Dallas John Black Dal ud Claire also wre Sunday Mn Norman Burk dValley tulattonn mg to Mr and rdL who were mar tnrdayhlune 14 Mrs Kelth Harvey and ted theirrount at llab nday rbed therlem ate hour Tuesday June linessoithéra mun hrpken by sounds trans car horns etc as spent to the house henn unid ad will people bunchu ed out and great Miami shown to the lite comer an and Mn dock neoonud Mr and Mn Rod McDonald and Mrs Albert Fishenfnnd boys were Mr and Mrsqu El liott and son of Toronto Mr and Mn Lewl Allen and Donna were Sunday guests at Cyril Cooks Barrie Sundiy visitors with hin and Mrs ivanflarvey and boys were Mr and Mrs Robert oral and boys Mrfand Mrs Nelso Fisher and family Mr and Mrs Tom Harvey Stayner Mr andMn Everett Edwards oi Phelpston spent Saturd log with llirand Mrs SPECIAL on Safety Service RA KESf mum an iï¬iifliï¬f 925 $2150 value in tonesT DUNLOP 51 Vey gt Blrthday Party Little Donna Allenhad few friends in Saturday atternooalo celebrate her first birthday Miss Shirley Bristow Stayner spent the weekend with her par ents Vsdnnldne Presbyterin was met on Wednesduy afternoon at the home of Mrs Guiham with 19 ladies and two children present vorans nurv The right to govern ourselves carries with it the duty to keep informed about public issues and to elect capable representatives to our various governments nobody bohercd to ind out what was ins bn in public of lnirs and nobody voted howllong would we have democracy representative government or the secret hollowPortage Mam Enterprise SISMCOE color RADIOS CAR RADIOS REPAIRS to all makes and models 350 Service Call wishMA up to five miles 5th of to 90 Day Warranty onlallrepair work For Gnhranteed Ilepair Service CALL FRANK CLEARE PA 86585 rho6551 cLABEN 10 noncommer nu so and UNIch Aunrron EDHAM WRIGHT gt Phone PA otuo Essqus mosm rnemr 30 SEAGRAM ROWE ollcltorn Nouflll Poult conveymm etc MONEY10 LOAN 11 Owen St Bufll nc Elmvnle antno Ella COWAN our have 10 In to pin SMITH Successorrte Duncan Mccnal Kl new smith oo Arthur min BmfleflSoileiton em 39 nnnlop can Pnonu um LrvmotsrpN ems Blrruten ananouenon ISI It iqu nqu OPTOMETRY rmnlofdt OHM rl coop consort connector or Country Hoedotvn evlalon iame posesmltn pretty Judy Gallagher Miss Pem brokepbserver aZrécent Pembroke appearance iJudysY newspaperdress was made from material printed on the newspape press plates and has been an outstandingattrac tion at one appearances Its part or the preliminary celebrations centennialWeek whichis being cellebrated July to 12 in the Ottawa vnlleytown Judy is leading contendersorJMlss Centennial honors WEIR Weeiendvisiom Weekend visitors at Shem dawnsxwere Miss Alma Whan of Toronto Mr and Mrs George Prince of Barrie Mr and His Bnice With Me and Ross Stflmd lt Gary Strachan spent the vweek endnthofal Parley Nhsm Irln Mnemers Crittendcn accompanied Mr and Mrs Cool ti Cooksth and Mrs Cookï¬f Midland on alripta Niagara recently Weddln Guests Mrs Everett attended the rooto on Saturday Mower Cuts Toes Douglas Hayes has been pat ient in Barrie hospitai having had the misfortune to lose two his toes in apower lawnmow cr spent few days with Mrs l1elsweiL Baptismal Service The baptism of Robert Dale son of LAC andMrs McCuluhv eon Erenda Irene daughter of United Church Next Sunday Communion will be observed at Dalston United Church at 1115 am Mr and Mrs McKinzie of New Toronto were weekend guests of Mr and Mull Hayes WA NEWS The WA met at the home of Mrs AV Hayes onWednesday evening June 18 Mrs Hut chinson conducted the Worship period Roll call wasyanswered by Where first attended Sun day School Planskwerc made for the garden party at the church on July Mrs MacLeod and MrsD Siessor assisted with lunch Gets Papers Congratulations to Tom Hayes on receiving his engineering papers on his exam this past week llctutea by Favcro Examin er staff photographer that appear in this newxpaper are avallnblcin glossy prints gt mom convict 10 MosleyMorris wedding in To Mrs Dumhleton of Toronto Mnanddltrs Kszbeesrbyflcer Ball took place on Sunday at the The tree Xloy clinic on be in the village ayevaning July from 6p to 91p This year no Xrays wiil be given chil dren under 15 years new for get Funnghtw At meeting or CWL it was proposed tnhave tun night early in Julyand raffleLa quilt min Spoils Picnic The children were rather disappointed the weatherman brought only rain on their picnic the car ride to Martyrs Shrine nndthe extra treat of pop and ice cream minor Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs FredNoble and Gordon Toronto visited with Mrs Mervyn Noble on Sunday spentiast week withMrs Reid Homefrom Hospital Mrs Donald Ferrieris home from the hospitalrbut is still co fined to bed Her many friend all hope she will soon be fully restored to good health nesday evening June 18 and entertained the senior citizens visiting all bed patients and serv ing ice cream and cookies which was very much enjoyed as master of ceremonies had six young girls do the Highland Flin and alsosin Scottish folk song Evielynne ned in community singing and then lunch was serv ed The ladies all teit it had been very worth while and left with manyinvitationsto return soon In Hospital Mrs WaltenCorner is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie and trusther stay there wont be too long Trill to West Ji gh Donnelly has left on trip out to Western Canada where he Will be visiting with relatves At Eagles Lake Arthur Jnckr is spenalngfthe Halihurton ss Donna Shaw Zephyr n4 ng with Mr and Mrs Pele nd family their paper driveon July 19 Help theboys Save your paper and put your paperon the porch on July 19 romeo 1110an Erime Ml ister Macmillan Britain in oiifering his congra ulntlons to lie Gaulie asked for clarification of his The rest of the free worl ll be interested in learning thi ore1£on Sasko Jollan day No doubt they all enjoyed Mrs Thomas Hood of Miami numberofjadies journeyed out to Simone Manor last Wed mock wedding was staged Mrs Dalton Ferrier who acted summer months at Eagle Lake in efroy Sea Scents will have MY CONSCIENCé IS BOMEMNG ME IM CDMINGOUT ANDHELPIOU WITHTHEWSHES CAR are mus PIPE FROM LEAKING in us HERE 053315 ad une reeher em minlo llnllv TILEHIONI II 01 FLEHINGU NOELG STEPHEN LID omlrmrsr unam nan not WINAEMN IlldCSUEOEON Inputst mung one Hm IIWAS HERBHE WANTS ME TO COME as minim Jusu DA OF THE