Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Aug 1946, p. 16

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THURSDAY AlGUST 15 MW measuringlouver 915 Barrie EXAMINER 13317112113 OXTARlO CANADA 7153 am IlllllifllIVIVJUOOIOI IWNM mmwmmmmwi DISTRICT TEAMS COPACO MEETS Legals and Sales iiENTER ONIARIO ii CGE OR LOBLAWS W3 ASA PLAYDOWNS ANTER LADIES PLAYOFFS liaiialtoii 11111111111111 yg tvxom 1511 iii Hunt 111 1111 mm OIhY Seed Point1 of 8111 contained in 111 11111 mortgage 111111 11111 111 tumE Class Househ1d Ht MAR for sowing duiril at the 111111111 11l1 111111 111 hr ttifttcti for salt Furnlfuf and Effecn MILURhANITl 3Iil1IIUur 213111 ilo 111 111211 tillc rain and Poultry 11 Ulil 111111111 II III llillt11l 1tlll 11111111 111211131 13145 1101 111115 01 111 killtih 11111 M155 TAYLOR II Illlw 198 Kempenteldt St II iII mem9 an 21 ruin Barrie iEost Endl 11 11 LAWN Laymg MCI911 11 south oi ll station NLW COllON SEED BAGS 11111 saturdoyt August Ii I131I 111II11II3I1I 1111 11111 Seiiiiulll III II ii 11h II III111IJIlIdI St it I1 ILI 1111111 lZ11111111r Yilti your iiltitl 11r1 11111 111115 IIirom 111 111111 1111 1111111 11121 111111 1111111 11 11111111111 11111112 III 11 311 11 111 A11 VJ II IIIIIII II 1111 1111 Iii111111 II 11 1=11 iatnilti 1Im11 111v 1114 1111 1IIII 51w IIII I1 II II 1I II II II II of 171111 MY in 1I 1111 11 111 11111 blnhul Dining Bedroom 01 Chestereld II 31 lI1II IN 111 at 11 111 111 11 114 Mi 11 MM 11 111 11 11 11 111111 Let us ClSSlSi YOU In 11 YI hi txullmfil Mi llm 11 111I 11 I111 HZ 11 1D iit 11 11111I 11 445111 and Oi Ulllllll1olltl 01 Agricultural 1111116 11 3111 1111111131 11111111 11llll1 3t 111 11 11 II II 11111111 II IIIII I111l 111111 1111 II 11111111 I111 111 III1I1II 1I II1II1III1 11 t1 11121111 111111 111 Li 111 IHII IIIirimto Hutum Murmur1 111 111 21111 111 111 11 11 1111 1111 1111 1117111111 1111 11 gt 11 111111 uu 11111 131 iitlll 11 111 1t1 WE Kicidd 1111 11 1H1 11 ll1lll 111111 11 111111 11191111 11 1111 iitlli il1lliini It 111 11 1111 I1 111 11111 11 111 I11 111 I111 111 1I 1111 1111 11111 11I111 11II II II IIIIII 1I 11Mm 251 13 51 113 171 ilfmm 1111115 11111 1111 ii 11 Hi 1I 111 it 1i11i 1111 mm in Mil HMWY ll ilkmot 1111 1111livmini iHllH 14 11111711112 Ii prices Reasonable as New 1111111 11111 1111111 15111 1111 IV 11 111 11 it 11 tm llill 111 11111 IIIIHII lIImlIIHHIIIlIIIKIAI LII iiIIgtIIIIWIII Hm HM HHm Ail 19 II StochklIJnEQICmCMSgI 1111 lw IilIllIlI1II1 111I1 11 1111 ll TIII iEfIIIIfiIIIIIWIEIagff113111g OUSC CCiS mm in m1 PM MA 1111111 111 1111 T11 HaWkegione HGWkS 1111 11titlitiriillitl 1111111 illtin 1111 1111111 111111111I 1111 11 Ignv 11I 111511 1illlt 11 119 111 111 1111111 1111 filial111 the 1111111 lilellJ 111M IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIII1 IIIIIII Aug1111 Zil with 1111 1111111 1111111 111 Again wln LadleS 11 I1111111 11I1Ill III 11II31 IVHiIHI 15 1141 15 K1111113 11 FUN Willil 111111 5111111111713 15 T11 11 rm 11 11 Him 5111111111 Hm 11 11 ltl 11 I11I11I1111I111111I11I111 I11I1111I1113111113311 11111I111I1I1It1111 I1I1Iti11111It111111 1111I1 In Oro IIII IIIIIIlIIII II TIIIIImIII AIIIII HI 11I1IIlIllII 