rue Bushtnn chargcd un der sections of the new town sblp building bylaw as having unlawfully used an accessory buildings residence inithc ham letnf Simud pleaded not guilty Gordon Mason building inrpcc tor claimed that the building which Mr Kushton was occupy lng as residence was built un der permit granted for tool shed and storageroom He claim ed that he badfound that Rush toh had furnished the place and had bed and cooking equip ment including stove and re frlgcrator and thaLhc was using the place as residence while be rented the house located on the same lot He was assisted in the prosecution by John Mur phy on behalf of the Township oflnnishi 1Reeve Sproule called as arwltness to identify the town ship bylaw and the signatures thereon gave evidence that the bylaw had been ï¬nally approved by the Ontario Department of Municipal Affairs He wasnsked by accused if he had anything to do with the Health anrd having made an inspection of the Rushton property and said that he did not know anythingabout that Askcd by Magistrate Fos tcr what was meant by an access1 ory building Mr Mdrphy pres outed copy of the permittaken out for tool room and store house in 1958 when the late Allanwas in charge of the building bylaw Mr Mason told of having visi ted the property and finding Mr Rusbton living there and that the place was equipped to live in He gave other dofinite dates when hcflhad seen the place occupied Mr Rushton claimed that he had taken out permit to alter the building which hadhbccp on the property when he took poss ession He also claimed that he did not live there permanently but occupied the place when he came up for weekendor t6 do gt some work His permanent home was in Toronto He claimed that hahnd used the placc previous to the bylaw being passed and for that reason didanot comeunder its clauses regarding an accessorybuilding Heltclaimedvtha the tenants of the otbe building do not vc gr ncludej thefbuildlng be ed had altered it under the 58 pcrmit gt lle claimed inst he had heart conditioniand that he had asked therpolice to keep check ade checkand had found the ccused asleep in the building but id not wake him This was uring April In summing up for the town Mr Murphy felt that there wa violationof the bylaw and that theprevlous bylaw which overed the same lations and as replacedby the 3present one was also violated The bylaw pro idesfor maximum penalty of fine of $300 and costs He asked that theaccused be found guilty Mr Rushton nted by nsel Magistrate Foster not repres reserved June the townsnlps solicitor was at available and lengthyscarcb 3by telephone finally located him who came to gcouncri with pc ahotbcr 100 residents of their area asked that the2nd line he lition signed by summons 11 highway to oi lake Thoyrugguted that it wonidbbbetter to do the road if it had to be borrowed on debenture than to awaitthc ac cumulation of duh to make the heavy volume of traffic on thls road during the summer season makes it impossibieito keep the surface tit to use Prank Todd spokesman for the delegation said that the fur mcra were cooperating with the owners of the saner property have some type surfacing or the gravel just would not stand lip to the traffic Mr Todd was accompanied by John Hughes Glen Kinnear Richards and Mchfullcn the latter repres cnting the lakcsbcrc residents Before all the speaker wcre heard Reeve Spruula told tho delegationthat the estimates for tth year included tho rebuild lngnfthisroad with gravel so that it could be in line for some surface topping Mr Klnnear asked about the method of paying for the sur face costs while it was being used He fcllthat anyone who did not wish to pay for the carrying costs yearly coulddo this in cash when thedebt was only John Hughes snid that he had been forming good many years and had not yet not on cash basis so he felt that having paved road on rcdlt would be no worse He felt that good road was real asset dont see why road with heavy traffic should not be sur faced he stated Tho cost oi maintaining the road Would more than pay the loan costs He felt that an annual plan would soon cover the roads that were Warranted by traafic demand Recva Sproulc stated that it was like putting mortgage on your farm and if you were hop ing to turn your farm over to yourson you would not add mortgage loadfirst Mr Todd thanked council for the hearing and felt tihat they might expect some action Ask Endof Road Bic Closed Off McMulien who owns th landatthe end of the second line asked that posts which had been placed about 300 feet from the lakcshore across the conces sionroad and removed by the township be replaced so as to bar theï¬usc of theroad for pic nicers who congregated there on Sundays They come and stay all dayvhe said and with no toilet facilities they are making nuisance of themselves to the ratepayers who have their cot tages alongside the road He felt that the posts placed so that carscould not drive down there would prevent the use of the road and annoyance to the residents Council did not give him very much assurance that the road would bcjshutback as there had beeniotber complaints where this was tried They felt that the ends of public roads were the onlyvplacesexcept the township park where the public couldget tothevshore lfpeople were creating nuis ance thcnlthere was ground fonpoliceaction These people could be ratepayers of the town ship whowent there Fifty years ago we used this shorespot when