node COLUMN of black smoke visible or many miles poured from Mlnets Point pavilion throughout yesterdays disastrous lire the third in Ask Eltllension motion by Councillurs Law and Coehrone ntthe regular meet ing of lnniaiil Council will ask that the highways depnrtment uuthorize reduction oflspeed on Highway No south irom the present and the 40 mile per hour limit to Painswick at the corner of the 13th Concession haundary line Followi the recommendation of thee ners jurylafter the Cummiug accident the speed limit was reduced to point on posite the duct the 14th line granted lwiil exténd this 40 mile pcr hourspeedlimit across the 13th Co ion to Painswick Contracto Completes South Township Ditch Thé contractor Who dug the by colincil to receiv Jll ments following an hy the township engine Wei Ihecontract called for the diggingof watercourse nnd iinnl ievelllng of the materials and Jen the ditch lgood working rder esides the wo covered ln th ontrnct the roads depart ment had some additions ditch made along their roadway the area Bridges requiredfor the public crossings on thediich have the area in recentweeks been ordered and will he placed One claimdor damages to certain lands has comeheiore council and will be handed to the en gineer for report Council thanked the contractor for the splendid manner in which he Jperlormed his obligations Councillor Cl Park Deterioratlng MrsILlrw asked that the cauni cii authorize immediate repairs to wells and equipment at the park We are allowing this properly to deteriorate or lack of spend ing necessaryiunds for proper upkeep the councillor told mem bers Thornton Beuuty Gondilds Own Defence The police court Ferric was graced with stun ng beauty in its toils when Elinor Kerr secretary tor commercial planl inharrie appeared before Mag by the OPP Two offlcers gave evidence that they had followed the car drivenhy theaccused from the junction of Highway 400 to Thornton at speedsuranging up to 85 miles per hour At street lefldlll west from Highway 27 in overh their report her end Th thelyard oi Dflle there at least the sanf make nndcolo offla car Ilheyhadnot obtained the licens en the driver to that ti Atterquestioning Miss Kerr at the house they laid charge of carelessdriving Kerr who appearedin Icool va hlpanied by Mrs Joan Garrick operator gthe haul of modell Barrie carr the vehicle which was authorizing that are ready for bay made verycleverrlub ni Iquu antlerera 1rd tioning theoï¬icers and tripped wunnlngawarthe them up making them admit that lthing that co they did not have the license even the wheels number of the cararid thatthere would réstllt could he many other cars the same make and color ln the area She claimed that althoughtho ofï¬cers stated thp taken up the chase pi she had theen home at 25 She said shewas not lnany uraentstrangemnlmn hurry but Iwaslate home rem hair ldressers She didnot deny that she had driven down the highway previous to the ol iicers coming to the door Given chance togivegther own evi dence she was crossquestioned and lost he cade then She was ncd $05 and cost and her drivers license suspend ed for onemonth am satislt fied that you wereth driver of speeds suldicient to ahe careless driving commented Magistrate Foster in ndinglher guilty Slroud Lanna quvMayorlty Eavor Following the presentation of petition in the described area covering the mtepayersconcern ed in Stroud Community Hall in which it was asked if they woul favor twmmlil rate on their assessment to cover certain ex pendl res requiredtuvmnve and he helidlwo membersjot the commltt Will mock retary on Gordon unwanted the normal per cent in flavor henturé levy The sign which were witnessed vaasers were left wit me iclotlk who will cardililty vahedk imam ibllW aria if und Wattle will be placedlhefore council olnmmlity on her ownvdefence She macros uilll te added scuttleuse uthespublicélihrw winder Central hey had ivena onetizthat lthay should not handle pludingi dogs Dog owners may verysoon take their peisandhaye them immun iized This treatment which takes ree weeks tolhecome effective means that th gs or even oth kept under ng this ner Midland Free lPressJleraldi Wet gray skies attended tTl launching otiheSea Owl inl Midland Harbor but theytailed to dampen the order oi either themvners oithe trim craft or the $0 or so persons who were present for the event Completed by MidlandBaht Workspthe Sea Owl is thelcrait in which Mr and Mrs Kenneth McNeil Wells will soonbegin tour of other waters vnuljlt the yellow plans or Oyevollorg IArrrericnnfl ncy Wenere told by ifriend who was visiting 1hc IAarea from Flor davthat he paid as highns the Wells and theGeorgian Bay Development Commission come upto expectations the ea Owl may also play large part in the economy of the area Launching oi the Sea V0wi siirper cent to have