Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Aug 1946, p. 15

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THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA LOCALNEWS Alftill 15 1911 CLASSIFIED RATES For SALE cent word cash cs uua 11 $115156 LE SEED F1131 134 you it in in nuns FOB SAL FARMS WANTED 13 1111 hi hulao lln ts mum 3111015911 CASH REG 151151 within 1111 5411 32 11 its10 PERSONAL WINH ii J15 1111111 lj 511 141111 mm ML WWW If AGENTS WANTED TENDER 111 you in It 11 11 Eur211w lly lamb 1111111 1111 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES thy you an it In In Luann itiliitss 51111113 in sale 111 FARMS FOR SALE 1r ElfinJ llgtri 111 Shell 11 WW 1iltiltgt 20 41111111 Elhlill BUYS tERLtrl 1de11 1th MS tools mens shirts Dial 4187 The ll ox Gravenhurst 11111111 ll tIliltp 11112 lOMAIOrIS AND VlltihlAltlllf tin Kcnwell 21211 111111 191113 one1 pi 11111111 nighxii tile 1115 114 11 11 1X lltllxl 11 5111 13 llv inJf ll 111 =1 1111111 MM 11 111 111 11111 H11111 1111111 111i11l 11111111 Ht 51th 11111 MilllllS Lliiiltll SHSCELL NEOUS fjfff 1114 11mm water111111 to lllllfvliii sizes holtre lllllllli1 WW Alix 31 111 Qtltlitl llcaonilhlc Lfilldtll libh priced from 2711 1101 llIllltll11 1111 11 11 M11111 1111 it till leltli 11 it illllLVi llihin PROPERTY FUR SA 111 izll1 11 111111 1111111 1112111 211411141111 MgH EV SAL 31 11 111 111 1111111111 11111 111111111 1111111 ANTED 111 11lf11 111111 110 11 11 1511111 1111l1 111111 H1111 1211111 121111 111111 11111 11111 11111111111 uni 11 Vi 11111 1111 41111a 111111111 lisxtlrl 1111 $111111 11111111 ilkiiinHID HWHR Judiii ll 1111 1211131 111 11 Miss la 1111 Hngrg 111 11 11 $1ilit1l $1311 LARGE my Howl in VH 1I r11 111i 11 1v 11 it 11111 own Wt 11111131 111 iii511 gt 111 acres 11 lIllli 111111111 11 19 vllll iloiir11lillleti1 111111111 rol 1111 11 1le 110110 Illtilllil lv yummy uth 1125111 33 IllCS 11111111 111 111111 111 11115 IHl 110$ liltlillllllllll lll 111mm 3111 111 gtllt 1llll1lii 113 511 ELECTRIC VASlllNG ilAClllNl 5111 51 1kg 131 IHMIWI Ml Hm1151111 Hi1 31 WW ilimud mil Ml mlldtlml All 11111 1111 1111s1111 11 WMULHL Am 1H31111HR SCALE 5411311 111111 11111 1111111 1111111 111111111iV 111111 1111 11 11 Sufi WNW 1111111111111 11111 rlll mmlwu soul WW BOYS lllllltlllnis width Illiiil 1111 lllt 11111111 1111111 1311111 1121p tcllllgl lllltlxlll31 HmMW Masz Zimld15ufil AWN 51 11 11 111 11 111 1111 lfllllll 1l llttllityilll PM 1UlKlVtlmlv in NM mmwlv 1111111 1341 Mp 111ttll 1111 W1 mi 11 11 111 111 11111311 11ir fill 11 51 11 10111 1101111 111112 for sale 11 1V1 lll lllY 1nll fertller Rlh llt1ll 11 Viti lll 11111111 1111 11 111111 11 111 111 11 10111 Lin 1U 215 11li111 Wilt111111 chum stow ltitllitttw A4 llarler Angus hit 1111 111111 holtah VH Wme HY 1111 1111111 LADY 1N111l11 Hm gt11ltt 1111111 chair 1111111 stool Im MHlv BMW 313 Mm 21Lfk If 1111 vfW HCI Em 111111 1111111 ll1 111 111111111 11 FIIANS ll 31191 ill 117 Al litwar p336 wqll 101 Shrrvhvltllll WANlll Sitl or wood iiiil VVllfl llxlll Vii it ml Nivlllv All V11 H111 Mr www wx L1 1171111 my Sum 111 i1c 11111111 11 111 Inmwhj Milk Gm 13 lion11 111 11 121 11 