chasmexam Published by Canadian Newspapers Ltd re Burials Street saccharine ï¬uc MlNlGTER Wire ELEEENICALLY RECORDED VOTE lN WMMONB TD SPEEDUP VOTE OF MBERb QUEENS PARK Election Will Be llvllousing One PAGE FOUR MONDAY APRIL ll 155 EDITORIAL The Pernicious Habit Of Decisions In Committee Recent reporting of municipal affairs outside Barrie but in Blmcoe County has indicated that the practice of arriv ing at decisions in committee prior to public council meetings is growing habit Then at the meeting of council motion is put covering the particular decision and is quickly passed without comment The effect of this is thatlany member of the public attending the council meet ing and the press and radio are pert of the public has no inkling of what it was all about or how particular de cision was arrived at It is inject slightly more legal way for council to hold secret meeting The end result is the same and it strongly suggests we know best and you dont have to know attitude on the part of councils who indulge in this habit Come election time these very same man and women complain little inter est is taken by the public in municipal sfisira Do these decisions in committee help to foster public interest How can someone be interested in municipal af fairs it he is not allowed to know how and why decisions are made Opinions of OtherlNewspapiers IWENT NOT CASH Oshawa Times Sentiment wont pay the bills and another chapter is to be written in the history of the passenger steamer Cayuga that used to ply between Torontoand Niagara increasing debt has persuaded the owners that the time bar come to sell the vase Our readers may member it was in me when new compan was formed with the ins ientian of keeping the Cayuga in business Any person with ready cash was given the opportunv ity of becoming part owner of the historic vessel Sufficient money was raisedto restore the Cayuga to its old TorontoNiagara Peninsula run but the paying traffic failed to rally to the cause The Cayuga had had years in both 1050 and 1957 Last year it was realized that not enough money could be found to keep the boat in business Last December the auditors agreed to 12month wait to see if sonretiring could be worked out Now it has been decidedto call tenders for her salelf no buyers step forward she will be offered for scrap The investment in sentiment has notplid oK It is sign of the times that peoplern the To ronto area prefer the congested highway to the Niagara Peninsula instead otheAcareireoApleu ure of boat travellatross Lake Ontario Far far from Toronto the sentiment still ling ers in thelrearts of all people who at some time spent pleasant hours aboard the Own The sunfilled hours and the moonlight the soft music and the ripple of water splashing against the how will linger in memory long after the Cayuga is no more $1 MILLION TOO MUCH Financial Post English is rich in words and phrases that are comfortably soothing without nrenning anything in particular The best of all possible worlds is one example Civil defence is another If it means anything it means the defence of civilians against the consequences of an attack with Abcmbs or Hbombs The experts say then is no defence against flrcseuwenpons But never mind that its comfort to know that the idea of civil dflence exists in somebodys higdtngd that certarn offldals are paid to think The government has just its appropriation for civil defence this year will be million against $1 million flat in 15s and itwllipaylspercentinstendofsoporcentof municipal expenses for the purpose if any less meaningful announcement has been made at Ottawa this session we would be interested to know what it was The question is not why the figure has gone up from $7 to $72 million but why it should be in the estimate at all What has the country ob tained for the moneyspent to date on civil defence new pamphlet siren or two some grandfatherly advioefromtop brass and smar vellous plan for conveying the whole population of Toronto to the Bruce peninsulal what elseivv Perhaps somebody feels so obigation to go through the motions of presenting civledefence program the phrase sounds impressive But up to now the sensible question seems to be thatslnriiiion in the treasury to why not keep reduce the deficit An atomic arsenal posts billions to assemble If the intended victims can be protected ataii they certslnlyurmorbjemro ec for asumhkc $1 million No such bargains exist if anybody is serious about civil defence let the proper autlror esbmaie the price of schemeythat offers it is not practical nor would apnea permit for everyone in township or municipality to attend council meet ing but if they were able to read the full pros and cons of question in the press it might go long way to stimu late interest But what sort of story can the press make of the pasring of dull motion It would not be for of the truth to day that councils who habitually manage municipal nifairs in the manner detailed do not want the public either of their own municipality or anywhere else to know about their business Their desire is no rule by hierarchy In the world today there is conflict of two ideologies that of communism and