on Published by Canadian Newspapers Ltd id Hayfield street Barrie Ontario race roux MONDAY JUNEI use EDITORIAL Women Drivers Are Safer IAutomobile drivers in Canada up to the age of have an accident rate twice as high as the rest of the popu lationland they also kill 50 per cent more people in these accidents So stated McGlllivray assistant division manager of Imperial Oil in an address to contestants who had particip ated in the finals of provincewide safe driving competition earlier in the day This safe driving competition which was open to teen age boys and girls who had previously won regional tests in var idus parts of the province was jointly sponsored by the Windsor Junior Cham ber of Commerce and imperial Oil It was also supported by gov ent authorit ies civil officials represent atives of safety lnaln spooker An Assumption Col drivers were recip sed the growing importance of ill youthful drivers more safety con ic us and cognizant of their responsi gun dog is ill the business of killing drivers paramount concern should al ways he the avoidance of injury Yet good gun dog and good driver have at least one thing in common They will al ways honor point When working in the field good dog not only checks for game he keeps his eye on his kennel mate If the first dog isets to point at quarry the second retriever instantly freezes also pointing in the same direction even though he cannot see the bird good driver follows the same prin ciple another car brakes without ap parent cause or changes lanes unexpect edly or falls to move of when the way seems clear he is immediately on the alert to find the reason He slows down or even stops honoring the point of thaotber driver though he can not see the cause of theifset common example of this pointed out bility while behind the wheel of car In many parts of our country Mr McGiiilvray declared the car popula tion is increasing twice as fast as the human population Therate of growth of our car population is far greater than that of the United States There is an enormous backlog of highway building to be donein this country Our streets and highwaysaie going to be more crowded than ever This means there will have to be much more concentrat ed effort to educate and create safe driv ers among our young people today so that they will carry these habits and at titudes into the more congested driving conditions of tomorrow The speaker endeared himself to fe male members of the audience when in the course of his remarks he said Wo men drivers including those in their teens are known men Some men may not agree with Mr McGliiivlay but we have to admit his remarks about the women are probably true by the Ontario safetyLeague occurs at busy intersection Held up by the red light at the cross walk are two lanes of traffic headed by car on the curb side and truck in the passing lane As the light turns green the car roars off with jerk but the truck does not move There isnothing in sight to hold up the fol lowing car in the curb lane but the good driver there does not take off at normal speed He edges up to see what is holding up the truck driver and often finds it is an anxious pedestrian half way across the road who could be tum ed into crumpled heap by moment of impatience Always use your head when you are driving And your heart Keep the pos sible needs of other road users in mind and donate few seconds of driving time whenever an uncertainty arises to be used for their additional protection and comfort Yours too Opinions of Other Newspapers means as NAME iHamillon Speclatorl The story is fold of Nazi officer who after ihe Germans surrender of 1945 paraded his men before British colonel and remarked Now you order them to be democratic Thatwould have been impossible Democracy is more than method of government lt is way of life that can be preserved only through the freelygiven support of individuals Misuse of the word by Conununisis is creating lot of confusion Ger many todayjs divided into the democratically rul ed German Ecderal Republic West Germany and the German Democratic Republic East Ger man with its capital in East Berlin When representatives of Britain France the United States and Russia meet in Geneva this month to discuss ihe future of Berlin the fun damenlalfactaround which all problems will revolve is ille obligation to protect in West Ger many ihe democracy that has been suppressed in ihe democratic republic Democracy is more than rule by majority it means that even majority cannot rob you of certain rightsthe right to follow your own con science and religion the right to speak freely and support whatever political party you want including Communist party Since Commun ism denies Lhasa rights it is denial of democ racy JUNE 1939 Three men of railway section at Meaford leaped from their moving jigger as runaway flatcar doing 80 miles an hour aaugbt up with them and smashed the smaller unit to fragments The smaller engine was ihryn 50 feel in the air just after passing Meafor Station and then landed 100 feet away The flat car then jumped the tracks went another 300 yards tore up rails and lies and finally ripped off its own wheels and turned upside down lfbemnaway was tender for is piledrlviag crew was loaded with coal and water and started off mile south of Meaford With an unusual record of service the United Church in Cookstown celebrated the fifth anniver sary same building samesite The Rev Dr Caulter of Sarnia former minister was speak Ellc Home Ermine Authorized as second class mail Port office Department Ottawa Dally Sunday and smumy nousn excepted wanna General Manager wanna Business Manner NEVILLE Eamon News nullur unanimous