fogsnueegmvnunn aux IrSï¬vwzurrmwuam night in The Barrie many leatrot cheaper ears oa hm MI mm wmwwugmbnmtmv Snehoxhoheldthemymeuto suhlmthreeoithemhyllm mum Mwhthmulthnot For cor amino manner title entitled inn vould youneusiubutbownum Viththreovhllfllcklllulnd 831m lL NW crummy counts wu look Waltonhidtyï¬euh wihe article lntima that the another tutor the ï¬sh Who pltchai tell for Point lt are mamas Wm MW erman were at we do not hum Wm of $191113 aim llive hits walk and three errors 37 00 then 40mm dtdtlcardatl ionic gos lift 239155333 flaw IWM II III waging there onIISIlIhdayaIeeI more in Worth12 the equiv uy outinthiaeumnnnr 39 v5W thls article anoint you the read hr ï¬rmed IXI the perhthlrowill an you own munm ile his WW is 9° 49 Wï¬lmmggmflug new suommow in the Worldcmllahthe same spot add one II or en Whoever deteriorate the twohve uonhe1uckrrhere Meet V°F°9es by or mmqu 33 $3133 IIIhiremm roinc when the production 01mmtheanblemehtoichoncethat ï¬shlbas meanelthe ginkin la ï¬sh will be waiting lor bait RetUrHIGame angera oy 00 ust when allow presents slick wind twintht or that lust happens to be Dixie an ldles libii me holidays wm raort of dtstincuon there when he presents his bail tum who $1 Vésexilbluotfgmg 33 mvd up nu there here Let us examine this paragraph quite closely The inference we gained was that the catching or largedtish on anything but flyrod equipmentwas no thrill We heartily disagree We admit that the art of fly ï¬shing is indeed an art hut oniho other haiid we hasten to point out that you do thrill landing ï¬sh We could say that the only neopie who really enjoy the thrill di motoring are thaso who drive Cadlllat or llncolns We all know that this if not lrlle or We an now am my seem with Vance Willows at madam bite oï¬ceï¬lln hm belt mm tomorrow in Queens Park are one other if certain location at ca of the crack teamsnl the Toronto tain times mpmvfl that umy tree at present tied for second do vary their diet Wedo like place intheirleague Last week to match wits with game ï¬sh 31235 PM In mm Ema them in Dixie and surpris That is why we are not Dyedln ed them um mums 10 thewool flyï¬shormen We be vlcwry mid 53 PM Prove iieve that ï¬shing with any kind my may we 1de by sen not have to hear fly ï¬sherman of equipment can be and is ï¬ll punlidence in the ï¬rst meeting Willows had theltnoo ronta vlsiieYI to enjoy real sport and great art and are determined to go all out We quote again Ally lishIer to take this one Varcoes of oourse man seeks to land the largest He just as ermined to possible ï¬sh on the smallest pas ihle fly one poundtrgutmay thus give him aï¬niuehperonal satisfaction as atrolling rodfan 1y believe that it is doeslt mat ter what means he angler em ploys as long asitis sporting base olehint double hySam draSprlnz who had tulle pinch inthcpreviouo Kearneys oHerln over= the ï¬rst aixinltings except for two homers one by not Exell lnthe second the other by Mimi with one on base in the fourth However in the seventhrthe mm aqd evenlnzat Fred Mtcanu mpand Mufltayhluir ofBarrle werevlsito at Arnallf ofBirrle recent visitors at ckMoCan other are thetinder wgia first three batters White Phn everyone Would buy one of these gains mm ewpounderg and iegai and he is enjoying hlm Exell Iand Parlor singled Wll two cars insteado one 01015 ï¬ne you men 5pm gel son walked Miller1 norlflcgzd ï¬shemhh Ide tenmound We must come to the conclu Berthclotte dwbledand Woman trouton unwound he sion that whoever wrotethls par erred on Joglgins ran to first Showroom lawlcssmetailie Inlrhwlthfperlect ck We know um he 15 having as tieular lrtlclo is really not true The total damage five runs lontop all red leatheri any imageWW muchfun and exercising as much angler and outdoorsman or he is customrndiawith ker dual exhaust 9km as mtï¬shemhn Wm very narrowminded gt and3mg do heueye gin whitetlrea elePosltively his which is many times the Do you remember the article nettedlhm mm 19000 guaranteed actu lmllos test that the three Ipound rnono Wbm we Emma 0m mum 0nd 3h SIN in the ï¬lament 15 Daily last fall wherein some if narrowminded selï¬sh individual IN 45 narratesthat is