FACE EIGHTEEN Illli BAltltllI EXAMINER BAthlE ONTARIO CANADA ALMM arrie Lions Club Str ThursFri August 1516 Post Office Square fare and Community Betterment The Proceedsrfor Child We =11 LADY CONTROLLER HANDLED ROUGH BY HAMILTON MEN awarded 11 Joseph The Green ront HARDWARE CHINA TOYS GIFTS WHERE YOU 1th MORE FOR 1113s mouowouomonomono NEWS OF ALLANDALE momoaozzzionomouo Peer Suggests Plan Of Five Regions To Save the World world iiozn li1lliLl secui it tlmlltt was put forward by Lord uhaiii at the Empire lress lIUlllItltllLt in London lie adimatcd regional organ tuition with control vested in my tonal authorities bu with Britain tlie main link licween the ar toils nttllllt lno alone will not be capable In our generation of preventing third world war he said lino is ot the allsufficient answer to the ldullltill of peace and scculiy which we have to solve it can only come iizo its own by long pain and travail liiv right courso was to organize LYltltl for iegidliai security which manifestly did not threaten the ltiirity of ltussia in her own ltllr iiieiisc sphere Here was the main need and task of the lillLlll om iuonwcaltli The live regions where he tlt xisle these organimzions should Western lluioiic blast the IllI plan tore had 10 Hall scene route Sin llllzl ltl lll ill ltll Siaiii itcd hall lil evniils llit boiled Solid llging Apple crcs li1tl tzcet that about tiaiillit the steps fre drill Well 51 111tllil iil viltitaic lla 31h 31111 Aye pr ii lft lttl lrllftlll he press lttlfl 1iii 11 would to lie ov illtll lttlt they 111 11 11101 Your Watch REPAlRED in One Week Work irt114 iv 11 ml NIHIJ lIiiitci ilt ll 11 tile vllIttl were liliill to liili by passing lii 1w llzarl lit lllt iizclal pom uni to lto1e lii 111v kdxil ll lattlin 11 iltl ll oIllliilt oilliilI ptillil klle llil ill lilrvire law iiitl tlllltl lltll lltlfli5ill 11 11 Iliii Guaranteed Year 1213 ll Vllt ortli America Middle African Continent and 1C and the Southern Pacific Lord Altrinchani declared that lll ine1ican drive for American pros1 perity hail dangers for their pllltttrI iples llie dualism into which the world was drifting was the Wild standing danger of the times larliaincnts were the key to the coherence of the lllllpllt lliialt liielitary Government must not fail again if we were to survive any responsibility for the affair The actual organization of thr crowd at the City llall einanatcdl from the union movement of from llaborlro igtlilll 11 ruiiiicil Illley I1 411111 to kill her One lllthli WM KOSMAN Watchmakeileweller 261 iiiiAliilnii sr DlHllJl lied yeais lepali iliil itllittti curb lltll ms where filo iiaituwi Willaii itl tl1gtlllil illlilllilll tlie lllt lll flirt Fl ii 11 liriola lflllr decided 11111 newt lll VilS difficulty ltlS ltlt 1I itim 1112111ch H5 aplale to the conlollilIli al oiztiollir lleudermn sought 1il limitiii viowd only aiiillivllei m4 lird llILIlllllx called ililtl to liicaiatntini tniiron of ap hearty ftm lLa cai NtittsttVl appreciation ll 11 lilll=ll with cli veteran cxpci icnce he plat1 few lloll lil ilil 111 tlll litel rioud fiver up and 5t llllejc llllll lltl very itivl Hond this lroiiipt Attention to lAll lllllillh lllillll telltilllill vciy much to 1116 cat 11112 and file of ll1 llillllllltlll river to the may in inn itlrlill gtltll lioiiii and lionu lttilfilll ll Alex Sail rcliilncd vciy British lilo 311s llelty xilh Whine All gt Florenci tlIlIIlJIrllrlollrolllcollullttirlillolllolltottiltl I000 Cabinet Making DIAL 4444 BARBIE SCRUTON Builtin Cupboards Cabinets ctc 241 Bradford m000IIIOIOOMWMWluiillillllarItollllltlJ llltll wild down the triioh Lot lllllll at the City Council the city grossive larty rally held the prev ious evening 151 elm spent ii sltl places zll lollle tllll iioiri lltrpli Wilton ll that city they lttl liliill l1ll