Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1958, p. 4

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moonstone AS VltLAlNS TEAMS woos ronsnooinane For years at least as long as we can remember there has been law stating that persons under the age of is years old are not to be allowed in Billiard Haill commonly referred to Is Pool Booms When this reporter was of age to want to play pool but not yet 18 he complained its been few years since then and we still find reasons to complain about the law or whatever it may be We imagine that most of you menfolk have bent over 0131 table at one time or other And we imagine that you really enjoye it too In fact few people who have ever played the game could find any thing unpraiscwarthy to say about it In nutshell then we feel that billiards snooker or any game you wish to play on the tables is en joyablc and harmfree This brings us to the agelimit again Why in the world was this law ever passed Why should 16 and l7yearolds be exempt from shar ing in this fun our way of thinking billiards common term lsla game of skill with brawn being solely for the birds We must admit that weve seen hundreds of young fellows under the age of 18 in pool rooms Weve seen them play the game very well too So what are they doing wrong The only wrong we see inlsuch establishments is usually from the older fellows who it seems cannot miss shot without using viilgar language Is this language business the reason young lads can not enjoy the game if so then we think its high time that these lawmakers did little investigating merely walking into an establishment and find out what goes on therein We can promise you that more than 90 per cent of the abusive language is supplied by the eligible players not by the under 18s who occasionaily walk in without thought about breaking the law or anything else and enjoy game or two Weive seen police officers or whatcvcrtheir rank sort out the young uns and ask them politely mind you to leave We have also suffered from this in our younger years While the lawman is carrying out his duty the languagevof the other players not all just crude few will not change They have no respect for anyone which must include themselves Weve seen somerol the fatheads bellow with laughter at the fel lows under 18 who are being removed This we do not like We do not like abusive language at any time and for this reason we ask that some thing he done about it Then maybe those in charge will have their eyes opened We say let kids from 16 years enter pool rooms Let them enjoy themselves it is not they who are making the places unfit for hunman beings it is the tough guy or so he thinks that must express himself like Wild animal sorry wild animals that has made most of us look upon such establishments as dens of iniquity In most pool rooms there are notices upon the walls asking the players to refrain from letting their disgust run away With them Even if there are no such warnings we as human beings should know en ough We cannot expect the proprietor to make verbal warnings be cause wed bet our boots hed get one over the head immediately BANQUET BANTER It is contempt offlicourt for spectator defendant or anyone else to speak out of turn To our way of thinking it is in ponteniptof every thiiig decent to use abusivelaoguage at any time not solely in pool ronms arenas etc This brings us to something else Weve attended many sports banquets and on fewV occasions have left before it was over disgusted spoaker usually talking for his teammates is usually under the false impression that he must make his listeners laugh or else prove bore To make them laugh this fellow feels he must to be successful Brother How for off the track can some guys geti At this meeting we are referring to fellow who was presenting trophy made the fellows laugh not by insulting anyone or telling dirty story but by telling fishing story which was laughable and gossiny factual in fact well bet its been enacted in real life many mes There are those phrases that originally considered vile have be come commonplace and accepted in our everyday