Hr end In um of Bolton tended theBurner Btnnnon wedding onSltnrdty uternoon Its1TH flmst vhltlnx It vttgehomrot thflm lothlilor were MmPot or 4Mr Ind Mrs Fmd Birchend weehewd son oIthhmondHfll spent the helrswrenta homer job with allthrre gnu toi many Elmer new man sighs mesday morning whenth trinketh to ï¬nd no frost had hean mandolin 3mm yin301 in You got yell this SMALL DEPOSIT Wlll How ANV ARTICLE are $2150 VALUI restone STORES rs DVNLDP 51 13A mg Look whatslhappened to your twortteshimtta drown into smrrt chemise dress home dressmakers dream to sewno mung problems Whip llup in cottonahecks solidsYin our easyPrinted Pattern PrIMedPettern 4695 Misseg Size b1244 16 18 20 Size 16 hikes yards 35mm Printed directions on each pat tern part Easter necurale Sand FIFTY CENTS 50¢ In culns stamps cannot be accept ed for this pattern Phase prlnt plainly SIZE NAM ADDRESS smn NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS era of The Barrie Examiner Pat tern Dept 60 Front Street Tomnto of Oakville spent the holiday and the Brahms of Barrie spent hle and wk one hits zu VWe welcome our two new tee chem Miss Hack His Crawtord of South Simon In Hosptul Mrs John McNult tan patient in Penetang hospital nanotva Recent visitors ntthereclory were Rev and Mff Crelg ot Millbraokr and Mrs Giggeypt Easement Back min North nay NicksEllsmerC ts home after spending the surnnier near North anMeNutt spending sever onto Her sister Mrsu Cooperre turnedwflh Vherr spend some tlmcw Mr and Mia Berg Castan and Miss Bettynspentfxa yznt the At Perry Sonnd Mr and Mrs ErhastCneton Thursday at Parry Suund Buck Tommy Don Ellsmere returned tothe New at Cornwallis nnMonday From Toronto Mr and Mrs Henry Bates end children of Toronto vlsited Mn and Mrs Lewte Cher on Friday WeekendVlsit Miss anel Hurst of Parry Sound spent the weekendwith Mrs Addison Mr and MrsJosenh Elhmere weekend With Mr and Mis Chor Ies Ellsmere POULTRY EGGS WANTED mghest Market Prices Paid murman racking cm Phone 77W ALLISTON Our tinck willed vou DON HAverd sm Ihllx YOUVE iris DIPPItilGLIilxy Is JrLLEo LJ 513 vs ON Bnusm Ill wow Run on IF up ammo moms on VCtEANUPAFTER ihix Goes on may III OUVA FINER umer ore GI as rvriuwr anelvmussylsMISSI or Edgergend THEW rneukeo aer IN NOW WHAT 01D DO YODAY TO MAKE YOU ITS NOT WHAT you DID urs WHAT