v4 MW 53 II weight monohlament line and could um Isee Why me Images humus and Begum Im had to he admitted to his par spinning rod and reel and thor tlcular hideaway Hillelest tom dlo al onditionln direction ll his chrome win ougth enjoyed every mm The EYE and in milegencwrcI dltlonggIthroughouiugnc ownorLtI lyuIBIII second the battle On fly our natural resources Were pm lulautomohlle rpd we couldhave played me vided for all of us who care to no man mi such he med takeIIadvIantage of them Please 810 in und By let us remcmh this There is IIIg IIflIy hvtleIiIaIIbspIIImIIg iIIIIe 016 person or group of pet IEII ADE It is the game lslIiIItroIImI 3F Whom Entmtlï¬d flux II open SOCk piEtes In HVE IIop uailiy clean Itl anano yse letysaiannar sgauon Wagon 253 zggggdhgxags gï¬Ã©lgch men who believe that theirs 15 WE I10 jle patterns h¢°lmnllm° Some withautomatic trans the only way to have their fun In their hadJib bEIrlng 0II mission and dimAll in top we Em 70d but let us also not forget that 19 final Standings 90mm 3° gondiiionu ifllllyl equipï¬edM ï¬gulil all flailing PPM there are manyfmillions who en gt ates incude aig am no 11 18 an PHVEC tish th oil and proper ingsurance satisfaction most oiour anglers wave £355 233 1333 Rama Fatallty A150 13 HIM TUCRS in meme be 195 Em anE one of mans nobles ursuits 2i PONTIACSEDAN Nicc hrlginai light greenlinish very clean in flaring conventions 1956 BUICK SPECIA CONVERT robin eggvhlnelinish Wlthmptehillg ton blue interlorppertect VBrcnglne automatic transmissioncua Drive clean new Chevro all sizes available llngs true virtue It is sad unless irthe peoplepwho do Truck Operator Emmi Fe not have the proper attitude gt gt vcpllacrrnw leealJIEESieisieeIe eai mu about conservation and thelï¬rm Tow from JDItCh Bl We had hard time trying to heliet thatrwe are all entitled to flue soil ourselves on theimoral of doing what we want wheuwe vaiaTdiigrganmé MMhhefw 17 this ï¬nal paragraph What is want to and how we want tot the Kama mad 5s aTlllilel SEWICG nglings étrue virtue Is it not So pause let us not gohon mile mm at Amer 121 get on into great out oors about vanishingfly ï¬s er DUNLOP PA 6M landImach Will Wiley same men as though it wasaa great gigmiï¬ï¬ggmn fay ï¬sh If this is soand we ï¬rm calamity It is just sign of the times good go that more peo Biggie reported hat 3m ooaditionlng ireelloniightarexcepiiunhliy oodvx gt Iioaicondltion gt tr 951 BUICKSPECIAL SEDAN Lovelytwo tone grey and white ï¬nis transmission custom radio air condl ing direction ll deethread tires excellent condition throughout who owns tow truck was puii drives like new mew MW EV insNormnn oceanre Admiral Sonsuliolaal Vulue oNIY gt hegethG° $515 gm Road Max out of adiLch or ene any my thath ith aco hi mashing mesa my may read mam 3113 mm 1931 MoaarsMrNoa coAcu this column am not belittling rear of ck wheï¬ gal5611 Loply original green finish with brown leather inter ghee gentle 311 just getting the Yule hth lieWW truck and defrost direction ll his deep tread tires pie are discovering the enjoyment record straight about my stand slid downtheside of the truck an if Leoguos Now BeingAeeepted For The on minority groups being catered and nit oaksThe iweatisaï¬ï¬‚s to which llcsnnot see lot trees officers dthot Brooks was killed Talking of trees Iram sorry to see that many thousands obthem oi Pollock are being wantonly destroyed by unthinking camperSLruhhishhurn lath careless driving 1958159 SIeason We have room iorItwosmallvieaIguesI liéglsternuwto avoid disappointment have charged also AVAILABLE ers and motorists Please use your gt ash tray 10 notIsmoke while Anyone not already onia team and wishing to bowl this walking in the hush sit down season may leavehis or her name at the bowling ac and thermaklSuré that your Bdem ashes are properly extlngulshed andii you must iigh hramske sure that it safe location and that has ilioroughl when you are through Enjoy nyqnlself goo good fishing andahave al neoamop Sr Phone leiestimate 008 sportsman Ltushav some to North from the Calgary escaped near here trucks carrying them Couihoys finally found theanlmals and herded them qI tamer orral