11 Hl AJAuk 3117 1l11111 1111111111 HHWM 1111111 1x1 3151 ll itll Sh 10 Ramp 1111 111mm 215113 3311 W11 11111V 151111 111x110 11 E1illllllmi ll 11 Ml 5iitiillli A11111 itlliil FlvlmAxlvvANll Iilll MlilliltlmAl 11 11th qo1 iililvillior 111111iihcliiimllilm 1111111 UPPER DUPLEX lilllolv SJVr Ru 1mm llWWW 1k liliitlllult51thS 12 11V 11 Mg WINK 1591 11111111 111 11111111 1111111111111 $111 strullloii 1s11211lle sprlllgs lo XIl RKllllj Mil1 lllllll 111 31447 WW0 rmwm 111M Him 2111 Bill 11W Moth Kezllllinteldt llllltll ill Willl llllllllllllllil311105 mm 40 2113 16111 151 SAM 1111 111 ltllildlli llllVlll still 111 ll 111111 31113 littlltlt 11 333 iillt 1W 111111 141 MI 111 11 11 211 11 1111 111111iloll returned 11 ll YOHNU MAN ethyl1x1 KIWI SH VP 130x Fung USIZIS1ICIIL STANCHIONS Wimp 111111 111111 111111111 silo 1111111 121 llgllllIllv liilwsrlll111 rs 1111111 smug1 51min 111 1111 111 Ilul 121 111111111111 mamhi 1111111111 111 11111 1111111 Hm SA mm 11 111 mic $1110 p111 WU lll 11121 11111111 howl 1V humIi lll 1111111 nlll 1211 1111 unizlinla 111 1111111111s 111111 inn1 11 11 1H 11 11 1111101111111 All 11l Ohm 11 1111111 111 11 1l who 11111111 11 1111111111 1111 1111 M1 1311 1111111111111 St 11 1111111111 lumlltnlmli11111le 111111111111 ml11s 11 11 l1igt 11 rl ov11111111l raslllclis 111 ii 11 11113 11 Il gm 71331 hat rack Jltl 111111111 radios lilllll ill Hl NH l11111n lliil 11ll11 111l 1111111 111111 11111111 111 11111 11 lllllH left lllll 111111 sum WWW HIM WNW $1100 111111 not 111111 to itoiu WAN it gt YHVI VA mu1 11 7ft 30 111 NANTEDDCHQ 110mm md cvlulc ll l111 quick sale 5111111 Silltlltl 1111 tlI lln HE llll 11 illlliilli 11 11 WNllll fioiillolil 111 tire with ll 111 lme Hf if for 105 lckql phoh Bnrrie 5511 1111 wer 311 inrm lino NW vll 11 111111Ltullltllillltlit 1111115 in 1040 an elderly 11111111 1111 11 111111lllltll Willi lllllid lllllilllltn hxrcl Vim 51111111 Hill 517wl5ll Gordon lyuunglLimned Anclmdz WNW 33 ll 11 wmmw MILM mp 11me 1ltlllit111111 1111111 print1 111111 1H lolltlllUl lllltllllJbJn trial WU GA NV 210K309 3636 Tman 34m 111 2HT2Wlllllllil 1ll till1llllllv ltl1rr1l11 in 1110 111111cll11 tltolotllvl 111 17 11111 lit1 11t gt11 11121 V11 LiltltllellxwlAm WWII LIi lglddm 111 11 Minted for pitking TRACTY lV nu llialilwfIalfglkl1813115 anti Hill if lll 11lly 11 211011 ill 11 ll lllll ll lill sm 11111 syetitlxl 111111 fruit lllllllnu uutelimeliic 6211110111 11 111 13011111 llllllolv 111 2111 condition 150l111l11llgt 01 ldlltllll lllllllll tlllli 1111111 111111 11 111 MM 211 TONGIiNl Il lullY lilllNlN lulu 1410101 pitll lttllo Sitille it ltllnuv pd Fliil 11 23x21 11 211x30 llllvl Amnwlivmi I1l1l WIMP Alllll good commm 1101phnm 111 also ml pox 10 11511111 Ibo minim3 $232111 SlldlldiiJBl331 pi illw hilhlszlldmhmm 111111 11111111 111 ISHAMWSWHMC SHOE In mum try liolllc Must 111 Hide lo llll Hm 33P 91fmlm 14 Bldke all 11x20 team of heavy horses 111111111 Any Horny llIW ll 11 ll 10 lt1 1111 my Amp1 ll WWW 71 WANIEDMCH $1111 Odd pmlR 311 lbs 11111 mwo 111l1 Am Il Im 111 llelt 1111 and 111111111v 1111 514 It 100 111 any lleetoli hit 3111 lllldlltllloll lllll FOR gm 131 buy mm