mmxxsoumudulihpu sink Sii TI EXAMan so leNflNï¬ at hut 9th and In M1 at tended Lilianaair mics Sun 1be the ram min at En manner Broth Chm Keith Wood took pin IIIjibe Ill LunaY at Barri spent the weekend otythehome of Wood comm MINER PRINQ1NB P80 ï¬g fIuh are you little short this month Mastic us have months when we are little short oi ready cash to pay bills buy new clothes take weekend trips meet medical expenses orfor other worthwhilepurposcs If you can use some extra cash right now collSEABOABDypurlendingneishborl ethos $50 to $3000 mm ur so as MONms 110 gramm TRANSPORTATION FINANCE COMPANY or CANMA on co LTD i4i no or 51 EAST BARRIE 31 PliltElhNG sroEEr rA 85941 PHONE PA 66477 jlnniims Banana andother small or it on Rivetinsoles monu ously pass the Houses of Parliament in ndon England Behind are Westminster BridgeLSeotland Yard and govern out and commercial offices along the embankment The House of Parliament as they today date from 1850They replaced the earlier Palace 01 Westmi star which was burnt down 16 years previously London From The Themes Panorama01d and Now By PENELOPE rvniNo For hundreds of years the river Thames was the chief high way of London Today it brings shipping from all ports oi the uhmmmmum ONE BLOCK FROM PUBng SCHOOL AND NEW HIGH SCHOOL OVER 100 Rooms comm AND SOLD SINCE 1955 IN 1957 CROSLEY ooNsmUCrION 31mm NEARLY 25 of all Homesm The Town of Barrie shampoo seven seas to the greatestpnrl in the world but in the post it was not only the route of foreign ambassador and trader but also the main arteryoi the citys local trafï¬c Kings and queens were rowed along it in their royal barges state prisoners found itra way of sorrows to the dark arch of Traitors Gate and the grim Tow er at London eourtiers and noh les trovelled along it from one great private paiace to another and thousands at hiiinbie citizens were ferried across and up or down the river on their everyday business It is the very heart of Londons history unchanging ut alive lapping the piers of 20th eentury bridge and embankment as it flowed past the Roman builders of Londinium nineteen hundred years ago During the simmer months passenger launches will take you on short trips up andvdown the river for few shillings and there is no better way of se ing the panOrama of Londonjlpast and present They start from Westminster Pier just below the northern end of Westminster Bridge and only Jew yardsiroin the Abbeythe Houses of Parlia ment and that tall fatherly clock tower whnse chimes are known by radio the world ov Downstream ls Greenwichy once royal palace later home for naval pehsioners now the Royal Naval College and home of the National Maritime Museum The launch swings roundhnd opposite are manufacture great digniï¬ed modern building at County Hall administrative cenv tre London County Couné Then ust belowtheglasswalled river front of the Royaliestivnl Hall legacy oi the 1951 festival musical life To the north iies thehigh yie toria Embankment built is CANDYJVIAKBRS SI More Ihan 200 pounds of fondant fudgepeanut brittle and other candies are made by local women each year for the Lockes Fair of Britain and hiib of londons said with granite from the little islandof Lundy oft theDevon coast Aboye it stand out the great blocks of ShelLMex House and the Snvoy Hotel and then unexpected yet ï¬tting perfectly into its surroundings the tall stone column known as Cleopa tras Needle sent from Egypt in the 19th century Ahead lies the graceful Waterloo Bridge ceom pleted during the last world war All this is modern London built on thefoundationsflt the past but below the bridge is the Temp on the leithand north bank is has been the home of the legal profession since the 14th century but before that it was foundation of the Knights Templar hence its name old London Bridge was covered with houses and shops and its narrow arches held upthe cur rent so that in severe winters the river froze nd fairs wore held on the icebut the present bridge dates from the 19th century Be low it on the north side is Bill ingsgate Londons great ï¬sh mar ket and the Old Customs House which has heard so manyhairl raising sea stories from the cap tains of the past lsthe beginning of their Londbn centre of the port to whieh spe cial shorter river tripsrun Most striking of all Thames slde buildings is the Tower of L0 don great castle dating from iam the Conqueror which stands foursquare defying time on the north bank and looks all the more grim in con trast to the ildren who play on mula linited CoOpetatievs shahiike your owhsim only interested returning more proii th are in btainingihelterr ultsthan ompel your next lltter of next calves on Coop on Co pHog ng Program ce in both Dairy and real gt iisfyoii dohthaye to co sssls roiit you at info Teal your farm ALAN nacNauonroN LibV eral member for Montreal Mont Royal celebrated his 55th birth dayln Juily bybecoming the ï¬rst Oppositionmember in Capadi parliamentary history to be ed chairman of standing co manscommittee BrugressiveCon seriative ichnrd Bell nominated him as chairinan of th public ac counts committee the heachbeiow AAnd so to Tower Bridge and the heart of doeklandrWapping wlth the picturesque old inn Prospectof Whitby lookingout across tlie ï¬ver the the site otExecutionDock where ates wer hanged in chains Lim house Dogs and the tho andyea istoryJie along the route of this 50mlnute voyage The Thames in all its moodsj easute ouse of old and new to dignity oi Gree ich tart 10 years ag ARK ENLARGED EDMONTON OPWaha1num Lakeprovincial park popular pie njie and boating area 451 miles westoi Edmonton has been en largod by 80 acres to 600 acres Wilsllll Billlnlllii DIBEcTflllY Corner smite Fred Grant Sq Barrie Ontario BARRlE EXAhiiNEn um Printers and Publishers SmrSONssEAns LIMITED WILSON osriizornrnic CLINIC Lira INSURANCE INDUSTltlAL ACCEPTANCE corr LTD NlAGAllA FINANCE co no minis Nnnoimir AND WRIGHT Acenuntants imniiinicnnivinnn or commence rEniriN Dentist names LEADING BusiNsss BLOCK lsv 02 4mm 82293 vs wellLsealed home is axth coin ortable home and you may cut your heating bill as much as hall with linequality properlyinstill edistorm doorsand windows our eXperienced staff will call at our homemeasurc your Vdoorsandwi ows fland give you detailed estimates for cus tom huilt storm doors and wiu dows either in finest quality Wood on aluminum There is no obligation whatever on your part Qualitysiorm doorsland windows save you money and add to the smartness of your home we oan supply and install weather stripping we cAN ARRANGE PLANNED Buoorfr ms ON ALL Your Hons Winter Weather will soon he here storm doors and windows will be needed yetieddy now Supermarket phone on 842496 hum Weih is ALWAYS ream