Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jun 1958, p. 4

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MRIANDMas DELMER not fotthemmoltheflanienu ClawIr loeu Ind Pretend anal Wadllfllhl node wonplrtynt the homeaof llrnliylclnthe Soon Thornton turned out to be nvpot luck supperviodoors with the meeting in front of glowing ilreplaee Part President Lois Mnhon in stalled who secretary Evelyn Kighlley The 195859 executive President Ruhy McCarthy vice president Enid Carter secretary Evelyn Kigl1llcy and treasurer Delphine Jacomhs Two new members Hyacinthe Scott and Astrid Rachmann were initiated The club plans to haw mage sale Oct and card party in November prayer by Mrs Cochrane Slides from Holy Land Shown WMS The monthly meeting of Cent ral United Church Womens Mis sionary Society was held June 19 in the church parlors The pres ident Mrs Cook opened the meeting with hymn followed members and visitors were wel comed by the president The minutes at the last meet ing were read by the secretary Mrs Gillham followed by tho treasurors report by Mrs Feltis An interesting contest from thc study book on Japan was led by Mrs Brenn The offering was received and dod icated by the president Mrs Sicssnr was in charge oi the worship scrvihe and open Les cowpcr Studio NEY Insthamcs Anglican Church crown Hill on Saturday June twentyfirst at two oclock Norteen Baldwin daughter qtflnrvey Baldwin or Daistonand the late Mrs Baldwin mnrrled Delmcr may of Elliot Lake son of Mrs Lorne may Barrie and the late Mr Ney Reverend Cathcart officiated Mrs James Sinclair played the wedding music Given in marriage by her is tlier thehridc wore gown of nylon net and lace over satin The titted lace bodice had long sleeves and scalloped ncekline which was encrusted with pearls and iridescent sequins Thc boui fant skirt was fashioned with lace scrts in the front and lace tiers in the back The brides shouldcrdength veil as held by hard of sequins and arls and she carried bouquet red roses and stephanotisfin hite Bible Mtss Lois Baldwin of Craighurst aid of honor She wore incessstylegown of white ny nembossed withclustcrs of pink roses She wore headdress oi nk not and sequins and carried bouquet of pink and white At the reception held inthe Sunday School rooms of the church Mrs Currie Baldwin of Craighurst received the guests for the bride She wore blue dress with white accessories and cor sagc of pink carnalions The grooms mother assisted her wearing powder blue dress with matching hat white access ories and oorsagc of pink swecthear roses Leaving or wedding trip to eastern Ontario and the United States the bride wore mauve linen sheath dress with matching jacket while accessories and corsage of yellow sweetheart roses On their return the couple will live in Elliot Lake Kids Can ModelFor Mom and Money Theres hardly child who doesnt like to dress up and parade in fancy clothes often borrowed from mother if you have way with the needle and child under 10 years of age you can give your child the chance to parade in heror his own tirier by entering the Chil drcns Fancy Dress competition cd with prayer The theme was The Bible and Prayer and study at the Bible and prayer were stressed for everyday living and in the Scriptures we iind the Way the Truth and the Life Devotions closed witha hymn followed by prayer Mrs Cameron was soloist and sang Beautiful Garden of Prayer Mrs Aberdeen of Alliston the speaker gave very inter csting talk and showed slides of her trip to Palestine also Great Britain France ltaly Switerland Among the slides were scenes at the Mount of Olives the Street called Straight in Damascus the Church of the Nativity in Beth lehem and many other Biblical scenes Mrs Aberdeen was thanked by Mrs l1 Reynolds also all who had helped with the meeting and the tea hostesses at the Canadian National Ex hibition Mrs Elsa Jenkins manager at womens activities considers this triple threat competition Mothers have chance to show their skill at dressmaking They can win prizes $15 $15 or$10 And the young one can model hcr costume on thestage of the Family Theatre in the Queen Silzabelh Building Judging day is Aug 25 but all entry forms must be received by Aug So now is the time for you mothers to start sewing For information and rules about the Childrens Fancy Dress Competition write to Mrs Elsa Jenkins manager Womens Ace tivities Canadian National Ex hibition Toronto Womens Institutes TecWeGwill WI Plans July Picnic The June meeting of TecAWe Gwill Womens institute was held at the home of Mrs Dalton Meher The rollcail beauti fulspo lll Simeoe County was answered by 29 members andfour ivisitors It was agreed to buy articles for layeites for Arab children Pia gt were made for the annual which is to be held on Jul 20lnrAlliston It was decided to enter float in Cookstown Centennial Fair ers June Brown andMrs Joyce Wiggins were appointed to attendrthc Leadership Training course The motto was Remember the kettt how it is up to its neck in hot watersand yet it sings was given by Mrs Sarah Riley The following flimsjon agn ure and industry were shown Canada Awakening Are Made and meeting with theoilidn visit Eileen Inchnon neuonnlradvlnor Region No Ellis Gregory Hamill provincial president will give report of National Conference lobe held lnEdmon ionid July An lnvitltiop