TaylorvBldstow wedding The 12th line lot Sunnlflo in at present re of many the no line having peed nulde Mn Robert Bowman and Mrs Dollar Suynar were Sundayylnltors with Mr and Mehrlnne Mrjond Hrs Lewis Cookispenl thMr and Mrs Curl returned hamenm Slin ving spent thelr vacation Mr and Mrs Torn Bristow 0n Saturdaythoy atten gt Attend Reunion Mr and Mrs Ivan Harvey Roger and Mumy attended the Armstrong reunion on Sunday at Springimtcr Park Midhurst Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Harvo Atkinson were Mr and Mrs Ralph Watson of Sharon Mr and Mrs Lloyd zardot Newmarket and Row and Who drank ii the KISI temptIna Zesty tangy Kilt lemon Lima is the light bright refreshment youll dellqht ln Try some lodoy youll find its real family favourite OriililKist leuylgu Ltd IZS Dunedin Street Olilila Ontario It FREE IIeltér Natural Gas NE Don mi fllbN¢IIulfll mWest Annex ed this mode r°m as Home lhnt any Nothing to Vugyl iiiails oiliiili ANAoiAM NAiIONAL ExnlislrioN tomin iington is spendingher holidays plainly the meeting Scï¬ptufh Mv FREE Monrnn lionr ON so Foor lOTCOM HE LAlEST GAS APPIJANCES liiiuiiiiiiiis stilling within Ind In John Blncie Mr and litMoe were Monqu evening visitor with Mu8eeler Ind Mohe lane LWasnga BuchJ salmonm Mn WAlien we hostess Luke Womeol ln nWednerday evening Rol cull Dor and rough mblejideas Motto One reé willnnk million hatches Mt one mic will destroya million heel was ably given by MrsJoh nhli program on lire protection while Mrs Ralph Morgan gave current events transom Mr and Mrs Howard Brandon are spending some time at Boh oaygeon with their daughter Mrs James Scrogle and Mr Scrasie Recent vlsitors with Mr and 4159 Mrs Clitiord orter were Mr yew and Mrs Eugene Warrlner easyZtmsew Iuni Use and Mrs Toil all at monk sited sucks scraps tor Peterbom MissOlivo and Alvin clothesgatraw yarn for train pm Sykes 01 Orlllll and MrsA teln 7004 irections for two sock Buchamn oi Hamilton doll clothes recent vnsltor wllh Mrs ï¬wFIVE CENTS James Orr wasMiss EiencRodg fï¬fï¬ï¬ piuepn sigmpg H0935 Wh 59 50 cannot be accep ed to The Barric hohdays With her aunt Examiner Household Arts Denim Miss nlly Cochrnne of llur 60 ant Stay Toronto Print NAME ADDRESS PAT here TERN NUMBER Mr and Mrs James Cochrnne Se mmng CENTS ot Burlingtonj vlsllcd itlrlr mme maggotpr ourgum daughterSally ï¬nd Mlerorl Brooks Ncezllecralt Catnlogue the weekend MS mes On Two complete patterns are print was home from North Bay to ed right in the book plus WiEkflli variety of geslgns that you will msMean want tour ercrochet limiting Tllc WMS meeting was held at amrï¬ï¬ry hunk wenvvng qums tho home at Mrs lbert Thomp y3 son Origin onTucsdaf utter noon wit nine ladies attendln irom Hillsdalc Mrs Herbert Goddard opcned Annual Flower Show ln Mrsohnstons 0n Ahguat20 Verpra Horti absence with silent prayer ilhe cultural annualtlower show in the theme wa Harvest aMrs Rob shippingsheds at therlteiorestry ert Martin gave the scripture Station All the directors are ask reading and also gave two readed tocome the night lioioro to logs on Harvest prepare for the show Mrs Albert Thompson gave an Centre Vespra Anglican Church interesting mission studyread ladies are serving refreshments in ing on thrce lives Roll call was the eveningIThere will he lucky answered by harvest verse of ticket draw fora hamper of gm caries Mrs Rohert Martin thanked Please have all membership Mrs Thompson tor the kind in ken inabeime the shim VMi 3Y9 thejmnmand Those who have éntoréd the social hour was enJoyed by all aural Home lmprovemen Pro l= ject arid the church beautiï¬cation contest hailbettor put the finish be along anytime to judge It the 3judging is not completed by next week the awards will he given out at the October meeting We will see you all at the show The school flower arrangement contest beginsl at 730 Pamela of Montreal ll ing touches on Mr MacLaren may Mr Don Crawlord Miss Connfo Fletchérf went the weekendat Dunkirk NY Mr and Mrs ltddol Toronto are holidayi at their summer horn we ll Ilarkgandlamlly month on the West coast endvislted Mr and Mrs Irwi McMahon Mlssklcln Krear Torr Geraid Dolph Sudhury pie at days with nd Mrs Edgar Johnston Mr and Mrs Do LeGtand rot St Anne do Bellevuc Quebec if ted sisters Mrs Crampton and Mn and other relativesln Mrs daughter oi Lacknwanna N51 visited Mr and Mrs Johnstonfand attended he In son rcunianyat 0pc Pork Mr and Mrs Frank ill and week in Jamestown NY Mrs Andersonfol Toron spent aicw lays Micklcston all her summer here Mrs Anne Reid visitiï¬g Mr and Mrs John Pugslc Croit spent Montreal Kingston and Peteiboro travoil along the Seaway Mr andMrs cccilMcuod and week in Ottawa Miss Jean Hopkins of Allandelo were also visitors with Mr Add Mrsgfll Johnston Mr and Mrs George Mi tor are spending week with and MrsiCmmpion and sl Mr on Mrs James Mrs Harry McCunlg who has been in Barrie hospi lywlth broken hip islnrsnurslng horn Eonth rie has boon visiting with gher daughter Mrs Charles Schoiield Also visiting withithem ls their grandson David Miller of Angus The kiddies of Coiwell are om ing alongnicely with thei minglessons our Westvlnnu gt gt tollsdum Builtin Shlpnlinn ud Compute with ad Iolnlna garage Nolulnl Gui martini Inga Gn you deal wi spool gt problem peoplewho understand your epdtnnd who can give you oneday on will load lilissBaltarlGray spent the Weekendat Tfldenllflhfl at Toronto returned nttenspend Mrs Tod Robinson nnd Bill Hunt at Stratlnrd spent cow ke Brady and grand laid and Mr nnd Mrs Edgar sons xblluncd MIR spendlnéj lighter Bill Prophetr Mrsr Howllrd Prophet and Mr and MrsGerry Miss mthvr Ryan ot0rillia and in Qrillla Mrs Charles Simmons at Bar rr SAYS new TRAY WIFE WAIAKS FWE MILESA DAV Dome HER House WOQK AND SHOPPING 5NDIT 5m HERHOUSEWï¬ THAN TAKES YO on sixresumes 2255 AN AW Am wASNING mo IFRONllx A$ cu Enemy TAKES Srtdv LINGA rm