Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1946, p. 18

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GILFORD Lou Seth filling 35 lots triotxir trig 11 i1audli hltsrtw itsxl Slsiwltmhcz Ii Shirl hit I=it NVblx IS Seriirc lla Ille Relic Ill no vlur auadn and My Iiulloi gr slot 17 Mould rr llllliIIIti Itlln Sparse ltd lat to moinew II year ii Ul Ill tut 11 ii Wholesale POTATOES Any Quantity Number Ulic trade Grown iii Allistou Dist HAMILTON Iii Bradford St PHONE 35131 llxiltltlli BRING Body Fender and Paint Repairs TO For Immediate Service IIIGIIESI QlAllllh WORKMANSIIII Al REASONABLE PRICES Morrison Motor Sales so IBIIADFORI Sl WBULBS For Fall Planting 7or Potting TULIP NAR 551 CUSES large shipment lust Arrived from Holland BROWN 8160 PIIONE 2435 117 Dunlop St Barrie LEGAL BOYS BOYS Barristers Solicitors tNotaries Public Conveyancers etc Money to Loan Office 13 Owen St Barrie Branch Office Elmvale Boys KC Lewis Seagram GLADSTONFOUIIIII Successor to CAMERON CAMERON BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC 50wen St Barrie Telephone 3175 MONEY TO LOAN Blmsters Solicitors Notaries Public etc 17 Owen Street Barrie Branch Office Stayner Thurs Arts Boss Cowan Fd FRANK HAMMOND BA BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Masolnc Temple Bldg=Barrle MONEY TO LOAN DUNCAN McCUAlG 311 KC BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Money to Loan Ross Block Barrie gt DONALD MacLAREN BA BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Money to loan Masonic Temple Building Barrie roan 1mm BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Barrie Ont 24 Dunlop St some woons unmsren AND somcrroni Bank or Toronto Bids Owen St Phone zool Money to Loan NOEL STEPHENSON 110 OPTOMETRIST Dunlap St Barrie Phone 4201 hm Luce social Os militia 1563 no pAttendance Hi concur In 5mm OPTOMETRIST gt StPhono 25M nounsIi daily GRAPE HYACINTHS BLACK LABEL RECORDS llir gtJ Its londrrtut ltlA liar Jo fw Nonc tohl lllJlI In lhc Halhtl Iitll IiJ lll lJLL Htrolig Love Iltt 1x ill li Ii yiilhias In Low lt lino it Night Hunt tin and IIA llil llll llllit L=Iltil uni trlml llll who 11 no tis id pltdntll ililtlltl It l1Ilii of the rt1tiit iixl pioaar pyttu fast lrixoncr ofvlanc tau $111411 lliat Little llreain lot Nowhere ll v2 lali lt Illt illi iLuI li lunch Ior oil the Iiius 11 Ilztriic and itl Illlii lintiivt Iriid the IAitlltllltl lttli SPIKE IONES RECORDS llrip Drip llrip Sloppy Lagoon Iilot You Always llurt the You Love Holiday YOUR 75c tine US lor Strings thlrllliil 75c Little llolccp has Lost llcr Sheep lhe Biscuits llllfiilll lass ilirand 50c llawaiian War lianL llie ilow Worm In Peter and IIII Wolf by Irokoficft lltiston Symphony Orchestra i1 out $505 llccthovtn Sonata N0 11 in Sharp Minor DM 31 $370 ltomeo and Juliet Overture lschaikowski Ilhl 1117 $405 llano Reflections by Joe Ilcichnian ill RECORD PLA 15c PHONE 3178 DAFFODILS HYACINTHS SCILLAS $375 ifs We have fine stock of Rccord Players at var ious prices Allwalnut cabinetsif dis tinctive design from $3995 up All leather buundsmart twotone colour $2695 as All AUTOMATIC gtttip throttch NorthernOntario litY lizited work tagging for tlip Navy League on Saturday lcau IIpping Ina Mls It Illaclt Mrs Ilarl jlc Mrs Lorne Manning and MrsI Ilcrt Ilowley liranch of the tank of Toronto have been shortened somewhat with the adoption of the Iauadlan batik TriswnanmnIsIuIANINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WM