1946 IllF 234mm EXAMINER manna ONTARIO onith rCIilc hit llil ww FEEIAGRICtlLTUllE KIWANIS CLU 8U PATENTS CHURCHILL lorposrs BARS RAILWAY NIGHT BOULDERFEL WAS PEAK AT GREENHOUSES Lt thorltorii is hum sinE Present 10 lhe 1946 Seam or lit1w in no Vl in it lingo tinmtin lit Burch of illt Ftdtldliull WW Mil 311w app in wort Ontario irivvin II WM intuIiII lItztIvi providing for the it UniJail bars in Sins Mina I1 ti ze dhcug WI III III II IIIlI IIIIIIIIIUI II IMII lII ilgtIlI IiIlilICL COW Eriwli oIi Ito gt All2 llthlmgl it tit Sindhi lilaiyttt id on Elmluv irt glutith lg lb itzm iiii iii Sit Petr ifJflI 1951 Ii It tilt it 1hr in iIfIIIR iIrIt IiatnIIor unil Fl r93 II littt lillli nil liIIItIIIII 11 It 1th himturd II II II In it ll use IIIt II Mt tum ervtmng or the home EiIiIiIIiIiiii il Ll llL II II II m1 tl llltMlilV an gardener 12qu fillJ mum he if JPN mui If lllt HI XIhIIIIII III hm II IX llS xi mi 22 the ro If IFII II II II Iv up WNW Urtltr your requlrcmm IdIIIW IjIIIIItIII d1 IIIIIIIII of IAil II IYIIlIIIIK it met llrzIIllllIllftltl tho diIrIccorx for llll III III IIIIV III IV ll IIlv ll II 3lI II tI piII Sit lionlull Toiindti tht greenhouses pIJll during iliIr IMxIIIIIIIII 1232 Hm NIL hm pnuwkmt van limonie in iti =t til tI in toiiaitud iii toiirn and set Lll liligt Ullltltitd lIIIIl IIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIINIHIHIIH If I1IINI Nut mm mmntdinul in higlr II tozin xiimiii fiis dhpmy of budding Stork 101mm MIva ruanm IIIIIIIIIIHIIHIHHIm Adm Md Nytlhlprtlllulb in li itll5il liirgv tul mp WW Tum III II III III IIIIII Imlm HI 3M ntit lltll llli alto inn itoltxwl lvigillhitIItIlIIliI tiItiIIlIiIrIlIhllfIIll Soil ll tinu in irlnviriiml mmx incliiiitrs whiit II II It tlh rtt an gt lt to on in in il imiii tilti iil INoi iiii iorttiiit II MI II HIRpm an 301 tlIlt lItIdiintiti nos iiittiiii nI hltlli iiizi Ilitx ttlktItiIlo itiiiiiiii1IliIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II llil 71 lilkeSt Phone tliin ll hour mu iI It ii iiziii lidtzotion tlttltlttl If IIIIII mm mm mm It doth1 mt lllllll1 ti Mr totinm xtoi Membrr ltirrie ham or II HUG MN hmm 011 1mm tm proyn sht it in litviivi li1gtiilil with ommtrcc hiIionIiliii llits VttlTlt or nuritiiltiirzil rolliui or rirl Mm it liml ll ii lz iiti1tiil Klimt tiiiiygit in lvrtin in SiiiitiovICountvI ii iii lltlltl Ir yr vd tux tit no int it til llllll IIIIIII II II 11 XI ML amp ItIiIiItlIIIISltIlItIi IiIIIiIIIIIilliIiiIIIIITIIIIIIg Mun is unuthpr iiiiliorlziiit stirvno that tiiititlitinI II IIlI II IIII II Im Ii II IlI II llth WNW liir llltttltt lull ixtl iI iI tiI wi gt no rslltfttl Aiiii tlioiimiii so llt ttltit lir no WW EI gimmI Wt Moi MleIlhIIIIIIIII MW 0th in RI III Ilnriw prg loll Will illitn HI WNW Em II III lIIIIIIIII JIl Till lIw IIII III1Ii Into Til mm II ml inn and did ll lilll IIIFIW SHIVVL III IIIII 1IIIIiI yIIp1u0n hm lmlIr at HI IVE Ii hut tlll llliiz Iiii mt 1ii ilittiirtIi ti tit and 3112 Shwur mi 31 sum IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Inow