Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1946, p. 2

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lGE TWO WW THE BARBIE EXAMINER ISIAILIIh Ill Published than Morning by lam MINER LIMlIZD Mr REX mum Ass memo WALLS murmur no nuszml nuun a7 MIDI AND IT NEEDED SAYING The protest against the Illtllll genient of farming lildtllr 52 iiuzstcr James Unrdmcr It CulllillUIlS was tiara1 uil duct us as he said rollictlzlng 32 MEMBER Cantdill Weekly New Amdaa Clm Weekllu of Canada Audit Ecrciu of Circuintiou SUBSCRIPTIONS Canada or Grut Britain $100 you State re we luvti psuzaal iol policy gtIlulld lllc Iiliilc It so Cnilndu plantation lxlIl liic lcl4licd lllc In ltixlclillll Ill Inigogs Ago JIMIn cl he Domaiion UUVtElr 511 IZlIl Ile Ilri lie at the lllltllllll filiil no anionic EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO causba 1321 Barrie LucaI Nuus it Ila la If liclli led vlvIlfihll Vila Lee Bluilfllld ilazitszulle receiving Increase of and Wm lured $500 when they names at Iiniiic Ilap the feature teachers gnrcr llzxtl ill LIgtJEfgtKh VFulI when $145 he eluded foiled will Le pungr Il cl pl1llllrll that up too ht 1110 0pm 55 iii Ia laxunu final and sacrnicc mlgh 2i ilcl ilclfI IdllllS likti Illll thin19 ll tp 10mm lllpgp 520 i1l telling how terrible condlio ll 1m pp huzlulll in HAMt XILIIIK Simme ounu Briefs in llctpalcu lr lilorclio WM WIN Mung Ur Isl ll WM 15410 Ilzilcr inc illitcllll ot LNllltA said reEt illallw lute IIclilt inc at has been the cuslonl eervwiiczc in In ivAl Hip pipmpg 20 2sz my manila ililllpllall llllhlllcsi minivan lllctllllt llllmlIlIf trilJtllllll gtII ll 11le Ellpy out gm tmg Itll 11M 01 00 Karim Isl parody up rc NH11 Rt ll10 flail Wall 0013 1m arc horrible to adequately describe mm pump mgrl betwcen rural and urban people inu on 13 up 1141 Hf 1mm Um mum Wm less long below that ballnclx tin1ltlc have by no means been Lilillil cl cm plaliil about the poor returns LII work and the many other lacth lIlIIIEI could be avoided Ile cSlllnatcthI when min yield of over 100 lift vacuntliv llir uncxllcclcll dual Hvm WI 0010 litlv ll l= lFvllllil culllehr when would notla ccni uIJ MIIH cf heir of Le uollih Aimr lb13115 WW l51 includi India wand have ntinuuum rel WI PIN Essa IilliI ohmml lliIIII fhlllrl as Mr Gardiner aptly clllillldsllcrl lilac liblilllillalx Iollllcll and hail iiiillirinlilyY1lPM MC HHS ill lllll7151illi Itlllilllllli the it lriblc lr ll oi lllclgt 1mm May to September 30 in NW 1de 113 dltlon of agriculture in one brcalii and iIal in the next gulng on to deplore the lc parture of so many young people 12pin Willis 10 19 CHIC33 ii1 bc more than halvcd by other possible 11 we want In latch in ch fit ll llltllllillliil supplies Sm liverv extra liortion of food saved or pro III1I of philosophy fr IIII xvilnl Iwi Wm Um mm dticId vxll Iznd 1s way to the needy Lana muIli tllc philoropiif rim Izcii than gmcrnnicn authorities promise 1lr mm Shaw loitniclly dean of the faculty of 1mm mfm If agricullurc at IIlc University of Saskatche cgtlly to all of Us ll fnmii luminous Illlllgi we need ilu most and now chairman of the Dominion best of all the profcsruons or Illl ever you like to call ll lziclc oml Il wrong with our way of lIllliIZIllz It would be idle and untruthful lo deiin that there is plenty of room for improve lnent In rural living Far too many rural homes lack the conveniences which are con paratively commonplace ill urban dwclings Nevertheless in many parts of rural nin ada these things are being introduced andi the numerous benefits accruing from clnnip electricity for instance are becoming availI able Ill recent years also great deal more is becoming known of the place of agricul ture In the economic system Tile effect of national policies and world conditions on price levels is much more clearly under stood and it may be taken for granted that so far as these factors may be controlled policies which formerly meant slow starva tion of agriculture will be avoided War time