THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7400 Copies AUlNORlIED AS SLCQilJ CLASS IAEL 0U OllAnA MM ro out You 31 OOOO $93 11111 pieiend modem 10 mantit incomplete THURFRlSAT PATRONS NOTE SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS PM we Bisenihgvgr lilURlBElVSERtl a8 itoumg URN Hillill DRAKEdlllRBRUNYN MON TUES DAYS ONLY with Phil 11111111 PLUS Matinee Aug 28 ENTE WxtzttviJ it MURSDAsziLAY SAI Matinee SaturdayVZonpm V771 Eve Sh0ws and l0 WWW RQXY1 NAUEHT MUSICAL mism 111 111111 IIIlVICTORY BOUNDI and CARTOON MONDAY MATINEE WED 230 PIM ALL STAR HITS MAN Hilllll NOrCII FEATURES OOOOIIIIOIIIIIIIlitlvoloototovltoIocliar Illll lltllllc Mr 1571mm HamidIrma DAYS COMMENCING WEDNESDAY 111111111 SPREABING lHE 1111111131 THE 31111111311111 win TUESDAY WEDNMSDAY BE sREITo SEE THESE TWO 1011 WGRANADA7 No ovvo wao mo orle WON moooooom BARRIE ONTARlO CANADA THURSDAY AUGUS Illototvwomunowwooa Recreation Round By 1112s ROBINSON to Itroomlmocttodlov if KA RN ll 1116 11 11 vrli izi l1111l till UMlrliltl unlit H11u1r 11 1111 111 taking the cow may 1111 itciniruxi all tl1 events Inuit to the $11111fit thi who ilt ifitt Iilti ii 11 if Ito1111 i111t211pt11u llI1i liillIWIlEZl 1111 the llllllll1 I51I All 131 111 11 11 111111 gtl 11 II 11I1 I1II11 Il11 1II1III1II1 1111 Another of our speudl 211 11111 Glff SUMMER ATTRACTIONS III 11 11 11rIi11 111I1II1lI1I1I IIII Iihiy Playing lllltthl 111 lorouto bit first run house 111111I1 1111 111 1111III rural SKI SI PARTMDGEI AFC JI MI MIIASKIN mm IWIH III 11111 11111 11111111111111 Ill haw liikk In Hid Wm Wm lbiIv are llll1 111111 121cc Ail lli titilliliiitlru Ottawa liar 1111111111l 1211117141111atisirid 1111l IIIIIII JIM III 11 flip NI W1 1Vi11144d5I of 111 gm 11111iii1t INCH t1 to lllll li l1c lttAl iltiyllllix It IIW nclu two ll1iic 1111111 Squatiipii 11 Stanli liittzidizv All IIEIIlIiIIIIII II II II REM hid WWW ml tlillil Lilyuwxmm diuwph llaiiio wri iiillt ll 1i ail9 lll hi 12111111 for the litSl pet on Ii lIillaiizttl I111w at II 11I I111141n1 1I111iiiiciii IIIXII or flying E1 11 oiinsiinuialion l11Ilt 11111111 III II 11 11 ii 11 til 1111 it iii 1111 Lost lionsitl pct 11 show if IMIIAIlemIII IlII1IlIIIIlI IH III If AIlh In 113 I1111111111111 t1 11 WONDERFUL VibrlffllllUL COMEDY MUSICAL l11tl11111licz11ooiiat11cc11lari 5w 4111 1HIl It we pummel stationed amp ll111d1ii bl iiiizdcl 11 link 11 111 11111lllll IFJIIH ljm 111111111 111111 h11111 but l111211cd to fly t1 lifAl 1f11 11 115 latc lill NH will lionl Will be hold for the yoing 51111 511111111 l1li 111331111111 p1r adv winch Will iiiiliiiii pit111 for iii1 11111l original costume fiui 111i15t costume best decorated wa 111111 bin1t decorated tiiiyclt and the best decorated loll carriage tacos for both boys and girls in c11sand1indcr and eight Siilltllllithl age 11111111 The coaster wagon races are for the boys groups 111 ll 10 and 12year 1111d under and to avoid discrim l111at11m any girl pusliaiidpaddkl cutries will be accepted In thel roller skating races there will bci compclitions for boys and girls separate in three different ageI groups lhc YoYo championship will include two age groups each fori boys and girls with judging bascd upon style and ability The best summer tan and the freckles cou test are definitely for the outob doors set the former being judged by the darkest tan and the latter by the number of freckles per square inch of any part of th anatomy nominated by the com tcstant II The soap box derby which will be run over course of two blocks on Toronto Street from Welling 11111 Street to Park Street is open to boys or girls who may cuter three or four wheeled veh icles constructed at home by them selves or with the assistance of friends 11 71 cud and 7ade rALLSmN LEGIQiL lt Allist0n Branch No 171 Canai 79 Elizaihs August 25th 12 to pm to Celery Hearts Roe Radishes