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lt Itll III 1I 1111111 1I I1 II l1111 Hill 11 I1 11 II colii 111151111111111113inhaAiini1 116nm ML Slum mu Sill HWk DST Twins hliliiii 111111111111iii11111 iii111v lbiil ili1111l1 Hut 1211111511VJJELIIItItV Yii Ill yrs 111siiiitil C1111 11 111111 Iiioi 11 Dim work XX PW Hm 11955111111 catches and lIilecn Leigh at 111111 1111111511111I 111111 11111111111 5191 UH dm 11 1111511 Auctioneer hid11$1111111 31I11m II 111116 sotmut 11151 came up with some JO1NS1NI A1 OrinL In AugI 51 m1 51 Ulfci 3211 Phone 42114 Barrie 11L1111111h111gi 111111 111111 1111121 111115111 very 11111111 plays 111111 1111 111111111 34 Dir1111 zmz ifIftIiI3111Iz1i Iiiyiici of llillsdalc Auction sale 111 Tho epoch p11 11121 gm 111111 St John Thomas Johnston 1111 1131 as II ILIE SN larin stock and llll1LillC111S Salt wh mndc 11 moat 1mg mm beloved husband of Annie Draper 111L111 311117 i177 at 1311 oclock DST lcrins 11511 in I1 mics mm MI 111111 dear father of N11 rliiIriy lt 101 11 PM liace Auct 111b III IH 1131 I1 13 III 11111111111 111111111111 iiII jug in NM Farm Stock implements bilimimy lmikit 121 Ian 1l 3111 1111i 1111111 1111111 iii thmiiutiil Ailtdrcwgt ltllhzulli vhitc 11 11 broil 10 WU imc 11 11 111 May red and ihite 11111 yrs ALMW HiChlilImm It imilfsdv lm1e iii KIRKWM 111W Vltmll EC ml md Circe 911C 11 pm 111111111 this stilts 1110 otluis IL II 11 m1 bred May 111 red 1111 yrs III If IIII IVE IIIIITI ICIIII1IIII1w1 Lurminc OBrien 1111111 111111 on urns Iv ngcih Homfwd IIIII IIIIIICIIM III TI II A1 EITUKIQZIL Ruck inc 334 IIIII III 1IIICIIIICII MartiniIIiiiiigtlthitg IilIIIlwsIaI 1111 roan eon5 yrs 11111 ilay iii WC Niel IQCCW NEW and HMHM WWI II51mm5 fmm Wednesday gluelist 4171311101111 11 late Charles Il11k 4000 ear1111111211 1111111 in may 1111151011 111111 0119791 10 3f CI 111 are general 1enietcryllieust 12 I1 to 11114 l4 A1 POULTRY 11111 hi it 1911 11 Will um 1110 Stll 33 young 5111zl11rLIil Innisfii line upping15 salt in mm gestiiin 1er 1111313 sniiiliiivtlie 111111 31111111 Wile ET TIW 215 Hybrid 11115 11mm lll ll 27 Clock bl momm cxedn Elms 11llllllllltllillld tilt 11110 FYU BREWNGI THEREBY ASSUMNGiYou Sussex and New Hampshire yr 10 $611 em ginic 11313 ThaiLII Vrlllgi iltdw At I313 Bunk uterbal PIN5 31 goltI If ces liarriet llumnier =ot Ban NE Avoun AND muwiss Jud 40 Hybrid hCHSI New Hmnp II ilI cause II is StilllCt 711 dthQ Funeral Au 10m the 70 mum 5mm II VI IIldI Augst Con GIlllll3d1110LIsltCiIIiIDdPllll it the first bottle does not satisfy deuce Of his EisterI Mm lMllEMENTS Ford Fol111151111 THE FOLLOWING EA IIHhLQIII Braid Stmtiart Barrie to St Thomas V1901 11 tractor Ford lcicilson plow Ford 11 Its 01 00 Mm CclllBlClY Shillliy Bay Wle FIII II lORSLS Bay horse years next mug 351 81Wll QN 711Nil IslilfiMiim 31111110 1500 lbs3 fslil imm yell 1500 WednesdayScottGeo Wilson SAMPSONWSUMCMY Aug 81 15 XII Ilfklgcilffizj33 1119 34 Baldwin s1 11111111111111 Auc 19451 Belllllimvlilt Willidm 111 owum ANDOPERMED BY mu 1b3lc II EI rv Ii lt I4 Chww muchI IIHICI seed drm CIA IIUL 12111113111 fInId IJerSCE tion sale of household furniture G991 Smlpw 1b11 It wagATlANTlcapActnc nu Mum iiilist