demand has of course raised prices of almost all farm products so that as Mr Gardiner stated total farm income avcrn aged $1600000000 annually during the last three years bringing an average return to each farm of $2000 Various factors like hired help would reduCe this measurably but in general farm income is about two and half times what it was in 1932 depression year which stillcolors thinking about farm income Apart from the question of farm prices for too long farming has been stig matized by the failures Of bad farmers Much more is being done to provide proper education for rural life Better facilities are being created and more useful subjects being taught The value of education for farmers has hVrbensO widely reocgnlzed as it is today Related to this there has never been so much scientific study of farm ing and its problems 8011 conservation technical methods better crops improved stock breeds andthd like are much more clearly understood as basic principles of farmingisuccess lt Thusrtlfertreseveral reasons why pessi mistic talk about farming is no longer in line with facts True people have to work hard especially at certain seasons of the year but that is or should be understood by anyone intending to take up this ancient way of life There are compensations which urban life cannot possibly provide even with shorter hours and relatively secure sourceOf income If farmers and wobldbe farmers would concentrate on the improve ments which exist and are being made in rural lifethen it might become generally recognizedthat farming is indeed the best Of all professions or trades TOronto Globeand Mail WORLDQWIDE Fatima mummies Three times as many people will die of starvationin the next six months as were killed in the whole of the war predicts an agricultural expert in Great Britain Dr Henry Richardson speaking on March 13 The number of potential famine victims at theend at six months is estimateduat 60 000000dead Itrisa mistake to think however as some persons1 would have us think that the pre sent crop Season in the northern hemiSphere will end therfoodwcrisisrnndthat therefore we should justwalt for the stOrin toblow Crisis will last for atleaSt two orthreeyears Sir John Boyd Orr the Scottish farmer and nutritionist who recently took on the great reSponsibilltyof directing the Food and Ag riculturetcrganization of the United Nations said on May that the world food shorts continue for the next four or five years WCanadInnLhaW twofold contribution to make firstLto save all possible food par to possible food until the peoples her part of the world are able to pro in brutal food supplies for them mm maymean selfdenial onthe femurs it may mean continued thopart of producers It Should Sbll v1 ld Er saw nearly clcvcli IlliIIIlll tons as and recently livery bushel of wheat every and shipped ophical attitude never seem to be completed When he seeds over Wiser voices are saying that thefood Iiil ILIIJLI iron tour of lmpcctlon Mr min lloonl lormcr president of the Uriw rI Eiopcilil Ull I12 Iii Illai lllassf 2Llll000 Ions that the deficit including hoped lvllllc LII Ilc lnp IUlll iovcrulncnts Food Information Committee lound of meat and every egg saved by the anadian people to relieve famine condi ions abroad is picked up by the government HOLIDAY FOR THE FARMER The question of holiday for the farmer lllIsLII by the llarmers Advocate which mints out that if farm owner wishes to ake few days off he must pay someone to nilk the cows feed the pigs see that the Wc suspect that many 11 the fields on hot day has looked with demanding position than nursing mother do the hundred and one odd chores that his fields the farmer is obligated to weeks loss Even after his crops are harvested there are animals to care for and the man who wishes holiday must hire someone school year Concluding he noted that an outstanding feature of the school was the spiritual life and he referred to the daily morning worship periods to tend them in his absence