all£IyAShI The hobby chow held ithe Hall on June2 was The beautit quilt madeby therolder adieu were much admired Alli classes were wenï¬lleda The commit tee was quite hillJPY in see so grumy different hobbies display ed and the interest shown hyra good crowd Special Service Tho Trinity United Church special service or the Sunday School was well attended The ionior choir rendered an an thém Rev Mr chi dressed the congregation on Past present and niturc stressing the importance of the preanL How important the momean are now Time lost can never be regained Mrs ll Langdon of Clifford has been visiting her mother Mrs McKenIic this past week tt olAngus ad Out of Order Thc electric storm on Thurs day out several clocks amt TV at the south of the village out of order Trip West Mrs Arthur Reid accompanied Mr and Mrs VRilley of Cooks town on molar tripto West ern Canada Wedding Anniversary Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Scott Sharpe who recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary WI Meeting The Womens institute meet ing will be onThursday June to at pm in Trinity United Church basement Mrs Shels well will be hostess Mrs John son and Mrs Lonnox in charge 8f grandmothers program Vis itors welcome especially grand mothers Roll call will be What grandmother had that didnt Sunday Guests Mr and Mrs rRohcrtllcll oi Toronto were Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Corr From Japan Miss Douglas missionary on furlough from Japan was the speaker at Cookstown WMSser vice on Sunday evening Several members of Trinity Evening Auxiliary attended and enjoyed the fireside hour held in the Sunday School room afterwards Please remember that all roads lead to Thornton on July when Trinity United Church is rholding its strawberry festival with cold meat salad plate Watch for posters Honor Bridetone Last Monday night very ltlrs een Jamieson pleasant evening was spent at Mr and Mrs Robert 0rrocks we moo to many ladies tithe viii1e so neighborhood to do honor to thelr daughter Flor once bridetobe thin week After aï¬hyfl prognm ol mus ic and contests thebrideelect was pruonted with an automatic toast steirn iron and an alarm clock Trousseau Tea On Saturday afternoon and ev ening Mrs Robert Orrock held trousscau ten inhonor of her daughter Florence Those in charge of the roomsdisplaying thc rtrousseau and wedding gitts and those who sérvedincluded hits Kathie Murphy Mrs Jean Chantler Misses Ruth Bertram Norine Caldwell Anne Hagen Fem Smith and Glenna Brett Arthur Omck grind Inother of the bride Mrs Long grandmother of the groomtobe and the brides greataunt Mrs Levi Srigley poured tea Colllngwood Service Herb Culbert Neville Jamie son Misses Elizabeth and Dor Mr and Mrs Fred Johnson and Harold at tended the Georgian District Ma sonic service in Collingwood last Sunday 11 Womena institute in at aia manhunt doom luan CANADAS FIRST BABY YAK Threeyearold Jennie poses with her newborndnughterozi an Ottotma areefarm Jennle end her daughter impart of tamily of threeTlmtinn yaks CHURCHILL ll and Meeting Firth Line llome nndSchuol Association had its firfal meet ing until school resumes in the all on May 25 Ofï¬cers for 195859 were in stalled by the retiring president George Jamicson as follows president Mrs Fotherb vicepresidentsflirs Frank Lock hart and Mrs Alex Shakcll treasurerMrs Pmtt secre tary Mrs Jack Constable exA eeutive Mrs WilliamBnll Mrs Jack Reive Mrs Andrew Gm ham At the meeting plans were made to erect playground equip ment during the summer at the school Future projects for the Home and School willrinclude the improvement of school building and grounds gt BlueBird Group The Blue Bird group of the Girls Auxiliary held their clos ing meeting for the season com bining business with pleasure They motored to TSloanholme cottage Cedar Hertwur where slips for treasure hunt were given out The trailsled to thé 9th concession by way of the lakeshore Arriving back at the cottage an hour or so later hot sup per was soon prepared and en joyed Meeting Aaround avbon tire consisted of opening worl ship minutes business and jolly singsohg Goodnight hymn concluded the pleasant evening until they reassemble in the fall VSPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT one to the demolition of the big by Simpsons Sales on Yongc Streét in VWillowdale we are happy to announce that wehre moving to our new location at BOND LAKE which is noiv in iull operation We shall be dplighted to continue to serve all of ourhvonderfulv customers in the sameway as we have done in the past both buying hnd sellingncw and used furnittire at ridiculously lhwv prices It will also please our Customersand dear friends to know that theamazingly