Michigan Steadily Losing Auto Jobs DETROIT tAP Michigan where the automobile indiutry grew from baby to giant has been losing auto making jobs steadiiyin recent years Not all of Michigans loss was through movement elsewhere Total United States auto emptoy ment has been shrinking since 1055 The shrinkage started in Michi gan even belore recordbreaking 1955 when the American industry built more than 9000000 cars and trucks Hudson and Packard lound the going too rough and consolidated with others Kaiser lraser quit passenger cars alto gether These three oldups cnded75 000 jobs in Michigan assembly and supplier plants the state employment security commission reports DEFENCE JOBS DOWN Michigan auto plants employed an estimated 220000 on defence jobs in 1953 but as the emphasis shiltcd trom tanks and power drawn artillery to missiles this ebbed to 40000 in 1958 Some plants leit Michigan and some industrialists blamed this on what they called the states business climate Governor Mennen Williams has been pluglt ging for corporation profits tax since he was first electcd 11 years ago But none of the big threeGen eral Motors Ford or Chrysler over blamed plant shilt directly to business climate Michigans auto employment salaried and hourlyrated has skidded this way according to employment security commission ï¬gures 1955 467000 1356 404000 157495000 195833900 AUTOMATION CAUSE There have been several raider causes or the constant decline while production fluctuated The biggest industry and labor agree is automation Automation is the switching of mendone jobs to automatic ma chines One union source con tends it reduced by 196 the num ber of hours required to produce vehicle between 1956 and 1958 Few multistoreyed factories ot the past lend themselves to auto motion Rambling ranch typo factories do and many jam packed industrial centres have no place or these new plants There hasbeen receattrend for auto manufacturers to make their own parts previously armed to suppliers FOLLOW THE MARKET The auto industry has been shitting about in recentJyeais too Major reasons for this other than fleeing obsolete factories says Walter Reuther United Auto Workers president are To follow the market To get near raw materials UAW figures show that since 1947 the big three have con structed or purchased in plants of which 42 were in Michigan Detroit still is the automaking hub although it has had losses Others have been hurt too Ford closed plants at Bulfalo NY and elsewhere last year to consolidate eastern US produc lion primarily in new plants at lArain Ohio and Mahwah NJ Builaio the largest nLthe closed units that 2250 iobs Ford sold it left Bullnio be caugc oi the shift in the automo bile market and changed require ments or production iacilities within the industry Just how many jobs automation saves or takes away depending Poo how one looks at it is closely guarded industry secret Spring Meet The Simcoe County Arts and Cnits association held its Spring meeting recently at River Gar dens rutaurant near Guthrie Representatives from local groups nimiated with the am elation and members at the council of the association had lunch together and alterwards gehmged talesmotion about respec vc develop ments and plans Misc Maude Rowe told oi the work going on through the mo elation to oasistpeopleail over the county with their arts and traits developments She said plain were underway to bring about an overall craft fair where variety of crafts would be exhibited in 1960 New Technique Is Developed To Detect Borderline Canoer ATLANTIC CITY NJ report prepared by three Co nadian scientists says tech nique for measuring the cellular contcni ol key genetic chemi cal suggests the possibility oi new diagnostic technique for spotting certain borderline can cer cases when other tests might be inconclusive The report read here at the Cholera Disease Kills 295 Hogs OTIAWA CP Hog cholera believed caused by consumption of tlntreated garbage from United States base has wiped out Newfoundlandvherd of 295 hogs Dr Wells federal veteri nary directorgeneral announced here timt the animals were slaughtered and buried after the disease was discovered in th herd at St Johns Cholera last reported in Can ada in October 1957 is an incur able virus dis ease aflecting swine It is not transferable to humans or other animals Dr Wells said the owner was licensed to feed the pigs boiled garbage collected from nearby US base and officials believe the itiection come from the Ear age relative of owner Robert Cole said Mr Cole got some garbage from Fort PepDErell the 113 base near St Johns and much more in and around the city Loss was estimated at $10000 whidi will be compensated by the fed crai government Drt Wells said it was likely that one or more pigs ate garbage which fell otf truck and missed the boiling process annual meeting at the American Association for Cancer Research by Dr Strich oi Saskatoon identifies the genetic chemical as desoxyribouucleic acid DNA Dr Strich and coauthors Florian and Emson all as soclstec with Saskatoons Univer sity Hospital say in the report that using microscope photog raphy methods they measured the DNA content in three kinds of human cells gt Normal surface tissue cells cells in noacancerous grovnhs and cells of glandular cancers of the large intestine and stomach For cells in the first two cute gorles the DNA values were sim ilar but hi the third the values diilered from those of the ï¬rst two classes They conclude The clear distinction between the DNA content of benign mwth cells and carcinoma cancer cells suggests the possi bility of diagnostic use of this method or certain borderline cases pans sons GENERAL CONTRACTORS Emu Sputnik new County instillaliï¬caï¬m liliesTheir Man Red Cross C0W By Pew Seconds requalitication course or Red Ores instructors was held intheboardroomcttheCounty Building at Barrio recently The watersafety service divi sion of the Ontario Red Cm