was received from he BerninBulloeu and Professional Womens Club to attend the Provincial Conference in SarnliOct 17 13 and 19 Since Sarah will be celebrating th ir Centennial at that timeit thouid be gala occulon Jameif MR ANDMRSJ delicious jam and jellies The can now it our markets but the sen sonlrnhort and sweet to rte wech youll be glad to have this delicious flavor stored in ginserial read to serve at any tinie ol the yen Today its no chore to nuke pectin produce tin hhed Sun or lolly that in as attractive as it is delicious All you have to do is to 3pm pare the trult oriulee odd liquid or powdered fruit pectin and measured amount at tugr brine the jam or jetty mixture to all rolling boil and bolus1rd or Just one Monte With this short bollmcthod results are run there is no loss of the delicate friritflavor and youwill get uplo nose more into or jelly trim the some amount at In for you would with the lbng hoil method Just 15 minuteS afterthe fruit or juice is prepar ed the Jam or jelly is ready to be put away With the old fashioned long boil method the jamor jelly mix ture had to be boiled until lruii acid sugar and pectin were in their history teachers the proper concentration to form get but long boiling causes evaporation of ice thus redue log the yield carameliution oi sugar resulting in dark color ed product and loss at flavor rHere is flavorvtull variation of the jam session Strawberry Rhubarb Jam Uncooked lype Ylcld About medium glasses or in plot ireezcr glasses lbs jam cups prepared fruit quart ripe slrauherrles and leresh rhubarb cups lbs sugar ti cup water than or powdered truil pectin First prepare the lru Crush thoroughly quart ripe straw beries Measure cups into large pan or howl Grind very fine do not peel about pound fresh rhubarb Measure cup and set aside Then make the jam Measure sugar and set aside Mix water and powdered fruit pectin in small saucepan add rhubarh and inix welL firing tor boil and boil hard minute stirring const antly Add to strawberries in large pan stirring well Then add sugar and stir briskly minutes or until most ottho sughr is dissolved Thcre vwi be tew remaining crystals Lad quickly into glasses orjrcceer eon tainers Cover at once with tight lids or seals Let stand 24 hohrs Then store in recur Orpii is to he used within 1wo or three weeks it may be atoredjn erator ENGAGEMENT llir and Mrscharles 11230 bcrison announce the engagcmEnt of their daughter Colleen Pat iricla to Ernest Milton Essays son of Mr and Mrs MiltonEidms of BarrieL The marriage to take piaceon Saturday July WB5 and Reallmq History is hunk said Henry Ford Perhaps some people par ticularly those unfortunate in may be tempted thoughtlessly to agree with him but the continued pope ularlty of historical novels would suggest that more people agree in spirit with Sir Philip Sidney never heard the old song of Percy and Douglas that found Eat AMES LAMONT Audrey Marie Murray youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Stephen Murray of Victoria Harbour married James Gordon Lamont of Niagara Falls son of Mr and Mrs Blaker Lamont pf Barrie Reverend Charles Cartercttlciated at the ceremony in St Paul Presbyterian Church at three oclock on saturday June seventh Miss Phyllis Brown played the wedding muslcand accompanied soloist Mrs Don Lamont The bride given in marriage by her father wore ballerina length gown oiwhite nylon net overtaffeta with tiers of lace theskirt and with lace jacke Herr elbowAlength veil of nylon net embroidered with silk was held by tiara of seed pearls and silk embroidered nylon She car riedva bouquet oi red roses and white mums Mrs Yaul Lord of Sudhury Ws matron of honor Miss Yvonne Lamont the grooms sister and Miss Jeanne McKay were brides maids The attendants were gowncd in hallorinaldnglh gowns ofmau taffeta with matching access and pictu hats They oar ed yellow an white mums Catherine and Wendy Murray nieces of the bride were flower girls They wore yellow taffeta dresses and hats white accesso ies and carried mauve and wh mums Ronald Bertram was grooms mann iJack Lamont and Robert Murray were ushers Fo ing the ceremony re at Bourgeois Lakeshore Anion Millshkam ResultsrPosfed The followingvis the promotion list for Antcn Mills Public Schoo Ill1 and 14 Vespra and Ft as submittedby the teacher 15 Catharine Paterson Grade Hohn Knapp David Madill Patricia Milier Ronal Simpson Grade 8Lacwrence Knapp Grade use Marie Haekeyi Janice Knap DawnvMilcs Grade BMary Lou Howden Donald McRae Garry Eriest Douglas Simpson Grade 5Diane Cameron Ber Hacker Brian Kewiell Al GradeWayne Cole FisPECJALs cksuren much coLoiwavafs gt comedy that made BroadWay his Hartmanwho is also native of Calgary has appeared at the Dining Room ior 90 guests was held The brides mother received the guests wearing dusty rose chif ion and lacedrcss with matching accessoriesanda corsage of pi roses The gr nms mother assist edher wearing dress of cm broidered navy nylon with white accessories and corsage of red roses gt For wedding trip to Niagara Falls where the couple will reside the bride wore an orangeice sheath dress with matching coat white accessories and Corsage of white roses The bride is graduate of the Barrie Royal Victoria Hospital School of Nursln not my heart moved more than with trumpet Indeed it is ditiicuit not to be