JUNE 20 1946 III runaway THE BARRIE EXAMINER 1200 Sport Fairs Maire Barrie Boxla 0pc or Throws N0Hitter Athletics Beat Shores In Torrid Senior Match dlnlll xiel =lrilrr=l Ililli ll ii at Shear lziili lal lairsdziy llkrildl it llr1ill slrnlglitl $65 II hi Ilairie1 Leer llllllil new llr re ef the lfrrll taut ltil llr ricotta ilrlll irlr lit Arie II lliie Er llll llr lll llrlli lI unlit IIl not gt llllkrli it iItl VI loll III rzieri =if till llit lull lll litrrie nor llxtlll iilil In fl re srilri ipto ins lloiiie rr llir llr lrrlrl scored one the sixth and txvo in dire mirth Net from but up le Ilt=or pass lliltltlllltl lHlll irlil um Nileii lililtil tux boy iliill hzulb lulll Illllll gtl llu Littleri Izllrlriu filtlxldlllHI HI llit lllll ilrisig lilllt izlu llilil lint riilllivi il line llirie ill on the floor lie rlr non loxi il rlup pa alilrilll lwil liiie dtziel II llt lilll its lltltl Illtietl Illllllvlkll olil put Illillll rl lrel ijilrll stunrllivu liiie ltlltl III llilll jll while lr iiirrrl llil lllll tlrtl o1 tlllll IlIiVlillllll SMOKE tllllplll senti paw pitrlinrs stir threw nolil rlltl ll Itlltlrn pic ltlhilillrl into the 2111 ill llrilil lilkinsoir ll vltharirl lor tlll oll llariir oid vslule he ii Hroiuii erlliiutwoozl iiid Harrie Ktsi Il Illwll pole for Whitley marker Aiuii II the locals darted to fly iid Itcddy rcowd too and lrlirirs one in the Evin inlllulls evened the wore by Klllltllli Scotts llon liiiipbell uid Wor lilllllll lot the illuiltl vitli llif Itllulfl lioldlii lead Kills ecoiid quarter their lhe no shot iird Ilellevil hurliri recently Smoky is now lawn IIL tho Ilay of grunge leiur and his vielirus rit the Trenton of Tweed came to lollrinuvood With his fain pilcned Inter iiiie cepfed or kitr tip Iiirnl In Ilill bermll mm Illyeis native itlrll tallied Ilt tunes for the vinueis aid was the best rili II1L llltlill live minute mark iioyle 2b In loriiiir lb Mather lflllil happell rt itlpp If Shipbuildeis Illllllillt llllt game for Ilrllllt in lllllti year ranks for Home New idinnAmerican Ciilliriiuvood last year but Illigt sea son has located at the near Iiciiton itlllS Illf tlirouith oppoiu defence and lets go with it llILIYIIII corner Illll jlllll the chance iittHi oiir llllll floor fellow crashes inau llrll IIA rhiiosl did Ine next Ioionto senior pilclied York in the Can lltop Ilc In lui Mudseir uul Mirllin ef Iiiisley ss Illiriis el Levespue Lb St John liiylor rf Ni ii KR 1314 llIlI tllllmlll ll Iltfl llUI lltll llllLZe ti later make oldtiiiier performed for the llllllil lerriors played ii meal name up forward for the Visitors lie tallied but once lllll was cori lii IIilII played end poalirj little save Ioe llti eiiciotl iiru and Ualll wa illllt and star 11 pot ted EJTHOMPSON MRS was AGAIN BOWLING WINNERS forecrrrl Ilaltt Shoe the first poaluon pass from Tom lord lair lllllli and three iiiiiiules later pol led another to iiiulralile Morlsoiis visitors before quarter ended they rattled in three edue out half time Iloth goalies played red iot izoal as IVrthII robbed lteddy couple of lilkiiison eis Sll Ctr SEVENTHUINNINHG RUN BY BOYCHOFF WINS FOR STROUD By tallying run in the seventh inning Slroud ckcd out 87 win Bradford night in the nets igood slant loiii worry hliidsen fence name for Illl winners St nthzuiiies showed big first and aggressive team who will be to beat good hrInn that Modseii one here show goal Irom stole time attack They and they at any passiin shooters avenged their only defeat of the season which the Barrie boys rid llie locals were minus their hard have some id mixed doubles was held at the Al lmdiile Lawn Bowling Club Essa Iloiid on Wednesday Iurie 12 ilhirtyrtwo players took part the majority being members of the Al goals to lead last pusher Bradford win ministered Murphy performers who is on the sick list ClllllilllllCSrGOIII Frivcll de Madscii for wards Nclson Clicevers Whitley alternates Scott liori Myers McDonald Urquhart BurricGoal llall Vipond Gair forwards Gair Vipond lcffries Haney alleru nales Campbell Rcddy Gilkinson Moss Ilaltou llartlcy and count brilliant stops off Cliecvers and Morton Jim McMahon and Smith tallied two more for the Visitors to open the third stanza but at the three minute ltcddys pebouud ball irlto the