x85 and they 94th Ymr+No 99 pard hhs had to open new classrooms dditional nine teachers rGeorgc Longstatie school Boards Secretaryireasur or id The Board e$pects the enrol ment of public schoolchildren to climb in excess of 2100lle and groupot maintenance men have been busily tackling the last ute administrative and mainiem anceproblems which hhve arisen heiore school openln VMore Rooms and Theschool board its operation byadding more oms to the Oakley Park School by adding onemoregragic at the Johnson Street Séhoohwhich will Ibe teaching grade eight for the first time this he hoard wil have 94 eachers and primary special ists to manage the heavylead of students expected thsbiall Bast year thepuhlic sehoolstaii was ost teachers through resignations Cook Stree ge inde arten studentsth live on bo ides ofCook Street and east Will be atte ding the John on5treet School They will be picked up at strategic spots and hen tothe schoolby taxis sup his move is to re eve the congestion at Codrington School New up lelolicy tthe buying oi school sup plies in the downtown area is ov er The board has announced new policy of issuing supplies in the classroomsand the cos such will the deducted from a$2 to $3 scaled deposit according to the grade ondmadc by the stud ents on openingday These supplies will includezpen cils erasers rulers exercise books lodseleaf notebooks and refills Supplies not available at the schools will be drayons paste pens and such but the students will buying those supplies unless hey are asked to doso hy their teachers Outside Registration The board will be accepting re stration oi students inho live in the areas Athatlare to be offic ially annexed as January the first 1959 and they are to attend the school that is nearest their residence School officials felt that itwould he betterto accept these students now rather than the students halfway school year No fees will be charged to ther the parents or to the V851 and Innis school change will ihvolve appro dren For any student in des two under repln ing Mid Cletus is caching rad Miss Hazel eiglr 11 War the King Edward School are Mrs Pat rlclfieske North York sch 015 Jamie son of Lindsay Miss Hertta Bar tosch oi Orillia Mrs CFroom iromthe North York schools Miss FrancesFox and Miss Mary Felt ls bothrom the Allistou area and Mrs Hazel Cowan from Stroud flhe Prince of WalesiSchools naw staff persons are Mrs hidden otLarder Lake and Fronni formerly with the North hools lIillcresi will have Mrs imia Synnott and Mk5 Ronvstewarth both immature on elr te ing at ey Perk nior elassrooms will have Mrs Marshall at Midland Mrs Bell of ABarrie Miss Graham oi Sault Ste Marie an Mrs dune Meadows of Toront on their teaching staff AtCodriiigton on there he no changes AtJohnson Street School Miss Verta Marshall Qileens and primary pecialist from Torv liege Mrs Hale andMrs Lillian st will visited the gimth th Great with the largest fl were decorated So can ear in the What theparade was finally decided to tough the proarain ralh Ihmxt but it streets gtBrlngingrup the rear also playing lilting music were the guests oi honor the Barri collegiate Band seated onthe in the parade Both than floats donated by Cook Qqnstriietion and Hood Transport by the Band vinlage and new corn rciai vehicles andlloats made the reetjot the procession tstanding among iheee was the rig Kennel Club contribution oblivious of the general mentwe 1h dogs on this 15 inc live thousand cents ed the main streets end inter gatherednt Queo Park for the trucks and floats headed by its way through the town 40000 people ind in competition with l7otheibands Later they playeda secondnumber Love Peril quite appropriate it would waszth mgs tmilma sight hav ï¬ver accusmid Mr ont know how our hand kept stay butlt did Grant Mayor president of the Barrie Chaniher oi Commerce ofï¬cial homecoming estate Band on Monday night voiced the pride at the commun ity in their achievement abroad They have hecome not only Iterltntionally but world lamous Prime Ministers Letter Frank Higginson chairman oi the Barrie Distri Collegiate Board expressed thepride of the board in what tiic young mus icians have achieved and extend ed the congratulations of the board both to the hand and Mr Fisher trip like this must have the effect of stimulating