liertili7er rubber tiwdv 90 led Jim Awbmle cow 311d 9119013 51119111 pm T911115 Ehmbem blmpwn fmwl years lllliitlllL well Durham 0111 M11 c1k ElliniiVlrs Atlas Eileen Mrs mam mki mm heifelu your old spring calves 31111 Am 31L34x3 Lowriet mid oiiiv 111 Toronto STANDARD 1200 Tins 11111111111 111111 walking plow root IMPLEMENTS IVIIHIII binderI II WE ARIE BUYERS 0F STRONGOn Aug 1946 at ITIP I9yw p1pci Limder 91 draw md 611 cut Mll mower l14ft cut 11 Shng ropes Vlkmg cum sew mm mm IIIszI MI ALSIKE AND OTHER lOlEill IbilIlitilI 1111111156V BigTham ROBIN JIOOD TEA TIME Pkg 10 119 111 11111 attARNESSI IgCI11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII wagunI Ieay new turnip dun CLOVER SEEDS BudflvdI in 1101 94111 yui OLD CANAPAN QUAKER li pk ess iv Sinl 915 21 Your sample submitted to 1110111911 01 M131 Fdli Ib HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Eastern gafdtqf 13I3221133 2p19w Farm Stock JmPIements us will receive careful Bertha Bradford 11115 PERFECTION CLARKS MUSHROOM Tins Queen 000 510W ll1 scu eizrsefihfsmww analysis and prompt indiv 1181qu FYQSICCgMItrle1aL mud lb up dresse kitchen table and Que cut 0mm 10 0m gt 11 Wild from Chairs Ll tel tcthum bEdS 5013 wagon rgoi Pil1p1ieCiletiiiiziltipllelril The miiiiftquiiiigiiishiodilcowed IIf you prefer write 01 gilif balld Mrs 31319 OCEDQA 139519 Al Spllllgsi ll ICSS 1111 mi set 2000th barn sca1e5I iiFOrkstt Sliivigisildiiibleirees 1m HARNESS 591 dOUble harness phone ffor 911 buyer to tgaziieSLIgl Im numemm 391 Single hill11055 Lot Con call lord Aug WOOLSOL HAY AND GRAIN 1010115 1le 257 11 gt 20 Valencia 3443 doz 250 90 Expert Seed Cleaning Fi 55 All will be 591113511110I reserve haygilfalia Lind timothy tons al Wurourienlr liiTmildihis Tam my quantity oatsI to sell by Public Auction on Thursday August 22 RBd Maga 29c oVer our modern mill Climbson 5121115115 WW farm Terms cash Sale at one oclock 18001115 DSTI oak 4ft wood 415 cor dry pine THE FOLLOWINg CI DI SDIIIIIICI AUCUOIICOFI 4ft wood IpileIof rails 50 cedar HORSES Matched team perch fncqe 9731199 3b p11 23111 DIOSES lualllliy 111011 Jumman ld District HENRYMildred Gordon and FLY 1m Stlmd lliy SCntilngi quantity plank grglis yls nvm we Martha Henry wishto extend their cahfmfma seeqless 1b MISCELLANEOUS N01 12130 REG AYRSHIRE CATTLE Bull Market Branch 3091 sincere thanksand appreciationt0 LEW cream 599211111011 CFOSSCC yrs old cow wasold bred their relatives friends and neigh KELLOGGls INI 17 saw Wheeuarmwi 59g kemei Dec 10 cow yrs old bred May 11 bors for thenkind expressions of Pkgs ulslaa 01 ta les stepf adder 410136 clipperszcew 127amwa7y15I101dTibxed Mayer sympathy and floral tributes dur I1 It Chainsg number of gram bags cow yrs oidI bred Jthly 15 com mghgimecenpbeteaveiiien133b Hi NQRyAtLJIs1 gt cc 530k yrs old bred June 151 heifer PERKINSMr and Mrs Wm I1 115 anadaNroliqrgde 35 Ches eld it ZPfece yIS 01d bred Fb2 103421161er Perkins and family wish to express fidEfendmgAEhaumnkrrn wml 031 iledigbf slung gang calves 11110n1h991di heifer their Sincere thanks to 1116111151 Pk brass bedI1matIress swings dis ialvestlIinonAlIiIs101d2 heieriIialees neighbors and doctors for kindness eat