moucmomouomc Gnu Jrml illiEiIlttt Iictrithioutliocll NHL heel interest um i1 titurge nil tllt Saturday Sept ULlbtli hrll athmil daughter Stallionll and the latr ul ill hull Ill11111 IV Kt licavvtl of ItllLtsIlY p9 Timothy thi In playsii ivy Mr arts and duiinrfthc signing Flylnlkl Miss hlttric ltiitr toyiii IIatct 114 antIi to marriage to IKIYil Scull ltnllxtrtl 111 in litralrlclllltli gown satin tltntllllttl HLII itt newllmc lltlttl liiitlltl slcrc Iltl Itiltf Ull Vtll ISI place to satin band end it at lllIlt do with clust HI Will mart ldiw unis Hln carried 13 Hi11d lg lunatic of red times and white lil J5 l1 Hill Zipln l1 lllu tillt IItatiial Ht ito 311 With deed to the liINIIIIS mother oiihcr II 311 WW ti 115 year airs Miss Icrtxic Shel iiilVlvl llill olli IILW 11ml Min littt i= tlzr Littler Jot 23411 Miroton were brides Ami llikl and in poll tziiIcKIa pith Wtct the 11 ldine cap rimres and to Ioniwtuslc Mid all lrr riirttchinv mittem nnd ti illltl llultltw IVll hoidiv Iililill tolonizd nusA llu rilrlztl p111 di and Lin yl of lime and eludioli Mrs Imilzlrv was matron of honor li ll liritiani Ital ton auditorium llidniirht blue taffeta liezttam ctt lit llltl Ity mp litlxlllit can sleeves full tuiotois tl unload ndh iilt fulltllt into slight train her liw lit tiaui irittrir iuil headdress matchintr lil Iicl Illilillil 31 lin callad tolonial nowva of Illtil llttitlu tilltiolttl lllll III moi llllull Ray Spying fontin of ll Iltxlttll ol llnm or tItoirale was groonisnimi lhe ilton lime or lrnlzn Iiijot were Elmer Ilcinock and It Illltl Iltilultti lliillty AIMl lnnnir mtlo Harbour and Mr and Ir Role Followup tho ceremony recep Iltitl Ilinnalr on motel tron was hth at the home of the loidtV uncle and aunt Mr and ilII ired Scott lslinxtoir Ihei ilr aunt lvttilttl wearing prey tcpi with black accessories atoll ttilhillfl of Iokcn roses Ihc giooms mother assisted wearing navy blur crcpc navy ncccssorics and ttllFlltlt of pink roses Ior tinVeIliug the bride volti prey suit with black accessories and corsagc of Icd roses After motor trip to Eastern and North crn Ontario they will reside in Io totilo Guests from distance were Irgt Francis lcbby grandmother of the groom from Stayner Mrs II lurkholdcr 11 and Mrs Iovetz and family Mr and Mrs llar rison and family all of Plymouth Mich ltev and Mrs Iurehasc lottcuham andnranyr relatives and friends from Elmvalc and district Ihrec telegrams were received from England ii 1w izoi llamle Mi In an iv lillilll illl Jl1 lliwl Iitlllti Sail on Sut urday Sept ll Illtti llouylas Robbtie thru year old son of ftlr and M1 itllllll litililittlrl riltl tlliltlrull oi Iillutr liohihn Iclirluc will con duct llllliti ary service at ilalstonl tulttd church on Sunday Sept 32 My Ieiley Italdoll will litvzuli here and at Allenwood lnittti tliurch We are glad to report that Mrs Wm Keeley has returned from the IIV llospztzd lililllt and is int proviniz since her optration Her sister llrs hzts Keeley Ioron to is spending few wcckg with her the followiniz did much apprec Iucucritc Iloliillard Dolly Ritchie Dickinson Shirley Player Business litiurs at the Intill monomers TRAVERS Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Simone with years or experience in hours liere Openingr and clos ing hours on regular week days lare 10 11111 and plii on Satur days the hours are 93012 noon Memorial Service at Waverley lllw innuul memorial Service was held