Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1958, p. 9

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The circus vbitédiherrle for we commercial anterpris Augmum me AlCircus in Tioyvn recently and noone can deny it gave number of people deal ofentertainmént However it is questionabieif the location of the circus the most suitable The circus was set upiln the parking area of the Barrie arenaand from the business standpoint this musthaVe beenan ideal spot It was central to the shopping area and known to public Brit surroundingthearea there are number of residencesand although the Whole outfit was orderly and wellimanaged the general noise oi such an open air ente tainment must have caused inconvenience to the residents The location also addedto thetraific problem for when iunotion was being held at the arena in addition tothe circus there was littleroom for theesrs belonging to those attendingthe arena function The citansetguence was these were lelt in adjacent ree circus has itsdppeal but it is essentially hicli comes into the town for short duriatibn hoping to take out of the citizens pockets more than it put into the towns coffers Is comparatively congested area of the town the right place for circus to be locatedifi If the arena parking areawas the only place wheresuch ermof entertainment could beput thenone mightrhaVe to scoop the situation as inevitable But there isan agricultural parktherc must be suitable tields on the outskirts of the town which could accommodate the roundabouts and swings the bingovand candyfloss stalls Two factsare clear he renting oi the arena parking area to gircus or any sim ilar commercial enterprise meets with little approval with those who have to live in the vicinity Any such entertainmentin addi ton to usual arena functions creates traffic problem County5 Council Should End AltaCkS oriCAS Since avmeeting the hoardofdirectors of the Childrens Aid Society orsimco bunty will boheldrin Barrie thiis Friday night following conference with His Worship Warden Arthur Evans of Bradford the following editorial in the Orilllo Packet somepoints which the and Times brings out public should consider shocking incident this weekvwas the resignation of the dlrvectorsof the Simcoe County Childrens Aid Society as result of particularlytasteless attack on the soci etys ladyjdirector spearheaded by Gar field Case Mr Case never ailnan to mincewords was downright insulting when hefand his fellow Pppointee called for the resignation of the societys director and for members of the board of directors who had endured this sort of abuse for threbfyears it apparently proved the last straw JThe sympathies 61 any thoughtful per son must lie with the officers of the society and in particular with Miss Jackson the managing director Miss Jackson is an ex tremely accomplished qualified and exper ienced person thepeople or this county are fortunate to have sooutstanding an officer inchargeofthis vital welfare work vMake nomistake the work of the society is area isvof the utmost importance the eltering protections and welfare ot the mans children in poor homes is amattcr ofpriinary concern every citize policy of ourpountypouncil The operations of any county council arerrarely distinguish edby undue perception or fore ghtrand our chrrent specimen is unlikely shake the worlds foundations by rany unusual displ of Constructive thought Not to put to fine point on it its only interest in weifare in his county isto spend as money on it aspossi gt end there was amove afoot rec tlyto ck th mem bership of th society with council stooge case and threeother councillors werosent Just the fastmajority or the ut the society downto ilhlsfmatter societyadministrotion has nowireached range where it concerns every person living in this county The administration of thexlocal society has been soundly endorsed by the man best qualified to passjudgement w1r Bury director of child welfare Ontario Department of Public Welfare lh directors are wellknown men andwomen of proven ability and integrity and it willtake goodydealmore than the critiéishis or Mr Case and his henchmen to convince the public at large to the con trary Let thecouhty councii call off its dogs Thespectacleof publicspirited menrand women being attacked simply because they are carrying on the job they are supposed to do is sickening Let us have no moreof iti Less Meddle More Prdfii Canadian cattle raiscrs are reported to be enjoying the biggest boom in five years At western bull sale this spring animals sold at almost twice the price afgtwo