living If we must lets stick to those chosen few and try to erase the rest from our ton gues in the finale by leading off with double He stole third base and scooted across the plate as the PUC second baseman Verred on Don Richardsons tap in that dir ection The Examiner scored five times in the firstinning once in the third three more times inf the fifth and once again in the sev énth PUC had one run in the first inning five in the third twovin the fourth andasingle tally in the sixth Examiner Win First Contest Barrie Examiner came through with single tally in the last in ning of an industrial League ball game last night defeat Public UtilitiesCommissioti 109 The win at Mansfieldwas the first for TheExaminer crew after pair of losses Examiner pitcher Bob Cliapple helped his own causeleonsiderahly become crude onsjLomsi PAPINEAII LoulevPapineau flexed his mus elcs onoc too often last night mduamulthenndhispart ner Bob Boyer each suffered $100 setback Last week Paplnelu and Boyer promised to put upa hilleocb that theycould lick Shag Thomas and Karl Krusher Kowalskl Ac tuallyp the comeon was phrased wrong Louie and Bob merely Wanted another crack at the vill ains but had to act almost fool lsh to Eat it But back to Louies muscles be had floored Kowalski in the sees and fall by hoisting the big Ger man to his shoulders thongoing in gigantic aeroplane spin Backfire In the dying minutes of the fight Papineau repeated this treatment Before he could get the swing in full motion Kowal ski grabbed the top rope and Louie staggered towards the vill ains corner Shag Thomas who was playing possum therewith fired solid right to Ioules jaw and the walls came tumblln Kowalski landed ontop of him with louder hang The worst noise of all was the one two threelhyspeelal DEmPPL However before theJouit came tosueh Inuniuaten or no the unswiu tellitho and not had all but disfigured the noon gans At one stage in the game Shag was tiedoheiplessly in the ropes Then Bob and Ianused Kowalsld as battering tram against shags lugchest Prior to that Boyer took flying tackles at Slugs big midseetion In the opening bout 0nlWikl referee in Joe wm did away with rnnrnur icy via couple of monkeyilipa drop kick and body slam The spectators were unhappy with the fact that Bill curry who was in attendance did not refer CurryToFlght However folks dont be too sad Bill willbe back next Tues day in fighting role Hell tackle Bob Boyer in the semi final attraction Just few days ago in Orillia Boyer and Curry wrestled 45 minutes no falls to draw The main event on the card will pit Thomas againstPaplneau down Crash went Louieand natlme limit no refereeno fall clare only when one man holl crs uncle Barrie Flycrsr exploded for four runs in the fifth inning last night to defeat Ivy 74 in South Sim coe Baseball League contest Johnny Bowman pitched the Fly ers to victory their third consecu tive and it was the third four hitter in row for Barrie pitchers Irv Groh and Paul Emms chuck ed theother victories Early Lead The visiting Flyers jumped to 20 lead in the first inning as ivy got off to shakey start com mitting three errors ree pass and two so hits adds to th ivy confusion Barrie added to thcir orig lead in the third frame after Bob Thompson was safe on fielders choice andwas plated by Kenny Robertson who poled single to left But then the worm turned hay craft ofzIvy was safe at first via an error Norris got ficlders choice and the attempt to get Ray eraft failed Laycock grounded out and Bill Laycock plated craft with double sacr co fly by Browning allowedNorris to score and Laycock scored on an infield error with Lowdenfiatztlier plate Another Change The tide changed still pg 11 in the fifth inning with Barrie com ing through with handful of tal lies four in all Doug Coulson was the list to reach basesafely via free pass Brother Don singled and the sacks were then filled as Bob Thompson was safe on an afield error walk to Jiminy Edwards fore ed in Doug Coulsoo Kenny Rob artsons sacrificeflyto left field scored DonVCoulson Both Edwards and Thompson scored as John Reid drilled solid base Bowman whlffed