Oh harmonicamoor Published by Canadian Newspapers pm 718 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario more soon nouns APRIL 21 EDITORIAL Barriecommunity Concerts Bring Outstanding Talent it was during menu and winter sea son of 194647 that the Barrie Commun ity Concert Association got started and quite successfully There were four con certs that year with the auditorium of Collier street United Church as the loc ation The membership was about 600 all that could be accommodated We can well recall theopening program by the duo pianists Bartlett and Robertson and the reception which followed in the rec reation hall The planisu apologeticaily declined to shake hands pointing out that their fingers were necessary com modities and the past en eoverly en ell ers in this rugged north country hat first season progressed with Por as White soprano Arthur Kent barl tone and linollythe hit of the series Russianborn violin virtuoso Tossy Spiv nkosky who has gone on to greater fame Splvakosky is the only artist in 13 season to have been invited back to Barrie mmunlty Concert week in Barrie for the 14th time as the campaign for memberships opens today and closes on Saturday six days only to renew or join This is completely community af fair membership open to any citizen of Barrie or district and we might empha size it is nonprofit None of the mem bers of the local association get paid for their time and efforts All of the money raised from membership fees goes to rentals of nails and pianos and the fees paid to the woridfamous musicians and artists who are brought to Barrie This is privilege accorded in this community for those who wish to see and hear and meet the finest talent available Community Concerts have been operat ing so successfully in Barrie for all thesel years that some of us are prone to tail them for grantch And yet it is necessar each year to hold campaign for mem bers which involves no little work by the executive But the years of patient planning and hoping for good music for Barrie have brought their reward in achieving the purpose of bringing the finest in musical attractions to Barrie As the movement grew after the first three seasons it was found necessary to place limit on the number of memberships that being the seating space available From Collier the association shifted the concerts to the former Central United Church on Dun lop street West which proved too small and then to the Roxy Theatre where it was possible to accommodate 150 mem bers Last year the auditorium of North Collegiate was chosen for the fine series may oRuti of concerts jut concluded These were Bill and Pat Medley duo pianists the Vienna Choir Boys and the Music for To night Ensemble It behooves all who have enjoyed the delightful attractions in the field of fine music to waste little time in renewing their memberships There is little doubt he record number of last year will be urpassed and certain it is the attractions or next year will be outstanding These ll be selected by the executive on sat urday night of this week when the cum puign is closed and it will be detEmlned what budget there is to work on And to refresh yourniemory as to the fine programs of past years here is the list 194748 Don Cossacks male chorus Columbia Concert Trio instrumentalists Eileen Farrel soprano 194849 Vivian Della Chlesa soprano Tossy Spivakosky violinist Appleton and Field piano duo 194950 Conrad Thibault baritone the Bary Ensemble instrumental quin tet Sascha Gorodnitski piano 195051 the late Oscar Natska bari tone Yarn Bernette pianist Mildred Dilling harplst 195253 the ieltschiks piano duo the Boyd Neel Orchestra from Madon England Dr Neel has since come to Canada as pnincipnlof the Royal Con servator of Music of Toronto the Car olers male quartet 195354 IheTuscon Arizona Boys Chorus Mavid and Maria Lloyd pianist violinist Samuel Francois pianist 1954155 Mauney Brothers piano duo Tanglewood Quartet Stephen Kemaly an baritone Becker Ensemble instru mental quartet 195556 Mimi Benzail soprano Par sons and Poole piano duo Edwin Stella baritone 195657 The Chanticleers The Toten berg Ensemble Frances Bible soprano Opinions of Other NewSpapers balvrar or CIVIL RIGHTS Toronto Star The end result oi Mr Smallwoods policy has been an outright denial of basic Freedom of association That in Canada which is hailing theradvent of Bill of Rights in its Parliament this session is ironic commentary on our under standing of civil rights THEY NEVER TOLD MIKE Ottawa Journal in poliiicsfunny things happen sometimes strange and said things Consider for example what happened one night last week to Mr Lester Pearson Mr Pearson went on the air in what is called The Nations Business Down in St Johns NeW fopndlanders sat around their radio sets iistenlng APRIL 27 1939 In late April 1939 the town Tweed did some thing almost unprecedented by protest against the unnecessary expenditure of money for