THURSDAY SJTEL 14 1942 GE mo rm BARRIE rxsumza HARRIS oxramo CANADA II Hwhm rurciinair rooms 3W Tina Weakly SKEWKL II Lian THE BARR Exmu MI Add iiiirld cf ctun EtllstitlrfLwXS CabCl Uical Britain Lei HAT BILLIUS UMHUNILAL 13 Indias Rail System Fourth Largest in World lthtfl llstgvilfl ll 515 ytlic Mllilrlkl II II sum YEARS AGO torn the files of THE UAltltlE PXAMLVKI It 111ilc TLC fl cr all1 Tltht in the CUEWBURS and IIlly 171 Illllltjfni that utiJ deb had gitmi ll iepz =i Ullllgiitlluli of use in flu doiiois for eiery unlit wmnun imii ii Horatio BM Hll till triol II II Tm llliilt in us leulenli4Iiiews it Illw IIIL lllliiltkl Mililsltr Lilithd Wultl 11111 lio than mite Sii ni curs 11 El Ltlulflwi NIL IIIIHIII Wit II IIiviLi cunrnmzvil $13117 itIl aigiiia is bliilllllllg on he Silclitv Kitii 5m hm lmvm ll nil lLxtillit pcklrtl ll till Ahcd Twin IAnlinw 1i fruits lion Ht llrl l1 rout with us no ll lultlttl 11p l11 tu p11 ieiti up DH Lillil Eild only All three and layout News About min liioo yl wWWwwamwhummb viiiz IilY or in roiir LOAN no Li own this lJM igti ItiLtll vrrlry lilill iI 1c iltrllli iriir inltlAuil Ulllilol 73 in vlllllJig Sole llix vn iil SLI Silfti lvir frviyei Ell it II In MM 1id iiwifis liliit hill loni IJII lliule ulna iri fl II Illie lili5llil lullm Tillli II II IIII ll lliulhci hiltlilillrri dllmit It lllll1l 41 rural Willi lllt ttiirvlit out total liilllull pailin 1till It hits acid in it it ll revenues and guru VHimy in nilr lover lilt icicssniv II HI llittilif svvtlirit liiii itnillitl loitli Undiuilitcdly one of the best scr tices litd ioss is rcndcring in llllx war that of llliillllll1lllllllt vw lin illLl lli ll llti If ltll llllrlllilll cits he always present anibul pm mnlitl ioi titulAhint 1mm ARV gun no Ell0 year WALLS Sims $251 mm Susie In II Li IAHD Ni IV SEPTEMBER III iiit11lltli 8W lili til wt tamed lllltt newspaper Illigtlllcgtoltz$ to sell Ht MITRE lLlNNlVG lure sttll in the 2iui the lll ac lor five years now our tliouidits and out llllnt arc Very lllitll aint planning liuve been pre much concernch We owned ctlllctl and published illici With tllc Will and rightly so tor our cause 13 Weekly newspapers it three illizirent illuges 11lli and We have to triumph or submit to it one unit Zlic lllll him And ihar tilts nI II slavery or worse Now ore beginning to the days before tinre vzre motor cars or think about the future uizd llldll are Woii liiiotypes in country printing otticts ftring if living in the days and yeurs ihcud win MW mm ms WWI MI going to be richer und Miller for illc izreut Mums Momm WW II mle WW body of the people We hch been under Hm mm yzIUIIHII govirrnnicnt controls and restrictions so longI mp Lump Ii MVPrum 1mm thattmt httverrusrd to plzm for their own lonItIo IIUIII to I1IiiIIII II II 13mm mum iii in II III lllllllc or for unyonc lcse Government conI IIIIIIIIIiII III IIIIIGII II MIL IKIIIIIIHIIII1III III III IIIIIIIII II hour iiI ir 31oz lm llullh my MI lily Assuming that the postwar butlch works iiln 111 IlIiiI IIi II III UH my AII lllfl WilllillltI but llltn tlii win is Vtl tlltl out 110 mp rimm Uw mmle indium llinIl IlAi IiiIiI 11114 IIIII In If My Ni tin iIiiz nonnI vi Va itlll bonuses II illlju xiiu in in al EiIII III Ill IIIII hIIIIklIIIIS my Him in mm mu mmma umbtuxlil tinn 1liclhmmm WW11mm mm mm it Mm it will ill to illll st irituii twin ni iini II II II mem HUI bl lillthuj 163le ll Hm wnlnn um 3TH 1h ml uttcnltlul lliul tlli in Siiiitlziv Allislon fine to lumt iii llM 74 II Ins II lililmwf golflmxxnt billing 31 oi the Wal llIt 111 the Financial Post ltllIllllsIl tiiIiii It null locumd by the loss b13111 lmali Ttlllx boon AU Izylllllltlxl 11 III IIIIII TIIIHIAIUIHIIIII II IIIIIIII II II lllt 11121115 UI stair Till ltIltIV ll TwainI min WI 11111I1IIllll 116111 ti lit II Inuai Illt KI tI II 1i kit II Ill ntIu lnnitlps Ipi Vplvy citizen to him the fullest II II II 5h pl thII1II MMWIJW ii up iun IL ll 51 ltd lllr1itn tiii ipn IlI llle possibch llltlivhlluIllltl biInoIpitgrnILiinI FOSS COHIGS Around tlu outily IIIIIIIII III 3040 in L5 IN ii1lllilVUllllSlll ti iiwuys lupfll is 7Ii IIIIIIIII IIII IMII 33le Jumps Maiini lluli ct In is 8L in it Iin W1 3W ll Imm lhl lllllllrllmleh nllll1111Il Ii II In IIainILIlIHIl Iii UH no modulati to llhlil 51H ti cum llltlc