Big nyfoinr 51 Iizndcd gdown by in In rlo Department of blun linai Altair has been taken lh tha the rats Regarding the traah martini across thentnwnship road thit was caused byother than the con tractor using the dump and put my ting thelnatcrialstin other than could be considered and oi these 82 to The inspector felt that 11 some arrangements between the ancr the land used or the dump and the township eeuldbe reach abo 100 ratepayers but as these arex only nonresident owners the Home of the Board has been that théy do not quality as inhabitants Inia threepage documentthe re port at the committee who had rd the appeal against this rul ihg went into the dchnitiml oi the word dnhabitantl whlehtap pairs in the act to say who may apply or the Tormation ot sep arate municipal The Appeals Boil stated in their summary For the aforesaid reason the Ontario Municipal Board de cided that they had no jurisdie tl nd the appeal was dismissed 1th costs hls app ration for the area In uding Bighay Point and ngtlrc hconccssionas iar as25 slder dto heeomea sep arate municipality wasrnatlc nearly three years ago when the reï¬lilents at that area Ite many protests to IIICCOlIIiCII ove lch at services dcei ed that they would be better oit it they ran their own show They got ouL the petition an considerablc time and arranging the legalas pects of the proposal Theywcre told that the word in the act stat ingwho was qualiï¬ed to be on the petitions must be INHABIT Areas and ruling made then was ppealcdywith the above my suits Inhabitants must make their permanent place of abode at some stated place to be considered qual ihed the decision as to who theAsay as to what mun they belong Othér rite paycrs would have to establish themselves there and become per manently located in the area Barrie DumpPosses Health Inspection Imcoc County Health Unit has written the township clerk that alter careful inspection it was found there was no cause to cen sure the operators of the Barrie garbage dump or any violation of édjv Kingdom Continued Irom page nine interesting link between Canada the star actress of the play Jnlt AndreWs Miss Andrews is at east hall CapadlanVHerIa ther Ted Andrews was born Iih Toronto and brought up in the vDahforth Disiric Andrews will be remem by thousands of Canadihns gt who Vwere stationed in the south of England in the the Second World War He was talented entertainer with banjo and song and he and his wile Barbara Wells formed pa of the concert parties organ ized by Canadian LegionWar Services to entertainthel Cana dlan roops They were popu lar Their daughter thenow Julie Andrews was then eh of four or live years ol Now she is the toast of old Lo dnn he early years at edrthls might be controlled TwoRoom Ad Tollendol school The addition to the Tollendal school contraet has been let to Alexander and Son Barrie the east to be $38000 Howcv when thehuildlngrls ï¬nally rea for use it will cost the ratepayers $45300 which will include turn ishings architect tees and other costs over and above the build ing This school ls being erected on the same site as the present school so that the cost of land is not part at the total It hasvbeenicstlmatcd that in makingthe addition in this are it will save more than the cost otcarrylng the debenture In trans2 partition of pupils whieh was paid= outthe past year to gel puplls seated in other rooms The school board wrote the clerktreasurer asking that ï¬nal approval be obtained from the Municipal Departntent as soon as possibl so that work would not be delayed This cannot be stari ed until the debentureshave been placed lthad been anticipated that had this area beenannexcit to Barrie the responsibility of this school would not have been on lnnisiil Barries new area will be on thewest oi the tracks on Cooksiown Water Found At 280 Feet The police village oi Cookstown which is made up of our parts in our different municipalities has written the township at In and presumably the other three townships to ascertain the exact amount at their assessment in each area They are desirous of knowing just whatassessment is available to cover the cost of water supply for thcyillage They report that they have struck water After more than one try the drill has come up with flow at depth of 200 Iceb Now they are required to paylor this as wall as that of the drilling which did not result in water lt is the intention or the vill age to have the water piped to the homossothat the need of using surface wells can be elim inated Theyare being super vised in their plans by the Water Resources Commission whovhave the supply of water and sewers to the province under risdlci tion This installation of water supply system was agreed to foil owing vote of the ratepayers ove year ago The finding at upply was the first require It will he necessaryito have debentures approved by all our municipalities to raise the funds An incorporated village would haveallowedthem to han die their own affairs without hav ing to