Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jun 1958, p. 12

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rbuiz own ny MAXINE muss Womens Editor Plans for the tenthhanriual Slmcoe Cgrdy Quilt and dug Fair olnto hi gear for nut four wee gt Tlse committee expects that this years Fair being held lt in the Midland ArmonryJuly 28 to 26 will he the laat devoted exclusively to the exhibition of quilts and run interest laud activity lnhlrndicrafu generally has grown tremendously throughout the County in the past ten years and it is hoped that next year an overIii Arts and Crane ifalr will he held at which genius and run will also he shome However this year the emphasis will still befon these well known cralls which arenative to this area Eaeh Fair day ivill ieiiture quilting demonstrations by womens groups irom various sections of the County as well as rugmaking spinning carding and weaving demonstrations The Fair is nancompetitive and anyone so wishing may show quilts andrugs Articles for display must reach district representm tivesrpot later than July 18 and entry arms must beln the hands of the secretary ililss Olga Mawdsley Orillla by July Almost every province in Canada has already promised quilt andor rug airspecial interest for the Fair interest shown by Crait groups across the country has been most encouraging Nine weeks of summer theatre sthrts on Tuesday July at the led Barn nt Jacksons PainL stars ofrstagc Ti and radio will beleatured in The Four Poster runs lrorrr July to Janus July to 12 Kris Stop Light Up The Sky Dial For Murder Solid Gold Cadillac Robecca 0h Men 0h Women and PICNIC lhc periormances will run week each or nine weeks sons tickets are available at quite saving The plans oi the Barrie Recreation Committee ior its summer activities are now fairly well established and the understandingand cooperation of the parents are necessary to undertake the general program Seven playgrounds will he in operation this year Four of them Sea designated as Senior playgrounds will be located at Codrington Oakley Park Queens and Shear Parks The other rce designated asJunior parks will be located at Nelson Square ions Park and Brock Street Park if the need occurs supervisors will be assigned to other areas The Junior playgrounds will eater particularly to child ren between the ages of live and ten years while the Senior areas will take children from live to inclusive super visor wiil be assigned to St Vincent Park to be operatcd as ii Primary playground tor those children not able to travel to Codrlngton Registration tokcs place Wednesday Thursday and Friday of next week from until 12 in themornings lnthe parks White cards will be given to the child to be taken home and filled out and then returned with 25 cent fee The holder will then be issued Membership Card whichen titles the child to take part in the summer program Boys and girls must have membership cards in orderto participate in the swimming program vThe playgrounds will operate during thehours between and 430 on Monday through Friday from July until Aug 15 At least onesupervisor will be on duty at all times during these days lhe swimming program will again he carried out at Oro Beach under the direction of aqnalified Red Cross swimming instructor Children must be eight years or over to take part in the program Splash parties will be arranged for children under eight The Day Camp plans are the same as in past years Each day onebus load oi children spend day at Ora Epoch They will have program of Woodcraft campcraft games and swimming They will take lunches with them and pay 10 cents fare tor the bus trip The Supervisor in the park closest to you can provideiurtherl information gt Venture Club HOlds Impressive Candleill installation Ritual The Barrie Venture Club on They were Helen Orr Ruth Chan nual installation dinner was held nen Jean Robertson Marylyn Dy at Community House on Wednes merit Florine Guild and Mary Lou day Jirne 18Thcre was good Loughecd Peggy Periard this enterprise pitals will largely disappear regulart monthly meeting lit the Royal Victeria Hospital Nunes Alirrnnae was held in the Laith Relidence onWel lington Street on Monday June is was one of the largest meetings of the year with 45 present The bookkeepers rc ceptionists and nurses from the doctors offices in town were guests of the Aluinnaeand wer welcomed the president Mrs Jack Garvin Iaiost oi the visitors had only known the nurses by name and vice versa through telephone