Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Apr 1946, p. 1

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TEIBWRKKI 1880 7200 Copies Willa neon cuss it out oruu 83rd 7550 All iitcmbers werei The Town Council Monday night confinich from to ll oclock present with the exception of Altl Cxattill last Halbcrt Durzng discussion in Culll millet of the whole Ald ilaiyi Laurie was in the chair Ald Currie resigned ll Council delegate to the Chamber of Count inercc explaining that he had considerable amount of work until felt he had torcsign umt of his offices Mayor Sinclair appointed Ald Leishinon who is treasi urcr of the of to be Conni Cil representative On motion of Mayor Sinclair the Council approved action to write to the Canadian Broadcasting Cor poration recommending that in radio broadcasting license be issued for Barrie for station of less than l000 watts The Chamber of Conn incrcc previously passed llnliltli motion letter was read from the of stating that cleanup week Would be from May to May ll TH tieiit liiiurkers was extended to April lUi and their further extension to last land $10 sizcs in this district hunder of operators fcurs permits YearNo DARE BARETE LICENSE PLATES ISSUED LOCALLY ii there been iia re fun 549 mi fitizi the Marie tinre by if irti iraiiuiti The fees lullEC in $3 fwr four cyliiider cur 314550 for some of the larger trucks if the average were SH tmulzi 530000 collected fur the piovnicial treas uiy in lesgt tiiii four months To date there Have been ap pinkinnitely 5000 car licenses ls sued 60 truck itthltl and about 000 trailer liltmtr During 1045i the figures totalled lpplUXllllIliCin cart 4200 trucks ti25i trailers 700 The tune l946 ltttall for obtaining Saturday was granted Automobile inarkeis cost iCllllltl 83 ltcyliiidcr l2cylinder 52 There is none this year tirylinder $7 $10 and 515 Iiicylinder Siifil the latter timi If In addition to handling the rush of business for license plates Mr lraliain has itlsi been busy issuiniii and chunf rIREMEii Rikijp Discussing the matter Ald llart and Ald Poucher suggested on Bradford St where there is rubbish and car bodies and ctiiiikiide risked crctc Also mentioned was the buy front property at the foot of thel town should take the initiative in cleaning up civic property Spoci fically mcntioucd was tlio dunipi LIVES TO STOP GASOLINE BLAZE Members of the Barrie Fire liril their lives and pre venth what could have been Bayficld and Mulcastcr Sts where there are several dcrclicts of boats Ava Ald Craig reported on his at tend ce at meeting to plan costly fire last Friday noon at the Argo Service Station The firemen extinguished blaze at the opening of ai10000 gallon tank of gasoline Charlie llobinson of Leasith lllldl Simcm Cpuniy Winter Fair in Bar emptied truckload of gasoline in iie next December Tentative plans to thc aboveground storage taiik1 are being drawn tip Ald Wilson reported gthat the 81017100 tank Heat and atmospheric conditions generated at the opening to the ignited the rubbor Parks Commission had asked the 11050 W110 the 10D WAS Sllddenly Tow Council it carry with the turned off at the truck several feet care of trees for it few months iin iiWilY lilthc Parks Commission were Jack Hughes of Stroud office prepared to fake Ion t1115wrk as man at the station telephoned the requested fire department and he and Charlie Robinson then fled There was LRccvcGcorgc Clark chairman merry b12110 Over 10 000001 to the of finance introduced third read ing of the bylaw to provide for thci issuing of debentures to the amount of $30000 to pay for the installa tion of the artificial ice plant in the municipal arena Reeve Clark brought lnri bylaw to provide for borrowing up to $100000 to enable the town to carry on until taxes are received in tcrcst will not exceed three and onehalf per cent Mayor Sinclair explained this Was customary bylaw passed early each year letter was read from the Can adian Legion expressing thanks to Council for their offer to sell lots on Ellen St to the Legion letter was read from the De puty Minister of Transport offer mg to lease Edenvale airport to Barrie for nominal sum The sug gested contract included the fol lowing five items lease for five years toissume respon sibility for maintenance town to maintain airport facilities in siiritnce to be carried at 25 per cent of crist of buildings no building alterations to be made without