TWO CENTS PER GALLON of gas sold atithls Reliance Booster Station at Bradv ford Street Barrie will be donated to the Barrie Collegiate rBend Overseas Trip Fund Bowman princlpal ofBarrie District Central Collegiate was on hand to greet the first customer under this Qf TheEub he Io Benched lvrreedomfightexsalidownthmughvths use have struggled ind died for The Right iverhaps one who most token or zrauted and least appreciated Rights in the democratic way of life is our Right to be Informed Likesuniight and fresh air free dom of speech and ireedom of thepress scheme Morrison MBE who was the first chairman of the BurrieDlstrlct Collegiate Board Helping Mr Bowman are Don Hodges vicepresident of the band left and Jim Ferguson librarian to the hand right PfTHLGBLHT ournoon By WALLY SMITH Took spin around Lake Sim coe last Sunday that is after we the benefit of all wclimcaning Strawberry tca sale home bak tend to become so much parrot our daily lirethatwe give them little thought And yet like sunlight and fresh air these free doms areindispensuble to healthy growth and wellbeing Their removal would stifle our existence The seeds of corruption and totalitorian ism wither and die under thebrlght share of unbridled and unpreiudiced publicity communism and Fascism vgrewv strong in those countrieslwhere free press was strangled In Canada and in theUnlted states the spotlight of free speech and free press shrlvelled on the vine the ridiculous efforts of the Nazi bonds the Communist cells and the Ku Klux Klan The highway contracts and Petnwawa scandals were eradicated when exposed to the light of public information New Visar Lutheran Church when editing and newsgnthering to blind accept nndmybenmoouous are the insidious ihroads of todays efforts to hamstring the chunneis of communication Whenever you heirpf newspaper being legiflmptepublic meeting whenever you hear of another bureaucratic restriction pn publication your Right to be blamed is atstok ï¬nds it in Jeopardy newspaper surrenderszconsclentious ance of propagand handcu of the Public tobo Informed But the ngnt goes on today usapcotaoular perhaps Your newspaper his the challenging re sponsibillty obkeeping ypuintormedon all matters affeeting your ecommic cultural political and spiritual welfar to bring you the facts withou fear leveror prejudice conscientious newspaper when it fights to uphold Freedomof the Press is not pur suing selfish objective It is not merely seeking greater license for irresponsible oxe grlnding and monetary gain It is in truth battling for yourRight to be Kept informed six IiNDERgPARa SHOULD WINSONT had put spot of lunch together the coleman stove iuniors bot tles toys and all of those things which young babies need and you dare not go too far from home without We headed down old number 11 and found it quite relaxing after afcw years of the 400 ratracc Turning off at Holland Landing we headed thc car in the general directlon of Jacksons Point we found that we were almostdosi at times lhcscencry has changed so much in the past few years since we have been down that way After passing miles and miles of summer properties keep out no trespassing and other such welcoming signs it was like find ing an oasis to come across friendlysign which read Depart ment of Lands and Forests Sib baids Point Park We were surprised to find that lot of work had been done on this new park and that few thousand people had the same ideas as ourselves we had be trouble finding picnic table whereupon pop set up the camp stove for babys bottle and Mothers inevitable spotof tea while mom set up tasty looking spread of cold chicken and all the other trim mings which one conjures to mind with the word picnic After lunch and quick sight seeing tour around the park we headed for home by way of Beav rerton Gamebridge where we wet line for few minutes while Junior had another pull at his bottle and then visited for while at Orillia This is certainly splendid way of spending Sunday afternoon asit is very picturesque trip and gt you are never more than yards away from the water for the biggest part of the way From the June 21 Weekly Report of Lake Simcoe District Ontario Department of Lands and Forests We noted within ierest an article by Sandy Elliswhich we felt was quite timely It came toour ears that some pupils at local primary school found family of rabbits iand pieked up same We will quote Sandys article on Protect Young Game in its entirety for people who pick up young wild creatures in the hope that thcy too will learn lesson which wc learned somc years ago We quote This is the period of the year when resiocking is taking place throughout the district in the oldiashioncd way Moihcr birds and animals are attending their liticrs and broods and pro iccllng them in order that they may develop into healthy individ uals by next fall So that they may pursue their normal development and likewise assure that game is plentiful for the sportsmen it is esscniial that these family groups 50 left alone and not molested in any manner Many of these infauis are dis lurbcd by wellmeaning persons who believe that any wandering youngster is an orphan You can be assured that the parents are in the vicinity and that watchful eyes are taking in your every move in other words please leave all wild creatures to their own devices and above Iall do notihke them home for pets The Departmentof Lands and Forests ls restocking streams with young trout and placing many young pheasants in suit able habitats The cooperation of the sportsmen is likewise needed here to protect these spe cs for the future Fish and Wildl reminder to thoughtless dog owners referring to section 30 subsection of the Game and Fisheries ActNo owner of dog shall allow it to molest or follow upon the track of any wild game bird or disturb its nest during the months of April May June and July in any yearl Saturday was theofficial open ingof the Black Bass andMask inonge seasons in this area The season runs from June 28 to Oc tober 15 That is in the area South of and excluding the French and Mattawa Rivers and Lake Nip sing Creel limit on bass is six per day with no size linu Limit on Maskinonge is two it one day not less than 28 inches in length Both of these game fish are quite prevalent in this area and within short drive from here The 1958 open seasons for deer and moose haVeheen just staff pass along another ing under auspices of Crystal Chapter Orange Hall Allandalc from lo pm Wednesday July cents 7475 June 28 and every Saturday is Cabaret