conversations This very worthwhile meeting for both parties to get to knowand see thosewhom they had Ionly heard before Each one present introduced herself and told where and in what department she worked Miss BerthaHogan thanked the Alumnae for invit ing them to the gathering liospltaliration Explained During the evening tilm was proved the right place and tho wil The commission is nmuking over hocpitals it is onlyJoin to mama They dono be lieve there willhe tenif timid forhpspiul beds come Jan 1559 because pedplEdo not go to hosp tartarplasmas Chronic type ulna Any resident who does not en roll to be effectiv thestart ing do serve waiting period three months before coyerag They hat beregisl tcredrbatore Aug litof this year itin iroup for single sun 958 One cover the really gets coverageby The question was asked what about across the border Would we still be covcrcdt The an swer was 1tlyou are arcsidcnt or Ontario and have registered you will be covered shown on the new OntarioHosptrl pomp er tindlvidualesssocia tal insurance Plan iorOniarlo residents The film opened with Charles Templeton stating that adoctors bag was more than just stethoscope and wonder drugs it also carries new knowledge skill instruments drugs and longeryhcalthier life The doctor calls on uniun ilcd services tot he hospital for the miracle of healing Agrcat many these blessings and mtr acles nightsding depend on the hospital services available locat ly The hospital is community What it Means In the filmwe learnedthe lol lowing through conversation be tween doctor andivir Temple ion Thehospital will still have to raise funds publiclyashe fore The deficit or public has Municipalities will still have to make payment for indi gent patients Operating room and drug charges etc will go on the price at the ward The present coverage will coverronly standard ward rate Twothirds of the cost Will be borne by the governments Theplan does not cover doctors services It is purely hospital plan For patients who are Yonly admitted to hospital for emer gency following an accident the hospital will be allowed if ser vices are rendered within 24 hours Ontario residents covered by the plan will be cweredeven in another country or emer gency up to the amount of coin parable hospital in Oiitario 10 Blue Cross will still have semiprivate ward insurance plan but it will be for just the difference in the rate of the ward and the semiprlvate tiens may join the association lees providing that will collect the What Will Cost Each employee plays his or her own part in the hospital team They have to be paid so thereforethcre will be no free hospitalization Life savings will no longer be thrown out the win dow because of hospital expens There will be coverage hospitals convalescent geneml and some private hospitals PfiA vale hospitals must apply for coverage There will be no vvaiting period All will hccov ered if you are insured The premiums are $210 permonth for single person and$420 per month for f5mily Onethirdo the cost is ng paid bthhc fed cral government oneethird by the provincial government and onethird by the family having the plan it is open toevery resident of Ontario but one must register and pay premiums Private citi zens must register by Sept ill 1953 Li erature is available by writ ing the Ontario Hospital Scl yices Commi ion plalp wii problems fbrthc hospital and the people it serves Success will fdepend on the proper use of it You must be egistered to benefit from Jan 1959 will the date in istory for the residents of Ontario ltegrriar Business Before the Alumnaes guests arrived the Alumnae held its regular meeting with Mrs Jack Garvin the president in charge and Mrs Helen Aslridge the secretary read the minutes ol the last meeting RoyalVictoria Hospital staff is to be the Alumnae representa live in Ottawafrorh June2327 to the Canadian NurslAsZ Associa tion convention She will ac ia the Miss Elizabeth Langrnan of the numberot Venturists Soroptim ists and guests ipresent PresidA ent Norma Pratt presided The color scheme was blue and white the elubcole years bride was given silver spoon on behalf of the club by Helen Orr Miss Norma Bayiiss then sang im in Love with epna and HeartThats Free hospital insurance What is Its Purpose The primary lunctions of the Servrces Commission is to make available in company two nurscs from Royal Victoria Hospital To thepleasurc of all present As an encore Norma sang Bless This House She was accomp anied by Mrs Chisholm The speaker Miss Bea