mm um lllJ Vlltlll lho ltlic good of the pm and lap off Jolfuiulcii lwliat in selfish tui suijiil ltiai lI il ml iii ii Ii Rolls 7va 5m REGAL FOLDER lluiiilton aril what ho llil1lllg within in tlic OURSDN policy that Will iut ill c1 intuit can stcwarl pat tlllll I0 Sild OlaWm lwm lL l1vll1lllt Ul ll 11 ll Mr Elicrthur Spoke on mattcrs Sh gm mdusuy lunmllwwm Himmm Ml lot patty oicaiiimatioii and soul he NM Pom 1938 but this present lovirnnAii Ill illi llillllti Mr and Mrs him my Im mu cwp turned down the proposed liiiiiiiilml Kain Ali itlltl ili an my MI jnImduvp PM Training lilan for illlllltllIIlltll anilfiiloiiou lolin lncl Mrs IIthcll Would not In here mode up we couldnt get them 1ul the li Iltlltll1ll Vaii Mrs Stewi my mum who mm in this cloc Plesciilalrve for North Sinicoc iascInt lliw llaiitinu Altcriiiitt MFl lion nthr lolin llracken was llo5 his v0 WORN li4l Ml SlWVJlb Tllflri Jtll cnlcadcr In his own province he he lldll LI W0 lliin 10 Hilly Still hell was able to bring together all races warmers in Ottawa today Due to Word lll James ward and ppm and Humid mumpml circumstances which arose llllllitlljlillllilll llr lroil llollcry Millswwormmqm is we mu tliILIIlIzist 24 hours am iciccd llIAllitiltl and Mrs latldirvnll No one can question lnsoinonvcs Wt raw in llllll tic vention butll lull illlllllll lt Hllii hv linMlnl 1ll IUHlAMI In 1W mun Ulywwl mm the 12 1M ltltll the couner owe them minc tull whoever you choose tile Mr and ll lilmpr lthing In my oppuon wgwoweithc DOlllldb MLAlllilll rlwlllr itlttllbll erfcrtlllntvih awn SAVINGS TlHS Weeks Bargain Sire SIAM GUY ONE ATTRACTIVE We lliivi Vlilialili Iclli oirl ltlli Get Your Copy at Any Tumblyn Drug Store We have been lilo Colored in 011 55 Extra Dwutmwuvtwniuao romnuigo 08am 000000 in SamML HAYTONE 25c50c10 Norwuli Aqueous Niosc Drops Floats mm Awayl TOOTH PASTE and TOOTH POWDER MEDIUM 29 VAPlNE INHALANT 39 VAPiur NOSE DROPS 19 falllilldn The Conservative party had greatAision in choosing I1i llrack en as lczidci stach l1illlii ilc Arthur as he declared his iiitciitioi to no lo the ballot The pioiiltni of the boys and girls coming line is the biggest to face us They went willineg to do the job What are we going to do for them when they come back We prom icr Mr and Mrs II llcclliv Mrs Ilwii linapp Alternates Vtllll Mrs lrcil Lowe Mrs Win Illitc llos lliy Vm lcclc Ncl ltitl llut Vaul anliri Vtlil waltl cliairnian Mrs Audrey Hooper Mrs ill Aiilcll Mirs Audrey Ardell Mrs lltllllll Mr and Mrs Wm llusk ii liliic II anl lllis Sh lutll0l ciilnitry sinnethinx We all have our Ispccial talents The country can oiin be better if we make our prw pci conti ibtilion to it Mr liraclrcns farin policy lone he felt would give the furni iers hope and more than we have had Farmers would be encourag ed to contribute their maximum ef fort zind would be assured of an lsed them everything and wlililFiiimuiw Now lll liui worm Mrs mm pl not be worthy of their sacrifices if lWilt lll1l Mr and Mrs Alf No dering like service Education icsciicli ex illlrilklll of inzirlcfs or we failed thun Ihut is too lllllkllihlnI Mrs Irwn Itch MYSI Earl criticism of our British connection Some say there are better forms of government in other countries Others would liangeour flag If the flag was worth fighting for it is worth maintaining now ll Cl Robertson am still young enough to 1qu ice that the life of the Conserva tive party is in progression said Herbert Robertson and din old enough to remember it was the Conservative governments of the llniitei lark Parker Alternates Illllzl lach larkerfhlrs