Green on BrOiled Spring Uranberry Compot Broiled Restigouche Multre DHotel Half New Green Teas OR Deluxe Potatoes Fresh Apple Pie Assorted Cheese COFFEE TE 1111111111 inc pgtg11i2 for the Kids lliililol Flight of tlic llAl1 on the W1 Deiienunloutu SUNDAY DINNER Queen Olives Grapefruit Supreme gt7 Cream of Mushroom Soup RoadtI Prime Ribs of Beef Au Jus Individual Yorkshire Pudding Salmon Steak MAYBEES Special Lobster Salad rresh 1Dicd Carrots Pail Roastedlotatogswf CIuntelopc la Mode Tablet Service PHONE 4272 AND RESERVE TABLE FOR YOUR PARTY 11 vxM mg BARR EXAMINER 1111133 1211113113011 ill when he had the tank of itlrlilll 111111111 111l111l 1111111ccr but iiviznistiicl lliIgtIns officer 111 11t Uplands in llll Quad Agnew ggwv1rrrv rrW1p34y4i axJury 1r garAunt Pages 33 to l5 Section Imperial ThurlriSat HOLDING OVER For More Days From This Da Forward 111 iWON 11111110 111 13111131111 111101111 Lr 111 51 lli owl 111 lllllvli cot at11d Wllll the Air Force ross lll llilIJ itll llotli 515111 lhiitiidgc and Joe M1lt1 11111111 11l1ti lmtlit ttill li cimsc players 1111th Barrie and Camp lt111tl1111 Air Func team 111 pl 11 Opens Night Ailiillsi 23 food pr11111d by excellent chefs llic l11121d clicf is l1l1i1 Stcvciisou llltl of tlic 111111111io1v lilillll Club Til 111111 hold its grand opciiiiigfor the ltgtititil$ of liar 1i11 11nd llltit This new restaurant 1111 dance =Spoi has been planned by its pro piii1tr1i1Ilt1itl1 Maybee to be so cial centre truly cosmopolitan 111 concept and character It will be comparable to the finer restaurants in Toronto and Montreal Club rcprcxeiits the ideas and ambitions of its founder M11 May bce who served in the armed forces with the rank of Major spent considerable time at Camp Borden wherc he was engaged in admin istrative duties and was also con nected with the mcnt Thinking of his rehabilita tion and believing that Harrie was town with future he made plans for the restaurant and dance rendezvous which will be opened tomorrow night For those who appreciate refin cd luxury and meals smoothing little better criminating tastes they will have Sport Shirts sMLIizes $650 WHITE SLEEVELESS SWEATERS $325 JUMBO SWEATERS All Wool 3844 $750 TWEED SUITS Sizes 35 to 42 $3150 to $3500 MENS BOYS WEAR t7 Barrie onions Friday Chicken i7 MILK 150 ZIIDAIvaBUSINEss IALTY Evening Dinner Menu from to 911111 ALACARTE SERVICE AT ALL TIMES RestaurantOpen for Meals Daily from DANCING NIGHTLY except Monday FROM p111 COVER CHARGE Bic111115111 Musics Plciiant Surroundings catering departI that offcri t1 1111111133 lllt l11111e George Janie Mriii1iy tlic llicic clicn with equipment carnival atmosphere As ycarroimd iicsulents for every social oceasiond lurlIher mind IIn LEI iv IICmWlrl II III from the informal snack to theifllly 0X Wm 1111L II planned Sunday dinner party the Mela Whldl fllrifiiiil Til ANDREWS SlolEtlS BENNY GOODMAN flown at SIX hundred and llllllyl JERRY COLONNR ANDY Club 79 will be decided innovaI gtion in Barrie Toronto Sts has most will be for the family sittl for the epicure cuisine lliiltl lit 111 ioiiio and he will he assistcd byI who has been chef with Childs Restaurants and lordvsiiii loronto lhey willhavc 11 staff working 111 spurious kit uptodatc menus iii dc 4111 tlc NiV 1111 111 St ltHHIl dilflilmiiii dill late yfsltrdny that the Ontario li Lacrosse Association Senior IIIIIItI liiIIIIIIIIIQIIIiIIdIvidiiiIaI11thHim playoffs would start next Illtilh 11 11 my id ll ri 1kc10 finish by the owner lrims arc Lit 18 nN mch Brampton Evilsims 111 11p for competition 111 thetr11yclc 1m seijinlsI The young people and the smart set will find good music and danc ing and thcy will enjoy buffet llif United Kingdom All Ministry suppers and light 1141freshmentgl announced the formation of an served in joyous and intimate RAF highspeed ilililil 101 restaurant of