at the monument at Wuv Icrley on Sunday afternoon Ihel weather 21s ideal and large crowd ZlSStlllIilttl to honor the fallen of World Wars and II Ai report will be found in another column Womens Institute Illnrvalc Womens Institute met at Ihidgcview Inn Wasaga Beach on Sept 12 Mrs Simpson prcw sided Mrs Lorne Manning re ported 0ntlio parcels of food sent to Britain Mrs Little read letter front cousin who had re ceived one of the parcels leath er andassistant were appointed for project Salads thOIYear ltound Mrs II 11 Whitney and Mrs Lorne Manning with Mrs Bealtlsall Farm Sales Specialty Apply to Travers Comb Linc ofilce Barrie or write Box Angus Out and prompt the tention will be given PROVINCIAL anon SERVICE RECORD calmness Open or closed type plays 12 10 records or 10 12 re cords For All The Best In RECORD EQUIPMENT and for the ACCOUNTANTS WELCH ANDERSON COMPANY Chartered Accountants Trustees etc Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto mittee Mrs Robillard Mrs in Old Floors SANDED and ReSuriaced an alternate Next meeting will be held on let 15in the Parish Hall when they will entertain theirVitus bands and friends Supper corri Copeland and Mrs Bert Rowley Program committee Mrs Beardsall and Miss Foster singssong was enjoyed with Mrs New FLOORS SANDED MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE nnvson omnist and Cholr Director LATEST RELEASES call in at II Wliitneyqus Beard sall gave an interesting account of their trip to the coast in July There was displayof floral exi hibit5 Mrs Rlt1 Black and Miss Heavy Duty Floor Finishing Central United Church TEACHER 0F PIANO SINGING and MUSICAL THEORY all grades including ATCM Modern Methods Studio 21 Bradford St DOROTHY JOHNSON Associatt ntoonse usit and London Eng Cotlege 01 Music Piano and Theory 152 Maple Avenue HAYDEN McAULEY ATCM Organist St Georges Church Teacher of Piano and Theory 115Bayeld St Barrie OSTEOPATHY EDWIN WILSON 13311 00 Simone Street King Block Barri Telephone 2293 Ecuszlz am 25 pan By appointment APPLIANCE BRANCH 26 Elimbeth SI Dial 4424 Barrie Ill IAIYEII Nib CHIROPRACTORS GEO ELSE BURNS DIC Licensed Drugless Therapists Electric Radio Hydro and Mechanoilheragy 115 Dunlop St hone 3194 CORBEH DC CHIROPRACIOR AND DRUGLESS THEMPIST Phone 3070 26MoDonald at Sherrie 13y APPOINTMENT mammm on mammary and sorrows Sophia St Barrie Phone on SW lithium DIRECTORS meme omens monsoon BOND HEAD GWhlen Buffalowas ghost of Mr and Mrs Geo Gummerson last week Mr aneri Baxter and lit tle daughter spent Sunday with the formers parents here Mrs Gunimerson spent the weekend at the home of her WMS Meeting The United WMS met for their monthly meeting at Mrs Jardines on Sept12 with good attendance After the devotioniil and business part conducted by the presidrt Mrs Brethet the meeting was handed over to Mrs Ath Smith who had charge the program dealing mainly wit the new Study Book She was assisted by Mrs Sutherland Mrs West and Mrs JessopPIans were made for the next meeting of the Mission Band and also for speaker for the aut umnthanlr offering The October meeting Wlll be atMrs Ritchies home Beeton social halfhour Mitts spent during lunch served at the close Mblhhed 10 IV voila mom min mo Ezlxtra copiesat nerve dealers daughtelMrs Barber Toronto E11 Foster were askcdto judge the best bouquet pilzegoirig to Mrs Bert Rowley social hour was enjoyed and dainty refresh Monsignossnonsr By balanced feeding The