Advertising llllluur Subscription our by currler arson nu single copy se saw year $350 months 5200 th am month oumda Cahada soon year omen 44 King 5L Toronto up maul Street Montreal Wm 9591i Stunt Vancouver em or his canclan Dolly Nov unlit eAnocintian The Canadian Pros and Audit emul or clxcununu lt Canadian Press in cxcluniValy cntlil to the stellar re ubllcatlon or all ans duolea tau ape crollltud to if or TbeAssoglated mu or Luumuna plsljhrlncal new pooinns lbarein Au mu rug republication of special dispatcher aerelom also menad Tel ho Numb Editorial Aevertul us amflgï¬rwwusa WMMIPAIXI mu News oiv Former Years er with the incumbent minister Rev Hig Paragraphically Speaking Construction expansion and improve merit of highways streets hospitals ESOLATION AND IGNORANCE Wall Sheet Journhl 0nedlmger of war from Communist China es in its isolation from the rest of the world it might start war out of mistaken desperahoa out of megaomania of just plain ignorance of what it was alerting Most of this isolation is certainly of its own making and there is perhaps not much the United States can do about it But certainly to some ex tent we have contributed to it We have discourV aged wherever possible all trade with Red China We have thrown up barriers against travel of Red Chinese to this country including Chinese newspapennen and we have frowned upon such travel in other countries in the nonCommunist world even when we have not been able to stop it This has notcreated the ignorance of the Red Chinese leaders about the world but it has done much to dissipate it One can hardly guarantee that if there were freer flow of trade in and out of Red China if Red Chinese newspapermen and others could visit the United States if recip rocally United States newsmen and others could Visit in Red China would be educated thereby But pretty clearly the isolation in ignorance is likely to persist as long as none of these things happen glnson in charge assisted by Rev Beyo un of Toronto former pastor of 52 years ago Bill Dad Pearce selfstyled King of the He hos made Barrie another flying port of call because he was on his way to serenade King George and Queen Elizabeth in Toronto The King was brewing himself pot of tea in the Allandale jungle when interviewed by the newspaperman but expressed himself as intend ing to run for premier at the next election With his labelled yachting cap at jaunty angle he set out for the Queen City after giving very brief demonstration of the mouth organ serenade which he intended to give Their Majesties His pack weighedJS pounds mostly medals insignia and souvenir buttons dschools facilities housing etc to meet the demands of the future will cost many billions of dollars Many are beginning to wonder if the future wont be too expen sive for us to afford Man will soon bealbielto make non stop flight aroqu the wo id says an aeronautical engineer But but wouldnt get him anywhere We always open season for shooting the 0111111 Note to the halfbaked philosopher whosays person never knows what he can or cant do until he tries Many person who has never tried tollift an ele pant knows he cant do so Nothing stirs lip crackpota likea move towards having thb public water supply fluoridated An aut Iaccident inlur driver between Pondsvilie the woman Trenton 1rom news story That thave been terribly painful 00 be safer dIlVEIS than out of frustration and out 5639f NEXT carious FRY NOE REPLY N10 PENATE LIVES lï¬arric Examiner We WOULD mu memes FEW oussnons ABOUT DannY AND MOMMY mm REPORT Canadian Delegates Achieve New By Eamon NlcaolsoN Special Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner OTTAWAThe low calibre and meagre contribution Canadas representation at internailonai conferences has rcgreltably be THIS SHOULD HAPPEN T0YOU Bitter oratory Exchanged As Campaign Nears Finish TORONTO CPllgnlled by spark of personal controversy Ontarios June 11 election cam paign heads into the home stretch this week livelier note sparked the fourth week of political oratory with biifer exchanges of personal crossfire in the last few days be tween CCF Leader Donald MacDonald and Progressive Con servotlve Premier Frost Liberal Leader John Winfermeycr said the dispule between his rivals has detracted from the basic is sues bunMacDonald touched off the exchange last Monday accusing Mr Frost of running dlshnnest administration The err came back with statement lhat the COP leader is reckless glib ridiculous absurd man with no logic and disregard for truth calculated to hurt and destroy the provinces historic partiesCon servative and Liberal CHALLENGE TO DEBATE At ihe end of the week Mr MacDonald challenged ihe prem ler and Mr Wintermeycr to meet him at Sudbury ibisweek in public debate on the govern ments record particularly dis closures lust year that cabinet ministers profited from purch ases of stock in the Northern Dn tariu Natural Gas Company gas dislribullnn firm Since the election was an nounced May the three lenders have been wooing the provinces estimated 3200000 voters with variety of promises Mr Frost whose party has been in power since 1942 and held 04 nf 90 seats in the last legisla ture is campaigning on his od INTERPBETING THE NEWS Iraq Setbacksv Success Of British Policy JOSEPH MacswaEiv Canadian Press staff Writer Communist setbacks in Iraq in dicate measure of success for British policies toward the im portant Middle East country Nq one is making rashpredic lions but the neutrality being preached from Baghdad these days seems to have less leftist bias than previously and more warmth toward the West The Iraqi Communists have backed downfar the moment at leastin their demands for up