demomcyWe believe in the latter but we are fighting losing battle so long as we condone any practice in any sphere ofliie that undermines the basic principles of democracy The rootof our democracy lies in our system or government and this can kerous growth at municipal level must be out before it has killed the tree some little hope and present in bill to the public ltwilibeintheblgbillionsofdollars Meanwhile $7 million year is too much to pay for phrase no matter howsedatlvs and WWW TURNING ro NURSING to of lh lug area en nurs pro fusion am aware of the truth in the statement by Dr Mitchell chief surgeoh at Sudhury Memorial Hospital when he says girls are leav ing the Sudbury district every year to get their training elsewhere Dr Mitchell was speaking of theincreasing need for nursing school with facilities to teach 100 nurses in association with the hospitals expansion There are number of reasonswhy girls go to hospitals in Toronto Ottawa and London to take their nursing lashaction One of course is the inability of existing Raining facilities in Sudbury to absorb the number of applicants for training that come from many parts of the North in addition to Sudbnry and district other con siderations such as educational qualifications opportunities for specialised work training con ditions cost and remuneration also become part of the final decision Encouraging is the report tharlhe nursing problem has improved in SudburyThe contri hution being made by nursing aides is factor that cannot be overlooked In recent years there has been sweeping trend to relieve nurseswin training of the drudgery work so they can de vote th full time to actual instruction in musing This could be one of the reasons that more and more educated girls are inierosled in nursing as professional career The hospital administrations ave gone long way toward making nursing attractive both in the training facilities and in the provision of residential ao commodation All of this adds up to the awakened interest in nursing that leads to the need to provide the moans by which qualified girls can enter the nursing profession DISCOURAGING MASH Oshawa Times Dlscouraging mashers has long been problem for personable young ladies At one tune the bat pin Now probation officer at London has pro duced perhaps more effective little device which he terms personnguarri The personagucrd is shaped like lipstick and at touchrof the finger if ejects sub stance which is uontoxic but for various reasons is highly embarrassing loany masher The inventor veteran of 17 years police ser vice states Ihatfor everyattack on women re ported many gounrcportod But with the per sonsguani the public will knowat sniff or glance the sort of acilviiiu in which the masher has been engaged The device operateson blowgun principle and fires solution which has theseeffectr temporarily blinds the victim and brings tears of to his eyes promotes sneezing and coughing and renders himrunabletooperate car cov ers his face to the roots of his ve table dyern Lariedcoiors so fhatfbe ass antmaybdro dilydetifl to run away quarter ounce Andi equip to summon blindly about The nperatio Moved by the Paragraphicallyhpe The old are more pessimistic than the young for the reason that wisdom comes with age lbs Innis isolator mom sameness harry Iunom sea Statutory nounn men or WALLEHGenrral Hutu WADGLVlusinssa would navnn News 1mm anocxwrss Aertuna launder luhsxiptlon rate dill by carries no no 80 IT mull non lo mg 00 uso six months 00 three months month Oilï¬eld Canada 593 owner or Kin st loronto Calhcul Itrut Montreal We Georgia street Vansw sm sthc assanally Nowpsth Ilahim Angolaflon Canadian Pra and en anon norso of simulations as Canadian snafu exclusively mum to new is of re nonenon of main amusi Ifllllflibfl also puma Telephone Nunibm Editorial Mvezunn aal Illinois PArkw Idlfl Want PM In grave 911 in coo41 bu of all news scenes in locates orabe sufï¬ces froor onus1nd also museI um lanthanum have to unfair it Hard physician smocker If round cans men lluana in to the full One of the best means of protection person can have when walking in tough neighborhood is to carry book in his hon says police official That was potent defensive weapon lï¬ MIG17 We ErwinMS worst waxesnor Clill Contemporary By THE CANADIAN PRESS Toronto Telegram lamFin ance Minister Flemings 195960 budget is based on the assump tlonlhat Canada is rapidly em erging from the recession that extends back to 1957 if re covery proceeds as optimist Fleming predicts the prospective deficitmny fade hwnyju flood tide of buoyant revenues This is the big if of the budget Though Mr Fleming went after the people with the money his budget is not popular today About two thirds of the tax in creases will come out of in comes both personal and corpor ation That is where the money is Mr Flemings assurance of recovery is well founded All economic indicators point that way Toronto Star Ind LibOniy the unfolding year can tell whether Mr Flemingsbudget comes anywhere near to ng the countysveconomic nee But one thing is sure it has solved the last vestige of the fin ancial mythology created by Diefenbaker before the 1951 elec tion He