an 01 rade for 1I Licensed Auctioneer er and wash StandIchest of draw ciniggd young SOC VFW me recent magi 91s Singer SEWing machine inle 19 couny Slmcoe Effie 1133433 Ietension tablzezkHaifpy gghliLEhiesggiiledl C31 No1 Fascia for years 10 ence oug 1C range 119119 old fresh Ayrshire cow yrs tiltgiirsiqeiiiingiaiisgggriiitgg 01d Irresii red cow Ia ylIS 01d bred QQLORADO Farm Sales aISpeclalty April Awhile 109W17 yfs 01d YIIJIIIQIIPCEFC Chalr1 LantelfcloIcIlt bred June 24Ayrsh1re cow12yrs1 FuliPods lbs n1 irsnumero us 11 111 lt III App to Vemcmw um and pillows quantity of fruitqjarS 312 033813351315335if$ggifgw8 gt DOQGLASIn lovmg memory of OVEN RESH II Barrie or write Box bread tmixing papguantity of dish 37rgI101d bred NEW Ayhir That 111 Cleaner dAlberttD1gkl WXOUWZZS CANADA Nol GRADE es posI1paIns an other Cookinghf 1ieina010ninayIup my tel5115 11 3eyEZ11mgyiiyisiiiie1123111 15 attached to 1944 II 240 loaves lo 1115291 on II liven IIFdOIkS shovIeIls doublftreeschains myths young Stack has been Our eh ine Iior Somewrflg 1n tailyinIIa so Iiei 1I I1 an many ot Ier artic es too Inum vaccmaIteIdI Ir 111 II 11 erous to mention Lies our deal friend among the IIIIII II 19le be 501 Withdu reserve andollKEiIgsBRegwsciiEbitgciJigiv 91 very denite brave as the Ipropriefor has sold his lIIIIsow and 10 pigs lyoung SOWSI He never shunned his countrys tagIgIIIIS1CIII11IE1III611IIIII15w and7pigssownamepigshj Purpose BIII gfgIIIIII gIIIIe III IIIII IIII In I1 SHEEP Re Suffolk ewes gt RegSuffolk euire lambs 28 spring It eeds flose 311169131011 318 fdifgf Te 1P16355nmbfefengf II 18 Aucuonee lambs Reg Suffolk buck 131111 25 Espe Hf 11y Iin1Dry gvfureigeigfdqbyg and II Brisket IV gun II Icome dog wford and fam II lb lb 111 Fine job printing at The Barrie alga ggllgarlhngmftoal heiig Iliegular clearfiltig 188135 111 lb Examiner Please order yourre our gine ree 11 quirementss fal 811981185 Possible Rpiogfsimrng diSc 317113371113113113me DIRTJ 31113331111 iiiotiiieiingraiici 113111 FRESH KMED lb 29 drill walking plow gang plow Homel Who P355911 Iaway SUd denly1 11111 so dliagspiitliilxgoinigthlsd 31110115111133 We who loved you sadly miss you Roastm GradeA 11 MccormiCK mpver scumr rake ixs it dalwnslaniither yefmrtyh ki 1l 2whgeled ItrailerInumber of 11113 Irihogtgtsogfe 36 eger nierrmg II III LIVESTOCK MAN iiiiibiiaiiftiisiaiiifgiiigariiieggc Sgnv1cE Ever remembered by his three 05 III FRESH II iiinJbiiiii Sle2txtSHicligdgrglgiig WNelhe 33b lb gt succmmlsak trlscorrriiinliiliiseliibzitdyefriggis KENcIlgiiJgonI nariiilfriiincxge 122ng 15191mm FumM NO reserveas faflssold Donald Davidson Kennedy Jr Terms All sumsof $10 and un 1413888 missing and presumed der cam over that amount Six killed action on Aug 14 19W lb v1 firm stock months credit will be given Ito In our hearts your memory lingers 19 Dames fumiShing appmed 3m sweetly tender fondand me mines or banknble paper Iwith There Is not daIVII dear DonaldII II II That we do not ink of you 11915218 111 per cent straight or for cash Sale at 100 oclock sharp 1Ever remembered by his moth 83b Trace Auctioneer er and Illarrlett 33b

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