permission After some discussion Smith was asked to reply that since Barrie now has an airv port Edenvale would not be re quired Conncil felt it would be too costly to maintain Edcnvale for the benefits the town would de rive On motion of Deputy Reeve Grant Mayor Council agreed to engage an architect to draw up plans for the remodelling of the Townll Council agreed un animously Ald Hart asked if there was any report regarding screens being placed in industrial plants to pre vent heavy waste entering the town sewage system MrSmith said he had had no reply from the town solicitor 177Jlhere was some discussion re garding garbage collection The Town Clerk reported that circulars had been distributed informing the householders they must put out garbage on their own property near the street line However it seems this ruling has brought complaints from householders and itlius not madethecollectors happy either c0iftdlthgtlsts and she invited bougeetireudrtitd dbmplaints Turn to page eight please Guests 10000 gallons of gasoline The rubber hose into the tank was still blazing when firemen ar rived ancl after about 10 minutes they extinguished the fire How ever therc was still danger from inside the tank Bill Stewart vol unteei fireman climbed the lad der to the top of the tank and put on the cap thus cutting off further possibility of fire Jack McBrien manager of the station was out of town at the time Since returning he has made arrangements to have lightning rod put on the tank fromythe open ing to the ground Hostated that while gasoline is being transferred from one tank to another there is friction set up that generates electricity which is easily ignited It is for this reason that gasoline trucks usually have chain reach ing to the ground to lightning rod FOR $3000 Harris and Jones appeared before the Town Coun cil Monday night to ask if they could buy the property that has beenset aside for the curling rink for one dollar The property is adjacent to the Barrie Arena and there is an understanding that the curling club will be permitted to use the artificial ice plant facili ties of the arena Mr Harris explained that the new club would be known as the Kempenfeldt Club It has been suggested he added that the club have bowliTgreen and tennis courts curling rink iTheTOWn Council were shown draviring of the proposed new curl ing rink and it was ircgrplained that the design provided for ladies linunge room and sifilar large lounge room for men The cost of the new building will be $30000 and Mr Harris said the club could raise $20000 of this amount by subscription Thq balance Would beraised by amort gage Members of the Council express ed considerabl interest in the plan for the curling rink and the matter was referred to the prop erty committee for conideration multist Club winners OftSdetoptimistS At their 7thlrdfbirthdaywparty held in the Community House Tuesday April the Soroptlmists entertained the four prize winners in the girls poultry club sponsor ed bythe Soroptimists President Claire Tillman vwel the charter president Ethel Cross Iand to cut the birthday cake Mrs hoJiad made theeakdr Belle Warnica memberof the poultry club expressed thanks to the Soroptlmistsi and told them of onemonths poultrycourse she had taken at the GAO Guelph last February Each studentwos given eggs to tend in an incubator rind the chicks hatched just before flip endof the month The course also captioning totaling btrds for marg lighcmitng castrate club thanked ivirs Beatrice Lucas vided by Marian Heathwith her violin accompanied at the piano by her mother Ehel Crossland thanked Mrs Heath her daughy girls of the poultry club for their ersevemneeiacmtinuinhwp gram to conclusion and be thanked the Soroptimlstsrrrfor their interest Donald Taylor assistanthgricul tural representative gpd Miss Wil da Culbert presented prizes to the girls Out of possible 1000 points the winners were Mara garet Quinlan 908k Belle Warnica 897 Joint Smithi869iLlllian Warn ice849 Special prizes were awardedhs mclndedlessonsinsfexingchlcks ollomsBesthenrMargaretrQuim Ian ibst cockerel BeldWam Turn to page three please act as connecnon With the conceived shortly after the Ger man surrender and WaSifUH3HE Musicrforthcprogram wastrprm ter and presented them witlntokens Cheering Thousands Greet Canadas New GovernorGeneral lllie ViceRenal party is vcen above iknllllti glawas liiinn Station