lld llzitsun Illniry aitiicr Dom Ilcdeei Mrs iWin Itlougz lion Bloug Mrs Norris Wtlil QIo tliroiuzliout the riding meeting tiu the factory worker the young and lllic lplc of this riding really wzml and be guided by it Unemployment illlllsl not come again believe with best bruins From the farmero old will learnwhut the pcoi derly marketing improved home life coiiditioiis on the farm the Igradual reduction of trade barriers iwere all part of the plan in the party plunk on Agriculture which he termed the banner of oppor tunity for the farmers Mr MacArthur was introduced by Reeve Frederick Gardiner 1C of Forest Hill Village prominent member of the party and one of Ithose attending the Port Hope con Iference and the Winnipeg couven list that gave us some of our liestMr Churchill the spirit of the vil 1M mgh he nd hud found egislation What have we to offer the young people What are our plans for the reconstruction period be necessary for our sons imd Idiiueliters to go to the IlailgeIcitties usLsgthaLouiiboysiotlillbeulLbreiidlund bullieth 7le services get chance to complete their education and every chuncc io Vrmake decent living We owe it to them What of our younger general tion We must train thenrulong broad lines in our schools more training in such things as motor mechanics and home econoinic5 must be provided febl lily exper lance in mlmlClDBl life has beenltobzi at request of the Division of worthwhile and my services if amyour candidate will be avail able 365 days year After the Balloting During the balloting which be gan shortly after 10 pm Joe Grier son of Collingwood with Mrs the audience with several semi classical favorites Grant Mayor at so sang several tenor solos FollOw ing the returns Mr Ferguson up peared again and promised to re deem North SilQCOe for his party You have given me the biggest job all can for every man and woman Ioti uctiyc service FILM Sritir DEALS WITH RURAL SCHOOL LUNCH The Rural School Lunchis the topic of film strip by the Nation Film Board taken recently in theMunicipality of Rosser Mani Nutrition Ottawa lof the guriicipality lilie film The film strip depicts the three differcnbmethods by which ade quiite hot school Iunches may be served in aniyiurril school in Can Boys and girls starred in Grierson at the piano entertained tlttfSWllThBSllpDOll which lthe parents of pupils can give such project The film is to be available for showing throughout the rural dis tricts of Canadamdn about two months according to Dr lJackson Deputy Minister of Health Ive ever had in my life intend to and Welfare for Manitoba Tomblyn Presents Prom Sept MISS RITA MELOCHE lit SpeICIaIARiIclird Huduul Represenlalivo will his to Sept 22 Caloric Sforeall of TFIISI week lo tell you about lite step of Do Barry Beauly lrezalmerilvwill Home MelhodIol Du BARRY BEAUTY TREATMENTS oufglily explained so lhali you may follow lhelnoalmenl your home These are professional beauty methods brought right to your dressing liable MissMelochc will also hints that will enable give you smart makeup you to wear new ivarisly of colors with added becomingness and in keeping with the dam Smart andsof this exceptionally Season Doubt Micro AVAI roomer OFTH15SPECIALOPORTUNITX ers reply Sie seisil rU loge must be revtved It Sllllld1l10tI 51855 501ml to Canadas problems He was member of the committee which VaiLgdQDlllL BruckciLJoieoucs KnuthI and Rheumatic Pains in 124a9iooi 79c KKOVAH CASHMERE HEALTH TISSUES SALTS II BARUID Timers 9c79c If Rolls ALKASEZER FOR COLDS HEDACHES UPSET STOMACHS Bllll SHUIBB Retltrf so ltAZMAHTjTi 