011 holiday tor menl dosI with her cousin Ann Bule vu Betty lunerstnth Siurln harder with Mrs Enrldmon we booth roi animus meeting held nn VWedneaday evening August Seventeen members and vixltorr answered the roll call with erae from Isaiah During the business part of the meeting which was presided over by Miss ereldn McIntyre aeverlilems of business done Anyonehuvlllg good used tale of clothing iorthe halels ashed to leave It at Millies store 15 soon as possible Further plans were mad for organ bond can delicious lunch the hostess the weaker atjzlon Presbyterian Chum onSundry Aug 31 SEN Sept the Sunday Meal was at 130 The cinment0 the lords mar wasobserved It the service at 230 Farewell Service Mr andMrs Robert Brtes at tended farewell service at Rev indsay McIntyre in Not ASMALL DEPOSIT Will gt HOLD ANV ARTICLE Lowe Presbyterinnchureh Rev McIntyre goes to Glenview Prev yierihn Church Toronto as as sistant postor 3ch To school Last Tuaday the public Innd collegiate students started back to school or the lm term Mls vhydin Small 01 Stayner is again teacher at SS No1 Miss Florlne Hévnnnn oi Cdllingwood is back for her second term at Cains School Symplthy or community The coinmhnlty was shocked to hear the passing of Rev Donald Currie who was retired and living In Stayner He had oreached here on several occa sions Started Careers Two local graduates of 01501 have started outvon their chosen protessions Miss Ellen McEach ern ls VcommencinEJo tenehnfliis nAiLYserics IBflIIIIIII to yltliIMI BBIIIIEII etéutihsennï¬umé VIA HIGHWAY 90 Phone our office for details of schedule and route in Klein Bdrdetn alien riiiiisronninon co LTD in 845941 ACCOUNTANTS MIWNVJF co mt15 sfwifunu mono mixincxiinn Autumn HARRIS NEEDHAM Jr WRIGHT certiï¬ed Public Accountant Toronto nnav Barrio Barrie Oflina sunning Post Dulce Telephone PA own Resident Partner manna cu BOSE HARRISON cmmm ACCOUNTANII SAMUEL 3R035 CA MUS HARRISON CA camel53mm ihnna EA Hm MUSIC LESSONS MARIA RIEDSIRA numbi mulenun am smegma man mun new gt we Minnesiï¬gtmom Pinto 92mm mm Cloufm Ionrlam AND maven Yum vs or emo smomo ma omï¬ï¬ï¬ tenrpm pupno or an I1 Conservator Ill manna ofysizmno IHEOIIY WTETETnous mui manor Inï¬eld Itml Iur unions can Igrrh ON IRECTORY BOYS SEAGRAM WE mum Benetton Notlrlu Paulo cunning new ro LOAN arm cm mm nmvue ohmin annual COWAN 81 COWAN Eoucltor non7 count n1 min in to on Mondnyto mu non cum uom roLOAN collie at am 10 IOTION Barnumr with LEGAL now4 00 aï¬ï¬ï¬yafli as or nnmn Solllton aw tom rnrmc Bun Hdlfllr panen rhoaye JoeChIppeI men and withzhls sister Mrs kiss In Ioront and Mrs Farluoon mine trondrvislted with Mr and jiey mlicklaathundny Corner Lotsold Fred Ihcyhnssold his corner lot and home to Rolind Humphlt rl ro Pnkehem Lnenr Ottawa Mr Ilurnphries and his wlte and th small children Intile uk ing up their hognehere In con pleot weeks He Is engaged In work for Walter Downey Teachen Bock Young In Junlo room Jnrlmn uprinci pal have an resumed their dut ies asieaehera at SS No or another year you rueits John Bhundy of new nnd stationed at Ottawa visited with his parents Reveréndvand Mrs Boundy over the weekend Mrs Percy Muir and daughters Wanda and Susan spent few days with Mr and Mrs JirnPaIn at their summer cottage at New Wasrga horn Elliot Lake George Balantyiie Elliot Lake spent the week at his home Weeliend Vislt Bruce Broiley Elliot Lake spent the weekendwith Mr and Mrs Kenneth Broiley Mr nndMrs Alphonse Hearne and Marlyne Windsor spentlust week with Mrs Thomas OHearne Recent Visitors spent last week with Mr and Mrs Harry Smit Miss Olgavsa spent theiveekend Jean Feltls At the CNE Among those who ndedthe Canadian National Exhibition last week were Mr and Mrs Clit Iord Mooney and Gladys Mr and Mrs Harry Smith and Mary Mr and Mrs John Church and Patty Ronnie Murray and Nora Broiley Anne Moheson David Church George Burns Marie iElskely Ronnie landIDouglas Whiteside Weekend Visit Kenneth Terry Toronto spent the weekend with RonnieWoods nSympathy or Community We extend our deepest symv pahty to Mrs Charles Agar and family of Stayner their be reavement withMarya DEER Back Home Jean Ash has returned home weeks alt Fleshenton Mr and Mrs Dicker of To ronto visited with Mr ndMr Hayes Sunday Going to Ballhurton tamin visited with Mr and Mrs Lees before ngfor ilheit new home in Halihurton Week In romixtd MuuM Sheiswell men wielr in Toronto Mr and Mrs DumA hieton at Toronto spent the week choose polkadot Print ed Pattern uxtrn ensyl Printed Pattern 4530 Junior Miss Sizes 911 345 I7 Size 13 dress takes yards Sitinch bolero takes one yard Printéd direetiorlscn each pal lern part Easier accurate Send non cisNrs too In coins stamps Janna he accept ed ior thla pattern fllease print pllhrly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYUE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Barrie Emminer Pat tern Dent on Front Street W1 Sunday Vlsltora Mr and Mrs Ockenden and Dennis and Mr and Mrs Booth and children of Toronto visited with Strnchons on Sunv day Mrs Booth and children are staying with her parents for holiday Weekend Visit Mr and Mrs Morrison and family of Scarborough spent the weekend with Mr and MrsWlL Cockburn AM WnlterSmIth iBarrle Annlversary Services Anniversary services will be held in the United Church Sun day September 28 at 11 am and TMpm DrP Rynard of Orillia will be both morning and evening ser vices Special music is mooted with Dr Rynard Completed Conrsen Congratulations toPat Haekett and Charles Sheardown who have completed their summer course and have obtained schonls Pat willbe teaching at Craighurst and Charles will be teaching at Holly weddlng Guests Mr and MrsrE IIutchinson and George attendeer anoints MdMastelssilver wedding inversely at Grentel onde Weekend Visitors Mr is Bates azia oi Shelbnrne ylsited with Mr and Mrs Ellis Hutchinson during the weekend MrsuAIPartridg and children ofIOShawaspem week and Mrs Partridg after spending the past three Mr and Mrs Stuart and SUPPE