pointing ltllc liarlctVca1c of ll llllrtlnllill on lt 315 it 7UII1 NHIihl those who no pimpiible of rating for them in ltlltltlttl IMP Ni hug ll $75 oi llhlll lil iu SPIVC Vllltsi WP 111 Ill duty DOUIId ll lltllll murd My 104 lllvlluwj to uni ll Mill HHHH illilltlllil flour 52509550 lll llllltilitl Sil workers and caiivzisscrs hopeI to II In bod md mind an OI North Smicoc convention while Collingwood WWW ii lillltlillllll of ilic South 51 uniii not $623 ou fully ll lAtktvr mu yl we will soon lllelllllS 115 this despite the fact that Burrics llmdulwrler points Kingston lo Simcoc Kimball chuii HUN by Donna by govmnnwn llmlumllm l5 fur 300 llllillll lhllll COIIIHEI mm ma hmdml ldlg Thl hm hm wth ltCildtlllL IllLtf Th III III Comng ficcrs icmzun on lizind until ill the WOW 0501118 11 ti xtll ll in utlil ltcd ltlsllut 0110 1x ii 11 mu 11 111 ll It Li ill In planning rm mm lwoods recent liquor vote resulted 111 the llic lii liop Illa to Canada uinulan Lechn Works honil L5 mt lyhdfflknsufSigns lvoters list being extenle to the limit wlnchwatu lied trim in izzimu MflllCcIulltt busscs sluiloll wagons and rim loiua iIf Xg 31 if 101ml lllt lldl Iitm Barrie MI has IL hm brought up mum all to op tiii tIlu nutt Wlitn ii boy hits to it mi iliptiiltil lit it ity or no tuition ever rises above its ideals 111 or litigtjilllll and lt$ lilltl de pi hunt ii for UN Ti i1lifl II yII Illzillll in hospital this information its wedlftd thenfiHitarrightwconcepllon 411 pcmluntsl tlollmw weism Miamithe wiredlin lltdCtOirl to his fain th impugn of me home It should be 113 lrtll icspoiiszliility of 1ch rossilIy llien the Hospital Visuingg JlICe where the idcrils of lifes highest stand Sale of beer and liquor will be forbidden in lHHUMnt of Mound DUiitlllllllltt will keep In touch wun from the flies of BARR EXAMINII fence Illpatriutes arc iilso ex Iiun until he is sent home Ihus ards are practised mid instilled If in theEdiRlldlelh1n My ML ll 15 Ullltldlly WM this win my Rm wasmwust service which future we would concern ourselves less With announced that Germany has been defeated on Mumi mka vantage um mss pnvid05 pi an yet from the government and Slaws Provincial Treasurer Fines The of the opportunity to welcome in Corps girls look lifter the nurs ags genoman IIIId more WIUI what wIacuon Wm be taken in compliance with ailn its own conununity immediately cry canteen and rest room at Hall UH liIllvzll its own returning citi fax lock go on board ship and can 8W9 0f ourselves to make our Commumlylmquest madt by ml bbkluhpwln Hut runs and the incs and children tulle down particulars of destina Bird our countryn better place to live in then KCCPCFS ASSOCldliOnI SllItly illx zititliOiities fighting hull of the wives tag all the ll sacrifice made by 01050 who sleep bellctllllimuld 0L need 1ng by 110 keepers fWes who are tindnigi new homes tlicli lhcy escort the mothers tilltl 1311 me brmy deep to make such ruling Citixens should reilmv liubics to the nursery and babies igme foregn hm or quire no lilCOllOllt exhilaration loenlbpt Mimi Since April Red ross conduct are fed and bullied while mothers try not have been in vain If you Iappoint friend your executor can you be sure that he will be able to give your estate preferred attention no matter what his own health personal trOubles and SEVIICMBSCR 13 IX lug officers have llliytllttl on all relax in comfortable loun rooms to mark lullle lesmmlloll or police adjoining where rcfreshnints are TimesGamble of Aeshawa has purn lngTI director of the TimesSquaw is well also publlShes the 00150ng beatingsuit 759 thp dewpurchaSe makesdulte string of rnwspcpcrs under one management Tren tliclargcst RCAF station in Canada TO HELP THE FALLEN im W011 fani flqoliet 81256801le 2libelS23lilllbiiollllhllyofcrv Jul0mm delmqumlcl SUILISLICS for London or OS may believes and is pasgiomtely devoted wI England only states the United Kingdom officc do not support the assertions of at lt the kCUSdeIgf Eageni pglrayed rapid and alarming increase In fact tables wea an show that all arrests for ccified vinie Hostels dot the countrysrdc where men of 111 helter uncrime were exactly the some in 1943 as inl all faiths and I099 mill See or two 1938 while for all crimes the percentage un dcr Christian influence or mg clear 21 