nine ivy play ers during the course of the game He was backed Vuplby nine barrage by his in tes inclu ng three byPeckl and two BOWMANSlhITTER HEVLPSWFLlERSWI THIRD CONSECUTIVE each by Don Coulson Bob Thomp son and Kenny Robertson Three of the four lvy hits went for extra bases including four bagger by Norris and doublcsby Bill Laycock and Dunn Flyers play at the Fair Grounds Thursday against Everett gt BARBIE Christie 2b Doug Coulsbn as Don Coulson 3b Thompson rf Edwards It Robertson Reid 1h Miscampbell cf Bowman Totals IVY Boorman ss Raycraft 2b Norris ib TLaycock 3b Laycockpe Browning Lowden of Laycock if Dunn 1f unauwa may ficéQOODfateucx decafuwnuog €3wvhtGDQOHOHOH meow cameo use howman and Robertson 1320qu MansfieldFark ing and Layeoclr i0 LINE UP WITH TORGIS When Torgis Autcmo we take to the field against Stewartsl Winner will be de SCHEDULE lLogion at Queens Park es is it uui makes an ord lmrygt team eqmdl Antiwar it out nukes champion aohardfo storybegan last numer when Mined consldercd Wendi gonna sq senior Softball somewhatAmuiog In twostarta this semester the Mineslm squad has been Lastweek field against mrrie Legion at Queens Park and humiliated the localsby running up 122 count The contest that for three in nings looked like it might be nip tLICk battle all the way was oLticialiy opened by Mayor Willard Kinzie throwing the ballto Reeve Murray Mills Murray lined the first ball down the third base line The maybr took another try and this time it Mr Mills on the back The Young Laurie Barron started on the rubber for Legion and was follojiIEdrh hobbyvainoa and Alvin Smith Threouluer Paul Pursiainen went the dis SR SOFTBALL lierc is the senior softbail schedule for the month of Juno TonightStewarts vs Torgls at Queens Park gt 6Legionvsgt Stewarts at Mansfield Park Angus vs Mlne sing gt gt 94811 gusth Stewarts Queens Parlr llMincsing vs Bradford at dhurst Park at pm as part of Wardens picnic Angus vs lzTorvgis vs Angus at Mans vs iMine not IiiBradford vs rugsh Queens Park l7Minesing vs Angus 18Torgis vs Stewarts at Queens Park Legion vs Mine sing iafimus vs Bradford ZoStowarts vs Legion Mansfield Park xiiBradford vs Queens Park 25 Minesing vs Queens Park EliStewarts vs Angusrltcg vs Bradford it Legion Torgis at I30Bradford vs Stewarts at Queens Park Homer Barrett are the new fac llBill will hold down third base and possibly do ailttlempitohing with lorgis Barrett will start atshortstop tonight And if you expect to see Leo Lunch tonight in senior soft 11 league game two players Will be making their st starts withthe clnh Bill Raycraft versat star with DcVilbiss lastseasoo and Labinein the Torgls neup to forget it Heywolnt be er sta Exell hadtwohits apiece Miller hnmclle bianked wehodimdonrlmdnglclhenin Doorman 2b the rats the way Retired third strikes past six batten The championsgqtartedJlow finding the rahxemnli twiceln the first three frames And once they found the range the Leg ionnaircs started to boot the ball around led to five This combination Minesing runs in the fourth frame with the big blow being tworun double by fint base man Bill Adams Mlnesing sent 10 men to the plate in that frame with an infield error helping considerably Minesing receiveda gift tally In the following frame when Punisineo went all the wiy around on an error in centre ileld Falconer Homers The victors missed marking the score card in the sixth lame but struck for another four in the seventh on four hits and ttwo errors George lal concr who played brilliantly in the centre pjsture for Minesing slammed homer wltli Puislahh en abound viaafalngle An er ror at shortth and Win Down eya twobaggeri set the stage for theold veteran Bill Adams ugh with his second twoLhihit single tocentre Legion scored in the second and ninth frames luthe sec ond Ron Stewart led off with Newmarkcta Dixons bad to bat tle all the way to defeat Barrie Hillcrest Monarchs last night at Queens lark it was the third successive loss for the local Jtids but gave every ind cation that they had improved with every game After watching just few in nings of the ball game it be cpmes evident that be whole