JUNE 33 ltasa THURSDAY it 14 lull ht Usfuu Mt lilahul fvliilfi 15 tiiic ll 1x lfii ltil lii lzlr lo 4H Hmw ut li iii itillltill lLt tl llt lttllll gt ttllAC lc uli gm lt2o1 ll tipctr Yr llir plat tNlt lc lo rimt of thczi List csigt hits fut tlm nld icimiilc llllll lm crsu lhc lloli mdci fin tzuii rtiidc it but now tin5 yr iii lh groove Motrin it lxtl tini ipgiraiaiucx tn tlli llr not Eilmmi ll lnl liiitl lio Ehf izc humour itltll lll thrur f1t circuitnhi with llit ti lln locals lllllll llil lscm but in lluiisiiv Lxlm llic Ililll lil in ltlllt fit llillllJl fl tilt in clm out Holy in thc ninth llllll lliillll hzc 3mm iItttgl wt by llu lllllt li liklll llll witnali viietii lhc iitlc tlc 1i1 unis Hit tlll 51 FitJ Mimic clulllm lllijlr that lllt Illit xlli c1iril Such tiiliilti BUFFALO IBISONS BUY DYTE BACK FROM ST LOUIS Jack citiiy 02330130 momomomomo tlfi lllllf lilllllt oi tlw fldillltllV lull Harm lif llzitiu llth 11 coinplinicut to not only thc illnytlzi but to the many fans who ittcml ttu tlltx iflfl iimkc tlrc panic poilgth xtliitlt rapidly in tho spoiling world and lll won bu cliisslficd or wizc of thc bcst spot cciitim tit iitdihi lit up in thc thin imi llttll 946 will inc3 In ic llrrzllill gt In pich 3le law lizrilil lii Zill ltll ll1 iiii Llill tho wll tllitltl ix put llowuci lull Lintc nmulul tiic ltiltllilttlldlt NASA pldytfuvxns on will cc tru liziii to club llUllill than Vtl immle inHi will lNewton Robinson Keeps chcord Losing Straight 44 RUNS COUNTED mowonomonowonom SPORT ui liltil lo lit llzii llt AS LOBLAW GIRLS EDGED NUSERVICE lAs Mt Pleasant Won 93 Ncwton Robinson lost thcli sixth Wl ll7 WWWl 11 lstruiuht inimi in tlic South Simcoc lot of tciiitoiy in his liockcy can gunk ItoWm in Mt my lulu limits of thc puc ltll whctlicr he will ttI l5 attain the piopcity of llul Allitlltltll lci playI lllt pro mnc iicxt scusun ltlllllliltiiuim 111 thmughuut the mm Ltlonduy Jum 21 int dclcutcd thc visitors 935 on Mt llciiszint cnjoycd comfort to bc soon 15 he llJS some thought my mum my mm in hum of sittling down in Ontario first and sccoiid innings lhcy Kill Lust winter the bit lldrric boyl lltlll zinothci in the fifth and two phiyml cvcry gumc on With St Louis Flycrs tlic only mic of six rmrmuirds who started out Ill ctobcr to finish in late March with the Missouri tcum igot him originally from Buffqu trade just onc year ago Buffalo has reclaimed title In his pm St Louis in Now cancer through the post scvcn seasons the former Btu ric Colt star has played with Balm timorc Johnstown Providence and Chicago Black Hawks in St Louis addi tion to his time with Buffalo and llc lost most of the 1944 45 season due to broken ankle sustaincd in training At the mo mcnt ho is Forest Station and is catcher working zit Midhuist md Clipllllll of the Vcsprzi Legion lll team of the Centre Simcoe League ll Klllll rammm HEATING Sheet Metal Work etc 64 BAYFlELD sr Opposite Collier Phone 3626 BARRIE Member of Barrie Chamber of Commerce RADIO IN EVERY ROOM dcfcncc in thc sixth Ncwton hit tho Scolll shcct tilltt in thc sixth and twice morc in the chcntli Stewart liffcn and Kncc show wmc thc bi batters for Mt Pleasant Johurn got on base four timcs for Newton and Tonncll also did it fair chore with the bat Ncwton Robinsoninvc llouirlp ton ioburn Kirby onncll llur vcy ltivott Stcwzirt iivcns Mt llelSillltA Knecshziw lb ll iiffcn Rh iiffcn ss lidncy 2h Knotshow rf Stcwzirt llounoll lf Mclhinhcll cf Clu biuo ORILvaiANTS BARBIE HOCKEY BOYS NEXT FALL Orilliu reports that several Bar rio hockey stars may locate there for next season lho ice game is really hot in tho Couchiching