dropped by 2322 In spite of the diffl or as long as they regmre it An tire inadeiculties of war the years report of the Com Welcome from schice man experiencmg gmissioner of Police in the Metropolitan area weekend leave away from Camp to an ex convict whose first faltering steps outside the for particular apprehension COIICIIIIIIIIIg IIIIII prison gates have led him to the SalvationIenile crimes mew Armys door FHomecooked meals well organized Isuri roundings and comfortable rooms combined An universal and very interesting exhi Wllh clean sleeping accommodation provide satisfactory substitute for home The ire3 mndous rush to urban communities wliichmg the We ShOWn Ten Eutopean has been caused by the countrys call for warfounmies were represemed TheImost IasIton kers has placed an added rcsponsibllityilsmng fact emerges iT0111 this exhibition $31118 shoulders of the Salvation Army hostel Is that 112 dally papers are PUthhed 0n the continent by staffs all the time in peril of supervlsors Accommodation must be found far mese essentIaI workerSI and no Stone is theiriiver In addrtrorrtlrere armuneroirs newsletters and flysheets The Under unturned to Cope Wlth Phelr needs ground Press as it is called has played battalion Arlfly Industrial WgrkShops alewohderfiil part in keeping up the morale of located in principal Cities in the Dominion people in the oppressed countries These serve twofold purpose Firstto offer employment to exconvicts as Well as menwho have lost an arm or avlcg or are otherwise handicapped and hence largely un employable second to supply clearing house far all kindsof salvage and the re clamation ofwaste material =The Industrial workshops offer for sale at Silvery low fee great variety of articles and are haven for poor folks who knowliow to stretch penny tobccome dollar The men who work here are content know ing that they have security and job that paysthem adeduately for their services Most important of all is the reclamation of humlin soulswhich is the prime object of the work shtips The Salvation Army through its National Home Front Appeal asking the public to provide the means for the continuance Of this titswell as otheLprojects Which are designed to help th individugl reestablish himself in the world The campaign in Barrie and Dis trict runs from Sept 18 to the end of the month According to the Bureau of Statistics bus iness in Canada for the current year has shown decided improvement For the first half of 1944 the index of physical volume of business was 2427 index an advance of 51 over the comparable figure for 1943 In dustrial production volume gained 28 The national income for the half year is tenta tively estimated at 412 billionsan increase of 95 over1943 period Still further in be needed to meet the taxation resulting from the vast commitments made by Parliament this year Barrie is not the only place where the mun icipal dump is thedsubjectgof adverse com ment In Woodstock the city council is having good deal of trouble but in that case the chief complaint is over rats One alderman stated that when he visited the dumprecently the rats were over it like acarpetI Woodstock ratepayers will be ask ed to vote on the establishment of fan incin erator Barrie Council is now considering the incineratorquestion If thec0nditions at the localgarbag dumpareas badas the lt9 iNEWSPAPEIR CHANGE Lb Trenton CourierAdvocate from liiry MlMOOFBL ArthurRl A110W3Y1manag to indicate something must bedouc to over comethecausesi of complaint Setting up an incinerator to dispose of the garbage may be the best solution in the long run known and Successful publisher The Timcse GaZette is combination the 051mm TimesandWhitby Gazette audChronlcle apd Hammer 35 YearsiDry Renfrew Prefers to Remain Dry was the way the Redfrcw Mer cury announced the result ofthe voting on Sept on the question ofxestiablishlrig liquor store in that toWn In 1910 aflocal 09mm bylaucatmuumc votes over the fbecourlerAdvocate is one or the older threefifths requirement IThe vanes taken wdeklies in Ontario the We Vim since thatltime have failed to alter the sit bl founded 1854 the Courier 13 nation In 1927aWct majority of 1772 was tip came rear The Barrie Examiner was recorded but this was 114 short of what was hushedbme 10 amalgamans 