Society requires reouaiitication every two yearsTom Mungham of the division assisted by set Don ther ol Camp Borden gave leadership to the session which lasted four hours Those who requaiified Red has instructors in this area were Don Barr libs Broley Fred Buckland Mk3 muse Col ley Mrs Loreen Creighton Mrs Jeep Hartman Mrs Mario Martin andlilrs Margaret ircm hlay Mrs Mary Elliott direc tor of the county swimming and water safew program was not due for requalilication this year but was present asan observer Wildlife Oificials Fear New Rodent TORONTO vtCPlA tastbreed ing rodent which lools like small beaver may move into 0n tario and wildlife ofï¬cials are not happy with the prospect Tho nutria iurbearer with beaverer body and long tapered tail has been reported in Michigan and Ohio The On tarlo Federation nl Naturalists has asked residents in Southern Ontario to report any seen Because at its prolilic nature the nutria is danger to the food supply of native animals Al though it is adapted towarm cli mates it has been moving north in recent years however Dr Hark ness ï¬sh and wildlile chief for the department of lands and for ests said there is no cause for concern He said the rodent may live through an Ontario summer but would not survive the winter CANCER can strike anyoneBIN 19 Elli SIRIKE Bittli Barrie police came within sec ondsotarrestingamanintne Kcmpgalclt Drive area last night whom they believe might have been responsible for ser ies cl overnight breakins and attempted breakins When Hamilton reported to polim atlll oclock last night that someone had tried to break into his home while his daugh ter was alone in the house cruiser was despatched immedi etch and the oiliccrs rust miscd their quarry Police believe the same man could have been responsible for breakins at Johnson public school where stopwatch was taken This occurred earlier in the evening Mrs Hotrum reported that someone broke into her home at Shanty Bay Rd but that the family could find nothing missing Another attempted breakin was made at her home Mrs ERA PROMPTLDAlEE SEflBOARD womsouswam ofhusreal Emmi mnewtllkowhenlm flfsnewhatl $50 to 53000 Dunlap at to Room unifiesflamegt There is no evidence that the disease has spread he said in stateman Monsrnn rvssrcnr WYMONDHAM England GP cat named ï¬ddles is claimed by its owner in this Norfolk community to liethe largest in England Tiddles wei pounds fCriopled byHemAmck StiltPaidyPratected3 nutmnmmmmmw healsuflfmdsssverehnrtatuohlvnbun totally disabled pver shoe But lmshll petting SlSQevorynionth andfreelifoinsnmnogthankstol Moderation Life roan soggnonon born in He monotonous include Disability Incumbents In my 315000 Confedeiation Impurity And stunt get cheque for 3150 every month while rut totally disabled until reach 65 My $15000 life insurance continues in force with Confederation paying the premium lm not didbled 55 receive the MI $15000 in can or as income Munt fall proper protection for any bury mnnl oruie hundreds orphans receiving Total ionbuoy Mommy Income Benefits fromgtCoufederntion Life tiresome the man common caubeaf Menlal or Nervous Trouble 30 Heart or Arterial Conditions PulmonaryAilments Digestive Troubles Wm Rheumatism Accidents and Other Cause Pï¬olflcl THE ONIVIVOII mgpconsuhr gï¬ederatim Li asaocldrlou 19 10 gt For Free BookletWhm Abomnimbaayrunu Mitohelllnepresentative Fred Grant Sip Barrie ghsafl Darrin PA 64033 In Record Time For Your Current Needs PHONE PA 65477 ronny ammonia wanes can or Canada Ltd 14 Dunlop St Who says you ca nt afford Chrysler Pity the person whobuys an ordinary medium priced car just because he thinks Chrysler is too rich for his pocketbook it wduldntcost him any more to ownra wonderful ChmIn Windsor and hed be so much happier THacAR THATS CHANGING THE the bargain The why of it is easily answered This new Chrysler Windsor Puts an attractive price tag tat extra costl 5s punter sr onthe mostluxurlous way to travel todayt And brings you features pushebutton drive and TorsionAIRE suspension for exaxaplvjeythat yencant get on othorcamtin its e1aswon So before you any mediumpriced can visit your Chrysler dealers shovoiraomitor look at the new 59 Windsor 12m oi mCodrington St in tormed police at 355 last night thieignt into tbchomeot GLnnnu at serelson last night by removing base meatstorm window while Mr Lunau was out He reported the breakin at 1155 last night Nothing was found to be missing but the hour had been run sacked CLASSICS EXPERTS DUNEDIN NZ CF First mm to be appointed tovthe teach ing stat of auofverxity in New Zealané ls Sister Mary Elizabeth member of the Dominican Sist ers who graduated as master at arts last year with honors in Latin she has been appointed lecturer in the closics depart ment at Oiago Universib Who said Everyoneism also recorded by etaAli British Youth Dark Waikmnw in wt cart to spectators at not ed Ta Wm rmsnrwm 35 dww P0110 Vaccme magma at unname ails ve res LONDON titeuters British thorlties call lmbym health authorities have begun am mum 13 the in drive to get young people inocu Sections while they tiled againstbefore peak ri or in Vwmrmnsunav More than 5000000 people be BRIDLINGTON Eng tween the ages oL15 and as have Women members ot the British so or ignored an alter oi tree Legion branch inthis Yorkshire vaccine town are asked to donate balls The latest move in no alert to penny for each inch of the encourage Britains youth to be waistlines to loadraisins Pm injected is personalmanage lect withlhaBaak oanvaSeetioh PmomISemntxProgiam havcbmnhlntnsuve If youcars kind pf beforï¬bnidth mediumprtéed car you tart wonderfull pf n9w39flndsbr5 mm Woodman out to meet you help you entecand exit with thegnatutoiuocl PtéTURE lNfTIiE MEPIUMPRIGE FIELDII phone personal dcnmnbhiafloni 159 WINDSOR BRINGS You Exams gtCrmvsuzaAuv frontaea JPr0ved New swingout swiv and improved TomlonAIRERidoNcwpush button automaï¬c hear phsisibuttonTorqueFli 3lycuin V48 ongin wanoi