Of course there is one thing to remember The city man who goes to the country on his vacation spends lot of money to be out in the fresh air and sunshine something the farmer enjoys every day The city man seeks the oppOrtunityTOf enjcTyihg the coun tryside beauty It is there for the farmer all through his vigorous outdoor life The farmer is charged with much work But would he change places with the city worker We doubt it How many farmers would be happy shut up in threeroom during othe VWar the girls had agreed there would be no cups or trophies The moneyiwas donated to war prizes have been Introduced again The farmers life is hard one but only this year and the girls also sent $96 to the war orphans fund apartment like thousands Of city dwellers without even square foot of grass Very few in our opinion farmer can realize its many compensa tions EDITORIAL NOTES The National Clothing Drive continues un gseem mighty good tothe illclad folk of Europe But thats no reason why you you can all the rich pattern of individual libertyj specialcommittee of Toronto city courtg has been appomtei 00 Stildy ElectOral had givenlheirifvies intheSecond One Of the Great War procedure in Municipal Voting recommendations hOped for fromthis bornr which dictatorial groupsabusea prlnciple of democracy by seeking to impose their candidatesupon the people by false use of the ballot Canadas Fuel Controller is authority for awe statement thatthe Government hopes RES how moonE AK to have million tons of western coal shlp ma Amox pedto Central Canada toease next winters critical fuelshorage expected as the result ofso mudhpfthe Unsupply beingrcut off Such an immense order will not only furn mers executive vicepresident of lsh fine market for British Columbia and The MacleanHunter Alberta cOal but will be of great advantage to the railways which will get there rom freight movement estimated 2000 00000 tonmiles m4 Ellltir Senate Urges New Board Of Seven Men lb Hear Income Tax Appeals The setting up immediately of an indepemicut scvcnmun board of tax uppcaIs for unadu and other Ml farreaching rccmmncndations are contained in the Senate Income Iax omulittcc rcport presented to the uppcr house by Ilairmun IIon was mml IIuler The report is being IuliledI cunympymi as one of the most important and constructive pieces of work done by the Senate in many years says The Financial pondcnt budget tircIy divorced from and independ it of the control of the Income department which levies and col lects the taxes be not accorded any DR CODY leflKER of labor He must work or suffer financial head mistress owed great deal tOSheiIuMc Culloch for her leadership as head irl urin the year round The city man searches for some Epeaki refined to the school dance of the color of health enjoyed by the farmer in Toronto to celebrate meanSr year of school following theclose of the war the school magazinewas out with special edition this year switch girls to cooking and boys to shop work Miss Elgood declared it was entirely wrong Sheassert ed thatsuch trend was simply educating hation for dictator itil June 29 Some of your old duds would Ovenden emphasized English the classics history called scientific subjects houldnt send as presentable garments as the girls to go forward with co age and shfWurged them to magnanimous Music for the occasion was pro Herbert Morrison Lord Presrdent of the vided by the school choirnder Council in Great Britain told Labor Gov the direction of Miss Florence ernment Conference refcently The more we Bilmi advancetoward socialism the more we shall need individual initiative and enterprise and Stool Iccumseth in the farm Perutang Road Um Quinlan as one Illltl of 18 acres of by Iosls Ittznva corres IIie committee recommendutionsI ax Department The second cardinal prmcrple in Slight Cllvyat11is City Cousm mowrmg Off the new proposed board Is that on two weeks zlcation But it is the farm administering ers lot to tend to his crops and look after his animals He