ltnlckknacks watches or clocks and yearlllills also farm iniple mH ill 1l111111 10 111111111 A11 11111111 mum xloun MHLB ll Nllu timid 1111111 10 ltLlliC 1111111115111 driHs carpent0m moms 11111 inll1311 11111111111 13 13511101 W7 llllli llltlSllil 1t lox 111111111111 1111112 111 11111111114 illliltli lllllv1lll 11111111111 11011 Barrio 1111 lllem gt 1433 slc1 aid l1h1ilVLL s1 Vane Shop Om St 3M3 Swim omit Ln 151 itllllle 11l1gtltts tilt llihdtol 1111 Lil ma to leis 111 ll llil allelit HNllllill in Barrie Good 1311 1215 1pm1 ml nunilml H1 Hill1 lllllllll F110 11111111111 lilbl MM necessary 11gtlv 1111s llir ALMS MINER5 Mldll mm wussmwsi llSled keulos tt ll ll 1Nllilllltl lli tor loi sile on rubber App1v Geo Till VilllClV Shim Cillllm ACConnOnlyTON WANTED 1311 1151114 291113 111 is ill 11 1H1 11111 lilithl 1M 11 lell 1W $11111 Stayilci RR lhonc St 331 8EWhm south of lhornton all workable ll111llRll1 11111 slalio 1l 331 7111 lllltl im Cxpccb 211llhll11111211 ltiiiylluliv lliy 7431 COMMERCIAL ICE BOX sale REFINED ELDEle LADY wishwgood stables with water howls Would 11111 1151110 111 lull 11111111 mmIV 1pm mm efficient service from 151 11Vllllf 11 l11aipimq COOK STOVE 5115 White enamel 11 high 3111111112 as home with quiet family Phone Stlfillflle 04 Am 1l llll 11111115 11111111111 1111 17111111111 his if it is not mrod GillltllOl lljlUYlllIlll trolodiliij Willi illtfllllllil reschoir and 26 dc1 wo illHalal dimblc mornings 4416 117330 hiltfgiimitiillmhind llvl lllillllll lihmo llllk DI in gt or 01 111 Mltlllmxi 1l3b 131711152141 Wink mans1 31 igcningiiy 03$ YOUNG COUPLE require unfurii or less well fencedrlniliiigv1tcr MittHANK wants 1111111111111111 Jilll til Hljl full MCKUlllllll Smithg rmdcjm Store 147 Dun isth apartment or house Perm no building For particulars apply lilkU NOW 111 1111111111111v rlninllin 111 lil 131 uncut tenglnis no children Phone 1111 lklllll llllllilld Jillllltstill ANN lmx 1111 llilllll 71 10 VD FQTFRIO lilVC ChPCk lnadc lhornton 117333411 li llfthl 1111 linndrlilte servue lI11llllllltl lllDlllllLvllll WOMAN wanted TR UIVI St 33b lt1 It 186 OllVCl ftil silL 4431 113il 1111111111113 lrcn Illuht ltllti WIL BRENNAN Cl 13 12 lADIO ROGI is Al IR lSMALL HOUSE or apartment ur to take over work in home oil form Woman 11111 one child 2lllilate in good condition Apply USED ll LIVE STOCK FOR SAI xvii Mud llv veteran who cant Ut phone lmlld Yllll AWL liiluhhmd Bdmo RRn b1 it 54 Harm hmmnnm 1mm Home glOL 7331 to or sac 111s lisCiIiC ycal mudmnn WM 4th 1W mantcl stylt Coleman hanging 93 coded by hlgllfcm tenet 11112 llox 111 liarr11 Examiner 7117213111 THHFSHINC OUTFIT cmnlme hm in mud Cmdmun wm so 01 wnh one small chlld by Sept any 1111110 Lash Box 19 Auto ltlcctrlc Service WOMAN 0R Cilljl WANIM as fur $11 Ik id 11 fhlt if Fwd CookSt phone 2582 33 YORKSHIRE 50W fol 51118 Vlllll Barrie1132111111101 11111111 mm gmcFR rm dwmrl Ber 0M CllkClllrul illnmsmm fork Geo viii1111111110 11115111911230 Pphiiiie 4x lbPhliinel Cgtiiokstown0 41 plgs Phone 94 Ivy 95331 1111 DUtl limlullAbllllwlmll FM lllliizlitc ihliiillilHlliililii1 Elmvl Iml 733p mm 733371 iiiLchtNIfSlIiItEIgr BAY HORSE