burg since last winter when rillia illombcrs came from nowhere to the OHA llllOllllCdlzllL semi finals The Orilliu sponsors are making no secret of their intention to build up to championship cali bre for 194647 It is said that already ElmcrA1b01u brilliant leftwinger from Pcnetang Cana dians has located in Orillia Jack Antonia an Orillizi native who played the past two winters in Midland is expected home and cfforts are being made to keep Clarence Payne another native star on the home front Payne caxnpaipnccllast winter with Owen Sound Mohawks in Senior The Orillia NewsLetter com TliE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA PAGE Red Cross Swimming iVic Roddy Scored Five Tineszienl Wm km Wm tBarrie Lakesliores Took Terriersl Orillia By 15 last Thursday all in Hf filllilf Twill Uri tr ol MK UHUJ 13 VllltlillNl 1r cil lr in li it llu UZ Zr lH haul ll titllli lt 4le ill1 Elli lxilwsmn my uric flu ii1 550 lzc mmi in it in cu USU CTi ltllClHl tiltiij my 1ill licillvm of liv Cu is 11 inns llitlll or lilluivl Iii liw tlitll 31 Eli 31 rt lii whcn tlc tllli A1 ltli it lithium lli 11 iwi ilcf lliixjtl If 141 ll it lil QUFIWV Pi ll 435 ltviiil Ltlr NH tipii E1yifgiiyfgir =5 Win Th pr he es ores it ECALZNG that ltllfltil of ti iv iltl t1 Vimv Jl RM SA buttic if out 13n gi3 iii arml tiw lixo lJ i4 Him 1M it mm lulll will hit lit Hit Iiii iv ct llidi li ti lll it lllllld li iN Humm and Mclil mind xvll ii Elwlt lll lu phl it him lingo ittrlr tzrmw It mooriii llVHi Phone Baffle ldtblilsf lldmill iirii lttt Sm lru liclmlcu tcul lhc Milli linizciw ll llcii ik iiH ilwlllzmi an my tlrc lllll to gt tlu durum in llll lw lo um lltlifl mu to iron out llziirc llt tr will tlu Err v2 ddil lill 1H1 or rs tl rm tln it tll lt his iliicgtltligt iiul Shuil lldllil icr ltml to ltlltlv lllil lli ilrlt Wm liiltly Itll til brunch lln Emir UH Im ll Dilly lithilltd itfil was tlic tlltItllllL Lot ii lwl tic lri hoic it lit Hilt of 1hr in Nazi llr iii mm Llulibti llzc lsiill imvil tlimis no Mm run pm hi cm pldt hc 1111 to tvittll IMI ll HthI ll Am 5l lhc 1Il ltlllll izc illlflvi Itil to lctim iml lllt hhimlc litiiiilici Lli ftwllil lcrlilj ionrnrlj Hill itiliiillgt rlmwcii iril gt oicd iijv loud bionic llv HJ Hm HM IMVMF ping and in mm luvs 11it lliitl lll Hunt aloud bit livftjuv lam lilt latiii imwm illtiltlk llllr Will lliW In arc llltllilhl of tlii Jon tlu liltlltil innL1 cvir sincu icicptiiu into llit liriiirll lv llillltif zud uliliilzlldiiiill ll ill Full HTML muw Licensed Aucuoneer have ljttll uric of llil fltti Jot Murphy too cf the top ttllll lrlujwi iicif ymr hi ftlllltl it ill Hf hf for the Countv 0f Simcoe tlicsc tin ct iltl lc ci iiitic Ul lut lim ltltl with liillif3lltllt5 itll il hum unending In My mu my ppn HWHM lti rtltlllufl lhis 1x his first lih laid ill from but fit lflf ll Willi years 01 cxpcrlencc yb1w h1 my 11l mun trait stun hillm hc pickcu up lllltt it from hr tu wiltlmw sport mint1 1m innit tl to lniiic My Hump wk lm will Iiuir itrixci ltl plild lii lust to tin illl Murillo lmiiitdu Will tLivia22kitillLJ Farm halts specialty Mclloniht tli liivin it dclid Mum WNW lllilliilllll My Jun My in him hip tutly blonrln ftlll his butt Louis ii llj UN llt 51 Apply to lravers ouch Line Vusm in uliilc vzth thc Lakislmrcs lluyuip Lciitic hv ippcd lltlrt pod 11gt MHut ldlllt tuh ot me mi liktu lilll liltt lf mm MUM My cxcxtcnuut and first phiv lhw 7x or rue 01 Milli ml Lloyd lllll llu tllll1t$l llUllltl o1 lsc lcioc ililt muv dllllllltff1tlgtHvlilll tAngus 0M prom Wm IVM Lloyd ilHi four cu uclcus is lllllt llll tttllll in ciuoi ill lllill 15 lUlltili and thc houiiccsf