new postrofflce and at special meeting of council resolution of protest was passed which said in part Wheress the European situation is sucn as to cause grave anxiety and concern and the Empire of which we form part may at any tlmcbe plunged into war which would test to the utmost the entire resources including man power and ibis council declares that the pro posed public building be not proceeded with once told the Kiwanis Club that the Japs would notminthe war against China but would be outworn in the end An interesting eiter in the StuMarys local paper at that time told of the stupendous progress being made in transport alien in West China including innumerable ineb ways linking up the trunk lines and the construc tion oifive railways Dr Crawford comments From this one gets sides of the futility of the xPraragraphically Speaking personisnt completelyvand hopeless 1y down until hes down on everybody Oils Barrie Examiner Authorized uuclana elm mu Post Office Department Omwn may Sunday scum Manager wholesome Manager nevus nceam saocxwuljrAavennlng Inner subscnptipn me only yumu Single copy 51 in sleep year saon yacrwflho six months slot 99c mnnih Outslsu Canada 3am Eomcca 44 Kine 5troetliiontrelli 1125 rcmber at the Cumin Dally Newpa éxh em lis rstssciainn The Cnnldlc an Audit unreguol Circulation TbuCauldlan Press in exclusively entities on in for re ublicntianol all am an ntchcslln ml aspenm nae to it or TllclA5noi and honor Reuters and all the local unwrpubilshed therein Ali rights of ropunlicflon sl Apeclai glsbutchel also reserved Nllmoer Editorial durum una Amway ill Want All PArkwy Mm News oiForlner Years key titular Payday Excaptw should have been wearing press to his voice Newfoundland lime it was 5130 Over the waves came Mr Pearson voice saying how pleased be was that Mr Sm wood was amend ing his antiunion legislation this lsaid Mr Pear son was in the Liberal tradition showed that Mril Smallwood and his supporters were Liberal at earl Poor Lester no one had bothered to tell hm that fill that very afternoon four hours before he took to the air Mr Smallwood changing his unpredictable mi had thrown this truly Lib eral amendment into his wastebaskct The Newfoundlanders probably similing inward lywere bearing the eulogy of an unconscious obituary Wrote the Toronto Telegrams Judith Robinson she on the spot at the time it doesnt seem fair somehow to poor mainland boy Japanese struggle to bring China to her knees It cant be done he declared The mystery of lost automobile key was solv ed when Coliingwood butcher George Wooincr found it in the stomach of large steer purchased from Nottawnsaga farmer When he bought the steer the farmer told him that the animal had reached into the front seat of the car and pulled the key from switch The owner never found the key but believed that the steer had swallowed it The butcher found in the stomach dozen nails pieces of cast iron same bay wire and the lost The Farmers Market was the brisket since the previous Christmas with bright sunny day Maple syrup was plentiful With brisk sale at general pncev of $215 gallon Eggs were for we to 25c dozen and dairy butter at 25c to 26c per pound Vegetables were low priced Car rots lsc to me basket the 11 quart then also beets onions and parsnips tbesame Apples baskets We to 30c Light honey was 45c for the four pound pail and dark honey Was 35c Park by the quarter was lie to 15¢ pound If you want to realize how foolish are lot of thingsthat people do imagine monkeys doing the same things The number oi people who aremot working is usually more than twice the number of those unemployed JAn inventor says he has rigged up machine thatean read anybodys hand writing If so thats smart machine but 11 ter than those who fill pre scriptiojnsdor drugs Withreference to the blithe spirit that poet Shelley referred tonas bird than never wert oneuwonders who wert on animals an inst eveni he ï¬rmed suitg unsafe driver anysntrafflc official So is an unthirstyd person who pnwlsely quenched histhirst hungry personatthe wheellsan Portugals Ruler Faces Till2 Fons tenuous Trouble On Anniversary LISBON APlAmid growing murmurs that he has been around too long Premier Antonio da Oliveira Salazar marks bLs sis year as absolute ruler of Port ugal Yet as Salazar also celebrates his 70th birthday he has given no sign of choosing successor The anniversary of his long rule will be observed today Tomor row is his birthday The twincanlversaries find him with twin troubles Accustomcd to running Port ugal wilhoutcballenge he first fastedopposltion last June when former advocate Gen Rum berlo Delgado senior air force of ficer ran for the presidency on an aniisalnzar program Salazar vetoed reelection plans of his old friend Gen Higino Craveiro Lolt pes and selected Admiral Amar ico Thoma as the National Union candidate Thomaz won the elec tion but Salazar took it as per sonal affront that Delgado re ceivcd 