xnuammueanuua baby Ion were mun their onb tall Ilr and Mn Rupert lie netted Wednesday aunt Mn Jock VWIOI Many Flowere sum Aut mm on loodIttend Recent vlrlton with Mr and gt Mn Wesly Johmton were Mrs Ainsworth ol Pétexhoro Mrs Wicks ol Hidllnd and Mn Ellis also at Midilnd Kr and Mrs Robert Burke 01 To ronto Mr and Mrs Ed McGrldy and children Anton Mlilr Aleo Mr and Mrs NeilKen nedy and family of Minesin have been holidaying and amp ins on Mr Johnstons farm bor daring Highway 93 Ellsworth Beers oi Barriewlll be the speaker at Hillsdale Un ited Ohureh on gnug at Mr and Mrs Rupert McGnih attended the memorial at Vasey on Sunday Mrand Mrs Don Thompson visited with Mrs Thompsons parents Mr and Mrs randon at Moonstone on Sunda Also Muster Whyne Boyd spent few holidays with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs D1Thompson Mr and Mrs Wesley Johnston and Osborne visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Edward Me Grady at Anten Milli Quite number attended the memorial service in Hillsdale United chureh and alsoat the cemetery on Sunday Visitors wtllr ML and Mrs Herb White on Sunday wereMr= and Mrs George Merritield Danda and wayne ers Isaiah Ga ener ot ltocklyn out and est Plummer wan Mr and Mrs Johnston Wayne and Brian visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Allan Johnston Saskntehe service Clnlnrio Hydro Chairman lorries IDunron Princess Morgorel the mural in the Information Centre oi the leekNiagara Generating Station No Her Royal Highness was received at power plant by M7 and Mrs Dunean wud were ther Ijietles at ream bender Micky or red and no gt new variety fMargaret shows Roynl Highnesa Commissions Sir Adorn time Mrs Switner 15 the tornr er Jean Spring oi Stroud The United WA and W5 will meet Vatthe home at Mr and Mrs RoyGoodtellow next Wed nesdny afternoon Aug 21 at two oclock The spakerwill he Mi Beth Huddleston Reg who will be leaving shortly to take south America The United Chumh Sunday morning rviee was conducted by Mr Elliott of Barrie who chose for the theme of his splen did sermon ilhings Old and New Lambert of Bar up missionary work in PIHNSMCK Painswick Community Centre and day camp are holding bake sale at Big Bay Point Aug at 10 oclock nenr Fishers store opposite Breeze Bar Wedding Anniversary Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Clnrles Hawkins who re cently celebrated their 40th wed ding anniversary sang beautiful solo Next Suri day Dbputy Reeve Les Cooke of Barrie will conduct the service nouxfratn was BANN or The Trail Rid ers of the Canadian Rockiesn shearold association is to lnake tour rides this summer in the Mount Assinlhonc area Vegetables included thlnitleberrles goo rdes green or ripeiasp pies eeriyy hue at 86c has nd Transparents at 60c Vegeuhles reesomhly priced werehutter beans 15C qt or we basket potatoes 40c cucumber Sc and somefat for 10¢ rmnll sherkina $125 hanket ailverxkin onions box 25 sweet corn 45o dozen sage savory and dill in hunches Eggs Chickens Eggs were his business in range from 25c lor pécwees to 58¢ lar Jumbos Chickens were choice Spring nullele not only or trying but 50 large enough for roosting were We lb draer Baking rln baking special treat was large wild mspbcrry pic at 55¢ smartestaluminum Dohsonl accident in being but i°mmï¬$dgm mun lymided HOP Ill flu 11 MM and the harvest will he feeling Ill risk run mu on no weather Mr and Ellis vitited been very volable this year you couu wuv nus at PouvcOITl or $100 Government Bond See him on wesrsnu THEATRE en BARRIETV on cnenmr mu HONEY Everyon mm aaltdmo nourintiing gumnggiï¬ï¬lï¬flmmm cusnnvnru Honor nurrsn mnï¬ am it chnrv Bur PM b4 11 mm Irma 350nlldm wtu unto mi dulotl todl bNTARlO wath Murray Brian End rie assisted the choir and also Bernice Johnston of Wyevale were holiday Visin with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Wa ley Johnston whoop At Goheen Reunion George Goheen attended the Guheen reunion at Elora Park on Aug 17 Mrs MaeDorrald of Toronto is visiting Mrs Adan at the par somge Mrs Edith Reynolds To ronto spent over Sunday at Neil son Reynolds The Late Mr SWltzer Mr Switzer died in Toronto on Sunday morning The funeral service was held onTuesday wnh interment in Stroud Ceme 051 tery Sympathy goes rout to PHONE PA 377 Mrs Snrltzer and son at this at 945 arm now RENTING 13meHEHBTMENTSI Situated inZBarries Fixttstsgiiltieetllllhrea and Featuring LShaped Living and Dining Areas aï¬ective January1a1959 Coloured Tile Bathroom Frig and Stove in Each Unit Outside Balconies and Bedroom Suites from $9500 rAmple Parking Area Most of the bedroom suites are spoken for so please act quickly if interested On endgaftcr January Commission wiiibe the only agency offering standard ward hospital insurance in Ontario No private insurance company or prepayment plan willotfer beneï¬ts ciovcring standard ward hospitaikservicm after Dccembc 311958 rnonn WM mum owns urn rn woos PREMIUMS The low premiums of $2le3 month for single person and $420 amonth for the family husband yvite and children under age19aro madepossibic through extensive ï¬nancial contributions by the FederaMnd Provincial Governments ALL RESlDENTS 0E ONTARIO jAREELlGlBLII Enroimentis open to every resident of Ontarioref gardless of nge or phyricul conditioneither through group or individually on aPayDirepl oasis Nonresident al0nlqrio dream eligible rvvrucrtor reinsecinssrrlcnrlous nae You of prof ssional 1Kré ouemllioyedwher there are tvc craft or more1neiudrpgthe employ If en him Pinker You ample us enfolfyo by August Ifnumber or 2510 not pply to you checie 31 1953 and beginpayments in December With your organization to determine it Ms 1958 ur employ will register gtasva collector forits members Group applcations must beiubyAugust 311958 gt you nrtcgwl eligible raider or3 you nr lvnsnriJnd Id 11 dud pay pfclt duals applying for PayDirect gt September 30 nvnilnble ha or the Paul in ban in your em ll bereq atibnbeforebeneï¬ become av one months gr ab For sample about residentapplyi rnbisleredrprmrjo Fe ill thave pro elf ti alcove beneï¬ period gt