Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jul 1958, p. 5

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oulce rluty lmmedlotel operntlnl lhrouzhollt condo ond CASHIER STENOGRAPHER naurrxhpoduoo Ior yfaufi wordion eonol was pointme phone ilr Telgluon PA NDUSTRIAL AchPrANCI CDRPOMTION nunm Wilton Bulldin Bilfl EXECUTIVE POTENTIAL alcrANsaoN ins an NEW OPENINGS FORHEN Ale to lie or eonan onexground helprnl unscth moon or equivlull mpmnve penonolily and Ippelb lkcellent IurLInI salary dependinl on quoullullond plus ur allowance Apply between IJn Ind pm fllil mmlnll by lppainlmenl All noun lu reule confidentlel Outaftnwn oppucouonr Accepted Beneficial Finahce COMPANY OF CANADA lOllN 4v GXLLESPIE Murmur 15 BAYFXELD ST PABI5931 15u WELL mABLISanD FIRM the Us hos OPENING IN BARR OFFICE FOR HIGH GRADE youch IrMAN lo doauislde canine inkn cw work olonz lnvullnllve ilneI rellln Or coiiecllnl nfl overnith travel Permulent lob nllry and honlll pill cor Iliowulce Prvmnllnn Opportunlty Useless In new units you have the lollowlnx quolncallons no 1330 ll leost Junlor Khlnculollon obsolutely ciur record loud physical Illnlllle Ind use clr TELEPHONE PA was T0 ARRANGE APFOmMm FOR INTERVIEW WITH Mil HS rm CAREER OPPORTUNITY Fnr ougreulve youngman Excellent advancement hosed 1m oblllty Pool tlon ones stohlmy and securlly As well or on employee benefits Re oulremonbM to yeorr oI Ale hilh school motrlculotlon honklng or huslneso experience doslrohle must oruoy conlucl work end he able to drive or cor Ylsll urwrile INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION LIMITED FRED GRANT SQUARE BARRIE PHONE PA 85945 11743 OPPORTUNITY POR YOUNG WOMAN Experience irI Loan or Acceptance Business NEAT APPEARANCE PLEASANT PERSONALITY GOOD STARTING SALARY VARIEl iNTERESTiNG DUTIES GOOD AT Plcuhns ANDVDETAIL NEGULAR MIan lNanASls MODERN omco AALL VEMPLOYEE BENEFITS Apply Mr rks or Mr Pros SEABOARD FINANCE Ico ST EARRIE PA c5411 111 YOUNGLADY requlrod or generol y5¥ day wee ul huNLOP Phone PA 32419 YOUNG Apprentlge Melt Cutler or men wlth some Iexperlence Apply Karrie Frosted Funds phone PAfi319 PERMANENT Home for wldow 60 to 65 lull charge of home very llght wark ln mlly Phone 9005 New Lowell 17sfl1 FULLER BRUSH equlre Lluil Limo inlesmen to handle iuCll lerrllnrl nloo port ume roon Conucl suck hit unknown my looo2 MIDDLMGED lvloow ol copahle pensloner to sum with homework end company£or elderly lady 93 BarrieIExamll Np salesmen wonted to sell deluxe low prleed IrlploI truck intomiwindmur poolaole Armstrong Alumlnum wmdowo Limited nexdnle coplciiy za persons New Emmi Elmynnn In In In Mud be mule orwuover willlo Io Im In year round employ mool good worm lo penonvlm and uallorouons vllr Bhfppllg PmrANr reseher mm in Seniefllber or Mannie School ln Vexpn Experience pmened Apply noun ex rlerm ue mhrlul mun quulnea oha Ind nunIJnd at present ovoeclor or pun ad tire lo he Ihw SKYrmmrfl ll nulnl 0n lTI Positions Vlahied BOY worker would III 10h Ior tho xumnler Phone PA 52 vouNO MAN wllh bullan experlence require posillon Immediatelyl Plume PA mm 21 NYSARDLIII Boy reoulrea hummu pluymrnl Hu dune arm And dL livery work WIll comlder onylhlhz Phone PA 84212 1753 women BARRXE HETAL SALVAGE ulCYLB FDR Solo Refionnhie Frog surrp Iron Melu Pun Hide my lilllrriel Feather Live Pnllllry our trucks will toll Highest price oold soonI prIcer plld delivered Phone