promised then to raise welfare payments cut taxes and balancethe budget We1l welfpre benefitswere raised taxes were cut and the result of these things plus the recession was the big gest deficit in our peacetime his iOXY Now Mr Fleming even While predicting banneryear finds it necessary to raise taxes by an amount which exceeds his previous tax relief by nearivsisll million ayear And balanced budget is still nearlywlfl million away So much for financialma nagement Windsor Star InchHad any one suggested couple of years ago that the Conservahve govern mentwould run total deficit of 300000000 incits first two fisy cal years in office he would have been regarded as insane Yet that is the almost incredible fact This is unquestionable evidence of both extravagance and mismanagement it cant be otherwise The blunt fact is that the Conservative government has been spending far in excess any Canadian government even in wartime and much furtherin excess of itsrevenues an any government in peace time Wherednes ittthink such drvidual were to follow the some heavy deficit level of the year that has just ended Vlclorlu Colonist 1ndPloblt ably neither Mr Fleming nor anyone else likes the idea of def icit financing but here at least is definite attempt by the admin istration to right the ship of state in troublesome times lessen the flrnest of accumulating debt and restore confidence in the credit of the nationxlf the budget does that itwill he an important step forward Leaving partisan reac tion aside the budget appears to be sincere effort to steady Can adas course in times of economic uncertainty Vancouver Province lndJlt is the fashion to give budgets names and the one Mr Donald Fleming brought down should willy hilly go into the bunks The Optimistic Budget Not that the taxpayer caught by increased levies on every side is likely to viewl thatway but fromliiefisc polntobvlewi is based on some distinctly hope ful assumptions Flem ing is making compromise bal ancing the inflationary effects of deficit financing against the re straining influence ofhigher takes Vancouvér Sun find Cann dinns now know what value to put on allory election promise They were promised lower taxes and they have got bigheh taxes They must realize also that the Diefenbaker governments method of curbing inflation lsto ive the country more of it The 95960 budget was as the oppositions financial critic has already charged documentgof political cynigisin it makes bad in of Mr Flem ings smug advice to the United States not to be so timid about tariffs Another joke is Mr Flem ingsplea to Canadians to keep prices down For he turns right around and adds another per centagepoint to the sales tax when patient is recovering the wise physician caddies the body Mr Fleming compels his patient the Canadian economy to don hair shirt Saint John Telegraph Journal and Taxpayers will hope that the wnumernus favorably trends died by Mr Fleming in his review of Canadas general should be attempt PPllCYWm lead if Private economy will bringon new surge of growth and prosperity practice he would be headed for which will be reflected in greater speedy bankruptcy Toronto Globe and Mail End This blatant contradiction Canadas costs are too high we therefore increasing them underscores what is evident in etlarlived at fiscal policy it Simllly Struggling to raise may for 12month period Whether thnt money that $58 ion is practical amount to liect Ottawa doesnt know tlll less does Ottawaknow fion are practical Both ih lind spots emphasize the nee federalrrevenuesrandrtbat this in turn may influence relaxa tion of taxes in next years bud get Moucton Times lamOf the modern budget as Mr Flem not agree with him on such evalur aiion But all circumstances con sidered it is doubtfuiif he could have come up witha budgetthat gontained no increases in taxnr om Fredericton Gleaner 1nd Brunswick that the duty free nhy infoCanadn of potatoes and Ether its Chosen means were will be rejoicing in New thorough study of the Cann on tax structuren study that show how many golden eggs goose can lay and what age rain means of getting them The Halifax ChronicleHerald lndThe federal government has made shift in its taxing linies with which in the main ew Canadians can quarrel With return of buoyancy to the na les is eliminntedlhera will be eral regret that the fed eral purchase tdx has been in creased fromtento eleven per cent Mr Fleming has hit at the Canadian pocketbook Takehome pay will be less and consumer costshigher This will do the Maritimes no good Here the economy lugs far behind that of the rest of Canada Mild dependw9 should mink upon tionsl economy and an outlook Montreal star lnd Mr hwyfast he carried it Many modern doctors it would seem are very dense Dont me to me about the good old dnys said young housewife Then womenhnd to can fetidnow they only in 1959450 for level of prosperity similar to that experienced in prorecession 1056 it has taken the sound course of moving back toward balanced budget The progrcmsetout byF an Min istcr Flemingtoer ament showed that it was aiming for Flemings effort must be given good marks He had two major considerations in mind One was the