moved by really good historical novel Canadian readers will of course tlnd English history lass interesting than do the English but all admirers of her work will enjoy THE WHITE WITCH by Elizabeth Goudge It is set in the stirring times of the English Civil War and follows the for tunes ofthe Haslewnod family in Oxfordshire who are Roundheads and young Cavalier nobleman who is disguised as portrait painter at the beginning of the story halfgypsy cousin of the Haslewoods is the white witch of the title and there are fascinating descriptions of her various herbal remedies As usual Miss Goudge penetrates the minds of her char acters to surprising degree it is pleasant change to meet an author wholooks or and brings out the good in peoples natures even though she cannot ignore the evil it must he confessed that the story moves slowly and does not compel reading at asitting it can berput down and taken up aga which for busy people may not be adisadvahtage and it will have noappealtor those who prefer what to misquote may be called the fleshy school at Red BarnThealré Opens sons Point lights up on July with auproduction of theFour Poster starring the husband and wife team oiEdna Pozer and Ron Hartman The Four Poster domestic torywith anothe well known husband and wife team Jessica Tandy andHume Ctonyn will be directed byVernon Chapman EdnaTozer who playsthe role made famous by Jessica Tandy hails from Calgary where she won the Best Actress Award pre sented at The Dominion Drama Festival for her performance of in The Ladys Not For in radio and betwision MissPoze has appear atthe Stanford Festival The trend with the qrest Theatre an oronto She has just return ed from London nglandwher she played lathe west En The Crest Theatre production of The Glas Cage gt his summer stock for Ron Hartman who is cast asthe husband Mri nd Janus He the Avenue Theatre Mr hisperfonmance in Thelmburied Dead Queen Dan thmscvcntbmsornot The Four PosteiiThis Tuesdaxf ThéRed Barn Theatre atJack Mother and Son producing team from Toronto are bringing Sum miervlheatre back to the Red Earn Theatre in Jacksons Paint this season with rogram of top plays featuring well knowu Canadian stage and iteltevtsion stars staging new show each week tor nine weekslted Barn pros duetious coininglup include such well known theatre as Bus Stop Light Up the Sky and fDialM for Murder Nan and Norman Stewart the historical novel Even the most straitlaced maiden aunt would enjoy it rather unusual book is THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING by White It consists of four novels sort of prose epic in four books and might almost be called Malory uptodatc The Sword lathe Stono deals with Arthurs boyhood until the time he was recognized as king through the feat of withdrawing that sword The Queen of Air and Darkness introduced Gawaine and his brothers and mothersod covers Arthursearly days as King of Britain Sir Lancelot is the hero of The lllAMade Knight and Guencver the heroine The can die in the wind concludes the tale onthe eve of Arthurs last battle At times it is difficult to tell whether the author is serious or not he seems almost to ba satir izing the Arthurian legend or else Malory some may feel that the introductionoi modern allu sions and speech particularly dia lectspeech the Cockney sergeant atarms for instance is irrever ent but then it is doubtful whe ther everyone did always speak in the language of chivalry not withstanding Malory Some ofthe incidents are de lightful tor example Sir Palo mides Sir Grumore and the Questing Beast Merlyn appears rather more human and less om nipotent how fortunatewere Ar thur and Kay to have such tutor These moments of light relief however only make the ultimate tragedythe loss at all that Arthur had striven torthe more impressive and We realize that the whole matter is serious more than just legend or med iacval romance It is lndeeda Many readers of historical nov els would not think of turning to serious hismriealworlr which is totheirloss since not all his tories are dull or consist of strings of dates and facts really lively and readable history is DEVILS BBOOD by Alfred Duggan the story of Henry II Kingof England and Count of Anjou and his family you are descended from the Devil be surprised if you hehavelike him andrnobody livingat that time was surpnsed none oi the familycould ever have been aclt cused oibeingadullr or boring and norindeedcanthe book the style is worthy of thesubjeet matter cannot make history come alive in this manner for the general reader historywriting fonthe spe cialist is anotherrnatter Hist ory can he and shouldbc intense 1y interesting Whether treated to the author and that it is far fascinating and enthralling novel if you sincerely believe that nobody least of all yourself can It isa pity that moreauthors 250 spgm townounomng ro it Murmurs fie7 Juno lélh to Run erry eat to make IE dellclou sowhy not by thi luccesslul reel lasagna rho Supi prepared mo in out rt ripe rotph sI skim tor minute to to prevent ocean trui to glasses Cove stone with inch no paraffin Make bout to medium glasses Wn we ctth ma warnedmy gent really on JlJNEdOe rues JULY cLoséo idearto temps hit new glasrl hetero paladin or to breakln simo gt 12 for mu cplumnuhlcit wt

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