ybathing suits wereiunheard of It is still one of the best sandmbeaches on the lake The matter is to he report ed on before any action is taken SlieepClnim Turned Book After the cbnnca had invited thetwosheepyaluators to appear and give their version of the claim made by Herb Gihhins for they decided not to allow the road They claimed there is and that the present condition in their request thasthe road claim Mr New claimed bat he had been asked to see the sheep some time after dogs were claim ed to have molested them and after examination he had made $5 allowance for one which he said may have shown some signs of damage He could not see any marks on others Some months later William Little the other sheep valuator was called to the farm and was shown some dead ewes which he stated had been dead for some time how long he could not say or how they had died was not evident He was doubtful if it had been the re sult of dogs However he said that the owner had been willing to take an affidavit thatthey died as result of the dogs worry ingthern so the claim was sent onto thetownsblp The clerk was instructed to notify Mr Gibbins that the claim was not being considered The amount of the claim was $55 Another claim made by Thomas Bowman was valued at $415 and included valuable ram which if the animal dies will mean that the amount of the damages will have to be reassessed as the ram cannot be replaced from stock in Ontario This claim was for damages done recently It was said to have been caused by two dogs large and small Mr Bow man is the champion sheepshear er of Canada sheep being destroyed by dogs Will Rec Township Recognition Township council agreed to awarding prize of $5 to Cairo line Middleton pupliof Big Bay Point school for her winning prize at the county centenary essay competition ZCouncillcr Mrs Law objected to the easy plan of sending cheque as she felt that something in the way of gift should be purchased so that in years to come it could be shown as an award recei from the mu pality for If you give her the money she or her mother will spend it and it will be forgotten Mrs law said It shouldbe gift that she will always cherish as having come to her for her abil ityY moveda motion that the award be chosen by the councillorand if desired that it YOU FULLY COVERED to COVERhlmsalf iiisvnnucn he may Ghalp lnxuranca it doesnt pay you want to baaurc of in but lnrurancaat the inwamcomp mum you should colï¬ault and names sancmusr vsusou EXAMINING THE TELETYPE REPORTS coming intoé the Toronto office of the Ontario Hog Producers from loj cal yards are Wilfred Jermey Orillia RR deputy reeve LodgesHold Annual Parade On Sunday June 22 Beaver Rebekah Lodge No 190and Barrie Lodge No 63 IOOF held their annual church parade and service at the same time aser vice of remembrance for deceas ed Rebelth and Oddfellows The parade assembled at the 1005 Temple on Collier stre and was headed by the Barrie Kiltie Band and members of the Canton Department of the Order followed by lodge members and visitors from Ailiston Orillia and Elmvale The parade proceeded to SLJ Andrewb LPreshyterian Churcb where it was joined by the Be bokas where an inspiring ad dress was given by Rev James Ferguson who based his sermon on the centre link of Dddfeiiow shipdove Two members of the order Bro Wallace Kennedy who sang weilchosen solo and ENG Bro Tilson Reynolds read the lesson and thanked the congregation of St Andrwrs for thc opportunity of worshipping with them in Returning to the temple very enjoyable lunch was served by Beaver Rebekah Lodge mem bers present be presented to her at acouncil meeting Mrs Law told of the Home and School Association at the Alcona Beach school making an annual award toithe pupil with the highest percentage for the year This may not cost great deal but is something the child can cherish for achievement CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING PHONE PA 844 of Oriliia Township Ernest reeve of Tecumseth George MacKay Goldwater deputy ARoy Hickling Barrie reeve of Vespra reeve of Oro Had Mu pie Drlvmg Permlts By nos casc which has beenhang ing fire since last April wasfin ally disposed of on Monday last when Alvin Horsburgh alias Al vln Earl Hortsbourgh alias Eari Horsburgb charged under the nameof Earl Horsburg with driving while impaired had his case dismissediï¬v The evidence was that he had beeh followed from the Sirncoe Hotel by Constable Jonos after there had been fracas and tho accusedhad been told to leavc At the home of the accused he was asked to get into tbepolice cruiser but had refused ashe claimed there had been no charge laid By calling aid the accused was taken to the police station Mas istrate Foster felt that the evi denoe given by the officers did not warrant the charge The oharges of driving while driving permits were cancelled after investigationrevéalcd that morethanbne permit had been cancelled and that the accused had obtained permits by the me thod of changing his name His solicitorJ Livingston admitted that various names were used by his client He was fined the sum of $100and costs and any permit he nowheldcanf called for three monthsanudthe vehicleytobe impounded Assisting Crown Attorney Kennedy withdrew charg es of violations under the way Traffic Act Not only do towns need to have signs to attractgthetour ists off the modern speedway and town bypass but they need to establish reputation for themselves4tetuler Aita Im