for sale also 13 1112s lIll N11 Qirilltiillmtllietll mm Dlrnmlmi phmw Wm1 Sn llllii Co 112 vch lo Btlt 114 11111 11111 FOR SALE Spring mattrcsses mCd by ddledgw COUPlC cooiisi1n1 971131 llgillllg1 um 511319 Mississaga St rillla 1311111114 1901 5303111 children Phone 4187 11331 VETERAN English wife and child Sill lIl 112 111ny 179101 llllLLlu CHESTERFIELD SUITE for sale dresser and linoleum dif ferent sizes Apply 70 Campbell 10 PIGS for sale weeks old Ap ply to Hastings Guthrie nearly new bedstead and springs dresscr Quebec cook stove Que lil PLYMOUTH CVNVllllllBllll lUlllGAPlON Clillilllltlil Cllllll 5011111 N11 0130112 lie 1110s pitto Guaranteed service withl PERMANENT POSITION my roll clerk open at local nuinulac Ave Allandale 7331 bee heater rocking chairs OCCQS 11h tllllllg firm for either single or ional table sctteeWSh Stand kltj Esme 1m CFaSe $020011 P110110 01 1721 9331 heater $300 James Graham married man lroiiipt reply rc THRIJSHING MACHINE Pee Chen table 91001110 leadlng 13111131 dePO t1 11 333 37 Cunmeand St Ammdule UUL vacating plcinlscs Moderate 3936 733 81101111 133 111 1ai onn mva ppy mm11l8 HEVH ET or mimeW n7 fSALd EfgjdEcrd11in tractor 201 FURNISHED ROOMS Badgers Cook SL Barrie 9331 5110 n3 lcii15lf1 Oriliia 2112w 3313an W1 en eis an pu ey mo 01 Malle 301155 375811 ply Robt IVhornc StroudClioiTi HAIRDRESSING pmqhmnm Sad and 6yrold SOlL or Sept Ap SEVEN PIGS for sale six weeks ping Mm Phone 134112 133p Vicc Station Permanent waving MARRIED 11 ND RM wm completely overhauled new bear Lot 20 Cori 11 Innisfil Phol filing cabinet on stand rie About two weeks wdrk from One 1937 model 80 other 1935 mod 17r3 Stroud 93311iTw0 ROOMS Tor rent furnished 20x30 with under fz SEN Quah lemom gmd p81 9174 Also twowheeled car trail edge table Size unfurnished wanted to rent Aug THE VARIETY SHOP otters You for light housekeeping Telephone neath shelf for letter les with ust lstorllater by professional man sonality abilitytovfollow instruc soinc good reading atc in the foll er Lockharts Garage 733p HOLSSEINCOW for sale two to WC for erliianent earriund ositioli SAWING MA HINE lbl 5316 1115 $013111119 housemud imming can bei3tircd in good working condi ings in rear end IHC cultivator 11139957431 138m old Apply Elmer Trliir ditmns Apply in perm lion Apply to Donald Hennessy lStooth Illplate diSC 45gal Clookstowm Opts 2nd Line Innis USED CAR urgent required by champoo and finger waving Ma Oliver Shuniy1Buy near VoyhcudRRl 21 Stayner 733p drums and funnel Will 5611 OR 4ROOMED APARTMENT ill 9331 cxscvicelmn193741GmcmMd chore waves Machinclcss and cold bridge on Shanty Bay Road1 tldde f01 081119 Apply J01 3311 wanted referabl furnished v10 tors or Chrvsler product preferred 53304510 Im WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE Hillsdale Phone Moonstone 7331 my 01 loyak yam 1H0spm 21 PllecrflorlsaleMzefl antths old Apply Em 116411 BC Emu1 lootPropStroud13141 5493311 AN OPPORTUNITYEstablished piece for sale with or without mat 1ph 245 Id PDY es Pos iner 133236 Rural Watkins District available lr55mdsl7g5 PuFChased newly 59 SAPEx911Y6 will weirne and for MrslljSSp townlme between