Prmqimi gyllhlt ti llll prowl vi to Ili lltlliltlrH it llt townrts llttl with II ff W946 rswl itillf run ioiisilili iiiiiii LII Im III ii villltllilitItll tiit 2il li ltl1lltI l1tllillltl lortitllo tini lIiiiiriitirk lzilllllittl Al II It tlilublIilh ill lltlllV WlI Will lilll lioiiiiitiit oi mindl ii llit lliu Mr and Mrs ll KIWI IhursduyI IIIUIIIIIlIlIIIId IIIII MIN CIIHOV III III III intuit lttilll the inin ltllv iliil iiifnitnI vttiioiito tit ll tintit igttttl liriiiiiptoii is In IIIIIIIIIHHHIIQMHIf 0F it you llll tin lzitoi in ii VtllJli iixiiin iIsimnk ionn Siloinn Jl iii in muting mm it at his imnii IIIIIIIW Ind mm mm ummmlm twor llltl litlIUlllllleHl litlllit lli tiiil lllr Iill Itllilslll lt twp mil Frdomm 1855 HUI IIHIH tIItIIl lr lH Am titll llilil lv mm llr iiiid llis lllllt Admnsoii IIIIIIIlIlIILlillIllIsIIIII IIIIII IIII II IIIIIIIIIIIII linorti IIUU for llilllit tltllil fii tilliitll UT troiis Dorothy ltilliti lliil niid lizihl lzikrillt Slitiiit tli Wktk lIiisis II Bran ltlltlvU liltitl ill MINT MII ImId Aint PM With Mr In IHIS Siiiicoc lItliillill Ivoth to BARRlEH Nettlctoni In Ill II it lIlllllY Will lItllIHl lllIl Ii ll ton trczisnr III II IIII IIw II ittltlili ion rins isitiil with his mmlm 00 ALLANDALEF Stevet Iul 11 of the Ontario lLtltlrllltlll II II in lllt to tXllltIt lttltlllsI oii oiliiiistlziv llllt his IIIIIIIIIIMIII WI Ilmmmtm Sh ut inrlilv ltillll its iliilllllfl IIIIIIMA limit was tltitkttl in illitllltl1llll proceed with Dltills for the tllillllill II mu Ln An Iit llltl til it lloiiitil of Hit lidit it mw WI dual lhIjII MM it Hi Iltit tlillItil1 lltlll ill RilwnIIv IlIWSlW IVIIIIIIIILiIimtII itIICiIllOIililflIIIiilltl the location of thel II It Wovmtm ml MIDWAY int tmwdod times fiiir iittriidnnir Miss Icvi votlt hold WI Sut Alibi MiitS FIR HOUR II 11 ltttl much ippiotiiittvl tlttlttl pivsidont llltyliltiltn IiIIIIILI 22 II In iviri tiiid Im Wm lllt starring ti Dilly lll ll rintli lI2I ItI ItI iliI IlIltl lllW iIl MI HWI lIzillis liiitl rliziiiift 0f lllt ow lirruisiisijEIFIlliltilting tl II III IIIII Fromm iloiiitlIzis lIlIlItII tltrlitilItl Slioni titmnl itrind tasty hinth was JIlIIIIIIIIIIlIIIII IIImIIRIIC III SIIIICOC iho wttnni ll llll1tltllflt tl in it yHIttq this bond mittce llllll the lcnd ttntm inn tho intorost Mlgtgt lIilno Smith spout tln litil ihc lrtsliytvriaiiis lltltl thi ill Itfllilv WIIIId WIIII autumn iItil liltlltilii iw owl for the iilny ii litr llllllt iii Notttiwzi uni hop on Friday cleaning up Lid lIII iIIVCSmImC the suggestion lli it in lltt room Vllltll HutuHI mm want my cemetery Iy MI for lltillt htS with rotations iii the vil Milton lroston loronlr 511011 ll tll in on Rc0rls of meetings and other till 15 II in in Littll with Illit Ht lit lI 0m Stlmate at cg Ii titwont this bond tilmt mutton loionto spiiit tlit lrItston imil his dziuIizlitoiI lIrif evciits should be sent in can for lree 1qu mm 10mm that wwkumi with MS 3mm Mrs Wm hm undo 3550 II