St Kills Iwiuc Nel son scored two more for the win ners before Ilancy picked up Ilnl toiis pass and scored for Barrie This quarter ciided with the score gt illIll for St Torharrncs Ieffrics sure some over Friday Stiuud into second place just ahead the South Simcoc times almost made Ioe one star Tm lliill of Fennells in League Stroud grabbed off four runs in first to take Iliey two counter fence Madscnl McMa command OIIO sixth IWthou right away added third winning Bradford scored singletons iii the second third counted four in the sixth They RefereesRusty White Fergus failed to come through in the all limportaiit seventh and Stroud won the game Jimmy Johnson pounded outfour safeties and scored two runs Webb and Boychoff also talliedlwo runs Magani tallied twice picked lrove llaney and mark mid seventh defence and fourth and Sid Prosscr Brampton Stroud for Bradford StrandA Snaclic Webb Boychoff Bow man Blain Bowman Hubert Bradfordlupling Carter Bowman Johnson Tobias Ev Woods Colangclo Semple Magaiii McKay Stroud Bradford ans 401 002 18 011 104 07 tillAllTEll ROUND TRIP GOOD going from 1200 noon lune 28th unlil200 pm Monday July hit 1946 Return Leave destination not later than midnight Tuesday luly 2nd 1946 Times shown are Standard Leime Homer Highlights Mount Pleasant Win The rampaging Mount Pleasant ball team continued their winning ways by downing Bradford 41 in hard fought game at Bradford This stretches the streak For fares and further information apply to your nearest Ticket Agent last Thursday Pleasant lt straight wins in the South Siincoc Softball League The winners opened tliescoring by tallying once in he as Bradford evened thescore in the first of the second Mount Pleas ant forged ahead by scoring an other in the third and two more in the fourth Leighton boys flair AT 1A7 Giffen scored three runs and sucked out homer to lead the MountiPleasant attack Clarence Kneeshaw hit triple collected Bradfords Ken Wood only marker BradfordTupling 2b Tobias 3b Colangelo lbMagania Sutherland WoodVrf McKay cf Evans If Kilkenny Mount PleasantL Giffen ss RTGiffen Kneeshaw lb Ed ney 2b Kneeshaw rf Knee shaw rfC1ubine Kneeshaw If McDonald cf Bradford Mount Pleasant COLLINGWOOD vars LEAD LEGION The Collingwood jLegion soft ball team icokundisputed possess ion of first place in the Simcoe Cirunty War when they visitedMidhurst Wed nesday Jun 12and dow home team 123 Collingwood andgMidhurst never threatened Hammillon the mound forColling wood held the home teamto three singleswhile his mates played erVl rorlessTSall in givinghim sensa Wingrove pitch ed for Midhurst and was nicked for 16 blows The Winners appear to be the in this league as they have moweddown all opposition to date with ease CollingwoodSpooner 3b Westbrooke lb Smart rf Sled 2b Burns If Bush cf Young Hammill McDairmid rt Smith If Bushss MidhurstMurphy ss Knupp 2b Chappel 1b Wingrove Adams 3b Smith cf Pe My Channel rt Cdlltngwood Miclliurst 010 000 oi iorzoo x4 Il may be many months before you can obtain new tires for your cur So bring all youritire more in us We gt will tell ifjany repairs are needediTAnd we have lheskilled mlenoand modern equipment to give you the finest tire servicel Whynot drive Veterans League ned the led all the way tional support favorites on v33 on ooo Proiiincial ireous trimmings st Troll Beelby acock 1f mllalll Phone 2094 COMPLETE Arrinsossiivics 312 042 012 16 00002 The late Lloyd George said one thing that surely applies just as toall of us everybodys favorite strongly am not hi Ila tJill victory xlilul Siritcoe Vltillier pill Led iriart gain fut lNll as bt the Illiiotil rlovil with incast fllr hits Hill on tinI meant for Ilill only allowed ILIIlrl Euts but nails defeated lzirii lIi own larfr of control in triviiiir up llg availix nu itit tllrfhlei on the retilr Iitrl lot llllll The Itiiltoirlei inirrpeil Into iliv lead It country two Ill the first one ill the second and four in Ilt third Iliayriiiiis worril theirg fltst lrillj II the third lliey addeill uiinthei in the sixth and Io iiiiirc in each the eielitl and ninth NIZI lilll dotvi six runs it the Hull of the third tried hard to overcome this lead but the Ilitilltrilllil kepti most of their ilillliflli and won the itrinies in iliiidiile this