for ltlllllttl llill where lli lchcleiicy Field Marshal iAloxandei WHSSW4H in as Canadas lith Governor it the General since Confederation at iSenate lrainber oi the larliannn lillllllli13 istation the new loverutirieiieral and Lady Alex lander were met by Prime Minister Mackenzie King on llurtont lRRiGIC Ellitint TUES APRIL 23 Relatives and friends of Cana Idian soldiers and the general pub lic as WC will have an oppor tunity of learning at first hand of the activities of the 1st Cana dian Army during the recent war next Tuesday evening April 23 at 830 pm at the Eastern Star llall Masonic Tcmple when Brig Mann CBE DSO District Officer Commandingr Mil itary District No will give lecture on The Campaign in Northwest Europe The public are invited to attend this address free idrcss as he was Chief of Staff to General Crerar from the time the invasion was first planned in Jan uary 1944 until after the sur render of the Germans in May 1945 During that time he was in position to read or hear all in structions which emanatedfrom higher commands as well as all reports that were received at Army Headquarters from lower com mands The idea of the lecture was before Bringanh left Hollaiidt Monkman is illustrated by three large elec tricallyequipped maps each 12x 14 feet which enable theaudience to follow not only li campaign of the lsti 3nadfanArmybut those of the 2nd British and the five US Armies that participated Owingdo the fact that it is im possible to go into details of an 11month campaign inthe space of one evening Brig Mannconfines himself to an explanation of the campaigns 70f the seten armies and deals in detail only with the four mainactions in which the Canadian Army was engagedthe break through South of Catch to wardSFalaise the capture of the ChannelPorts and the Clearing of the Scheldt estuary 21nd the bat tle through the Reichswald For estin February and March 1945 Du ng his addres he points out miic bTcli iiifssDf tlf invasion was due to weapons put iiito production as result of the Dieppe two years previous In his descriptionpf the progress of 0f aPPTeCiaon the Cnadian Army along the left Stewart 11 Page agrlcumlrl ank of the Allied advance Brig representative commended the Mann relates number of anec dotes and personal experiences founding to the general public as struggle or battery strength and it es towns and villages ited T0 SPEAK HERE Barrie ofciliurge Brig Miinn is Especial7 ly well qualified to give the ridl experience of the Canadians at well as to many returned men who were not able to get an overall picturelof the entire European Campaignowing to their prezoc cupation in thir own part ofthe The lecture is being givendn every centre in MD which has ReserveForce unit com any or larger as beenexcep Hanallyiwe1lreceivedin4heelt already vis NTARlO CANADA THURSDAY APRlL l8 sis ireinhers of the lii nd the till ihibaiideati iiliiiitl adiiiinistruii the ioveinznent until the llllll Viscount ceremony Field tl Alexhulcr and his iillll arrived in Halifax inrd tho SS Ariiiitnmzi mrihUs 30 Noni mm mm gm ceieinniiy in the made the trip to iv in specml train The fltlll hum Km At the runs National War Slumtail can be Even in the iiiiek ground of the nlnxi pitiiuzgzjiph Canadian Army illitliti Mayor Peter SinClair Gives $500 To CancerMCampaign arium as Mayor of Barrie for 1040 The Mayor made an ap peal on behalf of the campaign and announced his gcncrw tous donation at the Council meeting last Monday night as follows would like to call the attention of Council and the Cit gizcns of Barrie to the fund of The Ontario Cancer Treat mcnt and Research Foundation The Campaign for funds starts tomorrow Tuesday April 16 Everyone should support this Fund to help overcome the disease of cancer which is terriblc killer Cancer at tacks people both old and young and there is scarcely irfamily that cannot recall somemcmberrwhomhas been victim Scientists the whole world over are striving to find cure for this scourge and we should assist them in every way possible In your estimates yyouhaycvbeen kind enough to set aside the sum of $500 as an honorarium for the Mayor should be very glad if it meets with your approval to donate that amount to this worthy cause PETER SINCLAIR For Cancer Fund One hundred and thirtyfive vol unteer canvassers will make housetohouse and business sec tion drive in Barrie to raise $7500 for the Ontario Cancer Treatment