rII IItIIiIIIlin on Rumhto miii iv ittlH rt II hold on lhiirsdov evening Mrs lictoy iirriii uni wcii iiuinhoi fioinIhoit ittuIidtIiIIl II lIllllCSlthli Illlxlllill EIiiiIn iiiiti oclock ill the lllltl lloionto wort ltttlll guests of Mrs islio stIiorts zit Spriinzwzitei lilll iLl lltllllll IIllHIIIHI 51 IIOINII II IIIII II illlflIltIHTi Mill Miss Milli Arm may Iikley full mIIlI tin slitilltf tlliistiin spent Sunday Willi slibnt the weekend tit his hoinc LIL GBIS amok Else and comm ST ll tllltl lrs Dawes ll Hnughtoii Ioroiito visitodIhis vI Mr and Mrs Martin and sislm Mrs Iitston Sunni IIIIII IIIIIICIII on of Hammon or iviidypnI imi mm the week Mr and Mrs 14 Illtiun llltl money MRI mid it their home here Muriel and Mrs 12 Bishop mot During the past 15 rm Mr and lllllly Sltssor and tired to Stuyiir and New Lowell on snnas or bolllfs flglofolrlshllgzncgsgg liiiiilylihriii were Sunday guests Sunday Oll have been so of Mr and Mrs llowzirtl lirnndon GWEN Halt me gtpu No sufferer cnn Afford to puss up Phone BARBIE MODERN PLUMBING OIL BURNERS AUTOMATIC HEATING tIlI troublesome surface skin conditions Tomlloi is Vismng lo to your drugglst todn and small original bollo of Mm mm and Miss Em her grandmother Mrs Leonard Excrghd OII and use as ICINch IISlllllllS IltiltllltiIVisited With Ref 32931ifcit qzilIiiciIriegr dilliilelroll According to Indian legend the The bayonet was named for the IIIIII MIIIII AI III IIzIwmn at the WWII MIDIS momma mam helium3mm Finger Lakes in Now York are city of Bnyoiine France Where Iml ICSSTgtmgsqmdil our nbsolute Kuar the imprint left by the hand of the weapon was developtid the MWNCDOW 31 Bess Mtg oltsmcnnn or money back the meat Spmtfi 17th century hmat are gone to spend the sum liltl months zit lliirivin lnnI Lake of Johnny Emcee spent pint of llillS last week with his brother in To lziiit and Mrs MacDonald mute and children Lucknow spent ii few Mr and Mrs Barnard and Carol days vithllcvzuiersWin chd Ann Barrie are ViSiting Mrs JOS or ml iamet Reid Mr Rciwmdsdululsmwggkk On and ML II DI II an and Mrs Lisk attended wed ding at Gait on the 24th Our best wishes for recovery are extended to McLean who left on Friday for Toronto to en and Mrs Gco Shortrccd iiiitl sons spent Sunday with relatives at Port Stanton Misses Margaret Davenport and Bonny B0lsSOllllQlel pronto spent the weekend with Mrs Wm Dnv tel the hospital pendingun0per Icngitanl IMFSI DouglasI Ronald algags Willa Broderick Montreal and baby Kirkland Lake are nd aunt Mrs Amen Toronto Spelldint few days With the from guests of the farmers par latters mother Mrs Rumble emsI Mr and Mrs John Broderick Secrets inzikc Mrs Browll unczisy So when We praised the ilVOIlIll oflicr too she Simply Mtg and Mrs Mensor and few da last week DavidMr and Mrs Springer and 0At the regilar service in the Homer rrumerI Town werewcek United Church Sunday morning cud guests of Mrs lu1ner Joan Rowena Broderick daughter Mrerowarth who has spent the of Mr and Mrs Bert Broderick