mum Wm be VCR lf lllcllcuchcin Score by mimics Loblziws llll llllll NuScrvicc fill tiltlll 230 Bill Huge rour Hits As Copaco Take Midhursi Boys 147 Copzico racked up straight win in the lirtcrmcdizitc league when thcy downcd Mid hurst 147 at Midhuist ncsday Junc The unmi was replay of the omI ruincd out on the previous Friday lloth pitchcrs Finllfl uid McDon llld gaivc tip nine hits and both tcums committed Cllols but thc Packers ran the lMStS bcttcr und were not quite so loose zificld At the end of the eighth tho visitors were loading zmd thc game was far from scttlcd Co pzico came to but and with thrcc hits plus gr fcw crrors on Mid litiists behalf they pushed six run nch across thoplutc Firstbaseman Bill llzirc lcd thc Copaco hitters with four hits ohc good for two bases IIiiilltcoiii and McDonald butth the best for Midliurst llltll third on ch lord lair lord ls mic of tho umhr Lulushorc colors Vciu lilkinson played with La tor this stusull llo spcnt thrcc yc lommy Lovcv lluycd in the and ovcrscus thc noxt two years company md from all ippcuinnccs licwzll ho star this you ryiis thc provincc bust lu iiirsi and cvcry ycnr hc is mic of thc top rcoicrs its is lll itli scoson liLSliltlci in Vll and and ii hitch illS Wtruns llll lfi imd l1i scusuns for tho club Tom has yot to no bctoic on Jim VipondA This is Jims second scusozi wrth thc tcoinf PriorJo lumpy board before hc can be counted on to play roguhirly this hc playcd for Biooklin of the Iiitcrmcdiutc lcuuc Ho scivcd in thc irniy during the war lIddiv lluncywlVith Lukcshorus crocsc tcum in 43 and 44 He rctL nu again this your lloii Taimpbcll rlluycd the 41 in il and l2 and thc army lu nncd to thc club in lfrund is play and Vii SCthztiliS with tho chili and then joined llilllLy for the next two smsoiis with tho iirpiy tiiim llc poppcd in brucc of goals in the linkc llciisoiiliikc was with lllllil Jlmc ho tcum wlun it was first tilllll7tl md rotunch this your after serving lll thc litAF liill llurtlcy The regular goal out to dcfciicc and is playing good tho nets whilc Hall was making ritoiy morly he Slilllttl with Mimico llnftvii lrcds youniicr llOl this is his first year in senior lac huck Davidsoanhuck was to until this your llill has movcd lucrossc uamg occasion ho filled an cxcutsioii docp into rilliu tcr Frcrl lililltLllw Fer is playing his first season with inkcshorcs For hcr ioincd thc tcum this ycur rossc stucwith tlic Toronto lliplc Louis and pro lacrosse team years ago Now hc is the lillilui of thc club lllld hm ltllllll his team into it top Norm liill Norm is the first otch outfit of thc lair fuiiiilyiii lzrcmssc cir chs illtl undoubtedly onc of the stars of tho LLllll lacrosse sincc 1900 and in his yot lnmicsou One of the bust passcrs and Midhurst made much bcttcr showing than inthcii lust garlic with Landrys and withu bit of practice should hit the win column soon Copuco are now well out in front of the rest of the tczmis and appear to be sure fire tcum ful the playoffs CopacoGrahmn Curr 53f Lougheed 3b Storey Wilson 21 Mitchell 2b llziicb quith lf Ferry rf Foster MidhurstSchzindlen Mc lDonald Peacock cf Frzmkcom ss IL McDonald 55 Finlay lf Clnip lb Russell 2b MCDJIIlfl 3b ments Manager Boyd Balkwelllle is endeavoring to get Murray MfDonalfl lf Richardson centre with Barriel iscme by mnmgs Copaco 013 010 03614 Flyeis last winter and Ab BowenL Barrie boy who played at Owen Sound to make Orillia their per manent residence Richardson is getting another pro trial with St Louis Flyers but he is stated to have exprcSSed willingness to come here if he doesnt make the pro grade If Orilliavcan