year isi both teams forntlit hard to puslil 2itvlo rullliltts irehie Marshall and llldon lor iim Itlldlit Nll builtrs with two hits each Archie also lalliedl Illlltt rims IIie five hits forl IlluiftiolF were spread out belweeiil Tillllllt Mullin Iriisley Iaylor and il Nlt Ir Marshall lib llyrr ss Boring vf Marshall lull Iltlll rSlriile Iloilihlimcl II opeiiiiur loulnament the BARRIE oxrsnro canan almigswaiaispi in Take Senior Softballloadership best bats and clubbed the Vespi Leiden Softball team down to In Base Runnlng stliiiniire 23 73 defeat Ilie tvi teams tied for the league lead IEndurance Contest Went to Queens Iark lust lhuis day to battle it out for first plum and the lrfmis raiiu llltltlllifll with the vin mound for Vespia but the lifuiis smashed barrage of hits at bin to count 13 runs in the first fivr frames llriimer came to his relief andale Ilub but the Barrie Iiib iwas well represented Greeiikeepcr Stewart had the greens in excellent condition and the bowls ran true and fast One game was played on the new east end extension and these greens proved to be of hiin calibre Ihompsoii and Mrs Vair the winners last year came through with the highest score gain this year They finished with in total of 48 plus Kennedy and Mrs Mitchell were second with three wins and total of 47 Ihird prize went to Warlow and Mrs Smith with two wins and 41 Withjone win and total of lli Rogers and Mrs Seninieiis finished fourth The regular Iliursday night competition between the Barrie and Allandale Clubs for the Berger Cup wrll soon be underway Ihe Allandale Club will be trying to take the cup from Barrie who won the series last year NEILLY KNEESHAW EACH GOT HOMERS IN FENNELLS WIN Feiinclls pounded out 93 win over Churchill in the South Simcoe Softball League on Wednesday June 12 at Fennells The game was ii replay of the match schedul ed for May 31 which was rained out Going into the last half of the fourth with the score tied onerill the Feiiiiells boys pushed across sigletns the fifth and sixth but Fennells added two more in the fifth and four in the sixth to win the game Rosslveilly Was the big batter for Fennells as he poled out homer got on base four times and counted three runs Gord Knee shaw also hit four base clout Harrison for Churchill scored two runs and got on base three times to lead the losers attack ChurchillR Rive Stewart Constable Constable Browning HarrisonJfIzive Kell and Don elly FennelIsTodd Hughes Neilly Knecshaw Ewings Eletcher Hughes Bell and Kell NATURAL annular GOLF BALLS HERE soon Golf balls of natural rubber will be available in Canada about July manufacturers tell TheFinancial Post few balls will be avail able for players in theCanadian Open Golf Championship which starts Jiine 27 in Montreal The Cinadian supply will be very lim ited as onlya small amount of natural rubber is being made avaib able Prices Will be thesames for the synthetic rubber balls in the sixth but lrfuiis didnt not ice the change and kept on pristiu the Iitlll Orfuns racked up his fourth vie toiy as be scattered nine hits sliucl out four and walked one llie lr funs have him great support in tin field and at bat second and scored on happel hit The rfuus were held off the scoresliect riiitil the seeoiir When they counted four At tlir end of the fourth llrluns led 57711 but in the fifth the bit bats starter and Herb Ihompsou were the real Willi on Sound Crown Attorney and District SoftballMatch JIMMY WILLIS WINS BANKERS GOLF CUP FOR FOURTH TIME Iot the fourth commutin lime Jlrnin tilts loul banker and raptain of the Mar Ilr Hull lull won the Annual flank of Ionintu iolf tourni iiirnt held it Ilrantford the cunt vi hrlrt IJsI Saturday on the lUIIIIlg downs of the Itianlioiil toll and Illlilll lob lieliiilli tlrlr blue sky In IJBI IUIIII If Lamb former llarrie Manager and their president of the IlJiih of Toronto donated cup known as the Presidents Iropli to lie llllllWlttI annually by pollr lls of hr Lurk III loiimln During the the tritium Ililllls viire ItllttIIllI and this year J5 the iiviial of play liilti Vil 04 ll illl till Hr Willis carded iii Iit over It ixt the pir 713 layout to head ip is li large field of lllllts iiirl cop in 1ii1 the honors Jiiiiiiiy on the List little It is