can do nothing about it so authority relating to the exercise NSC accept 115 Cllcumsmnce Wlth phllos of administrative or ministerial dis The farmer IS in more Cletion the levying of assessments or the imposition of penalties un Iess such discretion and levies bc udme 19135 mmy mg mou 35 W31 subject to the immediate effective lug upon him He must till the fields and and ColICIuSIVLjurIsdICtloll of an ndependent tribunal of the officials Continuedfrom page one emphasis on the Miss Elgood address Miss said the Elgood school In her past year The She also noted that Miss flfIgOOd pointed out that charities However the Referring to the tendency to ofrrobots fit She stressed that and not the so Concluding shejaiishewianted Sheila McCtiIloch read pets whichhad been written byLieut Joseph McBride Barrie officer who died of Wounds in Italy in 1914 Following thereriding of the poem moments silenceXWas ob served as triblite to all those who The school awards were present arguev mittee is suggestlons to removewllat the fgisblialatrsorggrigam 131135 Toronto Telegram very aptly describes as First House tea was Served on the The pernicious practice of pmmping by lawn in front ofSecond House The occasion was concluded with four scenes from Shakespeare stag ed by the students The scenes were from AMidsummer Nights Dream As You Like It Much Ado About lNothirlg and Twelfth Night greatmigration of retired and wealthy peoplelfrom England to Eire ispresaged byTFloidS Chal Publishing Company writing from England Income tax inl De Valeras land is only 66 in the and there In re ported to be lots of shooting ser vams food and drink Xanadu oi Iiiv Illlllli stuff to Willlx Ill 01 up IIuin the lowliest desk that of jlllllui cIeili in tin IngInsl cxlllhe pmltcli and he did 2t In it ian business lllc ooolmo During farmers of Great Britain have lost 904000 acres of their land to the government The total is made acres various other basis of these figures on averagel of 66200 acres per year has been ginle owners ment can make it available it Royal Bank President 350 Years Ago THE 303ml ADVANCE SYDNEY IJUIISUN Ilobsull name of In LII Iiccli clcalcil Ilvnirnt of the linvni Haul ti III Is the fIKUIItI tll iIr IIHIIMIEI Vincecal to lbc IIIIZI lucasulc of lllt progress of IIII Ivillilx in IIIlsc yeah and of tuliml cucrally is bank to become the Iioyul Ilauk or an lidalasscls amounted to less than 0110 niacin $18000000 cll between 1021 and Iw uInn he was Icnclul Manager cXplllIHII in uIl phases of the bullks business Deposits rose Iioul $1ssslllllllloo In the ill vbilc assets moved up from STth $1ooouooobo figures which place the IioyaI bank of tuuzulu among the first III banks in the world IIic are considercd us almostccltuln to Howl Bunk mm is my mp1 Edmw The Exmmlmr be incorporated largely if not enlt W5 HmlV OYUKmmng fedoml his responsibility as Iltlltl of all Illl slilution serving the general puinc mkmg lfpmt mgwm Ills approach to probIculs is direct mittec found direct conflict of and imisiw his decisions quirk opinion as between the recom mendations of Deputy Minister Fraser Elliott and those of other witnesses It chose unanimously to is of otier wrt cattle do not break into the corn or grain txsxluzhmbunul on fieldswand do many other duties farmer working to over new president affabIc made lie is lover of the simple nIc ures of life his lIIIISIIl books pipe and children of the community in which he lives Mr Dobson has always taken zl keen and active part viriIe man active and endowed with an abundance of energy and his greatest hobby is banking ll figures 1000 when Mr IloImon joincd the Merchants Hunt of Ilnllfax Intern ISAIIIC tin Illclllldll Wilsonl important Ilcsillclli Il IIIHVIIIIII In lilonlclilous or llfl Slim or Ins IM lblpllth Illlllil Hull Ii oil it Id llunpcl in All ll um lx er IlrllllllilllII land to Iiulnbn 11 $1 Iln In Irmcx and was laid JINI Cu irisvim Vthzla Hull inn IilI lig 17000 in of him I8 Local Notes JM illbznl sz cllI Lv chill