dependent lAgtlluuu to lo ay nos is said um business Either gust continue to expand or go ack The Hunter Poultry Farm has again expanded It scemsonly short time back that we told the story of the changing of ihc big gt hatchery incubators at this plant Ellison Cookstnwn deputy Leaders Conference In Europe fathers and mothv ers attcnd homo and school meetings The father is ust as responsible as the mo er for the welfare of their children Thus spoke new Canadian father at an enthusiastic presi dent and viccpiesidents confer ence held by the Barrie and District Home and School Counv cil at Johnston Street Public School on June 23 Why then are the fathers at minority at most home and school meetings This was not the case at this wellattended meeting chaired by the new council president Mrs Dob son Presidents and ViCEApresi dents were present from Grand Valley orangeville Branbford Alliston Stayner as well as those homeand school associa tions surrounding Barrie and the Barrie schools Two new home and school associations Grenfal and Pinegrovc were also repre sented by their men president Past president lilrsMcLach typical and theinslallatlon of the larg cs incubator at that time known to be in use in Ontario Now it is found necessary to add to this unit another 32000vrize lnr cubator Todo this it was necesary to remove the end of the building and add to the space inside so that unit could be placed in the string of automatic incuba tors so that the huslncss could kecp up with the demands for this special type of chick being produced undcra contract This specifies the special product that is sold is hybrid chick which produces special variety egg which Is as different from the ordinary 398 as Jersey creamis from the ordinary var iety The demand for our chicks has been beyond our ability to hatch and we were obliged to either turn down the orders or add to our facilities Craig Hunter owner salesman and hatchery export told us We just did not have spare chick to fill the small orders or for inn spoke as the charter presi dent of the Baxter Home and School Association and outlined meeting in their asv sociation School educationchair man Garnett Pratt who is the past president of Hillcrest Home and School Association outlined what hefelt made good presi dent and referred to theguide posts Mrs Agnew vicepresi dent of the council and president of the Johnston Street Horne and School outlined typical annual meeting Mrs Hankin who has just completed three years as Area vicepresident and who is pres cntly liaison officer between the provincial and Canadian home and schbol associations explain ed the striicture of the homeand school associations at ithe various levels She also informed us how our pei capita fee is divid ed She went on to mention just few of the projects that are beingworked on by the boflne andscbool associations Canad ian family study teacher short age dangers of fireworks etc This was most interesting Urban and rural discussion groups were bunihg could really be heard when associations try and flnd out from others the sohitions to some of their problems This con ference held annually is design ed to help new senior officers solvc their problems beforethcy occur gt Refreshments were served and more discussionsth place rxraamucnrum formed and the our own use new in toen larga our facilities The big incubaicr was unload ed off transport which 2had brought it from Denver colon ado This big tnctor trailertype ofvehicle had two of these units on it one of which was to be no loaded atLondonFa where it would be on demonstration for week after which it was to 20210 hatchery in that area The driver of the truck is not only atruck driver but also an expert on the installation and repair ofthe cquipmcnt He of tenlcaves home and doea not get back for month or six weekshe told us We noticed that the vehicle had Ontario plates on and were told that this had bccnï¬neccy sary before the vehicle could use our roadsTho cost of these was $110 and might not be used again this year as thefsamc truck could be in lilexlco when the next omï¬ornrdar wasrtobc delivered Some states demand license others require tem porary permit Some measure he gas in the tank and charge an The Hunter Poultry Earths located on Highway flat the corner of the Bthiinc Mr Hit for said the new incubator whichwas set up for hatching immediately would ltakc care the back log of orders on hand and give thc opportunity to take on some new customers While we were at thopiaï¬t they twere taking off hatch from an incubator nearly as large as the new one The icks were being sexed by two Japancseexperts who handled the chicks asfast asthcy could pick them up Albout hhlf of the hatchmre males and these are putrinto boxes to go to the gas chamber That makes the cost of hatching doubic buhthcre secmsJo be no better CIWay of dng this The demand is for laying chicks and the male of the species is of little valucfor table use Egg for thescttings orein ported or take from onejcross of breeding secretto the quality ofthc chick produced and like hybridplant it cannot be rabrcd successfully tried ii egg from thisvlien you would care to order justan noVdoubt practical rm of crop insurance would be welcomedlnot onlyby the fa on himself but also by busines en Throughout panadar through recognition of what it would mean in stabilizingfarm operation and the economicsnf Sask the entire nation Esth 31 sun WRESTLING Marcuss