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MAY mum The first half of the 1041111111111 tlt vtil 111 11 lllllt1l111111 ttttl 11111V HUN 1117111 11 1111011110111 11 111mm 1111111111 muI1 AH 3111111111 11111 will be made available May II lItlI 11 on 1111 111 IIIIIIKII IM Ii IVII llll sugarpreserves coupons 514 IIV1V111I1I III II III VIVIVLIH Wu III I1ttII I1III1I1II11II111IUI toI 111 1I1I11I11I 51 Dvmmo vuhdI second in Hh are Hihmyllllii In ll of the allotment will be released r1 111 If lII MW1 IIIyfI IIII IIVV 111ginning July when coupons VMi IM Nd 11ozlt1d 11 Iiinflflgudwqu ml IIIIIIII hi to 521 become valid Terrunderttr 1171711 931 11115 of tool ll lm 1111711 funniiiiig 11 11 11 Jud 31mm 57 110 hmlSC ICrmml 4111s 111I l1llt 1x11111 1111 111 ch 1111111111 11 tl1 l1ltlsll 111111 1111111 13 MI IIIIjtII III1111 residents may apply for Sugar ti 1111 leu11cr 1111111l illr llll 1111 1mm the 1111111 1111 l1 111111d of why115 in 1mm ddmml 10 the II IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIV Hr HIT VIIIII wa Emma IM wmvml IIIHVVd mm HIM IIIIV IVVIII ICImIIVI HIMIII regular sugarprescryes quota tin1 3111111 is William 11 11111 lii 111 recreation llIl1HlwlI 111 1111 tltll give Strum undemocratic provulcd they obtain coupons 11112 st 12 1111 11141111 11111ts Hlll particular fani 1111th111111111 1111111111 11111111311111 VA VI from their IcSIIIlIeiitIS IIlonuvcr U51 one coat of KVllVRK lamdrying 11Vz HIHIIIIIIIIIHH 1111111 11 111L111111 VMUI IVWHHhm IVI drIIMVIIVVII IIIWII VIVIVIIII VIIId IVIIIVIII II 1111111111 punisnnen has 1111 no coupons 1InayI etaCterI Hill 11 VlmTIed In the no indolent 1111111lils 11 anadtun 12ttl11111111111111 1111111 ilill ill lulllmlilISill the Ogldcms mm books wmmm Rubltr lnuntl 11 gt01 It In 413 VmVJHH In MINI 11111111 realle democratic society 10 consent 11f the book holder beauty of file furniture and woodwork Mount your II II II II II IV 11111111111111111111111111111111lignt 11m MRI GI MI man SWIM VUV II ut 11111 1111111 111 Npm 111111 1111 11 11 hOIIIL dill It wor gOLS on 1151 WI IIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III 1II111s1 11 11 11 111 model 1111 to the Hamilton omens CI LOOKING AIIILAI THIN Iwn IIIVI IVVlIUIIVI It Wu 111 1111 Wills leiHIM 11 WW group on VtIanesda 111ghtI llci Why 11 you 1mm you want brush 111111191 lhlVlng LXLLPIIOHII OWL1 Sur Kc IN VVIIV mImm II Ivm VIIVW YORK INTIer topic was SocIahsm and lduca 111 human asked 115mg that Can be kept spmlcss by the touch of damp trick 1111111 ittlltt and Vllllfl1ioll save the tilil1 riders some Stilll liaihanne 11 ltltkil 11f CtlliilliJJHHd 115111 111 f1ll 1111 the sidth 111111 Artlzur lidwaidOldltcld lilllll 11111111 tindispute 1111501111117 11111111 1111 11111111 also in the 111s V11111c 11l William Stewart against Ilinil lolvin 11211111 of WANTS 111s1 the IINI COINS l=1 strap for 11 cents and you want onlyilll Cents one you pay eight cents for it if your local transit charges l1 cnts for two rides you 111110 in size 11 one side the dentist pro 11 mandatory order to remove ccr dentist has studied this odd change1 Dr Gibbs 11115 written to 111133 121111 buildings An action to set aside deed idea for new coin worth seven llllllmd lllltHCl ilbmll his ideal The New 11oues of Midland as plaintiff and genial sparetime inventor was US first SPIVOII and 11 and and Wallace inspired specifically because ofiCClll CO BHCR In 1192 there was las defendants New Yorks current subway farelil llllfClnl 60111 millltd mid in Asmw 1151111111 the latter 1860s there was two dentype IOKIILENT KING The fare is five cents Theresa Cent bwnxc win Charles III Roman emperor and movement to raise it to make upI king of the west Franks was an operating deficit Seven andl IlDSIySlO mad and USB Exammel lmowu as Charles the Fat half cents per ride would dothchlaSSIfchs Tm pany AItIllE ONTARIO CANADA IF COURT ier BARREL HANDY FIT YOUR DECORATIVE SCHEME H131 HAVE FATHERS SPANK FOUR child for lmmlll 11 11th HWY Vtllll vifenccmchewing gum in class for It 111111111111111s are priced at 11v11lgtil Hi 11 1111 L1H FTC Filmed Instancensavors too much of dis nondenmeratic socie lhe proposed coin would be