Berri Sllyllel lA Mm MAX PUSHKOFF Ind compony YARD AND OFFICE2N TIFPIN sl 37583 William Common 50 pleces IN lm also 1911 end mo cunedlnn SliA ver dniinn Phone PA 37417 Accommodation Wuifled RETIRED lluslnessWomnn rcqulru medlum rlre unlurnlthed nouxekeepv in room West end prelerred Phone PA 9332 117778 BEDROOM modern Iportrnenl wunh ed to rent by stun Slluvwlle null 15 yeorold boy Apply Box 07 Barrio Examiner 717 smmlo Omcers Pm Comp Boo den Pun July pert Auzusl One chlld Contct LleutI Ray no land Cudot Trndu rnlnln Chm Borden conAux orIurnlshed housekeeplhl oportrnent wanted for couple one chlld on August only Noor cynp Borden Ir pooslhle Write to Box as Burie lpomlner lilBTI Livosroch ror Sell 12 PIGS wslzks oLn Apply Nob mun Lellll Oro Station Phone Oro 1317 94115 mclsrenen llolstoln Cow fresh Holstelnr end Jerseys duo soon Phone oro lvy sn HEREFORD BULL 900 lbs also Seed Buckwheat Morrow Thornton Phone Ivy flax 371 WSANBD PIGS elm Horses Ior sole Apply Chorles French Phelpston Phone lulrs Elmvole 9111o CALF anoweeil old oho Ploloteln Cow due next Week Switxor Crown Hill Rhone FA 59589 97677 SERVIEBABLE extd Yorkshlre Boom IpplovPll lor bonus Severn to lot from William Ne Siroud sTloa Guev MAR I2 yen 501 Apply Grhhnm rnIle cost No ll llmhwoy oth LIne Inning REGISTERED Lorulruce eervicelhie poms bred gllu Open ollls weonIIoo been saws Apply Howurd Cr ford Box 0m Station Phone Busmess pponruumes RESTAURANT showing nlce profit campleiewlih living quhrters 111 village Cree more Long lease avliiubie mung Fully equipped Very rensonnhlyIprlced ClllElrolli Forster for more inmrmntion day PA $5514 Eves PA 84465 RJ Sle or Real fill 2971 GENERAL STORE AND DWELLING ON HlGleWAY 27 COUNTY ROAD IN THE VILLAGE 0P THQllNiON Loreehrlox dweulns conlolnlng 1va quarters Indrxenerlll rt re Port or hulidillg now in post office ms ouudlno is in good condltloo in side conveniences forced air on heat lngwllh new unit plenty of water nd norm rpm owned andopen ted or as yours hythe one owner WILL SELL As GOING CONdlmN QR STOCK AT lNVOICE $10000 CASH lawman IpALANcE ONE MORTGAGE This roperty must he sold eorly poro essloll INSPECTION BYAPPolNrldm QNLY PHONE IVY zertl gos RBATES3EALTDR um electron RUBBERSTAMES WDEmOEPQ WEAYLMOUTH BOOK STORE BARR 30 DUNLg 5T Wm Fonnom oh conAGEI USED SERVEL REFRIGERATQRS $9900 And up mhsérl$°tt° r° Sylzfllofl laws wllfnfvnoii ZFWEE PA 3469 Phono usxll fllOR WoohInr unehIne PA some e11 000 TABLE POTATOES rhan was BIrrie PMCIICALLY new slum Roditorn AFN Vllley Tlxl 17le EN usen Lian QllR luliy mum teed Phone PA mm 317713 canm AND scip Lu her At Den nil Marlnl 29 Amie SLPS PA IW llthmleN hnby GrondiFllno ex eiielli napdllinn no loo Bprrlo 3w ogolner 171 who II Hce Sirotld zorls 11511 IF lorleoN Oulhourd Motor In good oondluon llnrtlry lavno phone Prospect 51m nroolord gts KBLVINATOR llemeerlor in Bod candllion $50 Phone PA 39450 or IPPly ll CllllpheiiAVe I776vl7 KELVINAIOR helrlgerator pood oon dluon urea Apply Pohouona huort Shanty nsy Phone oro us 111 msANP novs hIcyoles In load conaltlon heuonnhlo Apply 195 Owen SLVur phone PA Mm 11 195 AlellAl HiFi nodlo eomhlno Ilon oIso lssatllemlneton and port ohlo typewrltcr Phone PA Hopi or hull Goon COAL ulti Wood Purmce come pietefiwilh plpes wul heat up Od roomo lo Mcoooold st PA $3197 rorl SillB on RENT sleepermnIm in Trullcr Apply horns leot ohd AwnIn am as Blyfleld st 22 CAL