one Doris Ruddici attended the MeGirrllead wedding in Grentel UnitedChureh inst sat and was bridesrn hired on Friends Slnnetsky whé attended Teachers College in Torontnlhis yelr and taught the senior room here last year called on friends here on luesday Lost Furniture Mr and Mrs Stelaniuk lost their furniture and belongings in the lire which destroyed Camp bells Slorage building in Barrie on Thursday Mr Steianiuk is serving in Egypt and Mrs Stei aniukls staying wilhhermolher Mrsiames itielfnight at present Visit to Germany Mrs Murphy entertained nunthe oi friends on Tuesday evening in honor of her aunt Mrs Elorence Denney wi leaving on Sunday June 29 by planeJur Germany idy twith her soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mr RGray lsaae Jennett Thorntonis coolant pi dren Mr Keys Sr my and friend of DaLrtonwere Sunday visilun with Mr and Mrs Ray Curing gt Mr and Mrs Don Crawford and Debbie oi Oriilia wereweekend visitors of Mr andMrs Clarke mawtord Baptismal Service large congregation attended St Aidnns ChurchSunday morn ing at whicheerviee Diane young est daughter of Mr and Mrs Bay Cuppngc was christened Mr and Mrs Smith of Ottawa who presented the theautiful veiuastem ing font to St Aidans in mentor lam werealso present Rev Dr Lightlhourn gave an interesting address anti Mrs Gerry Croft sang ill Walk With God very nicely Mr and Mrs Mason Mit chell Square Mrs Robert Venue and Peter at Forest visited Mr and Mrs Edgar Johnston Miss Pauline Leigh spent the Li Mare boplecometeHPCr 01 maney help Reason HFC Canadas leading consumer finance company offers courteous money management advice and prompt loan service bucked by 80 years of ex perience Al HFC you can borrow up to $1000 get 097 millionfamiliu yam onedny service and lake harm unï¬nme from urc 30 mm mp HOUSEHOLD INANdE omam4f Mm as Wm Rabllh Manual Jalophono PA 66534 BARRIE streamers and bows The gifts were winced in by Miss Carol Me May in carriage =Four girl nï¬rmles This House oceani Plluied by Mrs Dixon humor ous mock wedding was acted by neighbors and humorous mon ologue acted by Mr Gess wok rnudl enioyed by all delicious lunch and socialtlme concluded the evening Backrem Europe Mrs Russell Maren has return ed after six weeks tour at Eumpe From Toronto Mr and Mrs Vincent Cordelia of Toronto visited Mrslownrd Prophet and hill recently Wedding Guests Many friends ottendedithevwed ding in Barrie Saturday otMiss Roadway The Roadway family were tanner residents pizlhe vil lage suym Mrs iahnSeott and children Stnyner are visitingrelotives in the VHIDZE lIonor BrideTone Mrs Alex Fletcher and Miss Connie Fletcher were hostess to surprise kitchen shower in honoroLMiss Betty McIntosh oi Orlilia who is to he married July to Arthur MumhersonoiOSh owa in St Pauls UnitedChurch Friends from village and Oriilia attended the shower invin McMahon spent aenuple of weeks attending thevGeneral Assembly of PresbyterianChurch lnloronto eéh inLInï¬nl WWI Almond Mrs Crawford Leizhflrho returned with her tor few don Mr andMrs Thomas EGutiliatt of Maplevisited relative inrlhe ageover the Weitrends row MOWER lndulstnaljtiasollnt Emomrsw lt0mpieï¬ï¬v¢rhoql of Mt up Will guuroqte new Illa and Hotter performun our DEPENDABLI SERYlCEl llorris lluio Elaine as nit1191 St 159 GENUINE WICO nus rrs SMALL WONDER VAprnLLfsJAKmo CANADA avsfonrnrwmj THEseBIo pArI FEATURES AssTANPARD EQUIPMENTI rouxnoun rlvs PissrtluElL SPACitillS mum Tornaments vcanrom rlus Heater aml Deiroslar Standard 2SpeetiEleetiie Windshield illlpars Sprayinsulated Against liumhle anti ltulsePanatamie Vision level lllde Suspenys Steering column Gear Shllt st AnnastEM some Amazan Economy Shorts Dar Handling Heres the 92 thats first becommg favorite clear acrossthe country And no Wonder for Vauxholl has every thing Canadians want car comfort and roominess sports got gt handling plus economy ata price thats alarmingly low Drive thefspanking em were warmers out lN Ml 95 mro EACH urs some rum musr 914 EH REVERENDP BECAME OF OUR lCE CREAM Steer ALL mnu amnwuesrwmkrrnew coat emsaovuslqm MIND OF FIRI 17 WMEWFF mow mm WILtqHOW ABM uh 5A mug lb klï¬ï¬fmrr yet2 AT