Vesprl rigid FURNITURE REPAIRS cabinet you are adgressive zindAbctwecn JUNE Phone 4550 73313 eer wee Flos 93 FOR SALElfliltl lWTElEl Ford mklllg Cilllmmry meW 541371091 the nes of f5 and 554153 011 can Old blaCk Whlte and tall from Fl t1 Roadster scrim NUCA42719 WOO anything in wood Lawnmowers sccurg travel Outfit this is your 013 THATLERS FOR SALE in new the be working StOCk Six males 31 RBbfdzgongntpegmgggileni HEREFORD BULL Pongdj ye cash Chn be seen at clzlcrrbert kle 11d gellt50 SharlellSd A111 1Vp0rtunity to get established in condition complete with racks 16 1fmaliqat $10dcacllil If yOu walls from 15201 lsmsepthngx 41 gt01 0G1did11510 501 yflmgr Fig1 CRPI Blacks fawn 11 iniles cast wrirl done promptly and efficiently profitable business 0131011 own mCh mes APPIY 10 Gmth som ime LE1 Ssrndls c0131 Ph Major Lawson Camp Sor 113 3310w mu CCEB34P Stlolld lass33p SAlm1d 301111130 26 Milly Sin ET Sunripifvmllarscmm tOdalil tt 1merisy Clalghum on 7331 M2131 IAnve and801311121 St Birrie tEHHm vr 31351 Bdlm New 02933 ViwiMirrorS lt mii 35 217ilwgggongpdygg cpcxsnurr 3mm D11in for 120 Box 164 73311 LADY DESIRES hdusekeeping Eopitsgiinpsons0ys bprnlast WHRE supra E1 litmakcs 111 sa fair eon ition Ap to ct emcr rcti ay you scwmg macuncs 13 mm es in ac Stanley fHare Glencairnp yOnt OFFICE FURNITURE for 521161 99Tsplnf 1511 how 11nd mce 1103 With DaDGIS Laura KEIT FURNISHED ROOM for rent ccti Vaiiccmnd work fully guaranteed THREE PERSONSrtwlfwith cars phone 304 Creemore 733 Heavy steel 4drawcr filing Cab yl3l 34750113Vm Alliston 930040 tral Phone 3430 15331 Our representative will be in Bar Chryco Parts 011 enumeration if and near Bar inet size 18x28x51 withcylinder r9 nar3re ric cv Thursday For further ED MOTORCYCLES for sale lock straightback oh ssinglc Kammer YORKSHIRE PIGS lot sale GARAGE FOR RENT 1115 Burton par1min phone or writeSinger HOUSE APARTMENT FLAT months Old Apply Gordon 00359941 Ave Allandalc Phone 4239 15331 Sewing hinc Co 112 Mississaga or St Oiillizt Phone 1901 53033b 11 blankets Phone 3349 lions neat handwriting inieaiii et th Redi Applications in own handwntmg 1mg 03951 W1 State fun artlculars Rowe Stating experience ndwduwmm CHESTERFIELD SUITE Snyder Record files and iguantlty ofcards ter rdpo 11429331 ho from one due to 3790 134311 to Regional Sustgs Ofce 3picce Simmons 39 spring and hat and coat stands4 All solid pol aLE 5115 110 sgtemberv AWW 154 71 1Wlng mugamncg Readers Dampl 1m Sttt mattress also 48 bed spring cheap islied oakin new condition Apply FOURIST ElCCOllllllelllllllL two Red Book Newsweek Time True 0mm 151 BARRIE BUSINESS MAN asmstanl Codrington St 33p doub1el100ms $1 mrsm 47 Room 217 200 Bay St Toronto Smith Dalston Ph nc r173316 manager national rm desires Eccles St PINme 42103 11512W Ct1leli$PftCC1VCallgweStIOlll Onlilil 11s 1333 CHESTERFIELD SUITEOf sale 844r43 or 4roomed unfurnished apart YORKSHIRE BOAT 111 E13113oclgztSilokdiiiitielsmlqoseulsr IDodgc gnaw Dealers NVESTIGATOR 3piece blue silk velou also ash merit lmmemaleIY Ph001 b1151 much we bred also 9115 molmd TWO ROOMS bedroom and kit Mccimnicq True Ddecuve pand 65 Collier St Phone 2487 