nlectliiu lhe ItlliilH of the crowd here let lglll piovcil in illil unchecked lilelier Moi iile reigned at tl of York and ltllllCS Sts gilt and All 1111 clearly than ed that there iii llam TODAYS PRICES HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoted by First Iooperative Packers of Ontario 13 111 waver who lnll llll li and Mrs ll lllt it1 all line the till Ilgti ll le irnoii lifittllllgt tisclainicd $11051 illIll xiimi honing Street MIIttlpotrct Ltd Barrie prices of hogs cattle eggs and poultry asquotcd by the Packer of 011 la lt id ays First Cooperative taiio BACON HOGS llot Dressed Weight Per th $2123 $2125 $2100 $2100 loday One week ago Two weeks ago lliicewccks ago SOWS No hot dressed weight No hot dressed weight CATTLE Choice babies up to Goclulmbics up to Choice butcher cattle up to Good butcher cattle up tov butcher cattle up to 11 910c 810c 78c $1800 $1700 weekend with her mother 311s Willoiighby her niece Miss Jean McDonald of unva mckmuo II at the WP Medium Plain butcher cattle up to Good cows Medium cows Cutters and canners Bulls ALL ill imam Mm is whcn ticshiv ivcdloiYme at firm one of foul of Kingston and Rev Drew of Mimico eetFroli Sprinkling Cans Steak Knives sets of $395 mun mm pm mm mm White handle stainless steel blade Sets of ti plated forks arc $200 Ill all ll tiers disston six different slzcs Fence llicrs 10 Canadian $150 Auto Pliers 30c 391 50c 95c tauntIi wgtx undies 91 and 11111 Wrench Sets arid ti pcs $195 Tennis Balls and each 50c Largo lake Plates Lawn Sprinklers $175 $200 $350 Some with handles and iilitre designs lll Wettalile lowdcr $125 meV mills PM Mystic Foam Rugr Ilcancr 49c and 89c Stcrno Pocket Stoves each 35c mm owls in we Sins and 35 Electric Fans $645 to $1125 Softball Bats 25c 50c to $139 Flllll Nappies variety for 151 for sun Balls 75c 851 $165 $170 Tm Plates 5174 Hunting Knives $125 $300 $495 $575 Powdered Floor Wax lb 50c culmqu Pyrex 0M SM 195 $371 Flyled with llT 25c 45c 98c $175 nonhu Egg ZupS large Hand Sprayers 33c 45c and 591 Single Egg Clips TOAsrovnn TOASTERS slices $295 noun lllGll oiiAiiis ClltvllSAl2 8198 INFIVCOHI Scutilcs now we have good Childrens Wlicclbarrows $139 an metal and wooden stock to choose from COLEMAN LANTERNS Special $99 Iiiucir SAWS and sitlion SAws unm Amorous 98104 DUNLOP ST Farm Leader Bock THORNTON lFrom British Tour more efficient distributiOn of food surpluses and the establish ment of equitable price levels on farm produce throughout the Miss June Willougliby spent theII Mrs Wni Cameron Barrie and loronto were Sunday visitors Vlth Mr and Mrs Josh Terry also Terry and Mrs flcrry Calves New spring lambs EGGS large medium pullets pullefs pullets CfIICKENS Grade Grade last week MFA lbsand over 34 101412C 13 VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY AUGUST 17 MFB lbs to lbs 34 Under lbs Broilers visiting Mr and nox Grade Cl FOWL Sunkist Cal oiililluils L236 Sunkist Cal LEMONS 27 IBLUE BRANDOK COMM BEEF Delicious vvnolllilo TEA Size 344 IQZI 2ft 39c 39 rumour 279 15mm IIItib lb Over lbs to lbs Under lbs The above are dress prices and are subject to killin charge of cents per bird on chick ens and fowl and 12 cents ontur keys for birdsdeliyeredi aliveto the plant Ducks and geese are only purchaseddressed heads off Unfinished poultry are not being Accepted at the present time Roasts size 252 Shauna Blade rcmoved BLADEHROASTV Roasts IBDNEL Round or square end 11111112 iioiisr Tasty II MORE BIakcd 1111685 have returned home to Cailander ISeveral Brando motes ed poultry BEANS Quality Mrs Lee Wright ZlfuiifZSl SeveralIBmd Standard 20 Oz Quality tin GalaBartlett lassff for Cal Red Malaga 41c GRAPES Ontariogilown mum Ont staked rice TOMATOES ClarksAssorted MEAT SPREADS BRING YOUR CARINron Carburetor and Ignition CheckUp andIAdiustment 1b If 20qt