REMINGTON Pump action llllle just like new 55 Phone PA 54932 Monday Thurth betwen 77570 nAnv GRANI Plano onamsoh mnlchlneheneh buried wnlhul Louls xvv deslrn Phone PA oasoa 75 Tolt ronlo St 111 COMPLETE Prlntlnp Ind Developinl hotoernphlc equprnenI Ineludlng on in and cooloct printer Phone Comp Borden 771 oANn sAwI an slze had as new complete wllh motor on stand her poln 55o Nongetle hardly morked needs element so Phone 17185676057 BAVEBTROUGBING Complete atelinllnn Id town or country Pornoer hornen rsheet uetnl Work clorks lienttog nnd Sheet Metal PA 14otr UP End Table and Called Tobie ch me end greelhtahie Ind chairs Block with silver ihreorII nkaorwld Sllll Relinnnble Only maulIla old Phone PA JHII STE any Cadr AveRlnhmond Elli New and used Pillmhlnlnd Lumber mol ellll Free firewood Open gt510 dilly Phone AVenoo sow yom swam Elecch Porlshlo to rent by on repnlm Idenmlnlop St West Phone PA78lt193IL Pawmks omoe mochinel Abiel addlog mnehIner cash reomen lulu end servlce ll Gomey ll Frnnaas Burr ll Box 233 spun corono represe mm 1omrr MARSHALL BeunlyRest Ind other Aprlnl rnumeqseo expeltly rebuilt Elderdowns recovered Hey servlo Representatives here Wemduyl gt0 urio hdoIng Co hone PA 34415 iao19 we HERBFirst thee in onod new loo Amp Llnoolnmre elde Iarm nod Industry Complete unII accessofles $213 Weldlng nlvlslon or and Sons RR stroud 768101119 you seen theInew homoOf Androde Ind Sans Hundy ledwure Alcnnl fienchAEond zones east ofIHiEhwly ConnAdora Nellonll hlrdly PA W57 METRO Wrenklng and Lumber camp week or month Free esllmnles given or my make orgsewlns mechlue Apply Singer Sewing Mach worm welcome awolls ynuw Linculn Ara Welder Plumbing and 774403165 Infoo onlor than lllvinieriud he nun Lyme om M010 5000 hIIIIIWIIaPIWI uh Price ugfio yum Lil 150 edroouu modern kilchenl plmliled belly room Thu Ir ov Ioodhmlly home Seen py mini1nan on RQHEN DICK HENDERSON Ll BROWN PA Im cmPoru PA hm Pmn scxorwus PAMm Mllc IIAcPAIILANe PA lll56 Member BlrflBltfld District lleuotolo noaro ileubo mum hers znotofihoore lon WANTITOSELI FASTI SALESMEN lrom lo hul Estolo olncei Ire work in one your pmpeflwahenyqll Deal with the Rellmr oi your cholua 71 home Brndlonl st CARSON Dnninpjl mum II ll Dwon 8h 31 mo PA programme or Mlcmefl wen xuwuoma PA who Tilfln PA LACIY as yneld st poemsanth nunlop st susson 1B Collier st sraun GORDON Um gm mmlop PA will 8690 lsostrP SUBDIVISIONI ONE BLQOK mold PUBLIO sermon AVND NEW HIGH scrlooz OVER 190 nouns COMPLETED ANDIsoLn smoomss IN 1957 CRDSLEY coN STRUCIIONBmT NEARLY 25 all Homes In The Town of rrle WINDOWS éUPPLIED LOTS SODDED Emir BY IaANRIE 13mm new Southsmfnu tyIBey Rold nuptial imuou will mi vln ot mum Kuupufle my Thvtmafioe an aunt Ilvlnl room oodIoIoIo nonrandom lllev Kitchen lgbeliroouuup with fireth Javer eflr see one ChIwIJlun PA emu Per conveoIeoon ener hour PA Ilff ML New Kooud him In den PW lelulllmlly decorled ilru rally iu melon and uranium onto In In nu VlanYanillIL cu Normo ShthIeu Io Iuthor detour ood ilr mourn lNVmlNENT PROPERTIES hm rover Income human dup Irxeo Ind oportmeol nominalole condo Loomo tor torner day NEW FRAME BUNCH0W mo flml11ll°m tul Nko Ike lMIu onIrIcIootI one caller one room on in lieu my on usedu dlnlllt mm orifll bedsWm Oil he EIMU fillneed NHA morillle Phone In PA Hue rul your hour PA W85 DOWNTQ WN LOQATION Till Olderl Bedroom Home in hauled in duwnlnwn Bllfle Illl fittfim Term