25 per cent of the votes HEALTH POOR Slender stooped and frail the whitellaireo onetime economics professor also is reported in ill healih Last Ecbrucry he was stricken with influenza which Ia ter developed into pneumonia In the opposition camp there is fear the shy often retiring premier will die in office and that chaos will follow with either the Communists taking over or the army establishing military dic tatorship 0a the other band Salazar suplt portersthose who want his Na tinnal Union regime to continue bave begged him to give up the premiership for the presidency in order to train successor Sai azarrefused His reaction to opposition and criticismwhich includes resilvc ness among some human Calh olic leaderswas to order wide spread arrests and increased ac tivity by his secret police Thus he seeks to secure hisrolo as practically the longestreign ing oneman ruler Morocco and Luxembourg have chiefs of state who have headed governments longer than Salazar but unlike him they are not active rulers MYSTERY MAN Often called the mystery man of Europe because many of the facts of his life are shrouded in obscurity the real mystery is how this son of humble peasants has maintained himself in power so long There is no single answer When he became minister of ii hence in 1928 with full control over the countrys destiny lle scruncd the indispeusible man Theeconomy was chaotic in the bands oi the military leaders who had overthrown the republi can parliamentary regime two years earlier Salazar quickly brought order to the governments finances At the same time be abolished all political parties but formed his own National Union organization He wrote constitution for the nation that made opposition to the National Union and Salazar vlr tuaily impossible In addition be instituted total censurslllp banned free trade un ions and outlawed strikes and tie volupcd his secret police Despite all this Salazar denies beaicdiy that be is dictator or that his regime is totalitarian believe democracy is antic7 lion he says do not believe in universal suffrage do not believe in equality among men but in hierarchy in his 31 years at the state beim be has given the nation peace order and one of the suundesl currencies in Western Europe Aslbc world market for Portugals traditional experie cork port wine and fishbegan to fail in years ago Salazar started program of industrial ization Still Portugal has the lowest standard of living and the highest rate of illiteracy of west ern Europe INTERPRETING THE NEWS Instability 0f Exists Among by an smon Canadian mu staff Writer The news of border clash be tween and Jordanian troops offers new reminder of the instability of relationships among the Arab powers REPORT PROM us Martello Tower Will Be Preserved By in trauma noon London England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner LONDON lowly but surely many of the old relics of the historic past of Britain are dis appearing And but for the inter vention of the ministry of works one of the examples of these links with the past would have bear sacrificed to modern Pro gress Down on the south coast be tween Folkestcne and East bourne wellknown to mony Canadians there is ring of ancient roundshaped Martello towers It has been there for century and half But one by one these are slowly disappear ing At the present rate of demo lition none of these would have been left within comparatively short space of years But there is assurance that at least one posterity NAPOLEONIC RELICS These Martello towers are es of the days of meanpole were They were built th as defences againstan lavas from France and nightly watch was kept from them in case the forcesgof Napoleon anomaly gt Recently one ofthe best pre served at these qldtowers at Dymchurcll oenr Folliestone was blown up to widened highway to carry the heavy traffic going to and from Ferryfleld airport one lower remaining in the Dynl cluirch area The others had already disappeared it was then that the rninlstry of works tell wbo across the ichannel way for ha left only step ed in to save at least one of towers from tharavages of passing years It is planned to repair and restore the only remaining Martello tower at Dymcburch that it will be put in its or unabsth of readi ness EASTlLY BUILT These Marteilo towers are real link with 11 history Nearly 100 of them were built bastilyet cost of $5000 each while Napoleon prepared his massed armies and invasion craft across the channels Bou logae They werecalled Pitts pill boxes his answer to the threatened lnvaslcn Most of them were built on Romney Marsh or on Lbeblgher ground of them will be preserved mEbordenug hc marshland To latergeneration the to ers wereregarded as something ofa mystery Even the name of the towers led to controversy popular tbeorywas that they were named after Col Mar planned thair curious shape Historians bowever agree that they take their name from afsirnilarly