reseniailon in the cabinet of rev olutionary Premier Kassem And theyve pulled in their home in other ways Britain has shown more hope than the United States in regard to Kassem aswas indicated re cently by the British decision to sell arms to oilrich Iraq sensual ancx Besides his apparentcheck on Iraqs growing Communist inlt flueace Kassem has gained new statur in the Middle East by survivulg vicious propagand campaign from Cairo The United Arab Republics President Nasser sees in the Iraqi premier rival for Arab icadersh The Communists who bave long controlled street mob in Baghdad and elsewhere in lraq began their real grab forpower last March after the abortive Mcsul revolt They were and are in strong position because of heavy supplies from Communist coon tries to Iraq and because of the fact that ihe Communist party is the strongest politicallgrpup in file cnuntry Indicate Britain also is mindful of its im portant interests in Iran Kuwait and other parts of the Persian Gulf PATIENT POLICY Britain ihus followed alpaiient policy hopeful of encouraging Kasserns professed neutrality be tween East and West and despite its earlier disastrous experience with another Middle East revolu tionary figure Nasser apd the Suez fracas The US meanwhile was more cautious Mien Dulles direc tor of the US Central Intel ligence Agency described Iraq as ihe most dangerous situation in the world today Regarding the arms decision it is understood that the sh thinking went along these lines If we do not sell arms to Iraq the Russians wont hesitate to fill the demand if we do provide the nls perhaps hell be en couraged to stand up to the Com munists mlnlatrallnaa record He is con tending that its policies contri buted to the most spectacular growth in Ontarios history and that more striking developments are in prospect over ihe next in years The 53yearpld premier is light ing his ninth election in his home constituency of Victoria in east ern Ontario and his third as parfy leader He has suffered one de feat in Victoria in his first try in 1934 but has been undefeated since the election of 1937 COllflARATIVE ROCKIES His opponents are comparative rookie first entering the legisla ture the last election in 1955 Mr Winiermeyer named Lib eral leader year ago is cam paigning on 15point platform which pledges wide range of new government aid He isJay ing particular stress on propos alsio speed up highway construc tion and to move inwards mak XIIlg university education free to To put his platform across the 42yearold Liberal leader is slag ing thamost vigorous of the three campaigns The Kitchener lawyer is on the move from early morn ing until midnight every day and seldom takes full days rest He is seizing every opportunity fo meet people personally even vis iting shopping centres to chat with voters Mr MacDonald 45 has been attacking the government persis 1th over the natural gas issue saying the premier was protect ing members of his cabinet MINISTERS RESIGNED Two cabinet ministers resigned came an international joke in United Nations and in North At lantic treaty circles in other coun tries havefound that our best friends wont tell us what they think of Canadas delegations Several years ago Parliamen tary giants such as that then Op position flrebrand John chfcn baker and iheCCF foreign af fairs expert Allsialr Stewart and the Liberal party president Sca ator Wlshart Robertson Won hi repute for Canada when ihe eloquent speeches and construc tive commenls gave lead to NATO conference Since then the stande has slipped Too often our leading parliamentarians have considered the home front to be of exclusive importance all expenses paid trips to exotic faraway places have been handed round as sop to backbenchers and wardheel crs rather than to potentially cf feciive delegaics experienced British debatersund prominent American senators have easily stolen the limelight from Cuna dlans who had been making too merry too late in dubious night spots FARM TEAM IN BIG LEAGUE new low has been achieved by Canadas delegation to the At lantic congressr assembling in Britains capital this week our delegation consists of two elements parliamentarians and private citizens The 15 MP5 and senators contain few who would make an adequatc supporting caste such as okanngaus Dave Pugh Fort Williams Hubert Ba danal Wellington Hurons Marvin Howe and Albertas Dr Kindt The only experienced parliamen tarian in the group is Manitobas Waller Dinsdnle young former Parliamentary Assistant who is likely to mature in tima info cebl lnet material One parliamentarian cnm mented that the outstande delegate is good on agriculture but neither knows nor cares about foreign affairs But why is there no front bencher of any party Why must Canada send sundlot team against the Giants and the Yankees from next door Surely our Parliament can spare Low few cabinet ministers and 01gt position frontbench men to rep resent Canada at fivedaycon fcrencel The private citizens in the dele gation have been recruited by two unknown vice chairman One is former Conservative MP unre membered here and inexper ienced in NATO conferences Yet he rejected when suggested as delgates former MP5 of other parties who have won hlgn repule in NATO circles such as Que becs Charlie Cannon and Win nipegs Alistair Stewart The other vice Chillmien Conservative party worker un known on the national stage shared in rejecting the nomina tion by the United Nations Asso ciation nf Canada of the well known foreign affairs expert Willsou Woodslde as delegate Yet among the delegates he named is person unknown at international conferences of this type and heard of chiefly in us sacladon wth