American iundschangédlooally He went to bank in name and found that the ratewzs nil5 The overcharging of discounts von these lunds wi cause many tourists to shorten their stay it is sufficientpunishment to them to have to pay anyldiscount with uthaving itgrnaAcl urethan the regular bank rat Business people should the these dollarsare valuable assat theirsummer trade and not to penai thevisltors for having cool to thearea realize Whenfr yalty Vlsl and at pIï¬J llc gatherings JGod Save the Queeni issung Have you Vwon dered about theorlgin of the tish National Anthem Many authoritlea believe that it was 31 Hall Admiuion 35c FStartl Ill3 runr strand lrunday July 14 meme Memo Plull WA Mid illst For intornlltlon and pritea phone PA 81507 lance at Butorvon ammonium 11 flash by the Pine Rldge mnch Boys at the Cudar 11mm Shelhurne Admissionzfgenls Ilse rlndies 50e Lunch counter JAngusuudle Auxiliary are having bingo July 15 Jackpot 30 now $15 and ochre on tluly422 and nine Canndlan legion ilhe draw sponsored by Barrie dull to ior unher details later Bus tour sponsored by Barrie and District Maorilo mded Childro scheduled or June 30 hasluzan July lealap Keep in mind Civ Holiday Huntley Aug 4forule manual mcnt antl anortsdiay at 1Jtnp community Workman he manor and done In the radio 30 multicultural Sccietyto James Gardens Blah ark more Gardon onie lunch Llly Haven Gardena Edwards Gahlena only Show it Hart mm rrake gt Wellington 183740 or pionlculnnall us are 3230 admission to my rhowgooc Leave otel corner day July18 Toreserve call 334543 the internatlon Great Lakes of this nllITINII 150M are IAmorioanAowned and persons 13000 more Americans with the publication or Mr WellS latest hooli Cruialng on Georgian Bay The book was the result of almoovmlle journey through the Georgiont Boy and aldngthe east shore of Lake =Hur Essentially Cruising on Georg lna Bay is practical guld to the waters of Jhe bay tale sailors smaller cratt with this formdtion supefrceding the rather skimpy data available heretofore ithe Georgian Vay Development Association hopes to hire much laiger share of the American and Canadian water tourist trade to these shores Itis estimated 85000 pieasure craft ofothe crulser type reregistered 9th sides of ways The 1000mllc1ripjn he fly ll ncv Cleav handtranslater it discover for the English hant National na terre de nos aleux ront estceint de neurons meaning composéd diy mm John Bull or ganlstht Antwerp Cathedral 131 1628 The original manuscript preserved this heautlfulhis toric huildlng There are some Bay Point ac icomp Mrlngoldshy of Ith atepayers committee iorthat are present at the council meeting last lldondy to have on Is orationitak lot on expropria OWL nodded as 584 pages with print so mall ha Who contend that Henry Carey who wrote the music for Ton histoire restuun vepopee Des plusubriiliants exploits rEt ta valeur defoi trempee Protegera foyers eL nos droitsl enatinnal anthern in 1740 tor the Birthday ofj corge didgnot but also composed the htndormal anquet the toast do Her Majesty rs always the first drunk The holds his glass high fqra mment before nit sips tl and 1400 more Canadl nscould mm carnlr vbe lured to the Georgian may arch It is contended to spend 900 each If 0000 more came her dollars revenue Ah 000 wouldaccrue iromvthel400 Canadians who spend an average of around $250 eac This $3350000 to he sneezed at without conscientious effort the men behind the Georgian Bay Associationfelt when Mr and Mrs Wells cidetito tour the Waters and book the Georgian Bayng opment Asso tionbecame re ly intereste otherwise partl ment of Travel and Publi ltyelso provided assislanc in practical less flfll 5774 WMMTSE All same my Hun more has been ntad asslsiantvulea manag ntlthc new and used oar de pahmont of Dangerï¬eld Motors And The announcement was made oday hy the president at the icompan George Danger ï¬eld Edle 3135 been associated with la may vfrienda will he pleas ad to learn of his promotion mam nono Kill settled the problems at Ala hello France at home and overseas There is ionghard pth ahead of the new premier dleli Deer Alta Advocate vFew policewoman manual In android at racial ran5m wnn Every watch Completely Overhauled INCLUDES YEAR GUARANTEE It 00K canon vow not yam in this business1 mrlled at neoplayuhut in on me mono ntthchouso at all Iowa more an hm her husbands an lhe muse too ydll outh lecturer um delerve caniurntum on Even mm rruund level you tho minim With good one good la uncut roar wddluonlna IVEYDIIhIflI and dawnpipca you we urn ur corrwloh wtcnrar mun unlit watnzrln on exterior Wood trim themortlr anIlnblhl¢ ienca 1m rotted pom an no muscular Barfct Born an non in ommn nrlclur cnnlr the your outer it viallittle xaanu in WIVIII MillMICE TA company since um and lot air water wlllpass under Vihcubri gee belore Genenl de