roiitcstlil mm juix id ill lruiilu In 38 51 and IllNlllli HIY nowiixoi About Iillll members of the lell nth titllllr rl llrllllx and their wives enjoyed gt lli llli on IL IIH llu and dance held in the irri Hintrii Iltll clubhouse alter the louiria pm MST Iir re it iiiciil llit lrllt rue Ihe rfuns broutrhl out their Londry 24 Copaco In liittli free scoririi ball tliitl Mlllly Slhllllllllfilillltdm ll of illIll last Friday night at Law who hurled steady game The winners jumped into an eliily lead by counting five runs in the first frame Copaco crime Jillk IUlllllullv llllllllll 101 ll for short time untiltlie fifth in nine when Ionlrys pounded six runners around the paths Lchiir and Gilmore smashed out four hits each for the winners Fife scored for Vespra in Illt first inning as be singled stolr runs for opiico The win iulsl4tlldl$ liriiily entrenched in second place lllll behind Copaco Copaco Graham Carr cf LillljllLLLI 3b Gilbert 1b Storey 2uwrinio 2b Mitchell If Loin heed rf llrire Foster lioiidrysv Ie1ear 2b Straclian Gilmore lib leiry lb Goring rf Iladdeii cf Bell if have St Clair ss fopiicri 131 310 620v ll Londrys bill 067 lilx ill to Iltlllltl and IllTlllllltlS crossed the pate in this iiiiiinir lhe Vespia boys tallied one iii the sixth but rfuiis came right back with six more in their half lizftms counted doubletons in thr silventh and eighth lcryboilyiiii the lrfun team hit the ball but Bernie MeKirmoix VETERAN PLAYER Compares Lacrosse BOXLA ORA FIELD sluggers MCKIIIIIUII got six hits in seven times at bat Ihompsoi notifive hits one good for four bases Jack lurnbull sucked out his third home run of the year Min sun10 Fife hnmwly mm and hilllie veteran of lacrosse wars lcrl Miles each got two liitsvlor Vesprn Lee has come out with compari Legion hamwl hit fum inmglson of the thi games field lrurosse Ijlowi the Sixth land box lacrosse Lee was meni By this overwlielmiin defeat to her of the 1911 intermediate CLA Vespra the Otfuns Shower thou1champions the Owen Sound Alex right to first place in the Senior Simeoe Softball ltalkiiig about in respect to the old VespraIiife lb Murphy ssltime game He has played both KuappZb lhappel rt llyle games and readily admits that both Mills lb Maw It Miles cf Scliaiitllcn Bramer 01funsRichardsoii ss illiles Ro fMogistrate Worn Agoinst HitchHikers Itlll beat out the Iiiteiiiiediiitei league leaders Copaca by seznel Queens Park loiiliys carne upi with ii new pitcher in ilullli back and managed to hold the lead vhile catcher hiiliam tallied live gporrllog indias and should know what hes are good games iiid that both take great deal of conditioning be fore player is put in tip top Mr vvtivv Its fruemloor fifths of long drink ls mixer lo moire the best drinks yerII need the best mixerCunodu Drl Sparkling Water Its scientic formula points up flavor and right down to the last sip theres itill host of guy tiny bubbles thanks to famous Pin Point Curb ofion For new life in your drink buy few bottles of Canada Dry Sparkling Wuler todayserve well chilled CANADA DRY lqu on is it Campbell lo IIcrcs the better safcr way to Campbell loan cost are now get ready cash For your pro at the lowest Irch in our his ecrion Campbell Loans in tory Only feiv examples are cliide Life Insurance to cover gum here of how practical the un rid loan balance In it is to borrow at Campbell For IILIJIIS on all obligation amount from Ell to sumo for your loan The Complete phone or vrsrr burr nearest balance is automarically paid oilicc Remeriibertliic luxur oti by the insurance Company ance protection is included notations is the only loan company to you not ring extra provide this valuable protec interview rooms case death tyour family is Finance rhus relieved CampbellIinanccCorporitiun in all rris If Bowen If Lakiiip lli in3 Ramsay lhoinpson if 81ch chuckrcf McKinnoii 1b lurnbull Vespra 1000010002il Olfulis 04 10 Xllf 28 NORTH BAY ICE BYLAW An artificial ice bylaw Illttylie submitted to the ratepayers of North Bay at the next municipal firm He explained however thatalmost impossible that timejjrlauseavould have to be inserted in the wording of the bylaw to cover that eventuality ltgt CROP ROTATION Ihe Doiizliiiiori Experimental Farms have had crop rotation ex perimhts in