arganizatmnwouilillgcc Serggcgngf siftel Enid alnut dining room gt POULTRY 955 9r 2040 113317gggbiesglgagnaalgs Wilfhealed 11ml 11112111311921 N1 oodles ofucomics for children manmart me dbingkmyestigamh bleoy 15 Emmi32 suvyou nw It In ThoExImtnm URGETvTeteran require un children Phone 3433fr1dayda ll Comer 517 5731L lf9itf0ll all HAVEEYOU TRIED our dleSSEd fumlSHed of fumiShed apartmenl PIGS wee 01d 1150 64ROOMED BRlCK HOUSE for 11 BRADBURY PIANO torsale $50 springwilkfed Chickens forpoast rooms QrTguse or what have you C0111 1111951 months ills sale on BradfordSt semidetach Selllng19llllle an pmpostmn en in aiidin We deliver Gil NODdrlnkers 01 smokers g00d le Startmg Work Sande ed Possession Sept P1111118 paii W10ll upright scales Dci iiiiiliac 11062311113115 yr ijplccigiecatignq ing binder New Ideal Aliply lmsPoultry Breeding Farm 60 ferences Phone 3375 11331 R1R11Lefroy Phone 1613 9339 2743 163311 777 ff 77 required Age zi Higthchool gums WWWi P119 7135 Perlal153ph03735lth EXAIREQEEQERtravelling 113 OR SALEwSaddlemare7JLeali LADY having genuice comfortable Eladuale kmllllledgeofypmg and wellknown food companyo be old nicely marked112mm clapple housewin rcntdoulle room with LOST ANDFOUND VV located permanentlyin Barrie is Englishsaddle bridges 28231100111 Good meals llhgriie arrie 51 St Phone seeking rooms apartment bungzi low or what have you Phone preferably With caiiivailablc SMALL HOUSE and two acres of FOItSALEBabys onepiece blue My 1131 saw It liiJtioEiinminort 111 Reply yvmg Hlmcuhls snow suitinterlined 5126 price iind pocket watches months guar BROWN LEATHER WALLET lost CARTAGE AND MOVING eluding OCCupation and time avai ammo Lock Boxigo Terminal $5 6150 Sklrlsvsslze 1711011119 and REARLTXECKLACE found owner 2943 1133 YOUNG YORKSHIRE sow witli Toronto All replies iCOnfidEIl E135 price $150 eaCh hgge may havesame by proving prp= 10 pigs two weeks old also yOuiig land for sale on Anne St Chcap tial 1331 Perl and paying for 11th1511333 BOARDWANTED in priVatelhtCillle Yorkshire sow due lastof August for cash Apply at 30 Anne FOR SALMMantel ocks wrlst 2806 day 3979 evenings gpelgdymtacvhgfk Igggmlllliig lhompson St 3411110 16 311171 if ward School Statepceu Start aTWO FURNISHED light house NUMBEB OF WEANEDPIGS f0 keepinglrooms for rent Adults 1syausawmmmExaminer antee pairemamannel trousers is turd in man sum 51 waistzs The Variety shop 11001 33 Cara 51 ep 0x 11 ame Kalgb dd to cut COOKE CARTAGEand STORAGE 1911631 all gperSona papb iner 113 Si aso ieape on only Apply at Essa Road 1109311 and Long Disrance MoVers W118 St 33p Fmdel please phone 3545 Re tmg red 01 211511 clnvel Aply phone21257 15331 General Cartage Contractors 43 CREAM SEPARATOR Willd 174331 EXSERVICEMAN and Wife de 13 Black Phvone 22012 Stdy Essa phon 3359 324111 Renflew 350 1b Cap googl with sire 3roOmedmodern heated ii 51 03373413 FIURNITILJRE 1SWORAGE salt 1r RONZE SILV racee apartment immediately Furnish scan sorage wo wareiousesf REID CARTAGE Local nd long 333 aitigso cggk fsggxsLifgldjsi containing stones lostSaturday cd or unfurnished abstainerSVLIlQ for sale 1500 lbs Cooke Cartage and Storagc43 Essa distance