lmd to tell us she used bristle tastingLipton wnitcr at PlCStORI liascreturnd to received the rites of Baptism her home here rs oates yan lc TorontOI is Spending few days The $331233 ligitisgmet at MrsI Palmm May 23 with an at tendance of 18 Program consisted of singsong paper by Mrs Rit chie contest byMrs Suther land won by Mrs Palmer and one by Mrs Glassford won by Mrs Andrews An auction Insale was conducted with Mrs Andrews as It pays to read Vand useIExaminel II IIIlI TeaIis its cvctybody who ttlLS Lipti CIIIIIIIICIIIII eager to broadcast the good news about that brisklipfon avour so fresh so ltvcly so IIwiIth Mrs HowarIth When youLBACK auctioneer which netted $1470 to lLillbOCllCd novcr 111101 1nsqnd here 77 be divided hem he 33 INT III IIII II Backache is often dd Fund and Institute for the 1r The listenin sca esp esa on are CI Wood teatime Connnsr to won the 1110mmt action Whenkidneyulzutolozrexcgz iunchwasserved and 50ml hts its stream av III for rfirmsrlfmirginthesistemlhen halffhour Spent own PreteCtlonzas 1t gTh rt cr 21 are ac at Ieumallc vain dis at sea rotection you tr Llpton you II turbed restor thatItired out feeling my Past Wyeth ag fw hel keep 310 kidneys ElmllCompleteI bl$k taStlng 921 working Properlyuse DoddIsKiuitcy Pills II II II Timetested popular safe nonhabitfomi mgDemandDoddxKiduyPillsnthebliie Jr Toronto For 40 years Brantford Roong too as proI mend band sold WWW 135 ar us Ihqh father II undess Ispent few days W1 is lea complete went er protec ion I0 larBush Sgt Lloyd Coulson DebertNISs Canadian homes safegualig them lImm min snow Wind Ivigited hlsjparentIstr and Mrs sleetsunand roasting Vrel Wlth Canada vast h0meb91dmg II Frank Coulson last week Ken Bush Toronto and wife now infullswinga Brantford ASPhtshIigles are lIItoudlY ent the 24th with PQga ShogEIfIIixgES talentsI MrIand Mrs fullling their vital part in meeting the bullde Deedsothe 19m us ble they are the unanimous choice Weekend7istifor Iat KirbYs BeautifullyeicientIsmart and dura were Miss Evelyn Lain khamt 77 1d homes 01 rerooIng0Edee7 dMsHI Middlelt ofthousa mg and Mr an Pembroke IoMr and Mrs Jack Duckworth Florida and Mrs ArchieI Duck worth spent tfewdays With 10 ronto friends Mrs Lorne Brennan Allandale Mr and Mrs Brennan Toronto spent the 24th of Maywrth Mrs Jessi OConnor Mrs Pollard and son and Mr and Mrs Frank Widdifield New Imarket visited Mr and Mrs Leslie Rose for the weekend Mr and Mrs Eldon Latimer and Marguerite Mrs Jessie OConnor SpecKy uragtfordgkyigfyotlf ownroongneedslarge orsmiill Build with Brauroraiiooiing to tastng beaiityerdassurd Priestess nrariiiord GI Jnsylvl0ltlilt Boiisesrefiiwu Aidreene Wilkinson spent 1itBrairdLi ff44Manvlactmnothplialljlatgg III II II Grillenhuysl Cold Prong Roong BraRec lndmlvlnl Flooring Brace Waterproofing and otlior building FOdllclII primrose is not rose but member of theherb farmily SAFE INVESTMENT Badiums radioactivity lasts for centuries and is only about half dissipiitcglpftcr 2000 years