doit through the clerks of he townships Cattle Spraying Totollod 28200 the place they would be attended laIIlng health Mrs win uaaua comm Emmett Mrs HS Middlebrook Laid To Rest JuneI7 In Gloncoivn Cemetery Following several months at Henry Mlddlcbrook passed away at the General and Marine Hospital lngwood on June 13 1958 Through the death of Mrs Mld dlebruok the community has lost one of its most oaorableand highly respectede zens kind lys person possessed of pleas ant personality she had wide circle oi friends As wife and mother she was ever devoted and as friend and neighbor ever ready to extend helping hand Mrs Mlddlebrook whose maid en namewas Ada Mary Cook the daughter at the late Mr and Mrs John Cook was born in London England on Aug 1862 with her parents she came to Canada at the age of six months Most of her youth was spent in Sunnidale township and Toronto In 1904 married the late Henry Middlcbrook and spent most of her married life in the viciuty of Avening and Creemoro For 28 years she lived on the second line of Nottawasaga north of Avcning and l2years ago moved to her late residence in the village of Avening In her youth she was mem ber of the Disciple Church in Glencaiirn but inlater years at tended the Avening United Church She was an active mem ber of the church serving as President of the WomansAssoci ation for many years also as tea cher in the Sunday School and was also member of the Wom ens Institute gt She leaves to muurn he loss that 28200 cattle were treated with the warble Ily spray This included double neatmenis where needed The costs so tar ascertained are $29335 some of which ls still to be repaid to the town shipvby cattle owners Clerk Ireton noticed that one owner whoihad been to xveouncil on delegation showed on the list as outstanding should have mentioned he told the counciL spect to worthy citizen Imir sons Harryot Everett Frank of PortCredit Dalton ox Avening wiltredlnCreemore lira by TW tuitrply secretary reporteqvaeadiag twp balu at used clothing tone to the Scott Missionandonoto die Fred Vic tor Mission Torvnto ILWI ecided What the Sun My Sohoa Miasion BandJnd allgo together tenth LAuaA Soak or Her thrc daughters are Miss Marie ZMWHHQASWBI 80 It Hie oi CreemorcHMyrtle Mrs Roy Calgary atockyards waaa record Gould oi Scltqinberg and Nor focalled once owned rbym here he kept4the ml for Adï¬xght lD0raplédcێi6d eightyearsbeiomaelling itto her on Dec 20 in Also sur Fun Putin ine Mrs Elmer Morrow in New markct viving are one sister Miss Myr tle oi Creemore and three broth ers Ernest oltreemore Thomas in Glencairn and Frederiek of litidhurst alsoninc grandchildren Dianne Jeanette and Ruth Mld dlcbrook of Port Credit Earl Dennis and Sandra Middlohrook ol Avening Robert and Gerald Middlcbr okv oigEverett Phyllis hirsII ward Long at Toronto and two greatgrandchildrenltay mend add Kevin LongpatsoJoI Toronto The iuncral service was held in her home at Avening on Tues day June 11 wltha large attend ance oI relativbs and friends joining in ï¬nal tribute re Rev Allan Smith ofticiatedat the service Interment was made in Glencairn Cemetery The pallbearers were Cecil Coates Harvey Noiris Emery Fraser Jamea Patton Robert Sin clair and Bert Knight The many beautiful floral trib utes conveying love and sympa thy were received irorn relatives friends Nurses Alumnae of the GGLM Hospital ui Collingwood The Cleaners of Crcemore the Start 01 Newmarket Public Schools Avening 5Womans Assov ciation suit of Skinner and Midi dlebrook Funeral Home and the Staff at the Morrow Transport Pound Holstein 1942 Mra annu picnicto mamarm mason Julyzz The Worship servicefwas to by the Todd and Mrs Kcll in the torni oi questions and an swers on Christian Stewardship Todd read thescrip ture M1111 Goldwin Smith of Wil lowdale was the speaker She gave most inspiring talk on eight different men in the which describing their charac ter Income TAXESAVINGS and you RETIREMENT income on in this adand in to nailing Sun silent Canada Janie Ontario LAKEISHOIE SCHOOL sartiitIVING EXPERT INSTRUCTION ON Manon auronlmc anhnsmisstoa Dual Controlled Fully Insured Phone or Appointment PA to App ro mam orisuMMtza TAKEHDMEAUPPLY ostchclrs or our HoMEaAKEo Ham aakaaamdl Cookies Pics Cakes WOMootPil Buns and man personalities and biblical life as they were attending an 60 FOOT LOTS wrru so ï¬lmFRONT Lawns FOR INSPECTION CALI PA 35097 ond featuring Hanover KItchedCulpbuard Units Gordan 55min anionic or Ni ii nomasnv annals since an These were carried by Clarence Honsberger Carle Howard Noble Dalton Kerr Roi ertCoales Roy Patten Robert Carmthcrs and Cecil Lennon James Nisbet iirt Canadian Presbyterian missionary ianstlt ern Canada founded Prince Al bert sash in lime euSToarkiLLING cmung Wrapping oun ters aetiu Meats Sausages Unmhurzvcte Kill Monï¬dr TuesFlat Servlce fluidsmach ph 2291 ROBINSON ilEIIITlIlI and PRESENCE MM Woodward damn qualitycoaiblned opeiation Styled you ahead and cap you therewith cost Oldsmobile be aï¬cio economy