progressisince 1911 In the UnitedStatcs rotation ex periments werercommenced in II linpisin 1876 The first rotation experiments Were established at the RothamstedStation England in 1848 nearly 100 years ago mighty good particularly to the fans BRITISH BREAD age of the total output hardboiled field lacrosse man that players of today arc iii the same class as the old ones says Lee Old timers wilbarguc that in field lacrosSc the boys handed out stiff bodychecks aiiditookihcm with smile Every iiiaiiWs 60min me man and there wereiio subs election regardless of whether the would like to say that often in city by that time has acquired con field lacrosse the game vasslov trokof the Arena or not Mayor ed down because the players were William Wes pressing cTiirtiiiual nearly exhausted The only rest ly his efforts to secure for this IlltlllnglYtlS when he waswpenal municipality an artificial ice plant izedltis an awful feeling when told The Nugget sports department you are all in and are playing for hewill propose that the bylaw go your scTrmdwind and the spec before the votersat the next clec tutors are calling on you to do the eriuciir in the event the city hadriotac Now for the box lacrosse game quired control of the Arena at think it is much snappier than the old game due to smaller playing surface fast snappy pass ing and defence that can block and hand out stiff bodychecks and still keep pitclean good for ward linekeeps the ball moving rather than resorting to individual DEALS sortieswlfter Tuesday nights ex hibitioLLMthinkisnappy lpassing provedwitself our boys looked Si Ted also includes tip to the spectators as follows Visiting players all come from good homes are same as our boys do Dont boo lhemall the time and throwpro lgrams but give them hand when they make nice play the same as you do our teamrf It certainly helps the game believe rough playing helped to kill theold field game quicker than anything else To parents say that one way to ensure against juvenile delinquency is to get the boys interested in sport Give him lacrosse stick and let him go to the Arena Piper Bain will do the rest Theres plenty of wisdom in what Ted says ausiNEs More Canadian Wheat is to be usedin British bread further reduction in the compulsory ad mixture of bornegrown wheat In millers grist has been decreed in England for the London Liver pool Hull and Bristol areas which produce very important percent tron And There is 2051 for this outstanding Itceydolllfol feature NEH ERW For your greater convenience Campbell Fiunnce Cnmpbcllhinancc allowre ny Itlcl choice for men terms up to 20 an 24 with four llITLicnt up of Married couples can up 20 mists are allowed and borrow moncy quickly without 24 months for loans $501nnd endorsers up This meanstiyonnisignarure0in up to $100 repay your lonniirnominal arefasrnnd suiiplcto per Also morirhl amOuuts on soundly Loansonvarioiis commonrypes Innne basis Vjih rirebigh of security require no cndor evel of taxesnndiricreascd sets From our four kinds of costoflivinglonger Campbell loans you can casrly select terms are most hcl fuI iri plantliutwillllcvcry require Of all the people in From our many repayment Canada who borrow from plans qualified Campbell ex licensed lenders ourofcvcry err can help you roclioose uses Campbell trainee just die right one to your specialists in personal loans moriths0nloans $300 and loans systematic debt re ucrion mem PAGE limes aringysuccess jrxrRA SPORTS NEWS iN rump srcrros sorir rear THIS Hub in Irr WATER SW 66 II costs lrii are are llIWJyS IMW discussion rovich orrowcrs Loans on your specialneeds for over 18 years SEIECIMOIITIILI REPAYMENT HERE 12 Months Months Months Month months Months 20 $1026 354 50 2565 885 466 10263 3540 15395 5311 2793 1870 4665 10600 5565 4540 19500 13180 6910 5630 4830 1713 9135 1440 5720 Above are only few examples oftbe man from Payments shown wtll repay loan Life Insurance Any loan costs less if All tautes reect Cam hellsme re ucupns Rates on loans 8500 or less considerab it below legal maximum HOURS Io cumm APPOINTMENT LVQQR Tins KINGinocir POST omen sou BARRIL liitriin iixrs 3010 3690 Slllidll 48 40 amounts rp choose ompletely includin aid faster than plunue and llllllilll on nouns cmssi ARE PHONE 2325