mi ind Truly Yours There warm other very good that in diflennt taste very reasonable Pegui mic not out low irigieiweroout though and two reallyJiked Especially for cutting were Japanese single varieties one was called Ara um Inoibcr hybrid of Mr llmwns own crossing was lins uncIlnd another ItoseJtquT gt Their blooms make lighter bououot than thehea3t qunlcs mfle Gogtornew more open lllr Brown nu most gracious or emu flung my bus xtAil years outlieladvanoe Ind pioneering partyto leave Barrie on Wednesday July Applica tlou iorms may be obtained at 1tho building 26 Owen St Torbaps it would be well in repeat at this time that only ouaiiï¬ed ru ed individuals us Everyone on parties must bca iair swimmer in good heailh have some knowledge of the woods be able to aecept pioneering eon dillous and share in the work llld ubsoi setting up camp ofl on Ninth gudeutour Inn W15th Mn at by Ansusandflcw Well throdiih Cremvure fin forges Flrlsmp was at the large dam agar Fergus built to stop the Iiiand him from flooding min hemfibe group went onto Eton dd gtthc gardens at Wlliialn News View fromBarne 1110st SecretuyDirector Bruno Iron many varie uies and alsoorlcnlal cs and iris lhepoppies andxie as érzvllvatdltlg D951 Mumy not us in Elora and showed as around We saw the was impressed by uleJolluw largest bowling grcen In Canada iDitjlris iiliinl 0W5 White also Micchurch whore Florence smfllmcf my MW Als Nighiimsales iiancce was pas Pheasant Pink Sensation Palo my and j5 butler We saw the quiet pretty streets TIME TABLES well kepi until CANADiAN NArloNAt is 01 003 COUNTY annually is host to hi5eounclilors irte ds tt1eJunePlcnic thlsyear at Sprtnzwster Par His hip wordenï¬rthur Evans of Bradiord is at right as Bea Allen an agent at the ï¬rm which handles the insurance ipresentsbouquet it uses to Mrs Evans At left ts John lpabny superln en Midhurst Egonentry Stotionv howsrd wd sons also1ook log on From Hora we left for River side Park in Guelph where an enjuyablc picnic lunch was our takengi leave Toronto to to Vancouver does not stop Midluu nose Wt Arrich cave Allaudale 1255 Leah liarrlo Incouvc dolly eavo All dale ArrivcBmrle 1033 we North Bay 330 pm Arrive Mcaiord 150 North Satrdï¬ays only ArrivevBor 953 we then vicni to the men houses at UAC There Is always good show to be Seen here iris achnswere past their best Sumeplants in the perennial bordcrwcrc at tiltin host One was Anpiulsa and another Die le ve In namln In ale terms or the gas plant Guclph Board of Trade who tes the Royal llo THE ANNU sums Corners 1Ciub was held at The 50 230 Pmw Studio on Codrlngton Street on Thursday mctbyMeFlschcipresident oi L1une Photogrupiiedoboveiare stand smoke Neil Mayor MrsRusseli MoLnre vie president ainatteri of conccrn through the guest ed Olin Ilefzaliols pr Mr liSCher look tour oi the rip for Few Guciph has 02 industric is very rapidly expanding industrial ecntre Even entertaining Fiona Guetpb went to Kit chener stopped at the liorti anions Except for some ovelyglieds Dwarf Sweet ansy bcds combin the Botanical Gardens at linmil then to cSpring Gar Roscswcre lnbloom in We 31 iris vwere past bus arrived after an it Day was held in Barrie Union Cemelery on Sun day my ilhcrc was fair ing lthc plots at this more interest could be crowd to mark the occasion but turai mceiln listo Arm ioronto ally except Sunday 8110 i9 era Vancouver connections north 11 the anion To Leaves Toronto 3115 dilly ldhurst call one mi aneouver toiornnto posses Millz vs daysinst week gt Mm Viotor llovvard and family an wllllcthcro ealled onMr Mianntm wanna Mr tt and Mr and Picnic dim WA and Sunday Sullool be held at the perat six bComo your pic basket mg Couple oi friends and ghbprs doth obthe Com rt oi the evening in dancing vafler onnellyandjbas grits were presentedto Graham Elmvalc Harold Graham Mr Le MeGirr lng an enjoyable ch was quite Compieted toursc quratulotions to Miss Ann lteg daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert yGrahom Who has successlully completed course in nursing at University of Toronto Breaks Bone v0n Frdiay evening while play ing wiih Alfonwo against Dennis Turn hadthe misfortune to break bone at the ankle and at prescnt is patient in lcnctang gt General Hospital gtBresent Communion Cloths OnSuuday morning at St Johns United ChurchDr ong is lll wjï¬cnif hers by proicss olfaith and threeaduit baptisms and sacra lnent of Holy observed Minkind Mrs James Furlong presented communion lulhs Thomas French has sold his farm to Thomas Jordan Recent Visuals Recent visitors with Burt Gra ham were Mr and Mrs Cecil Bcwn oi Weston Mr and Mrs Gee Armstrong Mr and Mrs and Mrs nrird Koliman and