constructed defence post at Ca Mortella which commands Gulf of San Fl enza Corsica The British troops came up against this towcrln an incident ofllte French war in September 1793 It put up such stiff resistance to British ships and soldiers that they bad cause to remember its name Through the years the name became corrupted to Marielle Relationship lira Powers Officially Jordan has had no diplomatic contacts since last July with President Nassers United Arab Republicof which Syria is junior partner But in recent months the two countries have given every sign of aban doning theirquarrel as result of the ominous developments in neighboring lraq The rift occurred at the height of tan lraql revolution when Jordan broke all relations with the UAR in the belief which almost everyone shared that Nasser had been the insiigntor of the coup that took the lives of King Faisal and Premier Nilli Es Said and broke up the Iraqdor dan federation The extent of Nassers partici pation still has not been estab lished but the question has be come irrelevant in the light of subsequent events If ever had any control of lraqs Kassem regime be has long sincclost RED INFLUENCE GROWS Since the NasserKassem es trangemeut was accompanied by growing Communist influence in Iraq the change offered small comfort to Jordans Kin Hus seln who isno more emails to fall into the bands of Nikita Khrushchev than into those of Nasser llussclus unstable little coun try has been going it alone for almost ear apart from the bï¬ef perlo last sununer when he was forced to call in British troops to protecthimfrom pas sile spread of the its coup With Nasser menace in turn by thebostility of the New Bagh dad government bothJordan and the UAR appeared to have everyan gt gaiufram quiet agreement to let their old dis agreemealFIlle fallow It would be premature to inter pret single border incident as an indication that the Middle East is about to embark on can other round of its lntennlnable game of changing partners But even In isolation it offers new evidence that Nassers panArab dream is long way from reality coLo consona For the West which has tradi lionally pill itsfaitliin interArab OTTAWA REPORT CBC News Really Unbiased By PATRICK NICHOLSON Special Correspondent Fit The Barrie UiiAWA Was it really regrettable error as the Cana dish Broadcasting Corporation dlims when its television news broadcast dubbed in picture of Liberal Leader Lester Pearson applauding Newfolmdland Pre mler Jeey Smailwoods assertion that he would not tolerate union gangsterlsm our threats by Canadian Labor Congreu Prui denf Claude Jodoln To show picture of lilr Pear son out of context like that was the piclorinl equivalent of asserts ing in words that Mr Pearson gave bls endorsement of Mr Smallwoods cundemnailon of recognized CLC union The CBC dsims that this was an error But whatever the explanation there can be no denial that the CBC ncws broadcast in not told lie to its transCanada audi ce it is hard to see how film can he accidentally cut in such manner that an event is put so far out of context in point of time The picture of llr Pearson applauding was actually photo graphed during the general up pleusc at Ibo cad of Mr Small woods speech yet on the TV reproduction that picture was in serin many minutes earlier at that very damaging juncture in the mlddlo of Mr Smallwoods speech But slill let us accept the CECs assertion that this was on that occasion regrettable error CBC BEANS T0 BIAS if this assertion had not been made would have suspected that this was yet another example of the unforglvable and un desirable slanting of news which we bear continuously over the CBC quotegiwo other recent com merits Mr Andrew Glen of cust Hill Ont points out that in reporting 90minute speech by the British politician Sir Oswald Mosley the CBC picked out two sentences dealing with the racial problem This was done asserted Mr Glen no doubt with the intention to arouseprejudlce is it thc purpose of our publicly owned broadcasting system which imitating the taxpayers many tens of millions of dollars this year to arouse prejudice QUEENS Plats Orkiiybnuldilinio la and imp aily Then the Tar nto Globe and Mail commented Iorlclly Noy body wants the to show bias in favorof the verameotwe bad quilt enough that under the Liberalsbut oes the CBC have in show against the government We the iran slou of such in its ban dling of the budge My own cxper ence confirms this impression so happens that heard Ottawa news commentators cuss the budget over the CBC of these were journalists who ntc for Ottawas Liberalismling newspaper the Citizen none were from Ot tawas Consc alive leaning newspaper Journal Two were writers Madeans Mag slice and Financial Post which is pu bed by the Mac lcsn ccmpan neither of whom are regard as being exactly admirers the Conservative government LETS 11E BOTH SIDES it Is irable that certain sections of our press are