ill PAGE hit GRANT ruin UNIT 83600 one CEllltl If it til contains QUART Cbiiectitn overseas WWhNMKMMWW ill 1111111 111101 Safety Factual MMrim VIIIIOI III lttliltcIllaommoonimrtlnlul spare clothes blankets boots CLOTHES you may consider old can bringnew life to some person Over seas towhonrwar brought despair and destitution and there are mil lions witihout clothing in Wardeva stated countries Yoquamiwn help them Dig into your trunksmarid closets to day get together whatever wearing apparel and warm beds coverings you canpossiblyvspare tribute to the National and con You Can GARMENT you give means one morClIum cold or sickness orpossible death OLYGET TOGETHER underwear work clothes coats shoes sheets and blankets wrap in paper tie securely take to your nearest National clothing Collection Depot NAIioNIicioniiiIG contempt for ZELLERS LIMITED was spent I11 18110ng afterwards Attended Holstein Field Day AtJJEMCCague ilie iipctz Iiltl uii the ll turn the xiv and the gieitt ladies 141 the iloi wtll be 11 the eiil 41171 lay mg im 11 pen gt 2W5 llILl lK llei Steers ll t3 gt1 vlilliaui lwltiti zl Iill gt ihilll after 1d TELthinni rueizllL Ii litilitte leicy taiscad tiaigvaic 11 it 11 gt11 ll William EXIT44 PR07EC70V SAFm acrecs Mr and Mix It litlltltltilltl pent the weekend in loioiito lontzraiaiatxoiis to Mr and Mrs llliner llriilnni tiiee llltlY Iiillock ulio were 111111ieil on Saturday tn xitr etllllf it gt i1tltl i1twl il hm 11 11 1212 ltll llilxisiei was home for 11 11 tii in le llls last peek litl llill 314 only 311s liej11olltl ht athzirines win Ml spent the weekend with her sis Steers Mrs itlltlll 11 rll1diam1 lr lhinn who has been v1s1tlt nu her laughter l1s Ray Me ll1stelrettiiliell to her home ill lort reilit lliursday llIlllOlllltld JIIJJNIINIIII color Illtlull LEFROT rrrrr llss Margaret litll Woodstock is holidaying with her parents llittlli iiiriy liicagospetit weeks vacation with his parents hero Miss Marie lilibons Ioronto lls home again with her parents for the summer lrs Susan Reid Stroud spent last Week with her sister Mis Wilfred Stewart goodly number from here en Jack Burgess Ioronto at Corn iers Mr and Mrs Elmer Crest and family at Groscs Mr and Mrs lhos Barnett and Mr and Mrs Hobson loronto have been weekend vistors with Mr and Mrs lhos Atkinson Miss Isabel Reid Barrie left Sundayrfor Calgary to continue her nursing profession in that city newwcnture in the west Wilfrid Stewart spent few days assessoiis Grose attended the postmasters LITTLE LEAK YOU DONT SEE CAN GROW AWFUL BIG AND EXPENSIVE Clothing AMERICAN LIQUID ROOF GE MENI It gives you Ieakproof nailless asbestos blanket your old roof AAWATERPROOF ROOF FOR TEN YEARS WRITTEN GUARANTEE THE AMERICAN 01L PAINT CO Clip Here and Mail Representative BISHOP an being saved from iieiiei Iurii It 29 lWoulil 1i Save Moneywith American ITciTiiEl Roof cement Address unuu 211 God then all is vll iiird attended Annual Yorkshire SEE Held At Newtons Farm Spioule ti after Sept 1ia1 Son 11 tI itij aiwaddein 11 11 iehEintivl lwlaslli PE its tet 11 Branch linonta 1111vt 111 NOW GET THE BETHESDA lll Iiii tie IMFH Whimminwf iVietor Knoxi sang Ifcst wishes go with Isabel in herl in loronto last week attending the convention and Byron lioyed the anniversary services in ythe United church lliuichill Smi day The sympathy af this connnunity gt lis extended to Mrs Marshall Iteive lin the loss of her husband also to the remaining relatives Real estate has been brisk in this district for some time Latest re ports are Bill Sheldon has purch ased an acreage for building from er and Mrs Roland Corner and WMrs Norman King wereMr and atWalter Allans business periods some of the Work Little or Big Stop it New with OVCI Mrs spent couple of days with her Vamother Mrs lhos Frawley 16 Lin St Toronto Ont Wke toWRiiirthJp Name Inununnu City or Town BCI MEMORIAL iSEllVICE HELD Continued from one one gave his Lie ring 1115 nori Ir llLlili Itiriie L1l on it there Wu no after life an id in of the taunt is ltgtd Let in Cori if we beo the Izzy unveiling as photographs tulle by lvau Cumming piesi 111 Stutlent CtillfICll and ill Little DC of the BCI Corps The names were ei by liiiicp1z II