ill in im Illzzr uf lit Inter If sl ill Slain Ii1l rill IEI twill ounly Briefs run vlm cat Lilly out Ill llnmcllc lu IanIs lzl Livinfill kct lclnsll ItZl Ill Illlllll Sow iIl nic cellist buy it Ivlil Hill lAI Ifl to lint EI Bill c1 llui 10000 IlI in Illlll pious Ilolld IIcnI the IJII of one uI kicked the Inp up for ltplllls Utopia In Illtlillp of having bicycle lldcr Io rr2 U1 lhol AIIIALISM AND SOCIALISM ItccnIy aware of In the affairs He is LOST FARM LANDS the past for up rcqui sitioncd purposes lost to British farming Im re uisitioned for much 0f ht comes only zIaneamngless phrase war purposes vill revert to its oli the govern when various of 572000 for construction and general 1wcs for sports grounds 12 years the CdLISLS building 120000 129000 acres for air fieIds 64000 acres for army areas and 10000 acres for On the In time Dear Sir let us not be position of other group Isidc or the citizenship exist ill the ends but Iprisers place their faith in wise legislation labor cut farmers and the free play of withisp the protective sponsible individual limits of the dUSIlIdI file greatest between ings of the Country case freedom of choice In advocating the de velopment of the capitalistic system ill the false attempting to defend the injustices and iniquilies of the lLlpast The proponents of private enterprise are Inbout developing and better living conditions as any There can be no com mnn ground for discussion if one mon lopoly of humaniturianism and gOOd The differences which of enter isc and other systems he not in pIuced just ber claims re edom in the means Enter strong re unions independ nitiutive public welfare State socialists on the other hand Ibelieve in the complete overthrow of the present ownership and control of the in und commercial undertak In the latter which is be system and slot of all freedoms Yours truly TO Effect of War Years as concerned better world STIVER lists THURSDAY JUNE 20 72946 3n Danish AgricuIture IIAI ABUII IARIJJ illllcl as liurrllilc at tile cav My My Might IIUSIIANDS ALWAYS AIIIKUVIC your coffee when its Maxwell House eimpIy love it be jiigt llI ill iIJKIII pro La ILUIZ Iejgtlcrlc of tin it xiiluildt scwlini ll Ilic gun in ligrhcil zlust HadizlnIIluastiugq it If rt rim III viNIl Ii hymnp am If than Ilrmgs nut uII the extra goodness In this superb bIch of filler FullTi ll ulnl ll il Lirlrl fl 1er riiaciiu pressing question rIbo best way of arrangins to meet both IIlllIllIll and Provincial succession Iulics within the time required by statute constitutes one if the most pressing questions in estate planning lo Izly The answer for your own cslzilc depends on the nature ofyour assets and on the plan you decide upon For careful analysis of the impact of this taxation and an cslimalc of your succession duties we invite you to consult the Ofcers of this trust company Our practical experience may enable uslo suggest ways and means of protecting your estate from umrcccssury expense and delay when it comes to be scltlcd Your inquiries wiII place you under no Obligation miololro GENERAL um 253 BAY CORPORATION HEAD Orricr0RON ESTABLISHED 99 Qualified Consultant In Life Insurance Problems Continental Life Representative is fully qualied through sound trainin based on years of experi ence to give you depem abIe advice IHE CONIINENIIII IIIL INSURANCE BMPANI QHEAD OFFICE TORONTO DISTRICT GRANT MAYO MANAGER 150 Dunlop Street Barrie Puer Cu nadlan Com puny ON vTRAI $1ItdsenioyuxuriouscOmfort invthe privaCy of your airCOnditioned room You can do it now by Canaq dianNational Folshort Or long trips by day or night incOaCh or sleeper youll appreciate the pleasure and relaxation of youniourney by train LHllW HELPVPLAuYOUR 1an Ridercry ReservationsTickegflnformadon about places to go Your local Canadian National ticket ofce can do lot to make yourtrip ioy from the start Wherever you plan to go drop in and talk things over withCauadian National Ammwdwwwswwe Wm

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