alert enough to point out what they consider be faults in our govl emnicnt is equally admirable that olbe sections endorse what they can der to be wise actions by our vernment Thus by pre senting oil the good and the had our press gives the public reaso blc opportunity to form its conclusions about the manner served gt But we the taxpayers pay lens of millllnlsof dollars year to the radio system which we own to be brainwashed by haw lag only one viewpoint presented to us i1 questions of public cou ccrn Would we happily Pay taxa to support our defence dcparlment if it only protected our west coast and left our Atlantic coast unprotected Would we willingly pay taxes to enable our welfare department to pay pensions only to loftbanded scpluagenanans while leaving rightbanded old folk to starve Surely every federal agency should cater impartially to all seniors of the population re main of the opinion that the CBC despite its repeated andbitter but unconvincing attacks on my comments is wantanly and in excusany falling to do this The facts support my opinion Demelrit system IsWorking Well By DON OHEARN Special Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner TORONTO The point do mcrit system apparently is work ing out well Transport officials report there has been no substantial pubbc complaint and that the Isystem seems to have bad good influ ence on driving habits This is good news for tbe gov ernrneut It was not too sure that there wouldnt be considerable outcry when the system started Complaints in advance seemed to indicate this Thereis still one basic unfair ness in the System of course This is that ii is weighted against the man who does lot of driving He has the same point total as the ocdasloual motorist Tbisls appreciated here But so far no body has been able to suggest remedy And in the meantime it is felt the system is so worthwhile its value outweighs any objection able features SLUM CLEARANCE progressive step has been taken In the depressed area re development program Tbe government has announced it will pay towards land to be used for commercial and in dustrlal purposes as well as for housing Until now the program to wards which the federal govem meat pays 50 per cent the prov ince 25 per cent and tho munici pality 25 per centh35 been re stricted completely to housing is of course has bad its im practical points Mast depressed areas are situ ated in downtown districts When the land is cleared it often has considerable value COMMON SENSE With the housing restriction this has meant that residential prop quarrels as Its best instrument of maintaining foothold in the peninsula the prospect of new clash between Jordan and the UAR offers cold comfort The lraqi revolution robbed the Western powers of their last ma jor Arab ally Today it is Russia that is capitalizing on divisions among the Arab powers while the West stands helplessly by Nasser lbas fanned the flames of Arab nationalism successfully eabgugh in make it almost ixnpae si for himvto turn to Washing ton or London in his hour of need even thoughpanArab fer vor appears insufficiently strong to prevent Arab border guards from tnklng potshots at each other erty has been orwould be ball on lois that were worth thou sands of dollars an acre It is only common sense that when it is more suitable it shrub be put to betteruse Windsor will gain the most from thelcbange if the federal govern meat agrees with it it is starting to clear up downtown area not has some very choice commercial sites it also has three rldings all which rank as blghmpossibles for the opposition parties in the election The government also should benefit Only very indirectly can housing represent any revenue to it But industrial and commercial property through corporation tax can give it some financial return Queen To Stop lit Superman roaouro CPA supermar ket and Salvation Army borne for the aged are among the scheduled stops for Queen Eliza bath and Prince Philip when they make twoday vlsit beredune 29 and 30 Among other highlights Prince Philip will be made an honorary president of the Canadian Medi cal Association aud the Royal couple will visit sugar refinery during tour of the waterfront area The Queen and Prince Philip will arrive aboard the yacht Britannia Monday June 29 and will tour the city beforesiopping at city hall for clvic reception Mayor Nathan Phillips present painting of Torontos waterfront Tuesday they will drive to New Woodbine racetrack for the Queens Plate LleutenantGovernnr Keillér Mackay says protocol will be kept at minimum during the Queens visit to Ontario gt There is certain amount of protocol which cannot be entir ely set aside but amid accord with the wishes of Premier Frost that she be allowed to see and be seen by the people knowtbat yo sick Jesus Mnitlew 285 In despair after all other ways have disappointed men more and more are tumlag to the N32 anno and the only safe guide and way