kecp Gander Ross goal sensation in town the teams chances of get tihg somewherein hockey next winter should be ve deed IN SOUIHAMERICA John Stiles retiring Chief Ex ecutive Commissipner of the Boy Scouts Associationis in Bogota Colombia South America attend irg the first InterAmeigicanVScout lConference Mr Stiles was recent ly honored with the degree Doc tor of Scienceby the University of New Brunswick where he was Dean of the Faculty of iApplicd Scouts 25 years ago it 096 Yo Professor of CiVil Engineering and 310 010 0027 Donnellyi of Thief Singles Churchill Downed Bradford 73 rJlruTclifll scored 173 victory loverBradfordrrlhursduy unc tin Bradford Reivc on the mound for the Hill lers gave up eight hits while Kil kenny for Bradford allowcd nine the Both teams counted once in first but Churchill took the lead when they scoredtbme inth third Bradford came one in the fourth but the v1 do added twcdmocoin the iftlmBoLhJcams counterksingletons in the seventh yrrlDonnelly got three hits for the Winners Reive and nstable Iluiiiiff played for Burlingtbn soniors in ycaiTRoIic by Vincellcdilwalncc younger pours to be licudcd for great so pools to lfilLl thc marksmcn Fennells Fifth Win Defeated Bond Head South Simcoe Ball chiclls racked up their fifth win of the season in the South Simcoe Softball League Tuesday June when they defeated Bond llczid 73 in chiells The league tcziding Cookstownv team handcd rcimclls their 01in loss so for The ironic team did their scoring in two innings the third when they countcd twice andin the sixth they score five more Bond Htlld notched one in the fifth and trim in the sixth to complete their total Kcll Fletchcr and liiceshaw led the Fcnnclls hitters while Hur vey and Harvey wer most effec tive for Band Head Bond HeadGrimsby 3b Huy vey ss Harvey rf Broad Harvey centley cf Hipwell if by Harvey 2b Watson 1f Fcnncllsded cf Ewings eilly 3b Kneeshaw Hughes rllughes rf Bell lf jfletchcr 2b Kell 1b Score by innings Fennells got two each lupling wr lfthrcc iiellyrf Kell of Reive andKcilkemry witlntwo batted best for Bradford Science beforLcomingtwthe136y ChurchillR Reivc 53 Stewart 2b Constable 113 Constable iVImf Neptolac BradfordWupling 2b lobias cf Wood rf Skabcrnicky 3b EV ans if Kilkemiy DRAGOONS LOSE madam 012 03 002 005x7 Browningb Harrison lf Doll Colangelo lb Magani ssSteveiis mmuuuuj Orfuns4s Hines llllllltllll8 official tinickccpcr for thc tciun has burnt in nigger days was star pcifoimcr tstLst men on lllt lcnm plini but top flight St3ltlft 130 In iilliu hc drch homo fivc WHEN STEVE HINES BINGLED IN NINTH lhc Dragoons just about turn ed the tublcs on tho thfuns at Quccns Park on lliursduy night hill the locals pushcd 11 run across in the last of the ninth to win ill9 and kccp pace with the Vcs pra Legion in the Senior League llcrbic lhompson startcd on the mound for the Ortuiis and lasted four frames as the ROD boys got to hittingr the ball Herb regular outficldei lacked control but prac tice hould overcome that Wcs lLrry crime on in the fifth and held the Dragoons to one run in the last five innings King and Lozo shared the mound duties for the Dragoons Dragbous scored singletons iu Jtli third with two out und the bases loaded Mullins poled out teirificihomer to clear the bases and count four runs On walk and two hits they counted twice in the fourth Perry camc iii to pitch his offerings when three hits pro duccd runrrinthe sixth run Frd Norris bashed Orfuns Mitrink really whip that ball overto first connected for two rink 3bPaisley as Mullins rf Stone if St John 2b lb King pLozo 3b MHiiie en rf Shewchuk cf lhbmpson