Cranston rk of ltochestor rsSmith Cameron Goibornc spent lie parents oi Port the week with and Mrs Fred Aweekendg with Mrs parents Mr and Mrs rcrg so andMrs Van Loo oi slicrtuil Mr Cook hetiyquk and1 of Toronto were guests Mrs Wesley Jor Stewart Edmonton spent ingicit to right Brian White union was erston at Silncoe couple olwecks Mrs Bishop gt issJom Greenlmnk and Mr Coupland lleta Hams Llll Beth Holmes and ilynJIoImes Tlie groomropiied thanking all or the gifts and all sa For They are JoilyGoed lows Lunch iollowed elose The collplt will beresid in Barrie Attended Fuller Mr and Mrs William Walton attended the funeral Susan McKenzie atchji Mi land Visit Mr and Mrs Victor lioward and Bothy and Mr and Mrs Louis Nixon visited on Tuesday with Mr Laura Wright and Mr rv Wh and Mar IEntertains Friends Mrs Tipping entertained her friends and heighb rs on Sat eralonAppomt niornwaiion foi er tea from hcrdaughtcr Jenn riagc will take ploc July to ieter Pétiopouloslof Willowdale Fnrililsomni lcnle Due to the chilly day lownliuu Farm Forum held their pickling sniping4gb bane Alliston WTucsday with 29 adults and 18 chidrcn present fed expressions oIobest wishes to member at the group who recently moved to Alliston On behalf of the group and com munity iriends Mm Jo cey was presented with carafe new and saucer and an cnv ope oi money by Mrs Ki and Mrs ll5utcliH Treats were pass theehiitlren and fewcontesis were conducted by the commit tee in charge after wh worlds and Wariqnioy Sympathy or Community Sympathy oi the community is xicndod Mrs Herman Cole and family the bereavement of beloved nether alidgrand mother All Feltz Paine wl June JWood visited last wcckwith relatives and iriends um stint MrsJosepli lianecys house an theCamp Borden road has been sold 10 Ml Rink of North Bay Leaves jor Germany Mrs Caesar Murphy of Baxter was hostess Wednesday evening when relatives and friends of Mrs lllorence Dem gathered in her luvinon Mrs Denney was presented with personal gift She leav rlvtalton airport on Sunday in Germany where he will spend month with her daughter and iamily liiesalames Henderson inmost11 ilalbhrt Corich present arly in Inc home Buyers who class honorsin her examination Birth oi Daughter Congratulations to tuxwand Mrs Everett Butters fwhose baoy daught arrived June it Memorial Hospital liston sister fol Pate at him Gaulcys homo Allistnn for her lricnthi abel Kerr bridetodw bel lsa daughter oi Mr audMr NorvalKe Toronto Weekend Mr and Mrs enderson spent the weekcnd inVToronto With Mr and Edward Den th son and daughter lies in Edmonton Aliierta rny ANExAMINE wanna PHONEPAB2414 sit nee the campsile is in what is known as wilderness area the matter communication with the outside world has been However kindness at some friendsoi the we will have atolir disposal or emergency use only wzikietalkic with service on 24hour basis at the receiving end Swimming sports willbc strictly supervised and lhe buddy syslem used élong with all other necessary precautions For those who qualify list of equipment to take along will be sent Acbarge at $10 per person per week is madc to cover and costs gt tel damnation An in phase of any camp is the rts in swimming lnstructiou and test log lnhandling boats and canoes lsrequired before permission is given to use them Thc enmp hasbecn very or tuiutc infsecuring boats and canoes for the future two or campers The Ys Mens Club purchased and donated trwo stur dY boats to the camp Frank Clearehas lt donated his 14foot craft and Mr and Mrs brook 20 Shannon us acanoe an fleet ELIIV b0 lo motols each hp at has been secured Minorsf Bay part thodlome Lake where the camp an erect small cabin inwitich to store thef motors and beach thetboats will add great deal to the little more accessible eliminate and carrying the motors onthe long portage from the parked cars at the end of the road if you have canoe or small boat you are no longer using and wouldlilre to donate itrto the cam the committeevwould be veryhappy to receive same Pleas telephone orwrite to the and we wilifhave member pick up canoe or and transport to camp EYERYSAIURiJAYNIGHi srnnrmo 1an as liudyTSpratt Quartet with gt Penny on vocals Doug no 5150 courts nisrnvnjlous HUN AILIN Irnouolunzx boating and water BESTDBESSE our reporter itleth ExReeVe oicoid Blméoe Mr Mine in Bdrrle on on ï¬ne Home Mrs Ernest Milie hown here An Tait5 who the County oi new Robinson Satur Mrs lhc pupils bury seilools enjoy Niagara Faus last Thursda Mr and Mrs Wil Mr and Mrs Eat Belt ling1 Weekend Mr and Mrs Gordon of Toronto and and family of Lan kénd guests of Mrs KNSURANCE AGENCY 49nthESIEUxflmi PAS 4427 $5 0315 notdb