moving general cartage 80922 733 night Aug 10 between Essa Road children no dog Please phone yrs old $50alsoroan mare yrs RoadrPhonc 335901 152Ztib item truckloadf and Barri Arena Finder lpleggg 31506 1133b 5111 1M0 guielt medxgopog worlgegg Mm 15 329 318311 51 B15 351151 W1 new 91 1mm 933 rent alsnsmall room Gentlc for your householdsupphes With rubber LOSTAt SpringWaterPark Mid house or apartment wanted by Oct orwlsqoner Address Mrs Hunter 30 PIGS for sale good drivmg lotte St Phone 4389 1533b washing machine mountings $1501 Apply109 Brad gggflgdsllgflay nggllsttigghpeiiindgr please return t9 abbve at Matche LAUNCH FOR SALE 29 hull dash St Orillia Reward 17733 newly painted 6cylinder Contin entii1 engine in perfect running order Phone 4501 Barrie for in formation 753311 mare cow mower team of work horses and harness Frank Woods SMALL ROOM to rent in inlet Huterh 16C Bosden one RCASngg mile west of Allandale Phone home will llgllt housekeeplllg priVllegcs Suitable for school girl 811r12 93311 ANY FURNISHED or unfurnished 233 ElizabethStu Ph 2607 153331 house or large apartment in Bar HOESTEIN COWfor sale61yrsi lie or Allandale desired immed $111 iduc ARE 20 fgood mork horsge PRIglATE GASlLlAfGE to lfet Wriiletzil iatel BrrleD Re ou exc ange or ca or pl on ampson ireproo W1 ce wee or Dolph Kneeshaw Gilford Phone ment floor alsogood length Ap creation Permane dent nt 15113313 4+3 Bradford 33b ply by writing to P0 Sex 35139 of iiiiiii PROPERTY WANTED Oakview Beach PC or phone WO any you IIW It In The Examiner FBESHPEACHES ANliS VVTOMATOIIJS ARRIVlNGDAILYV Phone WILlJ BUY OR RENT house or summer cottage Immediate posses sion Apply to Box f61 Barrie Examiner 133331 LOSTBetween Angus Brentwood and New Lowell brown haired Collie short tail and sharp ears Answers to Sport Anyone see ing same please inform Henry 47WANTED ay31 01 Stew 6roomed house Good 16mm wlth FOR SALEWillysnght transBudd New Lowell Reward 1733b Phone 41461 or 4079 garden lot preferred Appy BOX miSSlOnl Starter StartransmiSSlOn tBallle 62 Barrie Examiner 3333 Durant rods crank cam shafts and SPITZ PUPPY lost color sand AIR FORCE OFFICER wife and FOR SALEPurebred Shorthoms parts Nash rear end 120inch brown black face three white small son will be separated for win roan cow bred with bull calf WASAGA Sixroomed cottage CLEARED LAND WANTED pre wheels suitablefor trailer or farm paws black leather studded harn ter unless you can help usyecure months old 2yrold red heif Bryndale district central fire graniny Withoplt b$hGor bfullilmgs magic fpilr 120incp reagwthefls gssi Anfstwercs Eto1 Farr hug arccomngodation Will take any rsyearling redt heifgrh Iclhese plalcle electricityAscrfeiledrtcsigp acres up ca We 11 par on axe an sar er ri es cc es ig ing urnished or unfurnishe ciersaremvaccina ed an er ac we garage vaia ug ticulars in your reply to Box 45 Apply Don Telfer Letitia St Phone or cog Sarjeant Co Telephone AbstainersV Box 42 Barrie Ex credited Bruce Cowan Stroud Mrs Wade Elmvalen Phone Barrie Examiner 33433511 2546 7339 2461 1733 aminer 113311 Ont 91513pi40 1533341

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