Night at Savannah Lodgc Dine dance floor show Doug Romaine MC $250 couple Reservations phone SLroud 41121 7278 recently announced by ontnrios Minister of Lands and Forests the Hon Clare Mapledoram The season for deer in the Parry Sound Haliburion area which is frequented by the larg est single group of Ontbrio hunt ers will run from November to November 15 The arcri north of the French River which also attracts many hunters willhavc season running fromNovember Lio November 25 the same as last year Spacc will not permit us to list all of the seasons for Door and Moose so all interestEd hulth crs are reminded to watch for it in the next column next Friday when we will list all of the areas for both deer and mouse Until then good fishing good hunting and above all good sportsmanship Obey the rules lets save some for another day By all means relax enjoy your holidays and weekends but do take time to play it safe especial ly around boats and water By the way hats off to the Barrie Jaycccs for planning very interesting soundingnomin ion Day program for the benefit of those who will be in town on July full program of fun and sports starting with grand par ade at pm which will wind up at St Vincent Park area where there will be concesious rides games and waterfront events It is about time that some publicspirited and patriotic group got something going for our national birthday lets sup port the Jaycecs in their worthy venture ADVERTISE IN irHE um rermrn PRO GOLFTOIIRNEY Pete llnlayson genial Forest Hills pro who will play host to the Ontario CPGA championship tourney July 14 predictsa six undcr psr 3hole score 138 will win the Dow Kingsbeer Tro phy and $1000ï¬rst prize money Finlayson has two main reasons for predicting such lowlscorc Firsitho best golfers in On tario will be competing cant with personal communionset see least mo of the calibre of ALBulding MocNorman Ger ry Kesselrlng Murray Tucker Bill Mawhlhney or Jerry Magoo failing to put together good sub par rounds And second the Forest Hills course has been greatly improv ed and Is in iopconditiou for the evenl Four holes have been en tlrclyrebuilt and the drainage FEATURE of theJuiylst celebrations here win bé water skiing exhibition of which Joan rFydell above is important participant er Even heavy rains just prior to the tourney wonl upset things he said Forest Hills is Jae of the old est courses in the Toronto area withpars of 36 for thc 3400yard front nine and 35 for the 8100 yard back nine Course record is 68sct last year by an amateur Finlayson points out the course is also ideal from gallery View point Spectators can watch eight holes without having tolcave the clubhouse he said system isinperfect working ord gtAnd thecourse UIS KERESTES is now vicnr of The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd Barrie He succeeds Student Pastor Milan BM who after years ministering here re turns to the Concordia Seminary Springfield Illinois for his final year of theological training Pas tor Babcl conducted his last scrA er hazards antl numerous sand traps is sure to make for excl ing play ThcDow Klngsb rispon tournament inaugurated in 1956 is credited with encouraging Ojn tario prosdo play on the winter circuit andgiving then the means for the fling Alghaldlngs victory in the in augural for instance was one his first big wins in hls golfing career Fortyeight pros took part in that cvcnt and 52 entered last years tourney aiScarboro wine was won by Murray Tucker Thi and scrapbook of pictures Mr Kereslcs is native of Streator Illinois where be at tcntcdlthe local school in 1953 he graduated from Purdue Uni versity and received his bachelor degree After year as an un dciywritcr with thc iihrifoid Fire lnsurance Company Chicago he entered the Lutheran Concordia Seminary Mr and Mrs Kcrestcs and their three daughters Elizabeth viceat Codaington School yester day at the conluslon of which the congregation prcsentcd him Emily 18 months pndjyan gcline three months llVef at Apt 68 Blake Street Barrie Borne collegiate BandEuropean out One of the rndre interesting features of the Barrie 1011ng late Band Overseas Tour will be the experience of the young musicians in being billeted with High School students of the city or Vlesslngen Flushing where the Bahdwiil stay two days August 19 and 20 to play at the monthlong Zomer Show =r DutchCanadians residing in Barrie state that the city of 40000 is wateringplace with excellent beaches nearby and market Withinflve kilometres thatis major attrac tion Traditional dress of the more conservative Lowlandeis is still worn by few who come to market although suehra custom is gradually disappearing Thc Band will alsovappear at another summering place on the island of Texelhsome 80 kilometres north of Amster dam Here the young people will be billetedwlth citizens while they enjoy their stayat Den Burg The island is also noted for its broad beaches and for being major bird sanc tuary The Band will play in Het Park All oftheir tim in Paris is being devoted to sightseeing The historic cit offers so much in the way or education that the Director Fisherhas declined to lose anyof the students time in park performances Guided tours are in process or being booked for such places as the Louvre Eiffel Tower Versaillesetc The pupils will at last have chance to find out that thestudy of foreign language can be useful In thisirespect it is interesting to note that all correspondence from 10 differentcentres in Holland request the Band has been in English Mr Fisher continents iuefully at notone member of his organization could reply in DutehLand that verygfew would caretoyreply in any other language but English Travel will certainly broaden theintemsts of these student musicians and even quicken the desire foryknowledg More donations rcceived Rubi on Hardware Re ves re llers Wi am vRainiord TorontmDomlnion Bank Mr Dingman Parsons Arthur Daniel Mrs Leighton Clarke Edwin Wilson Little man lived by the side of the road and sold hoidogs He had trouble with his eyesfso he read no Newspapeo He wos hgrd of hearing so belied no Television But he sold good hot dogs VHé pufup qsignoh the highwoyielling how good they were ljle stoodby ihesiderof therooii andcried Buon hotdo people bought Heincredsed his meat oncltlaun orders He bought biggersiove io core of his trade Hé brbughthis son home from Collegelo Help him Lorrie Clarke Simone Djstrlc Coop Rev James cecn North 20 Walter Steckley 10 Miss Rodgers 10 Ted Clarke 10 LawrenceStark 3mm comgomm Bani 34 Sophl St Barrie On