years ago And even their stockmen were doing pretty wells Actually barring thevexport embargo period during the fact an mouth disease outbreak cattle raisers have been generally pfosperous since the war Whata contrastwith wheat or with BC apples or someother products in which gov eminent boards have setprlces directed sales and generallytaken over the business of marketing It Iss0coiocldeacedeal Flo Post that some 01 the most prosperous branches otCanadian agriculture today are those inwhich the statemad meddied least Two New CITIES The creation of two new major urban areas in theheart of widespread farming district will be the big topic at ameeting in thesmall Ontario village of Sneigrove With land developers readyto move inon projects involving manymiillons of dollars Ontario Municipal Board is holding special hearing to hear on application from the council of ehinguacousy Township for the rezoning mm agricultural uses of between 17000 and 18000 acres on the western out of land assembly and planning by maiorf ancial and development interests th area which is located between Brampton and Malton It could mean two new urban areas with apopulationof upto 80000 people for south ernOntario inthe next 20 years Penéiiy No off al information has been given to sum Ottawa reports 1iist sbolition of the death penalty cahada is being undertaken bylhc Dicfenbalier cabinet through the device of com muting suchiscnicnces in life imprisonment This would plainly be the wrongwsyto go about mak ing such an importantchaoge luv the criminal lawof Canada The death penally was nscricd in the lawby Parliament and though thc question is avconiro Versial one and is frequently discussed side Parliament and out there is little to indicates change in public opln gt lcad Parlla catatoabdiish death sentences me sometime it was Parliament that av ed the cabinets as the executive arm ointhe had prc 0th in emmcntwith the responsibility of revie ng all death sentences imposed by the courts with the owcr to commute them It cannot be gued that arlisment intended the cabinet to exercise this stc abol tho death iThereis considerable criticism over deathsentenceion Toronto man ago Since the government uns nd threehan Six sentences have beencominuted four of them rwlihoutiajurypl for mercy This is said to establish rend wardcabolish thefidesthsentenic uch mportant matter thepu in as right to know that executive orders will no he alt public policy withlospect ut this sort of trunkingwasafiparentiy too much even for the simplest backwoods Mr cen innc dcath llieeieciion had ormw consumer 10dsy throne speech de te in gt the Commons endedin eminent motion on th speech The mollonfiwarried of 19s on Maybe iii kcd Govern General Massey gracious speechiroiii her throne he read at theopening of Perl liamcnt ouspassagc of the traditionll gov iichvcr Opposition Mailer Pearson contended at length dur ing debate ihat Liberal support was aforni iiy it in noway reflected opposilion approval of the fgovernnient legislative pro gram4 utlined intlie speech fihortiyg to the votezii ti otion theProgress ive Conservative insiofltydéfeaied the cqmbi ii LiberalICE opposi tion 167 to on accrmotion of nonconfidence in the govern riierlt Themotloh presented by Herridge CCFKootenay West veallcd lo federslfacilon toeaseEtheefvery heAvy financial burden municipalities The biggoverrinient majority ugly crushcditwh other opposition motions during the de bate One was CCEnioiion call ing foreplanne economi policies and expanded international trade The other was Liberal motion urging expand dtradeli pal Aid thodobste Prime Min ister Diefenbakerand Mr Pesr sou generated some dos thumping bysupporiers as they exchanged comments on what should he done to he il roughi forviard ciion platform wasfor federal to finance major muni cipal projects at Freasonahlewin The other proposed ihenilottour pm the experimennl form We were metthere byR Oliver head the horticultural depariment who acted appurguidev We iiotlcod 18ka about us filled with trauma and the heavenly contains from loewvlburmrm calledVimrn uni Judd the new redbymow thctrcsults been li tie dilierent He said tholosn unsound en provlding jobs for the unemploy ed would pennitarapld ex panslon longdelsycdrerviccs icfehbaker saidmunicipab itles repeatedly bad ssked former Liberal governments formed and he received stonevcoldirebulfi be last election campaign sir iirently had turnedthe heartsof Ifibethlswtoward rriuiilclpal needs The cold shades of oppcsition had ch ngedléberal in Vancouver East told Com incur as