September On Future 9f Square ihe Progressivemtepnye end that gt Butte citizens oqumlittees should rat gather on thelfred Grunt Square contro versy foseth their forgulpeirts would sueoesotuliy nullify the advantages com monme in the square as proposatodvby Town council to date And this dupite the fact the Progressive Ratepayers support in Wm comerdimly Certainly the list of advantages on first appeared antheboard erected new Granthamand removed posslbly for nine dmeizt loss than 24 hours intercried oil or criticism 11 read like in dreams of nn enthusinstlc copy favored wishfui thinking rather with on thinlLi to soil their to the ratepayers The whoiesche in he been illconceived Cquhcil in its genuine attempt msirnplify the issue which Will come before the rate cipie the manic developthesqme no neer that who 3mm hm the Mindanao limit man is thebesttlhe innf meneven more skilledkthey ti for speclnl nouns sue you eyer henrdol tmtfl astounding itspolice chief tonne of schooll cerium some have sinusoidal cemnns duller go In number off eryihing wmnhd that is also rem nrpecior bewm Range Ricjers NO Hofées Le hhr genmm An item froniLos Angels tellsol Lumémchnréh om hmu 1m éime meï¬inmi blcl ReSIdéni Sunday School and and Teacher in us todayv Obiecfs Co ngils sums remyson innum PlanTwo Ways rmsrnmsrctijuk it My 5391 13am successful flied wlxd tookhis lflyenro son to se WW the whole queston into bewildering night mate of plans and possibilities The mean is simple Doesthe voter want snuére developed Venmmerciaiiy or not gt TTalk of plans and possibilities is at the moment superfluous Those whb favor the development an open space have num her of lampand those who would like to see conunercinl buildingser and Owen Street extended south to Simeoe Street have sentation is hopeless task glertzo filth ting displayed on or £311 on ghusinstic argument for deveii oping the square commercially There is some point in pinging before the voters the economic advantages of develop in the square commercially butif figures are to quoted would it not be little more honestto show exactly how much difference such development would make to the individual tax mar One oi he arguments on the part eithe fcommerclaiists has been the taxrevenue am building they would like pm see ted ononeï¬art oftiie present squat figure of $25000 tax revenue hesgheeh Yes or no coviboysï¬peraieon rumour nnch presum ablyi California where the modern television iidul western war horn Theyfound the richth ï¬lled with trucks endotheryehicles but no cornlwssin right Bonn geowboys smoking haywire dunner lame wearinssum its walnut urnw were ob served No ohuckwszon was in siahi and instead of obuhkhoun lilo men lived with their families in collages and they rode the range in eepsnhd clrried nehes ceaslonAlly in few cowboys Mpsll House of Commons arenhout as divers group as one would encounter any where Canada For the ï¬rst limesince 1925 at least the Commons has healergym anion its members The last House had ou Lawyers alumni predominate inthisilarl sine vare 7pr them And after all it is to expec ihailawye wauldhsveanuumi nfiin it for the bus sroup quoted The totaltown taxes at the present time come tovover million dollars The addition of hnothér$25000 would more the differe ee of twelve cents on every asseSmen The question now resolvesitself Isan ope eensquareworthifo the mtepnyer this smollrise in taxationl welsh Vigor Children Septemberbrings one of the two timesin the yearwhen there is maior change in the traific pattern in thestreletsr It occhrswhen the childre start gelng back to schooilfhe other partial the cycle is when the schools are dismissed for the summer inter there The cause while ooh resellers to nu Jy matches ii quire tovrepiuélthq iirernent or advancérneri pie into till world only solhat they unset ready Yes dear rher moihenl Then why dont body getting readyi Uh iyen rowsezm We in getting ready for hove been pin to the ehichkw Ii irmppoiuiod uni men one in childls he yet howlruei Vh dont we see anybody seniorsearly In the urry and the huhbub our busy arid men have becomeao pre nccupie iih ihenfloira of the Edgy that mrnypl them hive for all aboutzetlin ady our they hi aim the eter dleFil ï¬le this thing it seems exceptthe one thins vrld tosetready or hm concerned ahou getting ready forthe then we are about gethngready to meet our God Alieyou letting randy fertile supreme appointmentof Your Life Inyoiur are or the Hlmmb We must all nppear before the in me sent of Christ Cor 5310 You willnever be ableto evade to postpone tilt appointment No man isrerdy to Iaceflod wh has not made his pence with Him the atonement of Some Cleaning To The arrie Examiner ow hat the aid nk the Cenotaph goodcleaning How ut it iu ewe progress th ire I1 we ill in Needs through Jesus Chriserulhe who found forgiveness for his son is read st Mime that wemight in penc wiihpne another and ive lithe54 hyw no co ernns Square more appropriate and feel sure that 99 of the Barrie citizens Will agree with me At least they know thatCanadinns fought in twogreat won but know nothing ofFredGrariLu SIDNEY Miris letter nthe inuowsiittiyof tY oi Bsrrie if of older citi Iwer some 81km ynynrllwhy the new nam ed after him The sonar to which he refer was ml on Ahieh the ï¬rstpm olrhis thperton st Barrie 59m 1958 To Theiditor The Barrie Examiner Sir Although understand perfectlythai we the citizen tax pnyerx conductlile all rs of our community through our elected representatives and that it he hoover ns tonhide by theirdecil sions wool131m like to paint to twoobjectionable features of the current Bylaw Hllling iunind the came am utmost votnmn will any number of them resql the ï¬ne printi in the published cop will they lust vote offhand realizing they are given phoiceother than the plan runny Votersdo not approve of refei to the pinn ofusing site ofrthe oirl post office green plot to the east of it the road and sidewalk ad our rvic not iirhiied lliy flnoncial frestrietions miner We provide the finest at odenie cost ihin the Siecklw home army eh rs 5553 pro posed by Counpliand whiohgvery ST ANDnrws Pusanslum CHURCH Owen znndWoillzy mzv JAMES rnncusou Minister SUNDAY seer 1958 wflOBNlNG WORSHIP Broadeast CKBB honvnmuc ssnvrcn Cinsses miNursery Beginners modemrun and Primary Chisses COME TO CHUECH CHRISTIAN SEEMS Seryipess Sunday School SUNDAY SEPT 1958 iraan MAN Inn 100 TKMPLE flCollier SLBanie ALL snowmcorm COLLIER ST UNITED IMllGCoiiierfst msnrewnmnn Lloyd runord dcholrmnuer SERVICE Fors denisns They Begin The Sehooi Year parents espe ally