anlnterest in history and geography said Mr Higginson This isone of the nest things the people of Barrie surrounding district coulddo Alderman Morrow read letter of congratulations receiiIed unexplained eitplo on de thofstorey brick house adjacent to asenrice sta eysar into his our end was standing when explosion hlewoticthe roof and sconered debris or yards around Falling slightly cuch head Elmvele fire ssde prevented the iiresprezi rig to the neanby garage The house is total lossand the damage estiniatr ed at about $10000 The pro perty was partly insur To NOW in meldoorwey just prior to thepnrada irom Prime Minister John Dietenhnker Thanks to nonorg Bn principal oi Barrie CentraiCollegiate com mented that thesuccesses the The Band Without douht come to hear the now tional renowned BarrieCollegiate Bandand they had not long to wait th brief introduetloh by their conduct Fisher they piaye the identical march which wéri tint class honoraSu Aug 17 at Ker krade stadiiim Onthatroccasion they played and mamhedrhefore span Sound wi11heugm ed Limmediateiy advised Neville Keefe general manager or the Georgian Ba ment AsSocintion Mr Keeies statement of the Association over therpast ear llowsr Vln the fell eralr manager Bay evolop Wonk done by theDevelupment Kill ne a1though these arealr dyIQovered by G90 the Parry Sou of the work Hand ndaléved entailed flols of hard workplots of energy all11d aelï¬t donntiouv from Elnwale District High School Mayor Willard Klnzie in his Eand lays CNE TomOrroyv Th Barrie Collegiate Band Iw ampete in two new classes at the ONE tomorrow in their annual trlptowlal national laurelsi Entered in class nmhe five for high schools and col legintes the Band will play against the Londfln Catholic Central entry Inthe secnndopen chat lenge class the Band will compete against eightbands the military try several brass EIWPF Described as very contus iugand impossible thinghy Band Director Fisher gt thevsecond event canrhe eom paredto judging of horses tn theeame class Mr Fisher states there will complaints new matter whnt the result but that the Baldwin gothrough with now that they are entered large to gt nthesportsfleld ntthe west entraneevoi them The Bandwill play at 130 nooanns inhumane Conegietc Bend president xe celVES the beautiful new trophy 1romMeyor Willard Klnzi remarks prior to making the pre sentntlon ofthe $100 trophy on behalf of thecommunity spoke of theiame and honor the band had brought tothe nation ndto the town by their prowe He re erred to alejtterj hieh cyhad broughtjack fro the Burgoi masterot Kerkrade which lesslonsl oboe player in Toronto Whovuavelled as assistant con 111 band the chap tremendous en Me learned from Mr Fldhe World Mus Contest and contrib uted for great deal in the poseof llhe festivalto create worldwide sphere of iunderstan ing and brotherth We are thankful for their presence and in our hospitality wevsee service inretu for the hospitality of youreountryv for thousands at uDutehmen among whom were 4150 nhab itaanJï¬ ourth Therefore we again in 41962and assurethe Barrie Collegiate Band be an honored guest jat Ker thej National roan assure you tonight that indeed they have been good an hassadors for Barrie and canad On beheld of llh the Mayor presented the Band pres ent Douglas ena ï¬ne trophy to the nds great sucess at th World Music Festlt ivalatKerlaadeu ii commum ty Called tothe microphorile Mr Fisher said he fouudi to eirpres thegratitude seltrior all that had cult Windsor In partic asa geography lesson tTcelsflWere than it is here tonight and with its fields of snow and the shore most forbidding and it belongs to ey experienced gee Speaking mac Mr many greaterbands than the young Barrlegroup The City of Munich had hand Which think you could ï¬nd the nullMont ant There were also many orch tras competi better than the ands Injparti uiar there was Youth Orchestra froszreel hich scored 390 oinls ut of $60points lght Seeing The grouip saw the heroin scars of Live oolstill ble aï¬ter 14 years sited Warwiek Castle Shakespearelandand Oxtford In London pore moment was lled wi tours Hamrpton court of Londnnf3the slaughter of England Castle ylhey made the BBC and played rt Victoria Embank They oure and went by bus to russeis stop niroute atx Vimyfmdge up found her the Vim two please