SHURyGVAVIN WAY with our fresh balanCed SHURGAIN Laying Mash youcen pro duce more eggs andmake more money SHURGAIN Laying Mash contains Animal Preteinsf HighPotency Vitamins Essential Minerals This blend of ingredients supplieslthenutrlents stimulate HIGH EGG PRODUCTION wants2700000 cases of Canadian Eggs this year Unless Canadian farmers andpoultrymen feed their f10cksBETTER we will not have enough eggs to fill this order SHURCAIN Feeding means MOREuECGS IEMOEFIMQNEX SHUROAIN Laying Mash BAIIIIIE noun mus ouvrnwusoitmrnsmo 1111 noonesrnoun HBEIIIIIBIIII our noun man that LIKE NEW PHONE 2950 BARRIE THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 19 1946 liuiu Alto 3211 and dr ller Vlvtltcw 511 djrtfc Iiusc Sit1 Itll tlul lilullxtt xluir tuty nutmeg vmt Illviv Mill in lo leril Hz Illlxtl tittncu 11 Nltoilit trll PHOTO ART Portrait Studio SUPPLIES simmer on 39 oral 37 stems arr rhymes CHILDREN Liu vElIlJiNfifi Ulitlliif INitlvllllli IIIIIAI HI Itl 15le tltlifdlt ll fit 11 it fit ld HF attains Developing Irintingwhnlarging ironr your min llllzllr tivcs it ttltiel ttt liaitic Iiillllii Illltli HZ ltti 5311 year iand worth tunic Len but liil lluf nail or rind li lllt Silktr Mr and Mn Hamiah and tllrlll Ivnand ltn Horne 31111 lit1 Ln titlll Find with 11 drr liimut Itornnlt Ur Illllltlly owning trivial and itihlllmt Inc 11 oniuxinta halt to lintml 311w littty liizl bride of Saturday lltl Willi ritel li Spence had It tddit Itmmh Illlliltl lin llll iiio ctr11111 wth twill in dummy liu tam deal and Joyce ttunl who of tin tannintlndy yo with liettx to her Ic IIfi in ti itiltlvlItUl lhotnzh Ihe Ergonner tltll lluquay it new piesiuliiis day afternoon tict top to rally Slessor LICENSED AUCTIONEEII nousanorn partners FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENIS Phone 2577 Barrie moomooonachotinotoooonosmog OWIIID AND OPERAIID EV moouAILANIICcPACIFICnous smears ANN PAGE MILK BREAD 0er sassy 2402 Zoos 150 NORVALLS MALTED CATELLI MAC SPAG 16 Pk TABLETS WHITE SAIL ECLEANING Btl FLUID arouse PASTE MAQKEREL 15oi Tin 25 VPURITY 7lb PURIIY 48ozPkg 17 mm great ngRairihg Pk 23 132315 wax scars 13 331915 was iff2 CHOICE BOKAR COFFEE Really Fresh liiitl litrw tilt tl RENNET Pkg 14 CLEANSEII OIL BURNERS IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION NO WAITING LIST Order Yours From Wilfred Farquhar PHONE 1048w COMPLETE CANVAS SERVICE Farm Trailer Covers of good quality waterproof canvas from $500 and up VENICIIAN BLINDS NOW AVAILAIIIJC in Steel or Wood slat Estimates Courteously Submitted 34 Bayfleld St 4314 PHONE Night or boy CLARK Proprietor S7 VAR NJ usiNlLO nusnitoon 25 DXTAII 15 variants 25 lisrAnAous 25 orient PEA 25 CHICKEN rooms 12 11 5054 CALIFORNIA gtVALENCAS 344 oz Domestic Commercial sizes Available IIII MIDLAND WiIMarHavenYonge St Midland BARRIII TENT AWNING CO MW l7 00000000 CQIOOD C0000 or surnames 25 No1vGIRADE QtnBasket Grade still Combination tbs Grade 66 INo Grade 835k cANADA N0 GRADE POTIII0ES PEN 21 10 lb for Yellow Flesh Freestone ElbertarNOW AT THEIR BEST FOR CANNING 923 Swain nuns Newrow PRICES TENDER Juncvcurs WELLTWITHIN vouas enormous Simmonds oornsssnooro rise First Ribs lb 35 nIiIsIIrir rm Ionian nan Ins or room 25 GRADEA IROASTING Ib cu CHICKEN tilts Trimmersmote 13 rItemitssitrcttsrisg 753455 Canning Sugar Coupons No 26to 30 now valid forCennind 50000000 THURSDAY Mrs Mrs In gm zltt IIONI00IOJ

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