Homin old McQuIy ma iamliy Dr ind Mra flotsamMr and Mr leek streahorn and inmily all otTor onto Mrs Streoborn and lead of swimming June suehorn and Ross Sutton oi Barrie ers Ames is spending thil week with her dough Mrs Smith at Marys Lake near Huntsville gt Weekend visitor with Mrs Abe Truox were Mr and Mrs Altred Truax and tarnin olJoronto Mr and Mrs RaymondBriana of Barrier Mr and Mrs Dielen baker and flanin of Herpeler Fred Johnson In Willowdaie spent few days with Mr and lira Morris Darby Mr and Mrs Paul Eplett Tor onto visited at James Truaxs Mr and Mrs Doug Adam and children visited Mr and Mrs Adams Mr and Mrs Allard eynolds Morrlsburg spent holiday with Mrs Thomas Re olds Mr and Mrs Paul Lnlonde vis ited Mr and Mrs Eric Reynolds and Mrs Drinkie Miss Bonnie Ereneh Cooksvllle Witteni Prise nian wentto the Ivy en Canadian nheeiwers attho Con tereoce Interwnrlimnenhry Un on at Rio de lineiro heldlthe at week of July Senator Dmimult Quebeedilheral was the other Canadais not menr her at the union founded in 1888 wherethesGuides are camping this week Mr and Jim Cole vlslied Mrs Michael McBride at Pattons Nursing flome Stoyner on Sun day afternoon Mr and Mrs Allen Miller and Mr and Mrs Jock Ellis spent couple of dayawith Mr and Mrs Mattlnrks and family at their loveiy cottage onLittle Beaver Lake near Minden try Strand and Boston and Vuf coo Wino no nuirrert noh Thirteen tables or euchrennr arrlved in good tlme inthe av log and dancingjrounded out luli day of sport with Paul Emms orchestra supplying the muale Miss Dianne Rodgers ind Miss ery Ellis nurses intralning at Royal Victoria Hospital Bertie were weekend visitors with Marys plrentsddr and Mrs Jaelt Ellis Mr and Mrs Cecil Denny and sonvisited few days with Mr and Mrsmhck Ellis Mrs Thomas New Lowell vis ited on Mondoy with her dough ter Mrs Mervin Dotson Girl Golden ï¬lmy Hm The Girl Guide from Toronto and Mount Dennis are camping for week at theNehbrook 01 course onrnesday they had prograsive meal They had soup Larrys apend Bass Lake Mr andMrs Wlliia Mr and Mn Lloyd TheIIipson ondMr and MreChIrlle Thomp son and family all or were weekend visitors and Mrs Gordonjhomp Mr and Mrs George Lockhrt andvtanuly are spending this wee at Mr and Laverne Duttys Ottawa if 1he annual Field Day held on August was good success with perfect dry and good crowd Sympnthy Entwdted The heartfelt sympathy ofthe village goes to Vliired Townes in the loss at his mother Sunday night Mr and Mrs James Taylor and floodkl lend Only Cootldlnnnwnd IdahoCI sw ilflfldfloumiow 1V9°Plisneh53°ï¬h PhonetPA 85548 =krlnlurentacai sï¬rsul visited her grandparents Mr and Diane McMnster 0mm aka may ï¬lmed Mme Wednesday GREEK Mrs Owen French week wim1riems st Mrs Borden Jennetts amide after spending the past fweel TRANSPORTATION ML and mm mm Ema Miss Vi01McM so cream coke and milk at wtth Mr and MrsVWsrren Tuy co LTD Smiths Falls spentthe weekend on holidays with liloWont Everyone seemed or at Boston where they took with relatives Gilbert and Donald to enjoy it There were 16 ehls Misses Evelyn Marilyn and net 31 PENETANG sneer Verna Hoslrin Toronto spent Mr and Mrs Ear Leeand him under legdership Mi 539 iOin their intent5 18 8594 the holiday with her father iiyniimontbii5 Alto and Mr ohd kW5 mmdwm 1° NEW Hoskin MrsKinlz minorier and Mrs andMrsFlinns helpers Mrs Mount and 5011 Albert Clive Brooke and family Ham New Threshlng Machine UTOPM Mr and Mrs Hector lurnhull Mr and Mrs Hervey Turnhuil and Gary and Mrs Davidsonapent day with relatives at Minden last week Mrs Davidson stayed over to spend this week with her daughter Mrs Roderick Ward Mrs Boynton and sister at Fer llton are visitors this weekend withthe Cliff Campsflls Mr and Mrs Cockweli and son and friends of Hamilton are on holidays with Mr anders John Mason Annual Sports Day Once ogain the bigCivic Holi BordenJennetthaspurchaseda new thrahlng machineand is busy threshing wheat Lovely nownponr rhere W851 lovely downpour of rain here Wednesday night it was sure needed and will do lot of good gus are holidaying with their sister Mrs Bell Mr and Mrs Roy Lister and Brianr Sudhnry Glenn McCann and Miss Sandy Goodwin of Del hi were with the McCanns over the Civic Holiday weekend Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis and gamin and dtwï¬ carloads of Jhali Ro ans enjoye ie Co umhus ets Toronto ball game Sunday after bPTOMETKIST lt noon tr Members of the Unitedand An STEPHENSONS 13m glican churches were guests at FOR APPOINTMENT Girl Guide camp service Sunday PHONE PA 201 night athichbrook Golf Course uisejzthe Serviéésirof Windshieidareats ear window area rTotai ndowareéisq uldetLroom yiusd lrcylindenironthrnkeé ndependentp ngbrak harden