Stafford of Toronto was introduced by Audrey Halfyard about Venture Club Bea used each letter of the word Venture to illustrate her talk Marilyn Haslett thanked Miss Stafford land confirmed that all she had aid was verytrue The president then turned the chair oyer to Mrs Cox who in stalled the new execu ve in an impressive candle lighting ere mony Lighting candles of Friend ship Truth ilisdorn sincerity and Honesty were Anne Stafford former Venture vicepresidcnt Joan Robertson Mary LourLoughA eed Florinc id and Marylyn Dyment Mr Cox then lit the cahdle of nturism and as ach officer was installed shelit er candle irom the central one The 5859 executive are Pres ident Audrey Halfyard vieovpres OIL BURNER In her address ident Marilyn Haslett secretary Ruth Channen treasurer Amy Lea twoycar ydirector Norma Pratt oneyear director Helen Orr President Audrey then took the chair and was congratulated by Past President Norma who pre sented the presidentspin Nor ma Pratt was given thepast pres idents pinhyAmy Lea after which she gave review of the club year President rAudrey then closed the meeting with Canada roe expertp herein worn fI Flilillllll Mllllllls gt yormfl Vi ponds in nesoro DEALE 75 Eradtord st PHQNE4 rA sssir ion Lowe received affirmative answer wbcnVthey kettle ca president to carry 0115ka ofliee or another yca othe othernflicerg trad itinconvc lent to carry on nth um aei vGllefsls Laik 41 right hits Edith Taylorand in Mar am eaten attireBarrie eri For the reiuainlngaeflceg Mia Don McLean wes asked to oral nominating committee gand fire have itsreport for the Sop new the Dwain was originally commissioned in Port Arthur inlm nudlaficonsider 195859 are ue ln September for iiVH mduales $125 and for theassociatetneni hers 5125 Thev president thanked gher cliimnittees throughout lhe past year and said the Aliimnae hed had very successful yeargbe cause of thc enthusiasmfshorwn different departments She also thanked Mrs Earl Wil son Mrs Jack Wallwln Mrs Charles Wood and Mrs George Bauldry tor ushering arid help ing to serve at the graduation reception Commluce R296 Miss MarionLowe gave one port of the flower an mittce stating they hadbought Lukas Collinlwood on reguiar train able urvlce during the latter part of World War it andis new used oithe training of nejw entry The Sault called at inglrun and invited memberslol the Collingwood and lBarrie ISea Cadet Corps to en sound on stnraioneicruise Tbe Cadets were muhterrd aboard at 0730 hours an nded morningfidivisibnl and specteli by Lt Commander liele Commanding Olf of thelSeuit Duringthe druise two sterling silverteaspoonssuit ably engraved for each Jgradua tion prize and they had sent lowers to Mrs Peamckand Mrs Astrideg ill recently Miss Alma Cull treasurers report balance as of June git$49323 with the mieroscopeand class room drapes invoiISes stil out standing Miss McKinnoa of the Rim instrlictols the Alumnae vfor the drapes VA itwas movedby Miss Marion Wadiand and seconded by MIS Mary Bailey that we put number $50in our speel scholarship fund After the film eve neenioy ed coffee and mlls tastily pre pared by Mrs Fraser For finest tried and catering accommoda for up to our Concession srnouoV For Reservation Call neuron aznzi snoop voile hieIrwinan Quit enorhssrownr when they were Barrie netrace from University in GeneralArts ni torin tn be teaching mathematicsmnd scIEnce at Saittleet District High Schooliin Stoney creel Ithis september theywere shown throughouh the entitle ship en conducted Hours by members ofhcrerew The Cadetswcre all in turngiivena cha to take the helm and the varioul Junctions and int icacles oflntvabpmcedure were escrlhr ed themfm detail Oilel oi the outetand points of intcre to then wnythe marvel of mmst and modern rtdar screen The rrui fo thecnthpsiastlc Junior sailor nlttte it berthcdat Owén soundat 13 hours Theme Cadets were re cortipanlcdrby until in charg George Doitis chairmansof the Barrie Branch Navy League The Coilingwood contingent wae in charge ot Sub 11 Hutchinson an aceompaniea by Morley Ford chairman at tile coiling Wood branch HhWoeship Miiyor lord teacherr miles personnel onitbe Gm to ace mpdily her short in ended all ltoe soon sriurrono gemn4 seat hich in than 000 while graduated niore line in laund echool tuebeh celebrate mime noodl or man pubpll accept no iuriaigeed brands Gar Olflltfi K15 lodéyl tr JIM Orllila Kiztdbmnm 128 Dunedin Slicer Orillle Ontario in 50th aniline Hooplarye KIST

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