andRsearch Fund Parsons is chairman of the campaign and Boys is treasurer The canvassers are Business sec tionCaptain Walter Godwin Fred Lewis Walter Coutts Geo Briggs Bob MacDonald Harry Reid Archie Wensley Don McConkey and Thos McCairoll Mrs Little Maurice Park ers McLeod Mrs CamI Cameron Mrs Edith Moran Miss Shirley Bingham Miss Betty Smith Miss Bobby Wharton Captain Mrs Rattee phone 3793Mrs Christie Mrszf Read Mrs Stevenson Mrs Andcrton WARD Captain Mrs phone 3138Mrs Gco Ullman Mrs WARD ieron Captain Mrs Paul Fisher I26 Camilla MfgMR iRijNettItonv Blake St Phone 4556Mrs phone 3401Mls Harvey Jones Mickleborough Miss Audrey Mick Mrs Ray Livmgston Mrs lebomugh Mrs Hood Chepcsmk MlS Frank Perkins Captain Mrs Lefshinan MFS Inms Captain Mrs McNabbe Mrs Geo Coles Mrs Glen Gil Christ Mrs Gm Mrs Mis Harris Mrs FredrElliott Henderson Mrs Ted Ineson Mrs Mls Harald Patterson Mrs Herb David Smith Dyment Captain Mrs Hintonphone Captain Mrs 28 Charlotte St 30MisFrank Hammond Mrs Frank Craig Mrs BrCoekburn Mrs Morrongiddell Mrs Elgin Harris Jos Clark 23 Phone 2750Mrs Mrs Ken Cavanaugh Mrs Louisv Cildwellr Mrs Harry Carter MrsJWibbcrly Miss El good WED rCaptin Mls JH Knapp 3K Brock St phone 4429Mrs Wes Allsopp Mrs rFred Lowe Miss Irene KnappMrsC Kell Mrsi Lambert Mrs gMicks CaptainMrs JScott 32 Brad ford Stphone 2557Mrs George Seymour Mrs Wm Payzant Mrs Mayes Mrs MacDonald Mrs Burke AWARD CaptaimMrs HR Howden 130 Cpllier St phone ROMMrs Russ Turnbull Miss Mildred Hewson Mrs Grant Mayor MrsDonald MacLarren Mrs Donaldson Captain Miss Kells 121 Owen St phone 3506Miss Isabel Bird Miss Rita Lount Miss Olga Brown i14s Sims captain Mrs BertW Jenntf Captain Mrs Bobt Payne 95 152 Bradford St phone2754Mrs OwemStq phone 22967Mrs Nick Brennan Mrs Hooper Thomson Mrs McCuaigikMrs MrsStephenson Mrs Bristow ClineMrs Dunworth MrsMrs Carl Jenntt Mrs Owens Jas OConnor Captain Mrs Ivan Clemmns 49 Brock St phone 4397Mrs Wm WARD 3v Captain Mrs Spry phone Arnqtt Mrs Fisher Mrs God Z2760ML5 Crossley Mrs War Willi MTS JiCk Steeli Mrs Ed Peri Wilgar Mrs Laurie Mrs Klghtley MISC McNiven COMING EVENTS 4m wNMmm Dance Midhurst Township Hall eldarum magees atur Admission 35c 16p dayjApril 27 am at 16 Owen RummageLvSalezCeritralUnitedSfreet eri JSllh Churchschoolroom Auspices WA Rummage sale under auspices of E+EjX Mn DOBSON pa lS PRESIDENT VETERANS CLUB Kennedy USO me from oversaw weeks as lit frili illi new Ilil Willtil the rcy li3lil AntiTank lienizneiitt ly succeeded liiiiI Killlf as Tziiiitnaiiiiir nfnnip lin ien was present and addressed the tzatliering briefly were present purposes only 10f Angus whose wife has been advised Mayor Peter blllcltlll has given the local anccr Campaign 11 an enthusiastic start by donating 8500 which is his honor been mentioned in despittches The notification reads as follows Defcnce and Members of the Army Council recognition of gallant and listing Objective Is $7500 Captain Mrs Wharton phone 3463Mrs7C Caldwell Miss Anne Parsonsi lployedwat Camp Borden when he iDay He saw service in France action in connection with which OFIIISFATHER TEETWE Baik mi iii TlTYbmiigciCiTghtTfIKlf7l CIiKi GfRdDfPfby7felfy7 Riifi The Ladies Gist Marys ChurchlSmclziir to answer thevprescribed Section lmPoges ge Hank uieeeii liai Viciltl ii 31 Spry of the VCJKJ tli trie nail Haunt ll lst igv ll ltklnrzzx jviIepirmtvix in the ineie elected tilltaiul iiiiiui ii Til man and hi ll zonal tlLt cI iiy gtlkiitt if ii iv lltil lilt th ainiI of sw vilill of iii in llj tiiteiiinl lKi nan POW eiii Le ca div ape back to fits our Ziialt in 1141 Col lie izitirnatitr iiz1 lfiltli Mil Furriers iii the lit ninigiiiilnn and SilllCtt setup recteil is in tol Ronald Morton xviio ltttllr liiniun Fiftyfivt llltlllittls of the cliibi The Veterans liibi BDR it BRENNAN ANGUS SOLDIER IN DESPATCHES SllLWA RT PAG oi of Records ttzma that he hast Wiiile the linrrieVespra dispute lover garbage disposal has not yet been settled report presented to the loun Council last Monday night by Ald EillltVllill would indicate that there is some basis for settlement out of court mngmmlmc 30 21 Ald Wilson presented ntoni the members of your family yoummmmw mu mu the honour and distinction VlllCll locum was mug 1m has come to your husband theirequest Hf Rowe View marginally named through his be the purlmse 0f HM at SGML mg Mentioned Desith lnlltltlli of the dispute over the Bar iie garbage disposal site It was