509100 WILLIAMS Tooth Pastas 25c40c IPANA ass57c BULGATES 25c4oc 354 PHILLIPS MINTYS 29c scrub2540 GIN Pl VASELlNE Handles Remedy in the Home Yellow 10cA15c White 156256 2945 llR lYDNS 28c45c MlNlYS 25c39c him to seek the Party leadership and he said Mr Bracken would not coininihliiiiiself until he wassure the Party would adopt whole heart edly the ideas that now made tip the Progresive Conservative plat form As never before the voters were looking for good candidates men they could rely on to do what their constituents wanted done when they went to Ottawa He was impressed with the fine candidates chosen by the Various conventions with some of Canadas best brains enlisted toisce Canada had new Government John Bracken be your next Prime Minister he said Mr MacArthur is 11 good solid Canadian citizen said Mr Gardin er and real dirt farmer He is known throughout the country for his knowledge of farm problems and as breeder of Ayrshirecultle He is good example of the high type of men who are supporting ourpartyandshortly will be at candidate for seat in the Province of Quebec FEDERATION iPLllllSng PROGRAMS Contiiiucd fromypagepnc president ILee Banting Other members of the committee inclu Hunter RUSselln Cecil Chapp Orville Todd Mrs Frank He StewartL Page Lashl complete the details ning At this In willbegin on Sept 12 at Allen wood Mee gs in South Slmcoe will not rt until the following Sept 25 Growth of the uble up the movie showings some communities where dis nce makes this possible The Programme Committee regrets that this has been made necessary but is haping that the communities aske to do this will cooperate fully so that as many as possible can have the advantage of the movies MT ITINERANT GODMIOTHER Why are you callingvtzhe bab Nadine inquired the vicar it French or Russslan dunno 51 Was the moth saw it on locumW Answers will iiiuiuus VITAWV HORLICKS LINIIMENT MALTED QuicklyRe lieves Sore Muscles StiH faint 29c 50 PLATEdRUSH vrnos 50 LIGHTNING coucu SYRUP For the onmpt Relief of Coughs and Colds DR wast pPEBECU in site KUIYNUS 29e447c Buy Large mm Regular Price 29 Get Small PEBECO To only It PROPHYLACTIC 25soc PROPHYLAcTic PLATE 50 SQUlBB ANGLIE soc MASSO 25 nusamsrr Double Duty rugscouowcm room PASTE 24c4 DR CHASES Kidney dnd Liver The Household Antiseptic TEK 29 1wm PKG MACLfANS room Fists Miran43 541 PAROWAX Pun Reuad Puaffino VERIIIEADY AT ERIES It All lamlellies wit and Plea HAiRTomc Removes DandrufiIv and Checks Falling air 11 1in mm miiumi occur 91th For Speedy Relief Inktmuthglvabim dimlm vanbMoisimiln mam dsagmcAumh Murrow mum wam pollen antigen of Rogred and cum plant the cam Hay Huii pm Vitamin and mutual logic 6mmIomudtelwlmndtont who manor comma vogulmzm Olwmnmn lmim mun ammo elku 203100 To Build Rodslqnco Tali oVituvm Muddy dut be In May hm Seam to zom bol lemon and urination bond vuw rand wliallly Vltuvol 1h onlyIMPultoa mode Mbinilio In combtale topside 001m mhty commune Vim dm 1030 rpm Openovary Sunday GENY AFTERO ilima DYES ALL FABRICS lNClUDlNG CELANESE AND NYLON II Iv enI WHO IA 5009 PitPU Hyf 70 HE II may Pierm Marlin shown up Wowl mm and but man To Tm momr oouau IDGI STORE HOURSMon Tues Tirol had from 830 to 830 Wednesday 830 fin to 1230 pm Sallurddy 839 Condition VI RugbyTn nutrient GOLD LABEL HEADAcPi sac2 for 65 rear 100 179 1030dmlo 10piii 0353 PHONESSII BABIE man as TAMBLYN culprit PRODUCTS CELERY NERVE TONIC The Favorite Laxative fobYouny Old Nerves 195 5II lleg5llc 139 Oscririg lRON so you C00 warm POWDERS llllltlti PbMlI Qllkkly Relieves Headache and NemlgiaI Reg 25 19c commit