effect on the nations economy he had to work out some formula which would not impede recovery or adversely af fect employment in the other BYDONOHEABN SpecialCerreopoodeatifor THEhm scrion In new day there will be newtype eleption Not entirely now however Moroilwillbeaoombinalion oidrenewandtheoldAndin Bob Macaulay both better than average ran sumac Weighsth grinning paignt on us ngs should be about the besths years As anyone who has gone to meetings in recent elections diuiions are it will be arousingrmwg than has been great one The new of course is repre sented by television will be Ontarios first big TV eeclion And thiswill be so new era is some question how effective it will be bums it our The politicians and their pro motion advisers have been trying to puzzle out ways and malls of effective television usage But in date there is noindl cation they have had much suc cess Certainly the efforts to put some variety into the Provincial Affairs series have had no no table resulu ViewS anccd budget He has thus steered his ship with some skill betweer Scylla and Churybds and has at the same time per haps helped to hold at boythe constant pressures of inflation Montreal La Presse lush Mr Fleming has thus not nmelil orated by one lots the financial position of this country He faces the same situation as last year exactly the expenditures ne iimated are higher than last year He helped this situation in appearance by raising taxes but he has corrected nothing bet tercd nothing The decrease of $178000000 io taxesl be cnnv senicd toglve us in the haste of an election eve ismore than am nulied by the $245000000 extra we will pay between nowjand the and of the year and by the $352 000000 whi theta taxes will cost us during an entire year We pay dearly for his electoral fav ors in 1957 nan axiomunfilth re becomes necessaryto grasp1 the nettle and Finance Minister Fleming did so last night He did his host in difficult roles the government apparently added to be realisliC to hedegrde it Vullsitleled politic sced with heavy arms bud get for Canadas shore of defend ing the free world in these Aperi ious times increased debtserv icing charges as result of its own policies and ordinary cx penditures it has been unable to reduce materially despite its promise to do so the government has grappled with problem commor to many governments In case anyone believed it could it has admitted thatno govern ment can spend more and this less without courting disaster it is to he hoped that balanced Televlslon carries the restric tion of being principally show manship medium To hold an audience man re quires some color mixed in with at least bit of dramatic appeal And most of our current poli ticians are not colorful To dale there has not been one outstanding TV man in the House though both Health Minister Dy 011 Federal Budget mood and Hydro viceraiminn REPORT FROM ll deartl of good slump speakersin the province for the past decade This year however there is good crop backing up Premier Frost be Messrs Macaulay and By mend Mines Minutes Maloney Reforms Minister Wardrope and others well above the average of recent campaigns Behind liberal leader Wintcrv meyer will be Fnrquhnr Oliver Arthur Resume Ross Wbicber and Albert Wren in the front rank with group of others in the background who can hold their own with the PCs lhe CCF does not have many good platform speakers in its di rect ranks but it can always draw on the pros in labor What thu will mean one imagines is that there will be many more local meetings than in other years One of the biggest handicapslir running on active campaign has been the inability to get good speakers of prominence Now there is good stable of them and the picture should be changed Countereï¬ttack loflied ETU London England Corresponhent For The Barrie Examiner LONDON group of sales managers of nulomobilo distri bution firms has bonded to gether to take counteraction ngdinst the Communistled Elec ricai Trades Union whichrs behind the strikes interfering with production at the British Motor Corporation worksgpt Birmingham Their idea of pay ing the strikers back in their own coin is novelone The men at Birmingham have gone on strike becauscone of beir fellow employees didnot have union card The group of sales managers of Austin du iribution ï¬rms pledged them selves at meeting heldin Lon ion to ask any electricity hoard officials who came to read me ters at their homes to produce Electrical Trades Union cards If they produce union cnrd theywili be told to get right on We are not going to let men read our meters until this senseless strike is over said spokesman or the sales managers REVERSE PROCEDURE We are going to reverse the procedure appliedby the EUI he added At Birmingham men have gone on strike and thrownl700 people out of work because therde chap who has worked there 401120 years budget will be achieved next Year Regina LeaderPost lndLibl if Mr Florhing is right in pre dicting restored confidence in government bonds their the out look for holding inflation in check will be much brighter However Mr Fleming could have strength enediha anti inflation defences even more had be and his govi