Dear Madam It is with much pleasure that write you on be lialf of the Ministcrbf National iiished services we Kings Cflmcmt con pra appeal to the Supreme Court of fcd Illh 31s away glflqbchitario was to have been heard constdcred advrsnhle by the parties elapse blimm the certicate ISconcerned that further litigation available and the expense involved should BombaidiCi John Albeit Bren1be lledud nan served With the 63rd Field Mayor 10101 Sinclair Wits Ull Battery of Guelph lie was our table be WCSOHL However 11 fnamcd in special committee com posed of Aldermen Hart lugh and Wilson Deputy Reeve Grant Mayoi was available and was iii vited to join the gathering The ifivc members of Vespra Council iwere present in force To icvicwlhc Barrie Council in in letter to Vespra Council had of ifercd to accept the proposition pre sented to them by the Barrie Fly ing Club and tliat Barrie Council would contribute the sum of $100 to expenses of the Vespra councillors The Vespra Council replied by letter stating in effect thatthey would accept settlement on the cept the proposal of the Barrie Flying Club and enter able to its location BOMB JNO ALBERT BRENNAN enlisted in February 1942 After training at Camp Borden Shiloh Man Prince Rupert BC and Petawawa he went overseas in Julyy 1943 His battery was the frank and open character Vcspra st to cross to Normandy on Council was however unable to Ilglland Belgium and Germany and returned home December 29 1945 Though details are not yet available it is thought that the of Barrie to assume Your he had the honor to be mentioned in despatches took place in Ger many original offer DONALD SINCLAIR ORDAINED IN KIRK initth ering 1The method posal was deemed The Bresbytdry of Barrie met satiSfaCtory inllssa Road ErsbyterianLChurch Friday evening April 12f0rthe ordination ofDbnaldR Sinclair BA who graduated from Knox College April and was licensed by TorOnto Presbytery April 10 In addition to the members of Bar rie Presbytery there were also present Rev Elbert Butcher of St James Church Winnipeg and Rev RA Sinclair of Innisfail Alberta Turn to pag eight please TaylorMunro Moderator pre sided at the service Bur gss MA ofiElmvalepreached the sermon and the Clerk narrated the steps leadingmpgtowthe ordin ation The Moderator called on gaged by May in response to questions and then by prayer and aying on offline hands of Presbytery be ordained Mr Sin air 1373013 Minishy7Rev committee toiiiteixwewciheiothe vv INDIE Saturday April 27 am 1617b Trinity WA Saturday April 27 Dance at Ivy Orange Hall Fri Parish Hall Collier StDoors open ay April 26 Admission 50c Aus all 5117 picesvof Ivy Orang Lodge Mui Dance at CookstownWPaVIlion hollands orchestra Lunch serv ThurSday night April 18 Bert ed 15171 Worth aridhis nine piece orchestra Dance Friday April Jat AdmiSSiOH 500 161 Shanty Bay Cbmmunity Hall nus Dance Midhuirst ToWnship Hall pieesAthlehcAssociationrRhyr FridayrAprorrpmrProceeds thin Makersvorchestra Admission Vespra Legion Baseball Club Ad 35c 1617p mission 500 16p James Ferguson then addressed the WW men early next week newly ordained minister None Of the apphcants was social hourgin the School Room at Camp Borden Rev Donald Sinclair who is appointment ofTIIFBoord of Mi sions to Eckvllle in Red Deer Pugh Town Counth Rev Presbytery Howden Board of Education Each ii AMINER vilri Ker pioinptCIl by the fact that the Vcs be used to defray the outofpockct following basis That Barrie ac into an agreement to use that site for 10 year period Should another site in Vespia be desired at the end of this 10year period Vespra Coun cil must be consulted and be agree That the Town of Barrie will reimburse the Editwhip 0f Vespra for gtdll legal fees cost of court proceedings etc incurred in the litigation to date These two proposals were used as basis for settlement The disi cussiontlianollowed was of very give any inkling of the size of the legal bill thatlit wished theTown Conn mittee therefore did not feel that it could undertake the payment of an accogf unknown proportions It proposed tliatbihiCouneil pay its otvn legal fees and that the Town of Barrie would double its While no settlement was agreed upon the followingmoints were ad Ato be agreeable to the gath of garbage dis to be entirely singing of the BarrieFlying Club for alperiod 75f 10 yearsis Thirty applications were received an advertisement and at nieetingon April 10 the