11 193 needed to get liqqur store In 1934 on MMMobre who by the way was tit beer and wimpylaw the ny3 had straight located in Cookstown has quite majority of 63 On lastjweeks voting the as in publisher having bought and Watts had amajority of 379 which was short the mnewspapera In an editorial of the twofifths needed by 115 This left mews $88110 he tells somethlmr his theWets justrune vote farther fromlhelr objectivethan in 1927 It was thought with II were flurrySeven ymsvof ago the cliargge in population the Wets might win W1mdspwdotuxnawspapm but the rsull showed the cm littlemore lmmlmgshort time afterwards than balmthelr oWn top is good town of over 8000 population data atltisdoor has the Central Flying School Maa02 of London concludes there is no real cause bltion has been held recently in London when 90dlil5farm IN r1 examples ofpapers prmted undergrOund durin sprucm lUlN vcs ip or re cen res iove etn orbanlzed Herc creases inbusitness and national income will petitions slgned by 283 ratepayers would seem such trains And nian whether of the Navy Aimyoi Air Force if he is voundcd or returning to Canuda because of 11 lowered cate gory or for duty over here is sup plicd the suinc service which be ins when Liaison Officer boards the ship at liaiifux Cioiiip ton Ontario Divisions Liaison Obi Iiccl reports that Ill branches 0ft Red Cross service are represented when the ships dock Red Cross mobile canteen with ice cremni doughnuts coffee oranges is at the gang plank and VADsIof the Nursing Auxiliary of the Corps hand out these greatly appreciated treats Red Cross personnel stand by till the ship is cleared of all passengers Another mobile canl teen offers but Coffee and sand wiclics at trainside En route the niziny stops and do hundred little acts of kindness On arrival at Military District iiiiiir GRAIN HUMETERUWN NOW lupus Continued from page one yield and quality weighseriously reduced by the hot weather Corn had record acreage with best pro spects for yield where sownearly and well cultivated till the scorch ing heat reduced prospects 5055 Tripotatoes the acreage of coni mercial is the largest the county has ever had with the promise of record yield till the dry spell cut prospects in half Early plantings in most cases were best getting growth and size before the Itorrid weather hit themPossibly the cry3 tremer late plantings Since the 135 cent rains may develop andicome through satisfactorily Medium plantings were certainly hit hznd The tendency for the commercial grower is to increaseacreage while the small grower discouraged by four years of loss by blight is cut ting down in most cases Leaf hop pers and flea beetles did some damage to potatoes Turnips and mangels were abouti 750 poor to start with owing tr lack of time and help to care for them properly TurnipIaphis has done good deal of damage gainst which some are using lin seed oil soap spray Haywas godd cropdf exclleri quality and most of itjwasrsavei withouta drop of rain Averm acre There was considerable per centage lost dueto over maturity owing to lack of labour it was cut late or not at all Mostfarmcrsrhuve good supply of hay in the barn Recent rains while not altogeth er sufficient havejielpcd the farm ers by stimulating growth of Fall crops especially potatoes and corn and have made possible the prepar ationof more wheat land Pastures that were practically burned out are beginning to green again Altogether said Mr Page the crop returns for this year will be better than last as it was onlythe Fall crops that suffered HAD ALL TIRES ISTOLEE Tipper agricultural repre sentatiie of Huntsville who Alias staying in PoWaSsan overnight had the misfortune to have his car 1942Poutiac stolen from in from of the Windsor Hotel early on Saturday morning The carst located near Parry Sound with all the tires missing and the engine partly dismantldp Ichildren to Montreal where they night hospitality is arranged when wrwd by the CorpsI At mm mm Local News Notes babies are returned to their inoth crs and all are driven to the Slit tion by lrunsporl section lhen members of the Corps act as con ducting officers ollI the wives trziins from port to destination Nursing Auxiliary Haliqu detach ment accompany the mothers ihd Wheat coining ill in larxc planb lilies