just 11111 she continued M1510 lbetwcen nickel and quarter 11111 child for serious fault is to 11 fusc to find out the reason for his fo Droblcm and comes up with anlcongrcssimial committee on bank11 GARDENTYPE AIAICIMENI York lavas settled This involved Milton and half cents Gibbs an elderlygt VlllCll ll ilflOlllulv Ullld lliVL llltVCtlllligtltIly 15 DUFCllilSlllll the 141 half acre Fresh Meadow Country Club in Queens for largescale gar apartmcnt housing pro ject it was announced by George ll Harrison president of the com 11911111121 use EIxamirIfer ClIasslficds APRIL 18 111413 iPenetong Mon Given 44 1Th1rly Days For fDrunk Driving 1ilfiicriLi thing 5151 1111 sent 113 ther Oh replied the groccrymans son want business where you dont have to take orders over the telephone or wait six weeks for your money cloth KWICKWORK comes in variety of colours that will give 11 tersmmlizw 1611le to the woodwork and furniture of your home Why not drop in to your nearest Paint Dealer today minor And to strap BIIII CHANGES COLOR 111 11111 111111 111111111 111m 11111 haw 111 buy tokens The tokens Pit15 tlmmwmn 300 Rlc1 WIN0115 mm In the first two years of 11s life 1SIIIiIIV mm 1mm Imam um 10 mxed up 1111 1119 11151II1I11thals tarnozis Iwo lnna IIIClIIltItllSO It is like punishing the III me me blue heron is whim Chm11 11V111111 11nd 11111011111110 of your change 1118 reverse 81110 would bear thcjsanc which was also done 111 form figurefl in large numerals Ler centuries 11n11n settltd 1111s for In Rice Illl Ne otk how fully the flavor of Maxwell House Coffee is developed by the special MuNwell House RadiantRoast It captures all the good ness of every bean in the blend Life Insurance IlNTERNAIIIONALIVAllNISH COMPANY 11an 1111111111 MONIRIAI wronoVNVIO 11114111091 51 umnruli wmimro 1111511111 11111011101 morn11 II The mere breaking of light beamvisible or initliblo is sufficient to make the electronic photoelectric tube commonly called the electric eyeset in motidn Jlectrg device 111111 can open doors or swighgmjighlsL operate burglardldIMSTSTUFWMSYOPMUChiGry 1211 IIVHEAD OEIFIIQE mmwnwvg mummy WKJIUNIAVAVNM GENERAL ECTBIOi Iunio TELEVISION 1111111 ELECTRONICSEQUIINENT sterilizingand packaging foods IN AGRIOUyLlllREthhc science OfLClIOnlCSI is helping the agriculgural scientists produce more TORONTO andbgfter crOps by aidingjin the creating of New tlcvision to CanadprOgIrammCSyou will See strainsfruits Vflqwcrsjwcgctablcs and grains and heath willbring us FM radioItheainaz VI It is helping protect cropsagainst disease aind ixig new staticfree highdelity radio II Pea liaumlatlcalll swung fmltvandIeggS THE HOMEIVelectTOnic devihshiel IN MEDICINEthe familiar Xray machine is deyelopd which 111ill banish dust Ight diseaSe Electronicsthe sciencejwlrich enables us to control electricity more exactly and usefully than ever beforeis contributing to the comfort and convenience of everyones daily life Already it is bringing us devices which hear sec talk count and remcrlltBer It has given us radio talking pictures radar and other equipment Electronics is guiding planes and ships throughdog and darknessis speeding industrial production in host of ways To morrow electronic engineering will bring us newbenets in mnny elds or more and the electrocardiograph which recOrds heart ieicVtionri 66111 are elccfrOiiic 113113 IElectroniCS ishelpipg Vin heat thcrapyreliev ing pain promoting hCaIIIIg IN INDUSTRYelectronic devices are helping in itlilmianufacturcVNOf STCel airid aluminum in the processing of wood metals and textiles They areImatching colors counting and controlling aIN EINTEIRTAINMENIclectiOnicsis 11 basic principle inradio talking picturch and telev Nision WIhcn conditionspermirnrit willbring one of the original electronic applicationsThe control heating improve lighting make life electronmicroscopowhichmagnies10000times brighter sferand hIappicr Leaderrn Radio Television and EIeIc tromcs Canadian General Electric with long experience modern production facilities and skilled personnel stands ready to play prominent part in theIdevelopImOHt andIapplicaIion of eIOCtrOIIic devices the years that lie aheIadII 11 1112