lfcring facilities to visitors and The building on the south sidm for disinf Elizabeth St between Mary and been entirely renovated and redecorated VA ncv 111111111111111111i 111 litll as 111 111 1m 11d 111111111c1l lll ligt of the Wintvi fixpcii llt I1 1I HERE ON AUG 30 Jill stool l1111l11 j1 11111 1131 LACROSSE PLAYOFF Word was received in lhrric First and second games are at llramptnns Rose Bowl on Monday and Wednesday nights August It and 2K The third game of the licsturffivc Mriis will be at Barrie Arena on Fri day night Aug 30 If furthcr games are required the dates and locations will be announced later MAW llltllAlN BEA ITS WORLD AIR RECORD OWN British jet aircraft the Melon has flown at six hundred and thirty miles per hour new world record This was revealed on luly 12 when flight which will be equipped with Meteor aircraft fitted with Rollsl Royce Derwent engines will ninkel milcs per hour is Wing CommandIi er BCllIlOlll DSO Britain sot ltpl world air speed record of sixl hundred and six miles per hour last thvember On this occasion 111111 STORY 21 flit1931 1l1llllA1EC t1 JUAN lllli icIiiiviis litiitiiilily 111 1119 21111 1111 1ily brown Added RHYTHM ltNill1lH also NEW WALT DISNEY Altlllle STARTS MONDAY AUGUST 26 ALL THE $71135 ALL HEARD IR YHE GREATEST NOVEL VIAWRE EVER BROUGHT TO TH SCREEN THE KINGS filEll STERLlljfII liflllOiislt THE WEB PlPERS ALS SHOWING WALLY ALAN those who wore the uniform II OIED 1WILSONSudden1y41this residence 11 II Aug 23rd and 24th PCBEESERVATICNS 71 MENS LUNCHEQN and Special Food Selctionsy floor has been laid down the walls Clme 151 Mam Ihavc been pannellcd in cedar and special feature is the indircci colored lighting The appoint imcnts have been designed to proi Ivide an ideal setting for the ex lpertly prepared food Advance reservations for thc opening night are promising in ldication for an enjoyable time cl1 stiffeer from too much heat There lday night Dress will be optional have been few light rains but ndmeIIpiutx will begin at nine the farmers require considerably Oclock +morckrainto have bumper crops Maximum and minimum temperl atures for thepast week more as follows HIGH LOW BROWN CARNEY lN Genius at Work with ANNE LIONEL BELA JEFFREYS ATWILL LUGOSI WHAT SHOW ALL ON SAME BILL Cool Nights for August But Weather is Pleasant With cool nights and warm lrlCZlSri ant days those who have been on holidays in the past week have not Coming SEPT2 new at the Imperial Toronto 12 11 ii IdiomReservations With 23 II git CLAUDETTE COLBERT JOHN WAYNE Aug 20 68 so 46 Aug dian Legion how owns its clubI housefree of debt due largely 101 the generosity of the citizens Of It pays to read and use Examiner Classifieds Allistonwand few people who arel not residents but who expressed a1 CHAMPIONSHIP desire to assist the citizens inthc recognition being made of thei II services during the last war of P119ne 4272 Openin Weston Ontario on Tuesday Aug 20 1946 William Andrew VVIlson beloved son of Edith and the late Stewart Wilson Res lting at the Turnerand Porter funeral home 436 Roncesvalles Ave Toronto Service Iin the Chapel 830 oclock Friday even ing Interment family plot Thorn ton Cemetery1Thornton Ontarim and Saturday Evenings II Saturday Aug 124 IORILLIA TERRIERS 11 BARBIE LAKESHORESIII 1121311327151 mSQCk1m Children FreeAIccomPQllied bY Adults Its Cool and Delightful at If II p111 1I Members of Canadian Legion who wish tObOWl please let pres lI ident or 1captainsknow by Aug II ust 27 34pI 11111111272 II 1111111111 NCI OPENS SEPT 3rd 11 ructionln srENOGnArHv 11 BOOKKEEPINGlNESb GENERAL BU x1 SECRETARIAL EXCEPT MONDAYS Students pursuing any of above courses may also com plete in our Matriculation Dept any Grade 11 12 or 13 subjects f1 roariweiisorchstra jEMEMBER THE mm IIQLIDAY WEEKEND EVENT Saturday Augusta Lim ed 525 Bloor St WI TORONTO Bertrand BUS 5153va