roused llINCQOME PROPER ppm Ileenn Perk very urn home In excellent conolIuon poloen opportunlty lo mnhe 3047 on your In vulmenL owner will newer or modern hungolowmr llfi storey For more Inlorrnntlon eon llorold For Her PA ooIsI Forryuurconvenlenco otter hours PA 54455 VERY CENTRAL Iroid rugbrlckLroomo illn hzd Muniflcent lot Iorrls lawn Julrounded hy huuunu flower halo xreer ondrhryhbcry lIIii price onlymm CALMDAN CONNuL oner hounphnne PA 7701 NRA RESALE Till brick bllnlnlnw ilu tlve llrie mama Ind lillllked on quiet reel 79 monthly includinl loxcs Monore Pow In em PA 35030 After rhnufl PA 17930 Por yonr roovemsoce oner hours rhouo my 01 our salmon DAN coNNELLPA om AL FARQUHARSONPA 8mm PERCY FORDPA E7930 11339111 Eqnsrlm PA 34465 CHARLIEKRM PA 82811 SLESSOR REALTOR oruce PA 85931 Ilenlber Bertie OnllrloLClnudll Nlilflllll Real Ennis Ellrd 1077 HflRY EILRJCIKA MIQH IE REALTORS 15OWED Barrie VEfiY CENTRAL LOCATION CLAPPERTON STREET Very modemfl roamed hunlaiow on sood resIdeotIol street close to down town This pmperty is well Inno uped end cored fur Open for on er I3 owneriIieuvlnz town Term arranged $11500 Five roomed from hreo roonIed busemenllpartment tho rents lorsiflnermun $9500 Worklrm om home Slx roomed hrlelrmouse wlth $150 down ond Ply mentr arranged to run purchuer ExEcmIlvr TYPE Holmx Thlshome lr incited In Panlo wth beautiful surden Ind fish pond also Mrteet or1akerrontnoe wIth hoot house Phone 11 newoluoe for In spectlo Inflerllours PA was $2500 Three run Ed couple on well ire completely mmlo menl $1000 gt PA was am Ioreyenlops Pod nohPIewelIIn llenry mrlelt or MI lopeItem street home Onion Isulcrluc Craig suelvndor ReIrII erutor lo cuhle oro de new Hmeflfall Slave VIPEm ette tibia and oholrs Ind noun rul ole form er oottoz Ph e7 urnervhoth like new AnoInIn NAPlzn 5151le Uwilh good telon Ion sauce 17 CAB Room milieurd MOM ANn BOARD or urIIl Apply 13 errord st nooM one In nodrohdros ply ll Codringonst BOOM AN 30mm Gentlemen prc terred ho PA was 1211 mon ms looronto hythe dly week Lil51y lot close tol Afllly prooeoch Hit 1111 2115 PA pom or wlth dread burPalon wllh €100 lull bylw feel melted on highway Cell ed her pawn pov flow mu prlee Is Iroom gondilion manl lam lull price room home on illle lo clone to not and Public nhool ln vulsn ohm tatlo paved road Ililhe why in Blmt ll Everett Sheinlell lot lnpeelio COTTAGES am mIl vflee bedroom eonu wulnlrlllllled on may Iondoeopoo IohoIrooI Ice Au coovorlleoeeo uoo mu hodroom coll inu ou rornuhlnrs eanveniohmn I3 llk Iron lot Blriiiie Pork 00 orIeo Bedroom colule mootswoon lot Call xvi roll snelnvell oturo isle or PA mm or mther specuon lNehlngs Joe angUnFA $2740 Everelt Sheisweiioro 2919 Norman SheidweliPA 89991 1511 REAL ESTATE MINEPs POINT plflly lumilhed lnpleie only 33700 fiA BARGAINV libley brick ilv clinic location to school Ind churchel hu overlized llvlnlroalll Ipleiom kluhui nun ioLI cophoonu dininl roorn Ind 3Ill1e hedroomIHIOII buemenl lr cond unllll Bellllllt hilly llndlclpeg llreet $6000 bedroom house wIIh Inm uvlng roorn Ind klch Cenlniiy located MOPERN 511 LEVEL Il room Ind llnisiled recrentlon room pleee hoIh hotMIter heotloe orleh constmern corport lol 55x1504l40ll GOOD musmm Pnom us you LlslINO lellzn IQz DUNLOFSl WEST PHONE PA 81590l some Onnrio ood CInIdll IFJKIIO Boud leaneismlnlfA om ol Corby PA IT Tod PA 5793 1571 REAL oaI BAYFIELD ST HONE1A85298 MIDHURST