lletli as lilvii LLOID ANNis JAMES BlRKlZ ALLAN CLARKE NORMAN coon DALTON ORBEII iiOMiNic DAMRRONSIO LAWRENCE DAVIS BRUCE DEANs MlHRAY Diicmvonrii CLAIR DUTCIIER DONALD FELT GEORGE riRMAN LEONARD OOSNEY GEORGE IIENSON ROBERT RENSON LEONARD IIOGAN NORMAN iiOOPER IlAItVIE IRWIN WINSTON RNEPP sTANLEr LEGEAR eiiARLiON LINDSAY PARKER McMiiiiN IosErii McnRiDE WILLIAM McCRON DORDEN MccheIiEON ERANK lifeUTIlHION OERARD McDouGALL ANGUS McNADB JOSEPH MCVEIGH MURRAY Mae MILLS ARDEN MILNE srANLEr MOON ROBERT OROR iiAROLD PAiiERNON JOHN PATTON WILLIAM PORRITI BRIAN ROLSION DOUGLAS SIMPSON OWEN SMITII ROYAL SMITII VERNON SPEARN GEORGE TIIOMPNON EDWARD tlcd WALLACE JAMES WELDON ROBERT WHITE LLOYD WILLOUOIIBY NORMAN WYNES Member of the Staff LLOYD JKIPPlIN Mr Ilcath was chairman for the occasion Others who took part were it Girdwood former principal Rev ELcwis presi dent of Ministerial Association Very Rev James Clair of St Marys Roman Catholic Church There Is No Death and he was accompanied at the piano by Ross The service was attended by about 500 relatives and friends of thosc who had given their lives Atkey VBuys Out Tomlinsons Share In Clinton Newspaper Clinton NewsRecord Richmond Atkey has pur chased the interest in Clinton NewsRecord owned by Herman Tomlinson and the partnership reviously existing has been dis solved as of June 1946 Mr Atkcy has been editor and business manager and Mr Tom The latter will remain with the firm for the time being and will lcontinuetin his present capacity during that period Messrs Atkey and Tomlinson both former members of The Bar rie Examiner staff purchased the NewsRecord business September 17 1945 and during the past nine months have endeavoured to pub lish high calibreWekIywneWS no change in policyunder the new Arrangement by Iouse Bateman Mrs Black home for the weekend Mr and Mrs lhos Stephens children motored to Hamilton Sun day to visitMr and Mrslhorn ton Stephens SundaycvisitorswithMJ iMrs Irving Robertson and Miss fMargaret Robertson Stroud Mr and Mrs Fraser and children United WMS The United church WMS held their June meeting at the home of iMrs BGrose with fineat rtendance MrsSpicer readthe scripture Following devotional and done in home missions was des Stewart the president and MrsH assited in serving dainty fen bythe limcli committee July meet ingw will be held at Mrs 11 Wightls Charles Miller Barrie visited his sister Miss Jessie Miller The dance held in the hall Friday evening was much erijoyedby 1111 attending number from here attended Springwatechark John Shiel Rosemont Tom Berthelotte who hasbcen attending Barrie Collegiate is there Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Robert King nee Bernice McMann who wore married atIPort Severn on June 11 reception was held some home ofthe grooms parents Mr and MTBC King Mount St Louid very pleasant evening Warden Ernest Millers picnic at cribed by Mrs Paisley Mrs Wright pleasing stilt was Sung by Mrs Will Noble MrsIGrose was spending his vacation at his home Cv7and CLIDDENS PAIN coL mos McKEE MADE FOREMAN4 ALLIsION TOWN Thomas McKee 5011 of Mr and Mrs Alex McKee of Minesing but residents of Barrie for the past three years has been engaged by wn Shhfllll Visitors Ioe orncr and linson has heen Flam manage ltdiiciiiziiishovliir aoll town works as sessor and weed inspector Mr McKee enlisted in 1939 as private in the Canadian Light Infantry He went overseas in December 1939 With the First Division received his commission and came back to Canada in 1942 as an act ing Captain While at home he married Miss paper and conduct high class job Grace printing business There will be 1943 through the Italian campmgn In Italy while fighting in the front lines Hmld Stephens and Ed JaCkSOh In 1945 he was transferred to the has bought the 10 formerly owned Western Front where he became major Later on in the year he lOIOhtOI Spent returnedhome as an Acting Licut last week With her mother MIS chantColonel in command of the Howard Jarvis andHJa1tls was Princess Pats Mr McKees first year in Allis ton will be busy one is commencing new system of assessment and it will be necessary to visit every property note Incas MouNr st Lows All Hail to