bask BSA lb roll Monarch Baby GHEESE 35 Li $1 1111 Holland Marshlead bunch beets carrots etc IV ndise sold at your Domin is unconditionally guar 100 satisfaction west StakSaltedi 4b MlXED NUTS Tins 57 Illuwtlllllllts 11 IFresll daiiy fro lettuce celery 20oz tins lb new 1946 Back ouoldd cAllllED PEAS Quality 219c All mercha ton Store anteed to We II inon gt 8102 Btte pigs SDEDWIHIEIAT Wetlieys Pure Orange Miniature 24 29 PLYMOUTH CHRYSLE FARGO WHOLESALE PAivrs 55 Elizabeth St Barrie PHONE 2427 the United Farmers liiivlii Miss Jennie Michell Toronto spent the week With Mrs Wm Hunter Mr and Mrs Wrightvisit ed the latters sist at Craigvale Miss Grace Halley Toronto was the guest of Mrs Harvie for few days rs ennox 1311b ert an McLaren Millet71 Sound are Chas Len David Neeley Craigvale and nylon Hall Toronto are holi daying with Mr and Mrs Lee Wright Dawn and Murrav Gieenlaw ious industrial centres after few weeks with their aunt Misses Frances Brennan Bar rie and Miss Joyce Archer Elin left this week to spend ounle of months at Sintaluta Sask Mrs George Hunter underwent an operation in the Royal Victoria HospitalBarrieoilMonday Her many friends Wish her speedy recovery Mr and MrsF Lower Bar rie Mlss Lower Toronto andChas Roberts Fredericton NB were the guests of Mr and Mrszme Black for the weekend Mr and Mrs Beardsall Mrand MrS Sam Kimberley and familv Mitand Mrs Jas Simp son Mr and Mrs Lloyd Pearson 1T Foster Miss Foster Mrs Lioneld Player Mrs Wade Mr and Mrs Bert Rowley lt JosI Baker and Player atten WIORIKMANSHIP JIL2 1001 Districtfoicnic held on the groundsof the IOOF Home Allalidale Wednes dav afternoon Align Hawkins Paints III IIIVII ulna mm VarfliShes BJ cirrus 011 PointinjsI and Pictures Stores $175 $1300 $310 tiliilillsIISpoon aiidIlork Set in box 89c Childs Plate liork Spoon set 5150 JOHNSON RN13 i0r 911 at 69c Sterling Silver liar Rings cacti Novelty Silver Bracelets Silver Bracelets with colored stone Revolving Belt Punches $250 Thaw 00 items Mr mus tax 751 $150 3150 $100 $350 TUDOR PLAYING AltllS lite and 15c Lille 50c and $100 each $295 fovcrcd Butter Dishes 15c and Tovcred Candy Dishes arc 25c 29c llluc Yellow lrccn 1351 each 10c Fruit Sets Bowl and ti nappies 79c alid $1le each 15c ltlc 20c 25c Its long Rood thotIhos no turning but IdIIgieot many people forget this fact and make fools of themselves Enliiluoty Mn 75 $110 $150 This is the We ruiut and Cut iittl$ooks105200 259 95 and $560 Croquet IScts Al 2Lfm1ti vlthi The date on your lalifil tells you how your subscription stands News items Altl appreciated Write names clearly Advertise in The Barrie Examiner GEO GIANI world forms the broad policy of the International Organization of Farm Producers which came in to existence at an international convention of farln organizations held in London Eng last May according to Bickerton ex ecutivf officer Wit Association of Canada who returned to the Dominion aboard the Queen Mary While in England Mr Bicker ton through the cooperation of the Canadian National Railways colonization and agriculture de partment1ectured on the Cana dian West to Rotary Clubs and Chambers of Commerce in var MEATS POULTRY VEGETABLE St Cla BRIE 1126 cones UNLOP PHONE 3214 Member of Barilo LisaCliamber of Commerce WNWM Comparing English and Cana magW erton maintains that farmers from both coiintrics have much to learn flOmiaCh oth3Asran example he said that Canadian farmers could experiment profitably with English mixtures of grass seed to improve pasture standards here st 24 47 PIIOTIG 2215 xStroud EXChanqe WNW lllclnc MOTOR Sil iiPAIINISWl IONTI milescsoutliIoi Barrieonnghway ll IRewindingand repairing all typeset electric motors Automotivc Gcnerators and Starters Props rence gt SealjOSpnII 19m IIPdirit Wallpapers PicturerFraming i0NT 82IIDCUTTE6FSTEBARRIE