and liuriic station yards crowded with tcliins on iriarltcl lays lwo young vonien ap pending on the slitct in mens ut tirc Constable Viclicrs jilllillllly escorted them home ll ll Alllll Lent and Lottiispasscd btlllplcriltllllll lawl exam Morley Duff and George are met by Toronto detachment taken to Red Cross Centre At the Toronto Rest Centre Emer gency Reserve takes charge The same system operates over Western lines through to British Columbia From Toronto or any of the other big dispersal points Red Cross wires the Canadian kin And Red Cross aids assist with luggage At those points where the travel lers wall between trains reception Smith Went to Toronto to write on the supplementary inutric exam Houses at premium in Allzindulc Miss Florence and llillt 14 Wardl return from ttilltcll tour to the coast and have taken up residence in Toioiilo Students attending BillllC Model School Win Alltili son Guthrie Louisa Curruthers Ivy Millld Chose rillia Merino Early town Eva Garrett Anton Mills Ellie How Allandalc Hug gzird lainswicli Kelly Orilliu Kcrfool Minesnip town Annie Fletcher they may rest in comfort and over necessary TEACH MOR difficiulties may be Such questions do not arise when youappoini this trust company Your estate will get direct personal attention at all times backed up by all the technical knowl edge and organization of modern business which has specialized in estate management for many years Your inquiries are ipvited Tlllllll lllllllllms 253 BAY Sl HEAD OFFICE IORONTO AGRICULTURQ IN BCI Continued tram page one perhaps turn the minds of other students in the same direction At present only academlcfand commer cial courses are available to them It is much to the interests of the citizens of Barrie to give these po tential farmerstsuch instruction as wouldenable them to return to the farms well equipped for successful prosecution of their vocation At present thegirls geLsome instruc tion in HomeEconomics The boys also should have specialized training for their work The question is how to provide this far the boys It could be done by hnvln machine shopsan trig them instruction on scientific agriculture This would entail an mlargement of the school and ad ditional equipment But the re suits Would justify the expenditure He cited the Drayton high school and Ridgetown high and vocational school where highly successful ag ricultural training is being given In Drayttm where courses in shop work and homeWeconomics are giv en the government pays 50 of the cost Where general agricultural course is provided 75 is paid by ghexcoyemment fIn tbepolear period we have take careful thought of how we my best contribute to improved yield was about two tons TOXTll whammyHem place Where We denitelyneed to progress said Mr McViftie After viewing what is being drjme in the village of Dray tori andtlie town of Ridget0wn the could come back anddraw up plan or what they vwouldwnijlgg to doand though to the Dept of Education and ask what help might becxpected Aslhe Department has given evidence of its desire forays sistiri every waywhat is to the benefit of rural children am sure we would getan encouraging re ception Now is psychological time to act and get in on the ground floor of new system After sonie discussiom hearty vote 01 thanks was given to Mr Mevitiie To Visit Schools Acilidg Upon suggestion of Trus use 1136 Robertson committee will appoinlgid to visit Dayton and Eidgetown get all possible informa tion and report back to the Board The as Mellute ALB cockbum WNW Cumming DStawmtfl Blair APH mi Robertson and the practical humanhloucli needy YOUR backing as neVerbelore 1er has its casualtiesciicven on the home front Strong men laid low by accident or sicknessWe children denied their birthright mothers overwhelmed with cares and anxieties young people faced with new temptations the pathetic hopelessness of desutute old age To such as these YOUR Salvation Army brings the experienced practical help of skilled hands the tactfulanil healing sympathy of understanding hearts In reach isumited only by YOUR douarfsr The prsem need is urgent Me Your Response GenerowOno Campaign StrartSLSept18 CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS Ofce of Manufacturers Life Insurance Co llAIDunin Over PlSlcr6lhone 369d if