the FormeIwHes the man who with his good wife and familyprovide us with so much that is absolutely necessary to our life and well beingwlust suppose he were HARRY ARMSTRONG The Green Front Stores HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS to go on strike YES ITS HOT ELECTRIC FANS $645 Dont Use DullKnife Butcher Knives 50c tlSe 89c $200 Burns Bread Knives 95c Bread or Slicing Knives French look Knives $125 $150 $17 Paring Knives 15c 20c 25c 49c 59c 75c Slicepswool Polishing Mitts $125 Coleman Pressure Lamps $750 Tolcman Lanterns large size $1150 Baby Swings Sl7gt Folding Lawn Chairs unpainted $395 WAIEBINGCANS Yes we have em Sheep Manure 39c and 751 This is an excellent all purpose Fertilizer Aladdin Mantle Lamps $625 $075 Only Superman can distinguish an honest man from rogue by appearance The average person has to learn by actual contact or bitter experience In the Toy Section Lare Wooden lruek Iiiixlu iiis $395 GLASSWARE ti and 14 oz for Tumblers 5e ltle 15c COLOURED TUMRLERs ttltll 100 to 150 Plastic Tumblers asstd colours 20c DUFFEL BAGS mighty useful ea $395 Fancy Flower Pots in colours 45c and 50c Plastic Flower Pots in colours each 39c Coppcred Wire Hanging Baskets 400 Stuffed Sweat Pads for Horses ea 59c Brass Bucket Sprayers each $495 Electric Sheep Clippers $2775 Farm Pumps with Cylinders special $1095 PLOW SHARES for mo ARR 98104 DUNLOP ST st Plows control Council to be Forests Princess Pats In 1941 he Ronald of Minesing In he returned overseas and went he received minor wounds Alliston orooa SALES 50c to 3275 MAKE Plilll set of it piers Table Itcflec lllllffilMY JUNE 20 1915 INT Book Ends 8131 815533185 s13iiii$ Fancy Ilower Vases $395 $325 Genuine We TEA POIS IIIA POTS Waste Paper Receptacles metal iliie 151 Rose green orchid blue red yellow lltlltlllll SIIIS with Stand Holster Set Wet Books in PAINT BOO Tn AAA Spin TS VARNISHES and ENAMELS DE LAVAL SEIARAIOR PARTS OILS ARMSTRO QUALITY PAINTS VARNISHES AND ENAMELS urcments materials age location and all necessary details required to make an assessment The sewers streets town works will also come within the jurisdiction of his department Later Mr3McKec may be asked to part of the system and to have share in the administration of thinhydro Prior to his military career Mr McKee was engaged in drainage construction and landscape work with the Depaitiiieht Of Mines aiul While serving in Italy and in Holland he recstablishcil public works in cities that had been damaged by war Get your matter in earlyr lIiA IOIS Metal lrueks 39c $139 3350 Metal Aeroplanes ile and $115 lyandotle Water Pistols 50c Wyiiiidotte Bell Pistols 50c Plastic Western Pistols Target lame Pistol Range tlieillrusli and bringr out the Color KS large assortmentbegi 20c who11879115 $129 $135 and other waterworks HE GIFT SHOP 3111 and 5350 31a $159 $325 $495 $123 5550 51550 lgwood Vases 53115 to $450 run tors asstil shapes 5100 5110 to 5195 Brown Betty clip 49c BROWN ti and cup 751e 85c $135 $139 $170 $200 $225 to $395 title to 5200 $795 75c $100 $100 with Guns ox with Brush complete 500 gal from No PHONE 2801 Ihough the Examiner is dated lhursday it goes to press Wednes day afternoon 25 cents for Examiner Classifieds that have to be hooked it FAMILIES APPRECIATE the grand salislyingflavor of Maxwell House Coffee They love the fragrant goodness of the choice LatinAmerican coffees that distinguish this 51 prcnicly fine and delicious blond SERVICE ROBINS0N CORNER BURTON AVE and ESSA RD PHONE BARBIE 2582 9lhe itoOd ase IfB be befits roo ONCEyouventricd Posts Bran Flakes youll ap preciate tliediflerencefrom other bran Cereals glhe first tasty Spoonfulproves theres a7world of dif fetenci in avor These nutsweet maltyricliygoIan brownakcs are so thoroughly enjoyable REPAIRS ToALL MAKES 0F CARS SERVICE BA PRODUCTS 11 Theresa liflercnce in food value topsBcSides Corn taining enough bran to supply the bolls you need to keep food waitesr moving promptly Posts Bran Flakes provide added wheat nourishmeiit be cause thyre made with other arts of wheat Equally delicious and effective in light tender bran muffins Recipe on both Regiilaranyd Giant Economy packages Itemember the extra charge of