charged with re sponsiblll ior providing leade ship to achieve that goal inch wasspeakingon his prival sentence ninemsnLtesmlof ngineers has completedvthe basic design of Canadasfirst iu seale uclesr ii share of the cost of nlc pal slumclearance works be increased to flirecouartem from onehalf Dlefenbak Why didnt were inpower Eearson suggested gram would ha cd The crown company is out its program in with private industry estof the 0uver called it hlsspocial pet and hoped when he retired to have plenty of it near his window it in much more hardy than the Carlesi var iety which kill5 back badly in Ottawa WESPENTSOME TIME at the lovely garden builtdn memory of Din Macouan DSc who had been head or the horticultural department for many years before hediod There was lovely lily pool The wire netting in the bottom aroused mycurioelty Ap pare fly it wasplaced there to stop children silrrlqghp the mud in the pool WE WW through the trial tulip bcds We discovered all tulips along Ottawas driveways areiitted every three years One could havespent week at the expcnmcntalfnrmcand still not haveseenoverythln if you are interested =in1sll crows there We saw theme beds lily beds famous pple trccsjnd lilacs £1th es we omva artuiia the abor etum sndwalkedamoogthe ious kinds hedges which oth hme great history Roch who is employed as aplant er piorerhfoun nine of these rare plants and some of their seeds in the interior of bins snd got them out offlhina just before the Communists took er The name three to Mr Ollveréodeis at the Experimental Farm Ottawa one at Kemptville and one at Harrow ootarlo remowmc puonrrun touroi the farmycveryonc enjoy ed excellent reipeshmcnis at 10 cafeteria mire strep ihd mint gt Members went in groups of 1010 watch the raw metal thr the 018 operations that produce the bright shiny coinsthat make our pennies nickels dimes quart ers etc headed mith engineering de sign specialis with Ontario Hy dro Seientfsisgfrc ihe bmwn company wcrlred closely withIthe tesmon aspecis ofih st dyre fated tonbcleanjhyslcs owatt hour the next er plant built in Can fordinrlernd shop ATA2J5 WE mm Itlhe Pariiqaeiit Building and were metbyflebersmiui came it wua buy day for sinuous and nuny biu loads were there to view thefca iul GUEEconducied our group throdgh the Parliament Building The holl dealer 10101911 paintings of former Hui and queenste lanaiy which is really naive mo and the redroom were aliviewed with keenest interest Weavers innate to sit in sliery at the House of Commons when asun lloll period was hiding place This was maxtiniercsiing far you could see each mantis in his and from now on whenever hat parliament debate is on this glpupvwillhéablo legitimate our local inemr nut as they saw him seated as wall Mr Pear sou Mr Diefenbsker and the Speake AlBllJEF VISIT urnsmade to see the memorial book in which sevenlof the group had person alinleresi FOLLOWING THE 1003 or the Parliament Bulldogs John From of thcj Federalinibirlct Com mission met no and conducted the tour of thofbcmicdrlv THE DREEVANS of Ottawa were simply breathtaklo The thatreheat the most intensive advertising and salesproiridtlun campaigns ever undertaken by dairy processors wll get under way in June The may object this no lsDalryMonth sales drive is to boost domesti co tlon of the dairy nods ixom the more pounds otmilk ducedihis yea canad 000000 dairy el by madam Newspaper advertisiii the largestrsiiare of th tureyfollowedby radio vision 0veroli ducts of the Canadian dusky achth 5100 some year Canadas dairy armA ployeeii of dai over75 er cent place Vanda TwoP agesgth Someuof those tulips are iihe gifted Queen Juliannsome the gift of thalloltod BumGrower oi Holland andJmny othersaaro planted by the Federal District Commifilou Many oi thetulip beds are gently lopiog flclora Mn morning on smallest commentator andwefli enjoyed ihispsrt of the dryiinmcosehi We got out at the bu and walked to the Rockery at We This Is Lloyer moL The do diiswero past their bestbut thorn were plenty bloom in the Rookery WE WENT OVER to Hull Ind then back our motel Ioi din ner Theiewas agreat feeling oflsiisflctiou ll thede tour ing That Ottawa is beautiful cl there is no doubt As our ns onii capital we might well be mama Nexttour June 15 inc Show Wednesday June iii uncil MlssL the Consumer at of 31W cne associatedgmth dairy products we find that blic attention hus tobe drawn onunually andfob clbly to tlils group of foods which hfinonelincoohibv nutrition tli er Kotioii and appetite must he widelypro mcul 1V

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