Perry Fiery Itching sir Stop Scratching Try This For Quick Ease and Comfort Hotels Btitlnless powerful pene trating 011 now dispensed by phar maelsta overywhere at triing cost that brings speedy relief fromitch in and torture of externally caused akin troubles Moones Emerald 011 uootho the itching and torture helps promote more rapid healing Get Moonea Emerald 011ml any drug store Money back it not fully satised the first and second frames liL EideTtllcSVtallicdfbut one run from Olfuns had an uphill climb mo of the game and whittled away at it finally catching up in the eighth and scoring the winner in the ninth With two out and George Miles on second Steve Hines came to bat and smacked out lllSSECOflll double of the night to score thcwinning Steve Hines and Harold Laking came up with three hits each Hins hit atriplezind doubleand homerfor the besides teeingbff for tluee doubles played smart game at third for the Dragoons He can Mullins got three hits and Paisley Mfv Hornblowor 1b McKinnon lfNorris lf Laking ss Richardson 2bxRamsay Bow Miles cf lei plcnty iiunt formt in thc iicwlv dccomtcd llarrici ltcua on Saturday nitrht whcii tliwl locals plziy hosts to St titliilitic lthlctics tlic Dominion chumps lust your lhc ltht$lltl in thcir only ciicountii this your dctczitctli tltc thirdcu ity boys right on llltll own floor llairic Lakcshorcsllrill Vi pond Vorscncroft lcffrics lair lair llllllltSUll Vipond mupbcll ltcddy lluttcn Moss Hutton lluitlcy rillizi crricrsMurray llmiks Altlilllunningluim llzlll lcnwicki Whitc Jllziminond llummond ll Curran Burrcll urmu Toffcy dunnhcrs llottimr Ag Gilmore And Porry ThreeRuns Each Londrys 137 CGE ii ADDITIONAL SPORTS wmwomnmmaummr mu Ill ICOOOII ONIIINO Cl SPRUULEI llCEllSlill AUCIIONEER EXPERIENCED LIVESTOCK MAN FOR For Successful Sale of llouscliold Furniture or iFarm Stock and Implements PHONE STROUD 23R Phone 3914 in hard fought immi phiycd at Quccns Park on Friday night Loniliys boat out tlll litSi to taikc ovcr scconil plhlc in tlic intcriucdl into softball Loiidrys hi rally in thc sccond plus two runs in catch thc ltlllllllp fifth and scvcnth guaranteed the yictoly Clll luul llltll hip rally in tlic fourth whcn tlicyicorcd fch lu conic within oiic run of loiidryi ESTABLISHED 1899 Mature Judgment Based on Practice and Experience lilnioic and Perry scored thrcc cucli for tho llllltl whilo llullioii Clark and lhompson cwnlvtl twig for the loscrs londrysStiuchim Lchar 2h lilmorc lb lorry ll luring lf lladdcn cf llcll lf Iollins if Mcl lionsulryour Continental Life llcprcscumriic with mn fulcncc llis standingis high in Illt initiation practical experience makes his yudgnicnt nuuoic lliltlltlll ss Johnson 01 Ihompspn leirk lf Mullioii 2h ltayciuft Jasper fill Hobbs cf llunt 1h McGililion ss tfloriuLr rf THE CONTINENTAL lle INSURANCE Bllllllllllf HEAD OFFICE GRANT MAYOR l50 Dunloo Street Barrie TORONIO DISTRICT llcasc send CASH with Jassi MANN ficd Adlcts fon the Examiner Sce Classified page for details of chargesincluding the cxtrzi cost where zidlcts are hooked Purely Canadian Company Winncr of the $100000 Santa Anita Derby 1946 Knockdown the big discov gy colt aborggin carting bought for $1000 or the Mainc Chance Farms dcfcrtcd his stable mctoStrr Pilot who cost 20 time as much He made his own page and won as he pleascd sonbr1ivoumi Winchester Cfgarttcs are solid favourit when continuous smoking satisfaCtion is desired Three of the worlds choicest cigarette tobaccos Turkish Virginia and Burly Blendcd Right give them that winning combination of taste and aromathc big discovery in Cigarette WinchesterA icmianrrrgs