llrlée Vulnt int 34 feel Kiri MIlslull PAgtII53l ello che 51000 duwlhpAymenf This home lsinJlood Candi Call AlRose PA room hum ow lot CoIlIA rn located oloso to shoppInz PA was priceTVTlloln One This hum ll und 1mm culele um ohm lull once hom Iwiul three bedroom otol each oprement do II ll and Inn min Kim delulls Ind ill Wlnlellxed mllua Ind home lrliler Three bedrooms Vin room Infill loom MI in mm 011 Ml nb Im Ww new sIrAN SIMON can non Ellen bed opotolnn in Forced Ill oil down ply an no xIIIouoo ll ynuvwouid In Mown New or Nilfly New Brick Home on momth we Jerry qolnn PAI m1 um oo Clue to publio 53 mm Alumina outrun Ailnev lr decorated Oil forlnnlllon WI OWNER JiRANsthn Iy decorated Manhunt paymeni Filll price WI00lmnIedl ale posselion Cull fluuellcunon ll PA W31 mefllfll PAMI5I Red IVEstills Broker ll Qwen Sling Burib SIZWMSAm mom more more lion room Mo extru Coll Mr MarshIL IVALUE FOILYVOUE MONEY Morey Grmim Ihome Wunlay Street hept like now LoroegIIvInproom dhlnnr room nul neconunodoto run Ell oedroornr wiLh Impleiciose unlt oil fired mrnrce many other Alum APO all ur Moronu 9000SPECIALLY DESIGNED Por cornsortoole leinl minimum Buy Ailvfive room on moIn lio lore oluc unnnlshed Dezp huemehl openlnz out on to luck lown um room flrepilc screens Lotfiolront IIan ores Coll Mr lIIushnlI an BAY POINT urge oeleetlohot well trced inls cooperative wlter pflvllezee LAKE FRONT COTTAGES In the urn Lulu Perk district coin pleleiy finished Ind furnished in medlnte poshuslonxrrloer some up nusmhss PURPOSES Acreuze hackfinvlo El excellent Ice CONSULTIUsbN min leymook mum Plane peril lucke Gama Ind nt ehI other nlth tI agioosloum Lon oo Ineomo Proporuu Buflneu opportuolueo IProporty lmgeliunrr PA um pwchww then both roll Iurnoce onp ed street Phalle PA H15 l7571 nennoom hongolow IwIth blwmtént ortment new PAoll urnre or only londsoopeo and wall TemB Kellouzh PA was SMALL aroomIhoute ml in eioh huutIo cuphnlhlUnwl ersm Iche Sultohle for young or retlred coup Phone um stroud men orIn tlone Saturduy nzsAhE 5V llylngolrdnpg room hhthmoms recreotlon mnm street Owner Innsterred Phone OwenPA EMI guruJ vents bedroom haullow IslIto kitchen ll nd ll rulion room law Very throughouGood terms Br ouxhkeoltor phone PA Mm OPPothln Knocko treexhenl rroon room ment wIll cirry unflzugell NEA resale 313500 yelp old stnrey hrIcIr owner lnhdterred Phone PA NHL 11 Ed in exceiien JhomfyflamiL UNLALE venue or uoa per nm IPl rt ond Large bedroom brick huhulqw new Low down 1311 No uhry requirement IIv oouyer areum ore in kitchen Khwly 00 will oi wnomvlpo HE HEAT PIES SANDwrcrlm hAhhll chime semrlcsf so em Forllipiilihln LIExcovafirlg Back Fill gDoier Work oerdqding PHONE 30 Dliilap GEORGE SASSlVlLloE Athls 51 Rugels Furniture Cleaned II mo ooIenuoo woyu DURACLEAN Ipcno In Your Ownfioml PhonohAhluei PA mu ANOUEEE HmI oufl IHOBBYS PLASTIC FOAMALL SW for mun nuwen dam lilppe pIIIowcovorrdoor knob van on plue mull JIREE pattern AM inv nmctlo heels THEHOBBY CENTRE 70 Duulop elance ml LuII mum mu Underwater SerIVIceI All no of Aouo Loom Flm Mom Snarklu lnslruetlono 199 9th Street New TolooIo Phone cuuord lWIgt PAiNTINGItfir PARERHANQING 23I322 ms INT Pol cumAcIIpm 511m beOR COVERINGI OArmrtropu Ploorcovorto Ruhloer and Asp on aln rorNem hewludlns Iond iI RT Iv led 1HAROLD1B Barrie Kieth lrim growls IWEL DRILLI 33393333 Bur

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