the vice chairman as The Gold Dust Twms was vorcE BE NEEDED prominent senator impressed by the wellknown people in cluded in oihcr countries dele gaiions gloomlly read Canadas list and comment dont know single soul cxccpt Admiral Grant The latter formerly successle chief of tbenaval staff should be standout on our dele gation able to make valuable contribution to the military com mittee at the congress NATO circles in USA which have contributed internationally known headline names to their delegation have declared that The list of Canadian delegates ls disappointingbut the real rep resentatives of Canada at the Al lnnilc congress will be the splen did list of Canadian signers of the Declaration of Atlantic Unity These signers all but one omitted from the Canadian dele gation include politicians John Diefenbaker Gordon Churchill Mike Pearson Paul Martin Caldwell and George Hahn replt resenting all political parties labour leaders George Burt UAW William Malloaay Steel Workers and Percy Bengnugh university president Dr MacKenzla and Professor MLower Duncan chair man of Ontario Hydro Thomson George Ferguson and Elmore Philpott of the newspa per world and very many others equally prominent QUEENS PARKS Leaders Collide In Nickel Town By DON OBEARN Special Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner lastyear after it was disclosed they profiled by purchases of the gas company shares third who held stock resigned earlier Both Liberal and CCF leaders have been hammering at the gov emlnents strength in the House saying effective opposition was difficult with only 11 Liberals and three CCF members against 84 Conservatives Conservatives and Liberals are contesting all 90 seats The CCF has candidates in iii Three weeks of elecboneerlng havetaken the leaders to most parts of the province Nevertheless Russem basman aged for life present to resist their demands for representation in the cabinet and be also has forced theiReds to back down from their demands for immedi ate official recognition of polli icsl parties Kassem says he cannot courage party acll ty during what he calls Iraqs transition periodll period that began last July when his revolutionary for cell toppled ihe regime of King Britain had strong reasons to gamble on the new ruler because of its large oil stake in the are The lraq Petroleum Company with big British interests earns approximately $200000000 yes BIBLE HOUGHT Wash insand shall be whiter than now Psuims 517 When God lustifies us through changed life and clean thoughts and deeds no spot nor blemish can cling tolls and PremierNuri As Saidkllling both those men Pilgrims and visitors who are already very numerous at Our Lady of theCape Shrine in Cap de la Madeleine Quelt hELL atthls time of the year never fail to admire the archi ollll LAN or THE cllpr Bosnian7 factors of the splendid new Rosary Temple As this aerial picture shows iha outside of this votive offering in honor of the Madonna of the Rosary is making progress At the mo TORONTO1t happens every time conflict in scheduling which finds leaders crossing each ulhers paths soclose they col lide This election it is in Sud bury At writing both Premier Frost and Liberal leaden Winter meyer are booked for the nickel town on the same night This probably will be changed It rep resents the closest thing to an outright jam in several years however in 1955 allrleaders were crowding each other for week and by coincidence it was again in the Sudbury area but they didnt get to the stage where they were actually booked for thé Larry samefown on the same night Delivering and five speeches day can be hard phys ical work To meet this and keep bit of energy most leader adopt various techniques Pfe rnier Frost adopts the taciib 70f lowkeying his addresses almost throughout He tries to chat them rather than fire them and only once or twice will hit high spot of emphasis This is probably one reason why he has stressed receptions rather then meet lugs They lend themselves more to informality and chattingeven if there may be 1000 people ifs iening to them Mr Wintermeyar bus aj different technique He gives twotone speech TheLiblt era leader can reach highly draw malic peaks But to conserve his energies be coasts between the peaks He will deliver point with great emf phasis Then he will talk his way for the next few minutes CCF Leader MacDonald on the other hand gives all he has most of the time usually making an emotional speech Mr MacDon ald however for the most part is not making as many speeches per day as the other two lead era MEAN mama Frantic efforts are still being made to get some novelty in the TV presentations And with the efforts there is controversy over whether novelty is worth while Political veterans are in clined to scoff at the attempts to vary the presentations Young hlood in the parties and their professional advisers believe in something new however The problem isto get any good do menl stonemasons are work ing on each side of the facade on the wheelchair ranips spreading out like welcoming arms cisinnaon results The Liberals had small girl ask leader Win termeyer questions in hislfirst telecast Some observers frankly were much less impressed But alarge number of phone calls were received pla lag the shown The most novel PCeffort hadl Premier Frost acting as MC furl group of his cabinet ministers Again there were peole who were on the phone saying the show was good The question of course is whether these people would not be on the phone even if the gentlemen concemcdwere reciting Little Red Ridinghood There can be no one so blind in1 his loyalties as politicul sup porter who wants to get bit of aitcntlon