emment been able to curtail ex pendifures instead of placing budget befbre the nation whichA calls for almost half billion dol lars more in expenditure than in ESE59 budget it will notbe forgottenpanic ulariyewhenvthetimercomesrto pay the additional taxationthat Mr Fleming and his associates promised to slash expenditure by $500000000 if they were eleca ted They were and instead of slashed expenditures the costs of government have kept on wire ling Calgary Herald 1nd real sonablo dhflnlfiun of Donald Flemings 195960 budget would be workmanlike if such word can be applied too tight rope wolker it offers no real so lution to Canadas inflationary problems but at the same time it should not greatly increase them and if the deficit forecasts provesto be the actual deficit flrenrthose pressures may be ex pected to be eased sli htly At least in view of the es be hnsydonn reasonably well Calgary Albertan 1nd Ml Flemings budget confirms the fear that the government is de termined to go ahead with its plans to hamper British woolen imports to Canada through tar iffs despite the oftstated policy of encouraging more trade with Britain it is quite clear from the section of Mr Flemings speech dealing with tariffs that the protectionists have had their way with this government The only items on which tariffs have been reduced are those where goal about midway baiwecnlhand hehad to increase hisrev there is no possible conflict with this breakeven point and the qnuan and moanownrd sbnl domestianproduced goods Some of thaJeVidggoo Influence By SIMO Canadian 1Press Staiwrlter findings ofa secret in qurry into violencebelweenwhite and black men may have de cisive influence on the future of territory that hopes to become an independent member offhe Commonwealth The political status ofptheCen iral African Federation is far outsidedie terms of reference oLresistwhited the commission headed by Justice Patrick Devlin It is soielyconccrneii with the strife that has taken the livaofmome 50 Africans in Nyasalsnd since the start of the year The inextricabie link if vidcd by the acknowledged fact that the rioting took place be cause there are Africans in Ny nsaland whownnt no part ofthe proposal for racial partnership offered byPrirnelMinister Sir Roy Weiensky as the basis for the federation Wolensky himself is subject to conflicting pressures The 220000 white inhabitants of Northern and Southern Rhodesia and Ny ssalond nervously cling topo liticai power over 1630000 Afl rican residents with whom they must somehow ll inyhormony N0 CLEAR IDEA Many of them supported WeL enskys United Federal Pprty in its partnership plan with no clear idea of what it meant beyond the flrm conviction thatthe whites would remain the senior part ners Wclensky bimselfhas been deliberately vague in his defini tions Hist immediateconcern is not the acquiescenceof the African majority but the approval of the British government without which his plans for independence 1963 cannot go forward has not got card We are go ingtogooustrikolfamanhsp got car The automobile distribution agencies are being hard hit by strikes in automobile plants They are losing business very cavily because the supply it some makes particularly trucks has dried up completely The export market is also suffering as result of the lost production REFUSE annnssrpN The spokesman commercial sales manager of leading dis tributing agency in South Lon don said Wenre going to refuse to al low thue ETU members into our houses in future whether they are from the SouthEast Elec lricity Board the Central Board irony other board until they see sense We also want 1to show the men thrown out work in Birminghamibat some thing is being done about their position All British Motor Corporatl iractor production has been halt ed by the electrical workers strike causing an additional 175 men to be laidoff The total now Amado hilast the strike which started six wccksagoat the MorrisVCom merciai Car Factory in Birming ham is about 1700 mmlssiodwill comefrom is seeking to convince it tbatthe riots were fomented by danger ous minority of Africans seeking the violent overthrow of plan supported by the majority of their countrymen eequnlly in tnej incidents as attempts to upprjess non violent effort by them only to pute that is and no terms ever restrictiv iicsnut of it wranssns rnorncran Tllc secrecy of its hearings in intended to protect witnesses givlt ingt controversial evidence from on al $511ng that could apply equ to ormers on both sides and that will add to the comissions difficulties in establishing their credibility In the end the commissioners repcrfon matter which has arousedremotiounl overtones far beyond the federations borders is likelyJo leave mnny of its readers unsatisfied task of tremendous responsibility and little promised reward has tskm them to Nyasnisnd ye alsoreudy for in an hour when ya think not the Son of man cmethMatthew 24 Thcré have been countless form ulas advanced to establish the pre else moment when the Son of man will return These studies are vain He definitely will not come when you expect Him from the sky but he will come to us si iently whenever we are ready fashion