committee reduced the number to be considered to 14 Six of these were interviewed last Tuesdad rangenients have been made for the being There was good attendance at consideredisa native of Barrie the service and followingit there although few have been making their homes here while stationed Members of the committee con son of Rev DSinclair and Sideringlhe applications are Dr Mrs Sinclair Allandale is under Laurie Lions Club Jack MacbarenrKrwanisEIubrA t08 Honored For 20 Years Work In Simcoe County vlliicl pitttitcil mum if Page with iitlllu fl and wellfilled nat iic Milli Mul tselt is dustprnnf nunnagiiitu llllbltldinv The iaise of this til ziign grade tzitiepiccc iii unbreakabch was npencd illii iy lit Lewis and tie llllliti hearty siiigsoiic Elm ll ll lliiwdeii ll the piano irin iiiiirezc llittiiiloiiie dent of the Slincoe Feti ii of Illlillll Ci0liltl lzesls and Siliiiit of the great it was for those who had tillZL knitu Air Pagc Ili friend in hinmr him in such way ivzllc liidd chairman of the Jim tt 311 County Agricultural Committee in the guests at the head Lastilcy agricultural for South Siineoc tiiduced Table representative WC Graham director of agricul lllllui repitmntatives Mayor Peter iA Sinclairpnrric Warden Ernest Miller Culilwatcr Simpson itfounty Clerk Wood Allis tlurn to page seven please TifespraiAnd Barriocontinuing Negotiations For Amicable Garbage Dispute Settlement NECESSITY 0F FOREST FIRE trunnion lhc disaster caused by fire ill the Northern part of our Province was aptly described by Bob Gra ham of the Department of Lands and Forests At Mondays Kiwanis meeting film Tomorrows Tinilt lber vividly depicted the ruinous feffects of fire Stile speaker was introducth by TinamsTi oi the Midhtirst Forestry Station Few realize the great natural resource we have in our timber lands said Mr Graham In South ern Ontario we have but very lit tlc timber left but there is still about 100 million acres of fine timber land in Northern Ontario The greatest hazard to our for ests is fire 51nd 15 of all fires in timber land is caused by smokers throwing away cigarette butts or matches still burning Campfires are also responsible Timber is perhaps our most valued asset and we cannot be too careful about fire The film showed thriving town situated in the North It wascm ltirely dependent on the busy saw mill and the surrounding forest young couple were out strolling through the woods and the young man thoughtlessly threw away match after lighting cigarette Next day the mill was destroyed land most of the town as well as tthousands of acres of timber lts only ghost town now The De partment of Lands and Forests has lookout towers all overthe rich timber lands and equipment to stamp out fires if observed in timg but travellers through wood lands are urged to be careful about fire Cancer Campaign Parsons Barrie chairman of the campaign to raise funds for the Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Fund and Chitticic of the Sales Committee spoke briefly urging full support of ev ery member of the club The al arming growth of the dinease was pointed out by Les Chittick ln anada fromCanceanrlMther were 14000 Ontario has the high est death rate from Cancer bfiny province It is estimated that over 500000 in Canada will die from Canciern In 1942 Research Found ation was started in Ontario to help combat the disease Clinics have been established in five of the largest cities and treatment available for those unable to pay vidsfunds truian clinics more centres and to extra made granttowards the 1946buda get for arecreationprogram Dr Laurie has been nam ed actingehairmancf The Barrie Recreation Committee for he director of recreation toy have his office in the Barrie Com munity House and themrogram In addition to the money being Board of Education und the two service clubs there willbe avail able grant from the Ontario third of the total budget Such program hits been put into operation in severa other On tario communitiesan under cows oration is Tlieipresent Campaign is to pro Search Work of these four organiiations Ihas Government of approximately one 1939 there were 12400 deaths in Reactor cretion To BCHired ThisMonthvZ Members of theiBsrrie Recreation it Committee are hoping to have fulltime director of recreation en Ar angements are being made CL minded laythe Town council the

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