low prices will be in effect at our Bond Lake Showrotims these are situated miles north of Richmond Hill right oniYonge Street at the sign of the White RoseFaring therinpirmationtclephone our Willowdale number BA 10833 or our Bond Lakernumber PR 35330 Lookfor turth Bargain Furniture Barn owned that arrived in China in Janus manmwmnon Well ymir correspondent is back miter her thrilling cirpelr ience oimretidghor brother in Barrie spent saturd Mrs Robson an Dangio Bale on hi father and mothenlMr and Mrs Dnnglo one day last mean VnCDliglatulMiDnS to Mrs Oaittendert who celebrated her vaothbirthday this past week WeehendViilt Mrs Wynes of Barrie visited withMrs Shelswell this week andMrs Griffen spent and Mrs Lush Barbara and so of Peterbnro spent Sun daywith Mr and Mrs Cooke WA Meeting The WA will meet at the home of Mrs Hayes Wednuday June 18 t8pm rvRolllcall where Iirsttnttended Sunday School Arrangéments to beg dejorstrotvberry festival July Lunch Mrs Slessor MrMMacLeod KeepIWednesday Julyz for strawberry festival at Edgar Cénédas leading Homes SUMMERCOT rs Pears Georï¬c innér and gwoo andMrand Mrs Sta ll of Barrio Mr audio JAuderson and Sharon Toronto spent the week end at Mr and msvCharle Bowderysï¬ Bllfle Visn Mrs Monteith and Brown spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lawrence Brown Barrie Sundayyisitors at Minand Mrs Pat Collins were Mr aners William McNeil and CarolI Egrrie and Mr nner Collinsand family of Angus Mr and Mrs Braley and Bread of Bands pennsundayfat Mr and eacooks From Barrie Philip and Bobbie Peacock of FREE with any summer co tag orderedl onormwow moved nor on $855 All Sunni it Cottages 51 ea lngs Lo on Wednesday afternoon waneva Week virifon wlth and lrs Kmth nsome iw re Mr and MrsELBlku oI Waushwen Alberta Mr ond MrsHounsom accompanied by Mr And Mrs innker wm Sund supper guesti of Mr and Mrs Cllflord Gardiner in Pane tans Clorence nibtree Junct vllle vvisited recenUy With his brother and shterinllw and Mrs Douglas Plumbtrec Sundl Sunday visitors wrthddr md Mrs Douglas were Ted Belcher of Midland Mr and Mrs Jfo Egglflw and Russ Douglas oIISnrnla SmoothihW On Friday the nteacher and pupils ofWyohridze Stllnolrï¬ï¬‚ Nou5 Tiny with eight of the pupils mothers enjoyed char tered bus Lripltoflbrbnto whore they were taken on tour of the museum Rchniale zoo Telegram the Parliament Bulld Bordons Dairy and as and onthe return visitcdMnlt airport Very educational trip or all Contaiwudav Mr and Mrs Earl Payton and family were in 0011an on Saturday to attend their nenlr ewswedgtding Mr and Mrssiwnligm Vernaand MurraY Wete ronto Saturday to attend FallisDix woddln xi well as enjoyable Dantewere Sunday visitor mMtlMM1SMalil sinhr abdqhhev Ltorinioéi the excavation Weekend in Cottixe Mr and Mrs vDInNsh and Doneldo were visitorswith Mr lild Mrs Walter Cmiz at their cottage ll mmdrtbuwird pmperty in Midhurot village They are do Eng extonflv alterations and im prwements bdore moving in in Midhuret Church his been en tnd in the clean up can st sponsored by the V8111 Horticultural Society The Saw Seboola girls with their teach Miss Mason and Miss Speocehmked and cleaned the rubbish up on Saturthy tilhut shoutjhe men and boys making irtnrt on the church grove rDoyou trecell our Sun day Schooiipicoicx being held lnthepld grovel céminunny Picnic EDont forget the nnnual com munity icnie being held In Bay Beach SprimaterPaxkon June 26 Sports curt att pm Supper at 560 Bring meatsalads and dessert en foryour family To Ill Sunday vislts Met OMalley were Mr and Munch OlMtalley and children of Te redo United church wan Events or further anno ookeottepdedvtho 71o of srbrother nlawloho Emins inOrillief onflhuredw hams in if loses GARAGES government manyfloor DBINSO EL attendIE srnouo hone strondzaftttollectr or Blrrle Panza ea 32371 no WONDERFULSUCMMER harrowing ruN ANDjoue New cottecnonpr Minor motehtheml tive in theml may in the LYouIl havemore fun than orpiénicchoosin from he gayï¬new colleetiéh bfï¬a stash JjVShiHS short shorts Bermvdo ondJoInmea shonsfomous name bpthing sults oaks suntopsiollwiih freshnowopnrcoehes to stylecolovr and deigilqhaifs deflniteiy 358 Creoledljoo this most carefree fabrics fonexompleEthe shorts iumoicus slim and pedal pushers shown here come ino mowillpus VALSHEEN cotton drIpdries without ironing is perrnonenty crease resistant and guaranteed muchin washohie wohdertvl riving every1 ay ot yovr Evungellnehespocrully so at these most moderate eyréu means sealhem soon mm stripes orkhaktoiive or blu Convertible sizes 1216 JA YMCASHORTS With sidezippcr and striped belt pointed collar sass to match Tshirt and blouse Gare coloured Verticél live or pinkbl to stripes of kh Sizesl218 Toronto rhorotloh