WILLOWSi WIN THIRD Vance Willows made it three successive wins Monday night by toppling Elmvale Merchants 123 at Elmvale The defending champions dirintiwaste second getting to the score card and had tallied up five runs lnJheflist frame Dorothy Dot Miller was her usual steady self onthe rubber for the Willows allowing just LShe had plenty of slugging support as her mates pounded out 15 safeties Every lassie putlnto the game by the Barrie squad got at least one bingle Newcomer Diane McMaster led the hit paradewith three Marg White Marg Ellis and Franc Wheeler started pitching for Elmvale and was relieved by Kimberley in the fourth Thesesame two clubs playa return engagement at Park tomorrow night Willows Parker cf White 311 Ellis 53 Berthelotte lvncMnster rf Exell lh Hoffman if minosrnounan moirwa so Kettle 1ilb NEWMARKETDIXQ DEFEATHILLCREST six hitsandlnever more than one ron inany rame VMuirhead ss Queens lance m1 mm npvdooblnl at to third championship lustthreehltsi all in the thinl Dan Manama sacrifice and the finale Falconer dropped Kettles int to centrelid the Lines runnerweot into second bus standing up He3scooted to third as Ted Hardneredlncd to centre field and sarcoma stow arts sacrificefly also tre This evenlng Stewarts Ind Tomi playatQueeos Park To marrow night llorgis travel to Bncfiord BillHare bad rough oven ing behind the plate being hit threotlmel by foul tips twice in the samerib nnd once on toe uuuiiu McCartney Pursiainen Falconer GAdams wm Downey Adams 1h lusnuuaunoupfi issuer Totals Lenoir Wannamker lf Popp rf NI Hardaore Stewart 1b MacDonald tapersAg 33 umusfiucaaqrog Ouch96 NS trouble if could be classed as such with the Monarchs is that they are inexperienced Newmarket put together winning margin of five tallies in the third and fourth frames on sixhlts and couple of errors The third inning rally was cut short When Sheila Livingston madea beautiful running catch in centre field iThe Hillcrest kids rallied somewhat in the eighth frame scoring three runs but by that llme Newmarketvhad upped its alfvof the eighth Ulle Lentsius smacked out the first withVSheila Livingston on base and Karen Hare got one with ebases empty Sandra Spring and Linda Mar shall had two hits for Barrie Dis Deanhad two hitsjor Newmarket Sarah Barradeil ketgave up only eight hits Her gates collected eight off Karen Emu Newmiirket Pieston rt Smith rf want as Gvyiliiams as oWatt lb Ransom icfA Wobster if yhuubmgm Doari harradell 11 Totals ipo banana3s HMHOHHpHéHb Hwyaroupénneun llama McEidden Ma rs hall 3b Worrall 1b OQ°°OOhitItl to Hhafoareoéronw 996 93 WolOQWDir nd Dehujllére We Umpires Dillm Charles Jermey base gen nanniean aedou ot Nomnar mane Dunn xA Thurlow Smith awemeow éooeooo Totals lnlfopped for mesh and mimib oiooooooi 73 Punlalnen and Win Downeyf Smith Losing pitcher aeeega Minesing basic Bumm Umpires am Hare pine Earl Marshall bases PySteVe Jonescu Every Summzrmore and more bouts of various sizes and descrip tions are appearing on our lakes and rivIers Be nose of this the accident rate is go ng up too From this date through the Summer montha safety rule and regulations will lieprinted inthis oolumn along with printed illustrations of actu at secidents and how they could have been prevented stories tohe used here is EJ Ted Glddens Cnrpora charge of the Ont rlo Provincial Police rboat on Lek Simco This evening Ted will step down as Commander of the Barrie Pow er Boat uadronf He will stay on as Pub Relations Officer Corporal Gidde has been with the OPP for 12 years and has beenpilotvof the OFF patrol boat since 1953 Ted who was born in Niagara Fall Lw sone of the first mem bers of PF 60 join the Com adian Power Squadron Since his joinin others have slowly made entry and in Toronto today the RCMP are considering such move Well thats hurried sketch of the man wholl be making it pass sihlc for me to write these col umns and for youtn stay unhurt While boating Next Wednesda well start with the elementary rules And remember dont be goat Tstay afloati fa rhiiflfiii WEE bifiEEK Our advisor and source of

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